Ticket #9477: remove_development_version_1.0.X.diff
File remove_development_version_1.0.X.diff, 12.3 KB (added by , 16 years ago) |
TabularUnified docs/topics/auth.txt
320 320 used to perform a one-way hash of the password. Salt is a random string used 321 321 to salt the raw password to create the hash. Note that the ``crypt`` method is 322 322 only supported on platforms that have the standard Python ``crypt`` module 323 available, and ``crypt`` support is only available in the Django development 324 version. 323 available. 325 324 326 325 For example:: 327 326 … … 626 625 def my_view(request): 627 626 # ... 628 627 629 In the Django development version,630 628 :func:`~django.contrib.auth.decorators.login_required` also takes an 631 629 optional ``redirect_field_name`` parameter. Example:: 632 630 … … 687 685 a query string, too. 688 686 689 687 * ``site_name``: The name of the current 690 :class:`~django.contrib.sites.models.Site``, according to the691 :setting:`SITE_ID` setting. If you're using the Django development version692 and you don't have the site framework installed, this will be set to the693 value of ``request.META['SERVER_NAME']``. For more on sites, see688 :class:`~django.contrib.sites.models.Site``, according to 689 the :setting:`SITE_ID` setting. If you don't have the site 690 framework installed, this will be set to the value of 691 ``request.META['SERVER_NAME']``. For more on sites, see 694 692 :ref:`ref-contrib-sites`. 695 693 696 694 If you'd prefer not to call the template :file:`registration/login.html`, -
TabularUnified docs/topics/cache.txt
72 72 following modules: 73 73 74 74 * The fastest available option is a module called ``cmemcache``, available 75 at http://gijsbert.org/cmemcache/ . (This module is only compatible with 76 the Django development version. Django 0.96 is only compatible with the 77 second option, below.) 75 at http://gijsbert.org/cmemcache/. 78 76 79 77 * If you can't install ``cmemcache``, you can install ``python-memcached``, 80 78 available at ftp://ftp.tummy.com/pub/python-memcached/ . If that URL is -
TabularUnified docs/topics/forms/modelforms.txt
77 77 =============================== ======================================== 78 78 79 79 80 .. note::81 The ``FloatField`` form field and ``DecimalField`` model and form fields82 are new in the development version.83 84 80 As you might expect, the ``ForeignKey`` and ``ManyToManyField`` model field 85 81 types are special cases: 86 82 -
TabularUnified docs/topics/testing.txt
186 186 ``unittest.TestCase``) in ``models.py`` and ``tests.py``, automatically build a 187 187 test suite out of those test cases, and run that suite. 188 188 189 In the Django development version, there is a second way to define the test 190 suite for a module: if you define a function called ``suite()`` in either191 `` models.py`` or ``tests.py``, the Django test runner will use that function192 toconstruct the test suite for that module. This follows the `suggested193 organization`_ for unit tests. See the Python documentation for more details on194 how to construct a complex test suite.189 There is also a second way to define the test suite for a module: if 190 you define a function called ``suite()`` in either ``models.py`` or 191 ``tests.py``, the Django test runner will use that function to 192 construct the test suite for that module. This follows the `suggested 193 organization`_ for unit tests. See the Python documentation for more 194 details on how to construct a complex test suite. 195 195 196 196 For more details about ``unittest``, see the `standard library unittest 197 197 documentation`_. -
TabularUnified docs/topics/i18n.txt
804 804 parameter set in request. If session support is enabled, the view 805 805 saves the language choice in the user's session. Otherwise, it saves the 806 806 language choice in a cookie that is by default named ``django_language``. 807 (The name can be changed through the ``LANGUAGE_COOKIE_NAME`` setting if you're 808 using the Django development version.) 807 (The name can be changed through the ``LANGUAGE_COOKIE_NAME`` setting.) 809 808 810 809 After setting the language choice, Django redirects the user, following this 811 810 algorithm: -
TabularUnified docs/faq/admin.txt
94 94 like to make should be possible by editing the stylesheet. We've got a 95 95 :ref:`guide to the CSS used in the admin <obsolete-admin-css>` to get you started. 96 96 97 How do I create users without having to edit password hashes?98 -------------------------------------------------------------99 100 If you'd like to use the admin site to create users, upgrade to the Django101 development version, where this problem was fixed on Aug. 4, 2006.102 103 You can also use the Python API. See :ref:`creating users <topics-auth-creating-users>` for full info. -
TabularUnified docs/ref/contrib/syndication.txt
