Ticket #9387: 04-formtemplates.diff
File 04-formtemplates.diff, 15.1 KB (added by , 16 years ago) |
TabularUnified django/contrib/formtemplates/__init__.py
=== added directory 'django/contrib/formtemplates' === added file 'django/contrib/formtemplates/__init__.py'
1 -
TabularUnified django/contrib/formtemplates/templates/form.html
=== added directory 'django/contrib/formtemplates/templates' === added file 'django/contrib/formtemplates/templates/form.html'
1 {% extends base_template %} 2 3 {% block content %} 4 {% include "parts/form-wrapper.html" %} 5 {% endblock %} -
TabularUnified django/contrib/formtemplates/templates/formset.html
=== added file 'django/contrib/formtemplates/templates/formset.html'
1 {% extends base_template %} 2 3 {% block content %} 4 {% include "parts/formset-wrapper.html" %} 5 {% endblock %} -
TabularUnified django/contrib/formtemplates/templates/parts/field-errors.html
=== added directory 'django/contrib/formtemplates/templates/parts' === added file 'django/contrib/formtemplates/templates/parts/field-errors.html'
1 {% if field.errors %} 2 <ul class="errors"> 3 {% for error in field.errors %} 4 <li>{{ error }}</li> 5 {% endfor %} 6 </ul> 7 {% endif %} -
TabularUnified django/contrib/formtemplates/templates/parts/field-help-text.html
=== added file 'django/contrib/formtemplates/templates/parts/field-help-text.html'
1 {% if field.help_text %} 2 <p class="help-text">{{ field.help_text }}</p> 3 {% endif %} -
TabularUnified django/contrib/formtemplates/templates/parts/field.html
=== added file 'django/contrib/formtemplates/templates/parts/field.html'
1 {% load forms %} 2 {% if not field.is_hidden %} 3 {% if field.template %} 4 {% include field.template %} 5 {% else %} 6 <tr {{ field|attrs }}> 7 <th>{{ field|label_tag }}</th> 8 <td> 9 {% include "parts/field-errors.html" %} 10 {{ field }} 11 {% include "parts/field-help-text.html" %} 12 </td> 13 </tr> 14 {% endif %} 15 {% endif %} -
TabularUnified django/contrib/formtemplates/templates/parts/fieldset-legend.html
=== added file 'django/contrib/formtemplates/templates/parts/fieldset-legend.html'
1 {% if fieldset.legend %} 2 <legend>{{ fieldset.legend }}</legend> 3 {% endif %} -
TabularUnified django/contrib/formtemplates/templates/parts/fieldset.html
=== added file 'django/contrib/formtemplates/templates/parts/fieldset.html'
1 {% load forms %} 2 <fieldset {{ fieldset|attrs }}> 3 {% include "parts/fieldset-legend.html" %} 4 <table> 5 {% ifequal fieldset.order 0 %} 6 {% include "parts/form-hidden.html" %} 7 {% endifequal %} 8 {% for field in fieldset.fields %} 9 {% include "parts/field.html" %} 10 {% endfor %} 11 {% if forloop.last %} 12 {% include "parts/form-submit.html" %} 13 {% endif %} 14 </table> 15 </fieldset> -
TabularUnified django/contrib/formtemplates/templates/parts/form-errors.html
=== added file 'django/contrib/formtemplates/templates/parts/form-errors.html'
1 {% if form.non_field_errors %} 2 <ul class="errors non-field-errors"> 3 {% for error in form.non_field_errors %} 4 <li>{{ error }}</li> 5 {% endfor %} 6 </ul> 7 {% endif %} -
TabularUnified django/contrib/formtemplates/templates/parts/form-hidden.html
=== added file 'django/contrib/formtemplates/templates/parts/form-hidden.html'
1 <tr class="hidden"> 2 <td colspan="2"> 3 {% for field in form %} 4 {% if field.is_hidden %} 5 {{ field }} 6 {% endif %} 7 {% endfor %} 8 </td> 9 </tr> -
TabularUnified django/contrib/formtemplates/templates/parts/form-submit.html
=== added file 'django/contrib/formtemplates/templates/parts/form-submit.html'
1 <tr class="submit"> 2 <td colspan="2"> 3 {% if submit_row %} 4 {{ submit_row }} 5 {% else %} 6 <input type="submit" value="{% trans 'Submit' %}"/> 7 {% endif %} 8 </td> 9 </tr> -
TabularUnified django/contrib/formtemplates/templates/parts/form-wrapper.html
