Ticket #9497: doctypos-r9328.diff

File doctypos-r9328.diff, 8.8 KB (added by Ramiro Morales, 16 years ago)
  • docs/faq/admin.txt

    diff --git a/docs/faq/admin.txt b/docs/faq/admin.txt
    a b  
    3131How can I prevent the cache middleware from caching the admin site?
    34 Set the :setting:``CACHE_MIDDLEWARE_ANONYMOUS_ONLY`` setting to ``True``. See the
     34Set the :setting:`CACHE_MIDDLEWARE_ANONYMOUS_ONLY` setting to ``True``. See the
    3535:ref:`cache documentation <topics-cache>` for more information.
    3737How do I automatically set a field's value to the user who last edited the object in the admin?
  • docs/ref/contrib/databrowse.txt

    diff --git a/docs/ref/contrib/databrowse.txt b/docs/ref/contrib/databrowse.txt
    a b  
    3535         more.
    3737       * Otherwise, determine the full filesystem path to the
    38          `:file:`django/contrib/databrowse/templates` directory, and add that
     38         :file:`django/contrib/databrowse/templates` directory, and add that
    3939         directory to your :setting:`TEMPLATE_DIRS` setting.
    4141    2. Register a number of models with the Databrowse site::
  • docs/ref/contrib/sites.txt

    diff --git a/docs/ref/contrib/sites.txt b/docs/ref/contrib/sites.txt
    a b  
    207207files for both the LJWorld.com and Lawrence.com template directories. That
    208208gives you more flexibility, but it's also more complex.
    210 It's a good idea to exploit the :class:`~django.contrib.sites.models.Site``
     210It's a good idea to exploit the :class:`~django.contrib.sites.models.Site`
    211211objects as much as possible, to remove unneeded complexity and redundancy.
    213213Getting the current domain for full URLs
  • docs/ref/databases.txt

    diff --git a/docs/ref/databases.txt b/docs/ref/databases.txt
    a b  
    271271version of ``pysqlite2`` (``pysqlite-2.x.x.win32-py2.5.exe``) that includes and
    272272uses a newer version of SQLite. Python 2.6 ships with a newer version of
    273273SQLite and is not affected by this issue.
    275 If you are in such platform and find yourself in the need to update 
    276 ``pysqlite``/SQLite, you will also need to manually modify the 
    277 ``django/db/backends/sqlite3/base.py`` file in the Django source tree so it 
    278 attempts to import ``pysqlite2`` before that ``sqlite3`` and so it can take
     275If you are in such platform and find yourself in the need to update
     276``pysqlite``/SQLite, you will also need to manually modify the
     277``django/db/backends/sqlite3/base.py`` file in the Django source tree so it
     278attempts to import ``pysqlite2`` before than ``sqlite3`` and so it can take
    279279advantage of the new ``pysqlite2``/SQLite versions.
    281281.. _oracle-notes:
  • docs/ref/models/querysets.txt

    diff --git a/docs/ref/models/querysets.txt b/docs/ref/models/querysets.txt
    a b  
    3636    * **Slicing.** As explained in :ref:`limiting-querysets`, a ``QuerySet`` can
    3737      be sliced, using Python's array-slicing syntax. Usually slicing a
    38       ``QuerySet`` returns another (unevaluated )``QuerySet``, but Django will
     38      ``QuerySet`` returns another (unevaluated ) ``QuerySet``, but Django will
    3939      execute the database query if you use the "step" parameter of slice
    4040      syntax.
    627627    .. versionadded:: 1.0
    629629    In some rare cases, you might wish to pass parameters to the SQL fragments
    630     in ``extra(select=...)```. For this purpose, use the ``select_params``
     630    in ``extra(select=...)``. For this purpose, use the ``select_params``
    631631    parameter. Since ``select_params`` is a sequence and the ``select``
    632632    attribute is a dictionary, some care is required so that the parameters
    633633    are matched up correctly with the extra select pieces.  In this situation,
  • docs/ref/models/relations.txt

