Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #20932, comment 11

Feb 17, 2016, 1:04:16 AM (9 years ago)
Alex Poleha


  • Ticket #20932, comment 11

    initial v1  
    1 I don't try to enforce anything in [ #25897], I simply want to fix the existing approach, which doesn't work as expected. I think that the developer, who coded the current approach, was intended to achieve what would be achieved if [, #25897] would be applied.
     1I don't try to enforce anything in [ #25897], I simply want to fix the existing approach, which doesn't work as expected. I think that the developer who coded the current approach was intended to achieve what would be achieved if [, #25897] would be applied.
    22Do you suggest removing all the code about contributing managers to models and simple use regular python inheritance?
    33I must confess I like it and I thought of it many times while examining the current approach. Python inheritance works well and it's predictable. There's some login behind current approach, which is described in [ documentation], but I am not sure that it worth breaking regular python mro.
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