=== added file 'django/contrib/formtemplates/templates/parts/form-wrapper.html'
1 {% load forms %} 2 {% if form.template %} 3 {% include form.template %} 4 {% else %} 5 <form action="." method="post" {% if form.is_multipart %} enctype="multipart/form-data" {% endif %} {{ form|attrs }}> 6 {% include "parts/form.html" %} 7 </form> 8 {% endif %} -
TabularUnified django/contrib/formtemplates/templates/parts/form.html
=== added file 'django/contrib/formtemplates/templates/parts/form.html'
1 {% include "parts/form-errors.html" %} 2 {% if form.has_fieldsets %} 3 {% for fieldset in form.fieldsets %} 4 {% if fieldset.formset %} 5 {% with fieldset.formset as formset %} 6 {% if formset.template %} 7 {% include formset.template %} 8 {% else %} 9 {% include "parts/formset.html" %} 10 {% endif %} 11 {% endwith %} 12 {% else %} 13 {% if fieldset.template %} 14 {% include fieldset.template %} 15 {% else %} 16 {% include "parts/fieldset.html" %} 17 {% endif %} 18 {% endif %} 19 {% endfor %} 20 {% else %} 21 <table> 22 {% include "parts/form-hidden.html" %} 23 {% for field in form %} 24 {% include "parts/field.html" %} 25 {% endfor %} 26 {% include "parts/form-submit.html" %} 27 </table> 28 {% endif %} -
TabularUnified django/contrib/formtemplates/templates/parts/formset-errors.html
=== added file 'django/contrib/formtemplates/templates/parts/formset-errors.html'
1 {% if formset.non_form_errors %} 2 <ul class="errors non-form-errors"> 3 {% for error in formset.non_form_errors %} 4 <li>{{ error }}</li> 5 {% endfor %} 6 </ul> 7 {% endif %} -
TabularUnified django/contrib/formtemplates/templates/parts/formset-field.html
=== added file 'django/contrib/formtemplates/templates/parts/formset-field.html'
1 {% load forms %} 2 {% if not field.is_hidden %} 3 {% if field.template %} 4 {% include field.template %} 5 {% else %} 6 <td {{ field|attrs }}> 7 {% include "parts/field-errors.html" %} 8 {{ field }} 9 {% include "parts/field-help-text.html" %} 10 </td> 11 {% endif %} 12 {% endif %} -
TabularUnified django/contrib/formtemplates/templates/parts/formset-form-errors.html
=== added file 'django/contrib/formtemplates/templates/parts/formset-form-errors.html'
1 {% load forms %} 2 {% if form.non_field_errors %} 3 <tr class="errors non-field-errors"> 4 <td colspan="{{ form|colspan }}"> 5 <ul> 6 {% for error in form.non_field_errors %} 7 <li>{{ error }}</li> 8 {% endfor %} 9 </ul> 10 </td> 11 </tr> 12 {% endif %} -
TabularUnified django/contrib/formtemplates/templates/parts/formset-form.html
=== added file 'django/contrib/formtemplates/templates/parts/formset-form.html'
1 {% include "parts/formset-form-errors.html" %} 2 <tr> 3 {% for field in form %} 4 {% include "parts/formset-field.html" %} 5 {% endfor %} 6 </tr> -
TabularUnified django/contrib/formtemplates/templates/parts/formset-header.html
=== added file 'django/contrib/formtemplates/templates/parts/formset-header.html'
1 <tr class="header"> 2 {% for field in formset.forms.0 %} 3 {% if not field.is_hidden %} 4 <th>{{ field.label }}</th> 5 {% endif %} 6 {% endfor %} 7 </tr> -
TabularUnified django/contrib/formtemplates/templates/parts/formset-hidden.html
=== added file 'django/contrib/formtemplates/templates/parts/formset-hidden.html'
1 {% load forms %} 2 <tr class="hidden"> 3 <td colspan="{{ formset.forms.0|colspan }}"> 4 {{ formset.management_form }} 5 {% for form in formset.forms %} 6 {% for field in form %} 7 {% if field.is_hidden %} 8 {{ field }} 9 {% endif %} 10 {% endfor %} 11 {% endfor %} 12 </td> 13 </tr> -
TabularUnified django/contrib/formtemplates/templates/parts/formset-legend.html
=== added file 'django/contrib/formtemplates/templates/parts/formset-legend.html'
1 {% if formset.legend %} 2 <legend>{{ formset.legend }}</legend> 3 {% endif %} -
