Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #12599, comment 1

Mar 23, 2011, 6:19:25 AM (14 years ago)
Karen Tracey


  • Ticket #12599, comment 1

    initial v1  
    1 If you don't what the primary key field to be displayed and editable then it needs to be made an `AutoField`, not an `IntegerField`.  Otherwise how else can it be assigned?  I think the problem here is you have models asking for the impossible: non-displayed, non-editable, and non-auto-assigned primary keys in the inlines.  I'm pretty sure simply making the primary key field an `AutoField` will fix the problem.  Do not manually exclude the field, the admin will correctly handle hiding the field from the user if it is defined properly.
     1If you don't want the primary key field to be displayed and editable then it needs to be made an `AutoField`, not an `IntegerField`.  Otherwise how else can it be assigned?  I think the problem here is you have models asking for the impossible: non-displayed, non-editable, and non-auto-assigned primary keys in the inlines.  I'm pretty sure simply making the primary key field an `AutoField` will fix the problem.  Do not manually exclude the field, the admin will correctly handle hiding the field from the user if it is defined properly.
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