Changes between Initial Version and Version 2 of Ticket #13

Jul 15, 2005, 2:37:35 PM (20 years ago)
Wilson Miner


  • Ticket #13

    • Property Owner changed from Adrian Holovaty to Wilson Miner
  • Ticket #13 – Description

    initial v2  
    1 Related objects and the ordering interface need some tighter integration.
     1The admin interface for related objects and the ordering interface need some tighter integration.
     3Currently, anything that can be ordered goes in the right sidebar of the admin change form, with no relation to the actual input fields for those objects.
     5The adding, removing, editing and ordering of related objects should be tied together in one part of the form.
     7'''Specific areas for enhancement:'''
     9 * '''Adding related objects should be easier.''' Now you have to "save and continue" to get an extra set of fields to add a new related object. You should be able to click "add new object" to add another set of blank fields inline on the page.
     10 * '''Deleting related objects should be easier.''' Now you have to clear the "core fields" of a related object to delete it. You should be able to click "delete" to delete the object, or at least mark it for deletion when you click save on the main object.
     11 * '''Ordering of related objects should be clearly tied to editing those objects.''' Now the ordering interface is completely separate. You should be use the same list of objects to set the order (by dragging) or select that object for editing or deleting (by clicking).
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