Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #11476

Jul 14, 2009, 7:29:00 AM (16 years ago)
Karen Tracey

Fixed formatting. Please use preview, you need three brackets, not two, to embed code.

This was answered on the mailing list as a problem with your expectations, not a bug in the code: so I am not sure why you opened a ticket on it. If you disagree it would have been better to continue the conversation on the list. You have provided no new information/support for your viewpoint in this ticket so the answer here is the same.

Re-displaying a form after successfully processing it is not an expected pattern, nor is it good design from a usability standpoint. Doing work to fix up the form data to reflect a delete is thus a waste of time for the normal case and enabling bad design. I don't believe we should do this.


  • Ticket #11476

    • Property Resolutionwontfix
    • Property Status newclosed
  • Ticket #11476 – Description

    initial v1  
    1 I'm using a ModelFormset created with lineformset_factory.
     1I'm using a !ModelFormset created with lineformset_factory.
    33When I click delete on one of the records and save the formset, it
    77I've modified my code to recreate the formset from the db immediately
    88after the save:
    9 {{
    1010 if foo_formset.is_valid():
    12                foo_formset = FooInlineFormset(instance=bar, prefix='foo')
    13 }}
     12     foo_formset = FooInlineFormset(instance=bar, prefix='foo')
    1414and it does what I expect, but shouldn't it be in the right state
    1515after the save?
    17 Looking at the code I think the problem is that BaseModelFormSet
     17Looking at the code I think the problem is that !BaseModelFormSet
    1818doesn't do anything with deleted forms after it deletes the underlying
    1919model object - I'm expecting them to be removed from the formset as
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