Ticket #9200: ticket9200-2.diff

File ticket9200-2.diff, 140.3 KB (added by Jannis Leidel, 13 years ago)
  • django/contrib/formtools/tests/__init__.py

    diff --git a/django/contrib/formtools/tests/__init__.py b/django/contrib/formtools/tests/__init__.py
    index be0372a..5796852 100644
    a b from django.test import TestCase  
    88from django.test.utils import get_warnings_state, restore_warnings_state
    99from django.utils import unittest
     11from django.contrib.formtools.wizard.tests import *
     13warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=PendingDeprecationWarning,
     14                        module='django.contrib.formtools.wizard')
    1217success_string = "Done was called!"
  • deleted file django/contrib/formtools/wizard.py

    diff --git a/django/contrib/formtools/wizard.py b/django/contrib/formtools/wizard.py
    deleted file mode 100644
    index c19578c..0000000
    + -  
    1 """
    2 FormWizard class -- implements a multi-page form, validating between each
    3 step and storing the form's state as HTML hidden fields so that no state is
    4 stored on the server side.
    5 """
    7 try:
    8     import cPickle as pickle
    9 except ImportError:
    10     import pickle
    12 from django import forms
    13 from django.conf import settings
    14 from django.contrib.formtools.utils import form_hmac
    15 from django.http import Http404
    16 from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
    17 from django.template.context import RequestContext
    18 from django.utils.crypto import constant_time_compare
    19 from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
    20 from django.utils.decorators import method_decorator
    21 from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_protect
    24 class FormWizard(object):
    25     # The HTML (and POST data) field name for the "step" variable.
    26     step_field_name="wizard_step"
    28     # METHODS SUBCLASSES SHOULDN'T OVERRIDE ###################################
    30     def __init__(self, form_list, initial=None):
    31         """
    32         Start a new wizard with a list of forms.
    34         form_list should be a list of Form classes (not instances).
    35         """
    36         self.form_list = form_list[:]
    37         self.initial = initial or {}
    39         # Dictionary of extra template context variables.
    40         self.extra_context = {}
    42         # A zero-based counter keeping track of which step we're in.
    43         self.step = 0
    45     def __repr__(self):
    46         return "step: %d\nform_list: %s\ninitial_data: %s" % (self.step, self.form_list, self.initial)
    48     def get_form(self, step, data=None):
    49         "Helper method that returns the Form instance for the given step."
    50         # Sanity check.
    51         if step >= self.num_steps():
    52             raise Http404('Step %s does not exist' % step)
    53         return self.form_list[step](data, prefix=self.prefix_for_step(step), initial=self.initial.get(step, None))
    55     def num_steps(self):
    56         "Helper method that returns the number of steps."
    57         # You might think we should just set "self.num_steps = len(form_list)"
    58         # in __init__(), but this calculation needs to be dynamic, because some
    59         # hook methods might alter self.form_list.
    60         return len(self.form_list)
    62     def _check_security_hash(self, token, request, form):
    63         expected = self.security_hash(request, form)
    64         return constant_time_compare(token, expected)
    66     @method_decorator(csrf_protect)
    67     def __call__(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
    68         """
    69         Main method that does all the hard work, conforming to the Django view
    70         interface.
    71         """
    72         if 'extra_context' in kwargs:
    73             self.extra_context.update(kwargs['extra_context'])
    74         current_step = self.determine_step(request, *args, **kwargs)
    75         self.parse_params(request, *args, **kwargs)
    77         # Validate and process all the previous forms before instantiating the
    78         # current step's form in case self.process_step makes changes to
    79         # self.form_list.
    81         # If any of them fails validation, that must mean the validator relied
    82         # on some other input, such as an external Web site.
    84         # It is also possible that alidation might fail under certain attack
    85         # situations: an attacker might be able to bypass previous stages, and
    86         # generate correct security hashes for all the skipped stages by virtue
    87         # of:
    88         #  1) having filled out an identical form which doesn't have the
    89         #     validation (and does something different at the end),
    90         #  2) or having filled out a previous version of the same form which
    91         #     had some validation missing,
    92         #  3) or previously having filled out the form when they had more
    93         #     privileges than they do now.
