Ticket #9955: google-maps.patch
File google-maps.patch, 13.2 KB (added by , 16 years ago) |
TabularUnified django/contrib/gis/templates/gis/google/js/google-map.js
1 {% autoescape off %}{% block vars %}var map ;{% endblock %}1 {% autoescape off %}{% block vars %}var maps;{% endblock %} 2 2 {% block functions %}{% endblock %} 3 3 {% block load %}function {{ load_func }}(){ 4 maps = new Array(); 5 6 {% for map in maps %}//initializing map {{ map.id }} 4 7 if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) { 5 map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("{{dom_id }}"));6 map .setCenter(new GLatLng({{ center.1 }}, {{ center.0 }}), {{zoom }});7 {% block controls %}map .addControl(new GSmallMapControl());8 map .addControl(new GMapTypeControl());{% endblock %}9 {% if calc_zoom %}var bounds = new GLatLngBounds(); var tmp_bounds = new GLatLngBounds();{% endif %}10 {% for kml_url in kml_urls %}var kml{{ forloop.counter }} = new GGeoXml("{{ kml_url }}");11 map .addOverlay(kml{{ forloop.counter }});{% endfor %}8 maps[{{map.id}}] = new GMap2(document.getElementById("{{ map.dom_id }}")); 9 maps[{{map.id}}].setCenter(new GLatLng({{ map.center.1 }}, {{ map.center.0 }}), {{ map.zoom }}); 10 {% block controls %}maps[{{map.id}}].addControl(new GSmallMapControl()); 11 maps[{{map.id}}].addControl(new GMapTypeControl());{% endblock %} 12 {% if map.calc_zoom %}var bounds = new GLatLngBounds(); var tmp_bounds = new GLatLngBounds();{% endif %} 13 {% for kml_url in map.kml_urls %}var kml{{ forloop.counter }} = new GGeoXml("{{ kml_url }}"); 14 maps[{{map.id}}].addOverlay(kml{{ forloop.counter }});{% endfor %} 12 15 13 {% for polygon in polygons %}var poly{{ forloop.counter }} = new {{ polygon }};14 map .addOverlay(poly{{ forloop.counter }});15 {% for event in polygon.events %}GEvent.addListener(poly{{ forloop.parentloop.counter }}, {{ event }});{% endfor %}16 {% if calc_zoom %}tmp_bounds = poly{{ forloop.counter }}.getBounds(); bounds.extend(tmp_bounds.getSouthWest()); bounds.extend(tmp_bounds.getNorthEast());{% endif %}{% endfor %}16 {% for polygon in map.polygons %}var poly{{ forloop.counter }} = new {{ polygon }}; 17 maps[{{map.id}}].addOverlay(poly{{ forloop.counter }}); 18 {% for event in map.polygon.events %}GEvent.addListener(poly{{ forloop.parentloop.counter }}, {{ event }});{% endfor %} 19 {% if map.calc_zoom %}tmp_bounds = poly{{ forloop.counter }}.getBounds(); bounds.extend(tmp_bounds.getSouthWest()); bounds.extend(tmp_bounds.getNorthEast());{% endif %}{% endfor %} 17 20 18 {% for polyline in polylines %}var polyline{{ forloop.counter }} = new {{ polyline }};19 map .addOverlay(polyline{{ forloop.counter }});20 {% for event in polyline.events %}GEvent.addListener(polyline{{ forloop.parentloop.counter }}, {{ event }}); {% endfor %}21 {% if calc_zoom %}tmp_bounds = polyline{{ forloop.counter }}.getBounds(); bounds.extend(tmp_bounds.getSouthWest()); bounds.extend(tmp_bounds.getNorthEast());{% endif %}{% endfor %}21 {% for polyline in map.polylines %}var polyline{{ forloop.counter }} = new {{ polyline }}; 22 maps[{{map.id}}].addOverlay(polyline{{ forloop.counter }}); 23 {% for event in map.polyline.events %}GEvent.addListener(polyline{{ forloop.parentloop.counter }}, {{ event }}); {% endfor %} 24 {% if map.calc_zoom %}tmp_bounds = polyline{{ forloop.counter }}.getBounds(); bounds.extend(tmp_bounds.getSouthWest()); bounds.extend(tmp_bounds.getNorthEast());{% endif %}{% endfor %} 22 25 23 {% for marker in ma rkers %}var marker{{ forloop.counter }} = new {{ marker }};24 map .addOverlay(marker{{ forloop.counter }});25 {% for event in ma rker.events %}GEvent.addListener(marker{{ forloop.parentloop.counter }}, {{ event }}); {% endfor %}26 {% if calc_zoom %}bounds.extend(marker{{ forloop.counter }}.getLatLng()); {% endif %}{% endfor %}26 {% for marker in map.markers %}var marker{{ forloop.counter }} = new {{ marker }}; 27 maps[{{map.id}}].addOverlay(marker{{ forloop.counter }}); 28 {% for event in map.marker.events %}GEvent.addListener(marker{{ forloop.parentloop.counter }}, {{ event }}); {% endfor %} 29 {% if map.calc_zoom %}bounds.extend(marker{{ forloop.counter }}.getLatLng()); {% endif %}{% endfor %} 27 30 28 {% if calc_zoom %}map.setCenter(bounds.getCenter(), map.getBoundsZoomLevel(bounds));{% endif %}31 {% if map.calc_zoom %}maps[{{map.id}}].setCenter(bounds.getCenter(), maps[{{map.id}}].getBoundsZoomLevel(bounds));{% endif %} 29 32 {% block load_extra %}{% endblock %} 33 30 34 }else { 31 35 alert("Sorry, the Google Maps API is not compatible with this browser."); 36 }{% endfor %} 32 37 } 38 39 // getIcon function - used to return a personalized GMarker 40 function gmap_getIcon(path,width,height) { 41 var gicon = new GIcon(G_DEFAULT_ICON, path); 42 if(height != undefined && width != undefined) { gicon.iconSize = new GSize(width,height); } 43 return gicon; 33 44 } 34 45 {% endblock %}{% endautoescape %} -
TabularUnified django/contrib/gis/maps/google/__init__.py
56 56 * GOOGLE_MAPS_URL (optional): Must have a substitution ('%s') for the API 57 57 version. 58 58 """ 59 from django.contrib.gis.maps.google.gmap import GoogleMap 59 from django.contrib.gis.maps.google.gmap import GoogleMap, GoogleMapSet 60 60 from django.contrib.gis.maps.google.overlays import GEvent, GMarker, GPolygon, GPolyline 61 61 from django.contrib.gis.maps.google.zoom import GoogleZoom -
TabularUnified django/contrib/gis/maps/google/gmap.py
11 11 GOOGLE_MAPS_URL='http://maps.google.com/maps?file=api&v=%s&key=' 12 12 13 13 class GoogleMap(object): 14 "A class for generating Google Maps JavaScript."14 "A class for generating a single Google Maps JavaScript instance." 15 15 16 16 # String constants 17 onunload = mark_safe('onunload="GUnload()"') # Cleans up after Google Maps 18 vml_css = mark_safe('v\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);}') # CSS for IE VML 19 xmlns = mark_safe('xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml"') # XML Namespace (for IE VML). 20 21 def __init__(self, key=None, api_url=None, version=None, 22 center=None, zoom=None, dom_id='map', load_func='gmap_load', 17 def __init__(self, 18 center=None, zoom=None, dom_id='map', 23 19 kml_urls=[], polygons=[], polylines=[], markers=[], 24 template='gis/google/js/google-map.js',25 20 extra_context={}): 26 21 27 # The Google Maps API Key defined in the settings will be used 28 # if not passed in as a parameter. The use of an API key is 29 # _required_. 30 if not key: 31 try: 32 self.key = settings.GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY 33 except AttributeError: 34 raise GoogleMapException('Google Maps API Key not found (try adding GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY to your settings).') 35 else: 36 self.key = key 37 38 # Getting the Google Maps API version, defaults to using the latest ("2.x"), 39 # this is not necessarily the most stable. 40 if not version: 41 self.version = getattr(settings, 'GOOGLE_MAPS_API_VERSION', '2.x') 42 else: 43 self.version = version 44 45 # Can specify the API URL in the `api_url` keyword. 46 if not api_url: 47 self.api_url = mark_safe(getattr(settings, 'GOOGLE_MAPS_URL', GOOGLE_MAPS_URL) % self.version) 48 else: 49 self.api_url = api_url 50 51 # Setting the DOM id of the map, the load function, the JavaScript 52 # template, and the KML URLs array. 22 # Setting the DOM id of the map and the KML URLs array. 53 23 self.dom_id = dom_id 54 self.load_func = load_func55 self.template = template56 24 self.kml_urls = kml_urls 57 25 58 26 # Does the user want any GMarker, GPolygon, and/or GPolyline overlays? … … 94 62 self.center = center 95 63 96 64 # Setting the parameters for the javascript template. 97 params = {'calc_zoom' : self.calc_zoom,65 self.params = {'calc_zoom' : self.calc_zoom, 98 66 'center' : self.center, 99 67 'dom_id' : self.dom_id, 100 68 'kml_urls' : self.kml_urls, 101 'load_func' : self.load_func,102 69 'zoom' : self.zoom, 103 70 'polygons' : self.polygons, 104 71 'polylines' : self.polylines, 105 72 'markers' : self.markers, 106 73 } 107 params.update(extra_context) 74 self.params.update(extra_context) 75 76 class GoogleMapSet(object): 77 onunload = mark_safe('onunload="GUnload()"') # Cleans up after Google Maps 78 vml_css = mark_safe('v\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);}') # CSS for IE VML 79 xmlns = mark_safe('xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml"') # XML Namespace (for IE VML). 