    diff --git a/docs/ref/models/relations.txt b/docs/ref/models/relations.txt
    a b  
    1919        >>> e = Entry.objects.get(id=234)
    2020        >>> b.entry_set.add(e) # Associates Entry e with Blog b.
    22 .. method:: QuerySet.create(**kwargs)`
     22.. method:: QuerySet.create(**kwargs)
    2424    Creates a new object, saves it and puts it in the related object set.
    2525    Returns the newly created object::
    7474    Note this doesn't delete the related objects -- it just disassociates them.
    76     Just like ``remove()``, ``clear()`` is only available on ``ForeignKey``s
     76    Just like ``remove()``, ``clear()`` is only available on ``ForeignKey``\s
    7777    where ``null=True``.
  • docs/ref/templates/api.txt

    diff --git a/docs/ref/templates/api.txt b/docs/ref/templates/api.txt
    a b  
    294294    })
    296296The second difference is that it automatically populates the context with a few
    297 variables, according to your :setting:`TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS` setting`.
     297variables, according to your :setting:`TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS` setting.
    299299The :setting:`TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS` setting is a tuple of callables --
    300300called **context processors** -- that take a request object as their argument
    385385    * ``LANGUAGES`` -- The value of the :setting:`LANGUAGES` setting.
    386386    * ``LANGUAGE_CODE`` -- ``request.LANGUAGE_CODE``, if it exists. Otherwise,
    387       the value of the :setting:`LANGUAGE_CODE` setting`.
     387      the value of the :setting:`LANGUAGE_CODE` setting.
    389389See :ref:`topics-i18n` for more.
  • docs/topics/auth.txt

    diff --git a/docs/topics/auth.txt b/docs/topics/auth.txt
    a b  
    687687          a query string, too.
    689689        * ``site_name``: The name of the current
    690           :class:`~django.contrib.sites.models.Site``, according to the
     690          :class:`~django.contrib.sites.models.Site`, according to the
    691691          :setting:`SITE_ID` setting. If you're using the Django development version
    692692          and you don't have the site framework installed, this will be set to the
    693693          value of ``request.META['SERVER_NAME']``. For more on sites, see
  • docs/topics/http/file-uploads.txt

    diff --git a/docs/topics/http/file-uploads.txt b/docs/topics/http/file-uploads.txt
    a b  
    153153            ``0`` is very important: it indicates an octal number, which is the
    154154            way that modes must be specified. If you try to use ``644``, you'll
    155155            get totally incorrect behavior.
    157             **Always prefix the mode with a ``0``.**
     157            **Always prefix the mode with a 0.**
    159159    :setting:`FILE_UPLOAD_HANDLERS`
    160160        The actual handlers for uploaded files. Changing this setting allows
  • docs/topics/http/urls.txt

    diff --git a/docs/topics/http/urls.txt b/docs/topics/http/urls.txt
    a b  
    5151    4. Once one of the regexes matches, Django imports and calls the given
    5252       view, which is a simple Python function. The view gets passed an
    53        :class:`~django.http.HttpRequest`` as its first argument and any values
     53       :class:`~django.http.HttpRequest` as its first argument and any values
    5454       captured in the regex as remaining arguments.
  • docs/topics/i18n.txt

    diff --git a/docs/topics/i18n.txt b/docs/topics/i18n.txt
    a b  
    298298      currently active locale).
    300300    * ``LANGUAGE_CODE`` is the current user's preferred language, as a string.
    301       Example: ``en-us``. (See "How language preference is discovered", below.)
     301      Example: ``en-us``. (See :ref:`how-django-discovers-language-preference`,
     302      below.)
    303304    * ``LANGUAGE_BIDI`` is the current locale's direction. If True, it's a
    304305      right-to-left language, e.g.: Hebrew, Arabic. If False it's a
    514515      out empty, so it's your responsibility to change it. Make sure you keep
    515516      the quotes around your translation.
    516517    * As a convenience, each message includes, in the form of a comment line
    517       prefixed with ``#`` and locted above the ``msgid`` line, the filename and
     518      prefixed with ``#`` and located above the ``msgid`` line, the filename and
    518519      line number from which the translation string was gleaned.
    520521Long messages are a special case. There, the first string directly after the
    565566   If you're using Windows and need to install the GNU gettext utilities so
    566567   ``django-admin compilemessages`` works see `gettext on Windows`_ for more
    567568   information.
     570.. _how-django-discovers-language-preference:
    5695723. How Django discovers language preference
    784787The easiest way out is to store applications that are not part of the project
    785788(and so carry their own translations) outside the project tree. That way,
    787789``django-admin.py makemessages`` on the project level will only translate
    788790strings that are connected to your explicit project and not strings that are
    789791distributed independently.
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