36 36 Initialization 37 37 -------------- 38 38 39 If you're not using the latest Django development version, you'll need to make40 sure Django's sites framework is installed -- including its database table. (See41 the :mod:`sites framework documentation <django.contrib.sites>` for more42 information.) This has changed in the Django development version; the43 syndication feed framework no longer requires the sites framework.44 45 39 To activate syndication feeds on your Django site, add this line to your 46 40 :ref:`URLconf <topics-http-urls>`:: 47 41 … … 150 144 * ``{{ obj }}`` -- The current object (one of whichever objects you 151 145 returned in :meth:`items()`). 152 146 153 * ``{{ site }}`` -- A :class:`django.contrib.sites.models.Site` object 154 representing the current site. This is useful for ``{{ site.domain 155 }}`` or ``{{ site.name }}``. Note that if you're using the latest 156 Django development version and do *not* have the Django sites 147 * ``{{ site }}`` -- A 148 :class:`django.contrib.sites.models.Site` object 149 representing the current site. This is useful for ``{{ 150 site.domain }}`` or ``{{ site.name }}``. Note that if 151 you're using the latest do *not* have the Django sites 157 152 framework installed, this will be set to a 158 :class:`django.contrib.sites.models.RequestSite` object. See the159 :ref:`RequestSite section of the sites framework documentation160 <requestsite-objects>` for more.153 :class:`django.contrib.sites.models.RequestSite` 154 object. See the :ref:`RequestSite section of the sites 155 framework documentation <requestsite-objects>` for more. 161 156 162 157 If you don't create a template for either the title or description, the 163 158 framework will use the template ``"{{ obj }}"`` by default -- that is, the -
TabularUnified docs/ref/models/querysets.txt
958 958 SELECT ... WHERE id = 14; 959 959 SELECT ... WHERE id IS NULL; 960 960 961 .. versionchanged:: 1.0962 The semantics of ``id__exact=None`` have963 changed in the development version. Previously, it was (intentionally)964 converted to ``WHERE id = NULL`` at the SQL level, which would never match965 anything. It has now been changed to behave the same as ``id__isnull=True``.966 967 961 .. admonition:: MySQL comparisons 968 962 969 963 In MySQL, a database table's "collation" setting determines whether -
TabularUnified docs/ref/models/fields.txt
413 413 414 414 A :class:`CharField` that checks that the value is a valid e-mail address. 415 415 416 In Django 0.96, this doesn't accept :attr:`~CharField.max_length`; its417 :class:`~CharField.max_length` is automatically set to 75. In the Django418 development version, :class:`~CharField.max_length` is set to 75 by default, but419 you can specify it to override default behavior.420 421 416 ``FileField`` 422 417 ------------- 423 418 … … 577 572 578 573 The admin represents this as an ``<input type="text">`` (a single-line input). 579 574 580 **NOTE:** The semantics of :class:`FloatField` have changed in the Django581 development version. See the `Django 0.96 documentation`_ for the old behavior.582 583 .. _Django 0.96 documentation: http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/0.96/model-api/#floatfield584 585 575 ``ImageField`` 586 576 -------------- 587 577 -
TabularUnified docs/ref/forms/fields.txt
315 315 the field has ``required=True``. 316 316 * Error message keys: ``required`` 317 317 318 .. versionchanged:: 1.0319 The empty value for a ``CheckboxInput`` (and hence the standard ``BooleanField``)320 has changed to return ``False`` instead of ``None`` in the development version.321 322 318 .. note:: 323 319 324 320 Since all ``Field`` subclasses have ``required=True`` by default, the -
TabularUnified docs/ref/django-admin.txt
51 51 52 52 .. django-admin-option:: --help 53 53 54 In Django 0.96, run ``django-admin.py --help`` to display a help message that 55 includes a terse list of all available subcommands and options. 56 57 In the Django development version, run ``django-admin.py help`` to display a 58 list of all available subcommands. Run ``django-admin.py help <subcommand>`` 59 to display a description of the given subcommand and a list of its available 54 Run ``django-admin.py help`` to display a list of all available 55 subcommands. Run ``django-admin.py help <subcommand>`` to display a 56 description of the given subcommand and a list of its available 60 57 options. 61 58 62 59 App names … … 246 243 post-synchronization handlers will be re-executed, and the ``initial_data`` 247 244 fixture will be re-installed. 248 245 249 The behavior of this command has changed in the Django development version.250 Previously, this command cleared *every* table in the database, including any251 table that Django didn't know about (i.e., tables that didn't have associated252 models and/or weren't in ``INSTALLED_APPS``). Now, the command only clears253 tables that are represented by Django models and are activated in254 ``INSTALLED_APPS``.255 256 246 .. django-admin-option:: --noinput 257 247 258 248 Use the ``--noinput`` option to suppress all user prompting, such as "Are -
TabularUnified docs/ref/settings.txt
151 151 152 152 Default: ``''`` (Empty string) 153 153 154 The database backend to use. The buil d-in database backends are154 The database backend to use. The built-in database backends are 155 155 ``'postgresql_psycopg2'``, ``'postgresql'``, ``'mysql'``, ``'sqlite3'``, and 156 156 ``'oracle'``. 157 157 158 In the Django development version, you can use a database backend that doesn't 159 s hip with Django by setting ``DATABASE_ENGINE`` to a fully-qualified path (i.e.160 ``mypackage.backends.whatever``). Writing a whole new database backend from161 scratch is left as an exercise to the reader; see the other backends for162 examples.158 You can also use a database backend that doesn't ship with Django by 159 setting ``DATABASE_ENGINE`` to a fully-qualified path (i.e. 160 ``mypackage.backends.whatever``). Writing a whole new database backend 161 from scratch is left as an exercise to the reader; see the other 162 backends for examples. 163 163 164 164 .. setting:: DATABASE_HOST 165 165