Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #19552, comment 5

Jan 24, 2013, 9:41:54 AM (12 years ago)
Ramiro Morales


  • TabularUnified Ticket #19552, comment 5

    initial v1  
    33> Maybe something like this? (needs validation of the idea, polishing and tests):
    4 Ignore that patch. Moving comments to the end of the line helps in the general case but breaks association of translator comments.
     4Ignore that patch. Moving comments to the end of the line helps in the general case but breaks association of translator comments with the right translatable content.
    6 I believe we should ignore all the comments. 2) Get any no-comment tags that might be located in the same line as a comment one to be properly recognized and extracted and 3) Start requiring translator comments to be on a line by thrir own by ignoring those that don't comply just like as in 1 but possibly making makemessages emit a warning. I have some code along these lines, will upload it tomorrow.
     6I believe we should:
     81) Ignore all the template comments.
     92) Get any no-comment tags that might be located in the same line as a comment one to be properly recognized and extracted and
     103) Start requiring translator comments to be on a line by their own by ignoring those that don't comply just like as in 1 but possibly making makemessages emit a warning. I have some code along these lines, will upload it tomorrow.
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