Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #19244, comment 1

Nov 5, 2012, 9:42:32 AM (12 years ago)
Daniel Greenfeld


  • Ticket #19244, comment 1

    initial v1  
    11The following won't be included in my patch:
    3 * debug is such a special case I'm not including it in this ticket anymore.
    4 * ifnotequal should not be documented, just so that people are encouraged more to use the '!=' and 'is not' operators.
    5 * dictsortreversed is not being covered as the story is too simple to require an example.
    6 * As pprint is supposed to "Prints the formatted representation of object on stream, followed by a newline" and doesn't seem to actually do that when I try it, I suspect this filter is broken. May open a separate ticket on it.
     3* '''debug''' is such a special case I'm not including it in this ticket anymore.
     4* '''ifnotequal''' should not be documented, just so that people are encouraged more to use the '!=' and 'is not' boolean operators.
     5* '''dictsortreversed''' is not being covered as the story is too simple to require an example.
     6* As '''pprint''' is supposed to "Prints the formatted representation of object on stream, followed by a newline" and doesn't seem to actually do that when I try it, I suspect this filter is broken. May open a separate ticket on it.
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