    94         #
    95         # Since the hashes only take into account values, and not other other
    96         # validation the form might do, we must re-do validation now for
    97         # security reasons.
    98         previous_form_list = []
    99         for i in range(current_step):
    100             f = self.get_form(i, request.POST)
    101             if not self._check_security_hash(request.POST.get("hash_%d" % i, ''),
    102                                              request, f):
    103                 return self.render_hash_failure(request, i)
    105             if not f.is_valid():
    106                 return self.render_revalidation_failure(request, i, f)
    107             else:
    108                 self.process_step(request, f, i)
    109                 previous_form_list.append(f)
    111         # Process the current step. If it's valid, go to the next step or call
    112         # done(), depending on whether any steps remain.
    113         if request.method == 'POST':
    114             form = self.get_form(current_step, request.POST)
    115         else:
    116             form = self.get_form(current_step)
    118         if form.is_valid():
    119             self.process_step(request, form, current_step)
    120             next_step = current_step + 1
    122             if next_step == self.num_steps():
    123                 return self.done(request, previous_form_list + [form])
    124             else:
    125                 form = self.get_form(next_step)
    126                 self.step = current_step = next_step
    128         return self.render(form, request, current_step)
    130     def render(self, form, request, step, context=None):
    131         "Renders the given Form object, returning an HttpResponse."
    132         old_data = request.POST
    133         prev_fields = []
    134         if old_data:
    135             hidden = forms.HiddenInput()
    136             # Collect all data from previous steps and render it as HTML hidden fields.
    137             for i in range(step):
    138                 old_form = self.get_form(i, old_data)
    139                 hash_name = 'hash_%s' % i
    140                 prev_fields.extend([bf.as_hidden() for bf in old_form])
    141                 prev_fields.append(hidden.render(hash_name, old_data.get(hash_name, self.security_hash(request, old_form))))
    142         return self.render_template(request, form, ''.join(prev_fields), step, context)
    144     # METHODS SUBCLASSES MIGHT OVERRIDE IF APPROPRIATE ########################
    146     def prefix_for_step(self, step):
    147         "Given the step, returns a Form prefix to use."
    148         return str(step)
    150     def render_hash_failure(self, request, step):
    151         """
    152         Hook for rendering a template if a hash check failed.
    154         step is the step that failed. Any previous step is guaranteed to be
    155         valid.
    157         This default implementation simply renders the form for the given step,
    158         but subclasses may want to display an error message, etc.
    159         """
    160         return self.render(self.get_form(step), request, step, context={'wizard_error': _('We apologize, but your form has expired. Please continue filling out the form from this page.')})
    162     def render_revalidation_failure(self, request, step, form):
    163         """
    164         Hook for rendering a template if final revalidation failed.
    166         It is highly unlikely that this point would ever be reached, but See
    167         the comment in __call__() for an explanation.
    168         """
    169         return self.render(form, request, step)
    171     def security_hash(self, request, form):
    172         """
    173         Calculates the security hash for the given HttpRequest and Form instances.
    175         Subclasses may want to take into account request-specific information,
    176         such as the IP address.
    177         """
    178         return form_hmac(form)
    180     def determine_step(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
    181         """
    182         Given the request object and whatever *args and **kwargs were passed to
    183         __call__(), returns the current step (which is zero-based).
    185         Note that the result should not be trusted. It may even be a completely
    186         invalid number. It's not the job of this method to validate it.
    187         """
    188         if not request.POST:
    189             return 0
    190         try:
    191             step = int(request.POST.get(self.step_field_name, 0))
    192         except ValueError:
    193             return 0
    194         return step
    196     def parse_params(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
    197         """
    198         Hook for setting some state, given the request object and whatever
    199         *args and **kwargs were passed to __call__(), sets some state.
    201         This is called at the beginning of __call__().
    202         """
    203         pass
    205     def get_template(self, step):
    206         """
    207         Hook for specifying the name of the template to use for a given step.
    209         Note that this can return a tuple of template names if you'd like to
    210         use the template system's select_template() hook.