80 81 def __init__(self, maps, key=None, api_url=None, version=None, 82 load_func='gmap_load',template='gis/google/js/google-map.js'): 83 # The Google Maps API Key defined in the settings will be used 84 # if not passed in as a parameter. The use of an API key is 85 # _required_. 86 if not key: 87 try: 88 self.key = settings.GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY 89 except AttributeError: 90 raise GoogleMapException('Google Maps API Key not found (try adding GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY to your settings).') 91 else: 92 self.key = key 93 94 # Getting the Google Maps API version, defaults to using the latest ("2.x"), 95 # this is not necessarily the most stable. 96 if not version: 97 self.version = getattr(settings, 'GOOGLE_MAPS_API_VERSION', '2.x') 98 else: 99 self.version = version 100 101 # Can specify the API URL in the `api_url` keyword. 102 if not api_url: 103 self.api_url = mark_safe(getattr(settings, 'GOOGLE_MAPS_URL', GOOGLE_MAPS_URL) % self.version) 104 else: 105 self.api_url = api_url 106 107 params = {'maps' : [g.params for g in maps], 108 'load_func': load_func} 109 110 # keep sure dom ids are unique, if they are not they must be regenerated 111 dom_ids = {} 112 dom_ids_unique = True 113 dom_counter = 0 114 for g in params['maps']: 115 g['id'] = dom_counter 116 dom_counter = dom_counter+1 117 118 if(not dom_ids.has_key(g['dom_id'])): dom_ids[g['dom_id']] = 1 119 else: dom_ids_unique = False 120 121 if(not dom_ids_unique): 122 dom_counter = 1 123 for g in params['maps']: 124 g['dom_id'] = 'map_%d' % dom_counter 125 dom_counter = dom_counter + 1 126 127 self.template = template 128 108 129 self.js = render_to_string(self.template, params) 130 self.maps = params['maps'] 109 131 110 132 @property 111 133 def body(self): … … 136 158 def xhtml(self): 137 159 "Returns XHTML information needed for IE VML overlays." 138 160 return mark_safe('<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" %s>' % self.xmlns) 161 -
TabularUnified django/contrib/gis/maps/google/overlays.py
184 184 return render_to_response('mytemplate.html', 185 185 {'google' : GoogleMap(markers=[marker])}) 186 186 """ 187 def __init__(self, geom, title=None ):187 def __init__(self, geom, title=None, icon=None): 188 188 """ 189 189 The GMarker object may initialize on GEOS Points or a parameter 190 190 that may be instantiated into a GEOS point. Keyword options map to … … 193 193 Keyword Options: 194 194 title: 195 195 Title option for GMarker, will be displayed as a tooltip. 196 icon: 197 Icon option(s) for GMarker ({path, width, height} or just "path" as a string) 196 198 """ 197 199 # If a GEOS geometry isn't passed in, try to construct one. 198 200 if isinstance(geom, basestring): geom = fromstr(geom) … … 205 207 self.envelope = geom.envelope 206 208 # TODO: Add support for more GMarkerOptions 207 209 self.title = title 210 if(isinstance(icon, basestring)): icon = {'path': icon} 211 self.icon = icon 208 212 super(GMarker, self).__init__() 209 213 210 214 def latlng_from_coords(self, coords): … … 213 217 def options(self): 214 218 result = [] 215 219 if self.title: result.append('title: "%s"' % self.title) 220 if self.icon: result.append('icon: %s' % self.getIcon()) 216 221 return '{%s}' % ','.join(result) 217 222 223 def getIcon(self): 224 params = [] 225 params.append("""'%s'""" % self.icon['path']); 226 if (self.icon.has_key('width') and self.icon.has_key('height')): 227 params.append(self.icon['width']); 228 params.append(self.icon['height']); 229 230 s = """gmap_getIcon(%s)""" % ",".join(params); 231 return s 232 218 233 @property 219 234 def js_params(self): 220 235 return '%s, %s' % (self.latlng, self.options()) 236