Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #10414, comment 18

Nov 12, 2013, 5:24:09 AM (11 years ago)
Tim Graham


  • TabularUnified Ticket #10414, comment 18

    initial v1  
    1 Can anyone explain in plain simple words why fixing this issue could cause some sort of performance problems? When you call select_related() without any parameters django knows the structure of tables to be joined. Is it that big performance problem to parse the string 'table__nexttable__blabla' and check it against this structure?
     1Can anyone explain in plain simple words why fixing this issue could cause some sort of performance problems? When you call `select_related()` without any parameters django knows the structure of tables to be joined. Is it that big performance problem to parse the string `'table__nexttable__blabla'` and check it against this structure?
    3 This issue can be annoying, when you use select_related to avoid bombarding the DB with additional selects, and you make a small typo then your code WILL actually bombard the db with these unnecessary selects and you won't even know about it.
     3This issue can be annoying, when you use `select_related` to avoid bombarding the DB with additional selects, and you make a small typo then your code WILL actually bombard the db with these unnecessary selects and you won't even know about it.
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