    211         """
    212         return 'forms/wizard.html'
    214     def render_template(self, request, form, previous_fields, step, context=None):
    215         """
    216         Renders the template for the given step, returning an HttpResponse object.
    218         Override this method if you want to add a custom context, return a
    219         different MIME type, etc. If you only need to override the template
    220         name, use get_template() instead.
    222         The template will be rendered with the following context:
    223             step_field -- The name of the hidden field containing the step.
    224             step0      -- The current step (zero-based).
    225             step       -- The current step (one-based).
    226             step_count -- The total number of steps.
    227             form       -- The Form instance for the current step (either empty
    228                           or with errors).
    229             previous_fields -- A string representing every previous data field,
    230                           plus hashes for completed forms, all in the form of
    231                           hidden fields. Note that you'll need to run this
    232                           through the "safe" template filter, to prevent
    233                           auto-escaping, because it's raw HTML.
    234         """
    235         context = context or {}
    236         context.update(self.extra_context)
    237         return render_to_response(self.get_template(step), dict(context,
    238             step_field=self.step_field_name,
    239             step0=step,
    240             step=step + 1,
    241             step_count=self.num_steps(),
    242             form=form,
    243             previous_fields=previous_fields
    244         ), context_instance=RequestContext(request))
    246     def process_step(self, request, form, step):
    247         """
    248         Hook for modifying the FormWizard's internal state, given a fully
    249         validated Form object. The Form is guaranteed to have clean, valid
    250         data.
    252         This method should *not* modify any of that data. Rather, it might want
    253         to set self.extra_context or dynamically alter self.form_list, based on
    254         previously submitted forms.
    256         Note that this method is called every time a page is rendered for *all*
    257         submitted steps.
    258         """
    259         pass
    261     # METHODS SUBCLASSES MUST OVERRIDE ########################################
    263     def done(self, request, form_list):
    264         """
    265         Hook for doing something with the validated data. This is responsible
    266         for the final processing.
    268         form_list is a list of Form instances, each containing clean, valid
    269         data.
    270         """
    271         raise NotImplementedError("Your %s class has not defined a done() method, which is required." % self.__class__.__name__)
  • new file django/contrib/formtools/wizard/__init__.py

    diff --git a/django/contrib/formtools/wizard/__init__.py b/django/contrib/formtools/wizard/__init__.py
    new file mode 100644
    index 0000000..11645b1
    - +  
     2FormWizard class -- implements a multi-page form, validating between each
     3step and storing the form's state as HTML hidden fields so that no state is
     4stored on the server side.
     6from django.forms import HiddenInput
     7from django.contrib.formtools.utils import form_hmac
     8from django.http import Http404
     9from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
     10from django.template.context import RequestContext
     11from django.utils.crypto import constant_time_compare
     12from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
     13from django.utils.decorators import method_decorator
     14from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_protect
     17class FormWizard(object):
     18    # The HTML (and POST data) field name for the "step" variable.
     19    step_field_name="wizard_step"
     21    # METHODS SUBCLASSES SHOULDN'T OVERRIDE ###################################
     23    def __init__(self, form_list, initial=None):
     24        """
     25        Start a new wizard with a list of forms.
     27        form_list should be a list of Form classes (not instances).
     28        """
     29        self.form_list = form_list[:]
     30        self.initial = initial or {}
     32        # Dictionary of extra template context variables.
     33        self.extra_context = {}
     35        # A zero-based counter keeping track of which step we're in.
     36        self.step = 0
     38        import warnings
     39        warnings.warn(
     40            'Old-style form wizards have been deprecated; use the class-based '
     41            'views in django.contrib.formtools.wizard.views instead.',
     42            PendingDeprecationWarning)
     44    def __repr__(self):
     45        return "step: %d\nform_list: %s\ninitial_data: %s" % (self.step, self.form_list, self.initial)
     47    def get_form(self, step, data=None):
     48        "Helper method that returns the Form instance for the given step."
     49        # Sanity check.
