Ticket #961: meta.diff

File meta.diff, 742 bytes (added by Nebojša Đorđević - nesh <nesh@…>, 19 years ago)

small patch for core/meta/init.py

  • TabularUnified ../django/django/core/meta/__init__.py

    835835                        setattr(new_class, 'get_%s_width' % f.name, curry(method_get_image_width, f))
    836836                    if not f.height_field:
    837837                        setattr(new_class, 'get_%s_height' % f.name, curry(method_get_image_height, f))
     839            if hasattr(f, '_field_setup'):
     840                getattr(f, '_field_setup')(new_class, f)
    839842        # Add the class itself to the new module we've created.
    840843        new_mod.__dict__[name] = new_class
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