Changes between Version 15 and Version 17 of Ticket #21721

Jan 12, 2014, 5:43:46 PM (11 years ago)
Marc Tamlyn

Scrap that approach to fixing core.mail. Turns out the open() call on the SMTPBackend was supposed to return True if it opened a commit and it was not. The breaking change was only in place in 1.7. Fixed in I've then also committed a few more careful closes where we explicitly open a connection in the tests.

Turns out the docs were right after all...

Description updated.


  • TabularUnified Ticket #21721 – Description

    v15 v17  
    77- There are a couple of warnings printed at startup time. These relate to API changes in plistlib (which is OSX specific) and codecs (universal newlines reading of files has been deprecated).
    8 - Our usage of `HTMLParser` should now always specify the value of `convert_charrefs` as it's default will change in Py3.5. This is slightly problematic as Py2.7 does not have this kwarg so we can't universally apply it. Perhaps the best option is a six-like wrapper.
     8- ~~Our usage of `HTMLParser` should now always specify the value of `convert_charrefs` as it's default will change in Py3.5. This is slightly problematic as Py2.7 does not have this kwarg so we can't universally apply it. Perhaps the best option is a six-like wrapper.~~
    99- `django.utils.module_loading. module_has_submodule` has some issues with eggs.  `sys.meta_path` is giving us `importlib` as a finder. `importlib.find_module` is deferred to `importlib.find_spec` (new in py3.4), which throws an error (`ImportError: spec missing loader`).
    1010- ~~There is a failing test in the mail library regarding encoding in the mail module. Florian seemed to know about this.~~
    1111- ~~There is a significant issue with signal deregistration. I've been able to ascertain that something is up in the `django.dispatch.saferef` module, but I don't have a sufficient understanding to work out what's wrong. There seems to be no test which tests this code directly and failures are thrown up at random during tests, test teardown and/or test suite teardown. They show up either as `NoneType is not callable` or as `catching classes that do not inherit from BaseException is not allowed`.~~
    1212- `U` mode has been deprecated for files. We use it in `makemessages` and in `sql`, both for management commands. It seems unnecessary in `makemessages`, in the `sql` we will have to be more careful as at present we split on `\n`, which may need to be `\r\n` on windows. However, it may well be fine anyway it probably doesn't matter if we have trailing `\r` characters on the sql statements.
    13 - There are quite a lot of `ResourceWarning`s thrown for unclosed files (and sockets in the mail tests)
     13- There are quite a lot of `ResourceWarning`s thrown for unclosed files ~~(and sockets in the mail tests)~~
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