Changes between Initial Version and Version 3 of Ticket #11706

Aug 17, 2009, 10:40:50 AM (15 years ago)
Matt Boersma


  • Ticket #11706

    • Property Triage Stage UnreviewedAccepted
    • Property Summary Use of RETURNING means Oracle 9i is no longer supportedUse of RETURNING should be optional
  • Ticket #11706 – Description

    initial v3  
    1 See closed ticket #10473.  The "RETURNING...INTO" SQL construct is supported only in Oracle 10g and later, so effectively Django 1.1 will no longer work on Oracle 9i because INSERT statements will fail with "ORA-22816: unsupported feature with RETURNING clause."
     1See closed ticket #10473.  The "RETURNING...INTO" SQL construct is supported in Oracle versions 9i and later, but with some significant restrictions:
    3 Oracle 9i is quite old and no longer actively sold or available for download from (11gR1 is current).  However, if you know Oracle shops, they aren't often aggressive about upgrading--where Ian and I happen to work is one example of this.  So I see three solutions:
    4 1) Fall back to the old, compatible code that didn't use RETURNING
    5 2) Make the use of RETURNING optional, conditional on server version
    6 3) Correct the docs to say that Oracle 10g and later are supported in Django 1.1
     4Oracle Error :: ORA-22816
     6unsupported feature with RETURNING clause
     9RETURNING clause is currently not supported for object type columns, LONG columns, remote tables, INSERT with subquery, and INSTEAD OF Triggers.
     12Use separate select statement to get the values."
     14 at least in version 9isupported only in Oracle 10g and later, so effectively Django 1.1 will no longer work on Oracle 9i because INSERT statements will fail with "ORA-22816: unsupported feature with RETURNING clause.
     17The use of RETURNING INTO isn't mandatory, so perhaps we could refactor it so a option turns it off.  Our use case is an in-house application that has several INSTEAD OF triggers.
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