Opened 14 years ago

Closed 9 years ago

#16327 closed Bug (fixed)

"save as new" redirects to list view instead of newly-created item

Reported by: candlerb Owned by: Markus Amalthea Magnuson
Component: contrib.admin Version: 1.3
Severity: Normal Keywords: saveasnew
Cc: Triage Stage: Accepted
Has patch: yes Needs documentation: no
Needs tests: no Patch needs improvement: no
Easy pickings: no UI/UX: no
Pull Requests:6403 merged


I have a model with save_as = True

After browsing to the model, changing some parameters and clicking "Save As", the browser redirects to the list of all objects instead of the newly-saved model instance.

There is code in response_change which looks like it is supposed to handle this case. However, after putting in some sys.stderr.write's, I see that the request is actually ending up in response_add instead :-(

The attached one-line patch to django/contrib/admin/ fixes it for me. However I'm not sure if that's right for all circumstances, nor whether the code in response_change which tests for "_saveasnew" is always unused and should also be removed.

Change History (15)

by candlerb, 14 years ago

Attachment: django-16327.diff added

comment:1 by Ramiro Morales, 14 years ago

Triage Stage: UnreviewedDesign decision needed
Type: BugUncategorized

tl;dr: We need to decide if after clicking the 'Save as new' in a model change view the user should be taken to the changelist like we are doing or to the change view of the model instance just cloned as the OP proposes.

The behavior of redirecting to the model changelist (or the admin app index page) has been so since newforms admin was merged back in r7967 (with later fixups like the ones in #10448/r10713). And yes, AFAICT the code block in ModelAdmin.response_change() that supposedly handles this has been dead code since its introduction in r8273.

See also #8001.

Last edited 14 years ago by Ramiro Morales (previous) (diff)

comment:2 by candlerb, 14 years ago

The use case is to be able to make multiple clones of an existing model, each slightly different. It's painful if you have to keep re-locating the just-saved model in the changelist.

"continue editing" is arguably orthogonal to "save / save as new" - but I don't want four buttons :-)

Suggestion: permit _continue as a separate form field. That is, the posted data could contain both _saveasnew and _continue. You could then add _continue as a hidden field (for fixed behaviour) or a checkbox.

For this to work, we just need to ensure that both flags are honoured if they are both present in the view code. It should be backwards-compatible, since _continue can also be a submit button.

I would like to be able to control this from the ModelAdmin without having to write my own submit_line though. e.g.

save_as = True
continue_editing = False / True / 'ask' # ???

comment:3 by Aymeric Augustin, 12 years ago

Type: UncategorizedBug

comment:4 by Jacob, 12 years ago

Triage Stage: Design decision neededAccepted

comment:5 by ste@…, 11 years ago

This is still a problem with 1.6.1. I agree with candlerb - the 'save as' feature is useful for quickly hammering out lists of objects where only 1 or 2 (of many) fields change each time.

I think ModelAdmin.continue_after_save_as = False would probably be the best way to achieve this. It wouldn't break backwards compatibility. If anyone else thinks this is a good idea, I can hack up a patch.

comment:6 by Tim Graham, 11 years ago

Patch needs improvement: set

I think changing "Save as new" to redirect to the newly created object is probably okay, but someone might complain. If we have to add ModelAdmin.save_as_continue (I'd prefer that name so it's in the docs next to save_as) then that seems reasonable. Simply adding a fourth "Save as new and continue editing" button (if save_as = True) might be fine as well. Whatever happens, I hope we can keep the solution as simple as possible.

comment:7 by Markus Amalthea Magnuson, 9 years ago

Owner: changed from nobody to Markus Amalthea Magnuson
Status: newassigned

Can we get some sort of final decision on this one? I would love this (and personally I'd like the "Save as new" button to always redirect to the created object.) In any case, when it's decided on that, or a separate attribute(s), I can continue work on this. Don't know if the five year old patch is in shape to continue, I might just start over.

comment:8 by Tim Graham, 9 years ago

Feel free to make a proposal on the DevelopersMailingList. That's the best venue for getting feedback.

comment:9 by Markus Amalthea Magnuson, 9 years ago

During work with tests for this, I've discovered that a side-effect from this change is that a user needs both the add and change permissions to be able to use the "Save as new" button, as opposed to only needing the add permission before. (It causes tests to fail currently.)

What do we think about that?

One way would be to redirect to the change page if the user has change permissions, otherwise redirect to the list view, i.e. the previous behavior.

comment:10 by Markus Amalthea Magnuson, 9 years ago

comment:11 by Markus Amalthea Magnuson, 9 years ago

Patch needs improvement: unset

I've fixed everything based on Tim's comments in the pull request, except this:

I've written a new test that is currently failing because I can't figure out a detail about it:

To test the option, I create a custom model admin and register it instead of the previous PersonAdmin. However, even though when inspecting the registry of the site object I see my new custom model admin, the request on the row after my register seems to use the previous PersonAdmin anyway.

What might be wrong here? Is there a better way to write this test?

comment:12 by Markus Amalthea Magnuson, 9 years ago

Test fixed and passing now.

comment:13 by Markus Amalthea Magnuson, 9 years ago

Hey Tim, have you had the chance to look at this one again?

comment:14 by Tim Graham <timograham@…>, 9 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

In 08cd6a0:

Fixed #16327 -- Redirected "Save as new" to change view instead of the changelist.

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