TabularUnified django/contrib/formtemplates/templates/parts/formset-submit.html
=== added file 'django/contrib/formtemplates/templates/parts/formset-submit.html'
1 {% load forms %} 2 <tr class="submit"> 3 <td colspan="{{ formset.forms.0|colspan }}"> 4 {% if submit_row %} 5 {{ submit_row }} 6 {% else %} 7 <input type="submit" value="{% trans 'Submit' %}"/> 8 {% endif %} 9 </td> 10 </tr> -
TabularUnified django/contrib/formtemplates/templates/parts/formset-wrapper.html
=== added file 'django/contrib/formtemplates/templates/parts/formset-wrapper.html'
1 {% load forms %} 2 {% if formset.template %} 3 {% include formset.template %} 4 {% else %} 5 <form action="." method="post" {% if formset.is_multipart %} enctype="multipart/form-data" {% endif %} {{ formset|attrs }}> 6 {% include "parts/formset.html" %} 7 </form> 8 {% endif %} -
TabularUnified django/contrib/formtemplates/templates/parts/formset.html
=== added file 'django/contrib/formtemplates/templates/parts/formset.html'
1 {% load forms %} 2 <fieldset {{ formset|attrs }}> 3 {% include "parts/formset-legend.html" %} 4 {% include "parts/formset-errors.html" %} 5 <table> 6 {% include "parts/formset-hidden.html" %} 7 {% include "parts/formset-header.html" %} 8 {% for form in formset.forms %} 9 {% if form.template %} 10 {% include form.template %} 11 {% else %} 12 {% include "parts/formset-form.html" %} 13 {% endif %} 14 {% if forloop.parentloop %} 15 {% if forloop.parentloop.last and forloop.last %} 16 {% include "parts/formset-submit.html" %} 17 {% endif %} 18 {% else %} 19 {% if forloop.last %} 20 {% include "parts/formset-submit.html" %} 21 {% endif %} 22 {% endif %} 23 {% endfor %} 24 </table> 25 </fieldset> -
TabularUnified django/contrib/formtemplates/templatetags/forms.py
=== added directory 'django/contrib/formtemplates/templatetags' === added file 'django/contrib/formtemplates/templatetags/__init__.py' === added file 'django/contrib/formtemplates/templatetags/forms.py'
1 from django.forms.util import flatatt 2 from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe 3 from django.forms.forms import BaseForm, BoundField 4 from django.forms.formsets import BaseFormSet 5 import re 6 7 from django.template import Library 8 register = Library() 9 10 html_class_re = re.compile(r'([a-z])([A-Z])') 11 12 def attrs(input): 13 if isinstance(input, BaseForm): 14 if input.attrs: 15 return mark_safe(flatatt(input.attrs)) 16 else: 17 return u'' 18 elif isinstance(input, dict): 19 if input['attrs']: 20 return mark_safe(flatatt(input['attrs'])) 21 else: 22 return u'' 23 elif isinstance(input, BaseFormSet): 24 attrs = input.attrs and input.attrs.copy() or {} 25 class_attrs = attrs.get('class', '').split() 26 class_attrs.append('formset') 27 attrs['class'] = u' '.join(class_attrs) 28 return mark_safe(flatatt(attrs)) 29 elif isinstance(input, BoundField): 30 attrs = input.attrs and input.attrs.copy() or {} 31 class_attrs = attrs.get('class', '').split() 32 class_attrs.append(html_class_re.sub(r'\1-\2', input.field.__class__.__name__).lower()) 33 class_attrs.append(html_class_re.sub(r'\1-\2', input.field.widget.__class__.__name__).lower()) 34 if input.field.required: 35 class_attrs.append(u'required') 36 if input.errors: 37 class_attrs.append(u'errors') 38 attrs['class'] = u' '.join(class_attrs) 39 return mark_safe(flatatt(attrs)) 40 else: 41 raise ValueError 42 attrs = register.filter(attrs) 43 44 def label_tag(bf): 45 id = bf.field.widget.attrs.get('id') or bf.auto_id 46 if id: 47 return mark_safe(u'<label for="%s">%s:</label>' % (bf.field.widget.id_for_label(id), bf.label)) 48 else: 49 return bf.label 50 label_tag = register.filter(label_tag) 51 52 def colspan(form): 53 return len([field for field in form if not field.is_hidden]) 54 colspan = register.filter(colspan) 55 No newline at end of file