Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of Ticket #20392, comment 22

Oct 31, 2014, 5:44:14 PM (10 years ago)
Thomas C


  • Ticket #20392, comment 22

    v1 v2  
    77* Connections should no longer be closed after each test within a `TestCase`. This was already part of the initial proposal and might be considered as a backward incompatible change as some tests purposely generate database failures or even close the connection explicitly. Those tests should use `TransactionTestCase` instead — in Django test suite, some threading tests in `django/tests/backends` are concerned.
    88* If the database does not support transaction, `TestCase` will keep behaving as `TransactionTestCase`. This means that initializing data within `setUpClass` will result in random behavior. This is the current behavior hence should not be considered as a backward incompatible change, but it means that tests refactored to take advantage of `setUpClass` (which might be very interesting, see below) should not run under MySQL with MyISAM (no transaction support).
    9 * Some backends do not support rollbacking statements altering the structure of tables (backends with `can_rollback_ddl = False`, currently MySQL and Oracle). I had to modify two tests cases (in ìnspectdb` and `introspection`) to use `TransactionTestCase` instead of `TestCase` to make the test suite pass with MySQL.
     9* Some backends do not support rollbacking statements altering the structure of tables (backends with `can_rollback_ddl = False`, currently MySQL and Oracle). I had to modify two tests cases (in `inspectdb` and `introspection`) to use `TransactionTestCase` instead of `TestCase` to make the test suite pass with MySQL.
    1111I did those modifications in the branch, and the django test suite is now passing with PostgreSQL, SQLite and MySQL (InnoDB).
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