Changes between Initial Version and Version 5 of Ticket #14698

Jan 24, 2011, 5:16:54 PM (14 years ago)
Ramiro Morales

(re-formatted description)


  • Ticket #14698

    • Property Has patch set
    • Property Component UncategorizedCore framework
    • Property Milestone1.3
    • Property Triage Stage UnreviewedReady for checkin
    • Property Cc Michael Shields added
  • TabularUnified Ticket #14698 – Description

    initial v5  
    11The way I found this is a bit crazy, so I'm not going to describe it all, but the 2 important things are:
    3   # I have some explicit relative imports.
    4   # I wanted to make a template library named the same as the application it contains.
     3  1. I have some explicit relative imports.
     4  2. I wanted to make a template library named the same as the application it contains.
    6 This generally should work (tried on a fresh project), but failed with a weird error in my project: "'currencies' is not a valid tag library: ImportError raised loading company.templatetags.currencies: No module named currencies". Of course there is no such module, because it's on "currencies.templatags" application.
     6This generally should work (tried on a fresh project), but failed with a weird error in my project: `"'currencies' is not a valid tag library: ImportError raised loading company.templatetags.currencies: No module named currencies".` Of course there is no such module, because it's on "currencies.templatags" application.
    88So after some debuging it turned out that module_has_submodule returns a false positive. This is because it checks {{{ if name in sys.modules }}}. To be honest, I didn't know about this, but it seems that Python sometimes also stores import misses by puting a None in to that dictionary. See [ this python-dev thread].
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