Changes between Initial Version and Version 2 of Ticket #19438

Dec 6, 2012, 2:50:31 PM (12 years ago)
Jannis Leidel


  • TabularUnified Ticket #19438 – Description

    initial v2  
    5 "We _strongly_ recommend using the staticfiles app" might not be valid for people who start with Django, so to clarifiy this paragraph I propose the following new text:
     5We _strongly_ recommend using the staticfiles app" might not be valid for people who start with Django, so to clarifiy this paragraph I propose the following new text:
    7 ###
    8 I. As long as you use the development server, you need not care about static files configuration, because these files are served automatically for the admin and any other installed apps.
     71. As long as you use the development server, you need not care about static files configuration, because these files are served automatically for the admin and any other installed apps.
    10 II. If you use a dedicated web server, like Apache, the easiest way to configure the Admin static files handling is to setup an Alias in Apache's httpd.conf (or apache.conf etc.), similar to the Alias directives described above.
     92. If you use a dedicated web server, like Apache, the easiest way to configure the Admin static files handling is to setup an Alias in Apache's httpd.conf (or apache.conf etc.), similar to the Alias directives described above.
    1110An example from a recent debian installation is:
    1313Alias /static/admin /usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/django/contrib/admin
    1414<Directory /static/admin/>
    15         Order deny,allow
    16         Allow from all
     15    Order deny,allow
     16    Allow from all
    19 III. In a multi-project environment you will often want to integrate not only the admin files but CSS, Javascript or picture files for other apps from various local or remote sources. The profound solution for this is the 'staticfiles app' (link) which collects copies of all needed files in a local directory from where they are read by the webserver.
    20 ###
     203. In a multi-project environment you will often want to integrate not only the admin files but CSS, Javascript or picture files for other apps from various local or remote sources. The profound solution for this is the 'staticfiles app' (link) which collects copies of all needed files in a local directory from where they are read by the webserver.
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