     50        if step >= self.num_steps():
     51            raise Http404('Step %s does not exist' % step)
     52        return self.form_list[step](data, prefix=self.prefix_for_step(step), initial=self.initial.get(step, None))
     54    def num_steps(self):
     55        "Helper method that returns the number of steps."
     56        # You might think we should just set "self.num_steps = len(form_list)"
     57        # in __init__(), but this calculation needs to be dynamic, because some
     58        # hook methods might alter self.form_list.
     59        return len(self.form_list)
     61    def _check_security_hash(self, token, request, form):
     62        expected = self.security_hash(request, form)
     63        return constant_time_compare(token, expected)
     65    @method_decorator(csrf_protect)
     66    def __call__(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
     67        """
     68        Main method that does all the hard work, conforming to the Django view
     69        interface.
     70        """
     71        if 'extra_context' in kwargs:
     72            self.extra_context.update(kwargs['extra_context'])
     73        current_step = self.get_current_or_first_step(request, *args, **kwargs)
     74        self.parse_params(request, *args, **kwargs)
     76        # Validate and process all the previous forms before instantiating the
     77        # current step's form in case self.process_step makes changes to
     78        # self.form_list.
     80        # If any of them fails validation, that must mean the validator relied
     81        # on some other input, such as an external Web site.
     83        # It is also possible that alidation might fail under certain attack
     84        # situations: an attacker might be able to bypass previous stages, and
     85        # generate correct security hashes for all the skipped stages by virtue
     86        # of:
     87        #  1) having filled out an identical form which doesn't have the
     88        #     validation (and does something different at the end),
     89        #  2) or having filled out a previous version of the same form which
     90        #     had some validation missing,
     91        #  3) or previously having filled out the form when they had more
     92        #     privileges than they do now.
     93        #
     94        # Since the hashes only take into account values, and not other other
     95        # validation the form might do, we must re-do validation now for
     96        # security reasons.
     97        previous_form_list = []
     98        for i in range(current_step):
     99            f = self.get_form(i, request.POST)
     100            if not self._check_security_hash(request.POST.get("hash_%d" % i, ''),
     101                                             request, f):
     102                return self.render_hash_failure(request, i)
     104            if not f.is_valid():
     105                return self.render_revalidation_failure(request, i, f)
     106            else:
     107                self.process_step(request, f, i)
     108                previous_form_list.append(f)
     110        # Process the current step. If it's valid, go to the next step or call
     111        # done(), depending on whether any steps remain.
     112        if request.method == 'POST':
     113            form = self.get_form(current_step, request.POST)
     114        else:
     115            form = self.get_form(current_step)
     117        if form.is_valid():
     118            self.process_step(request, form, current_step)
     119            next_step = current_step + 1
     121            if next_step == self.num_steps():
     122                return self.done(request, previous_form_list + [form])
     123            else:
     124                form = self.get_form(next_step)
     125                self.step = current_step = next_step
     127        return self.render(form, request, current_step)
     129    def render(self, form, request, step, context=None):
     130        "Renders the given Form object, returning an HttpResponse."
     131        old_data = request.POST
     132        prev_fields = []
     133        if old_data:
     134            hidden = HiddenInput()
     135            # Collect all data from previous steps and render it as HTML hidden fields.
     136            for i in range(step):
     137                old_form = self.get_form(i, old_data)
     138                hash_name = 'hash_%s' % i
     139                prev_fields.extend([bf.as_hidden() for bf in old_form])
     140                prev_fields.append(hidden.render(hash_name, old_data.get(hash_name, self.security_hash(request, old_form))))
     141        return self.render_template(request, form, ''.join(prev_fields), step, context)
     143    # METHODS SUBCLASSES MIGHT OVERRIDE IF APPROPRIATE ########################
     145    def prefix_for_step(self, step):
     146        "Given the step, returns a Form prefix to use."
     147        return str(step)
     149    def render_hash_failure(self, request, step):
     150        """
     151        Hook for rendering a template if a hash check failed.
     153        step is the step that failed. Any previous step is guaranteed to be
     154        valid.
     156        This default implementation simply renders the form for the given step,
     157        but subclasses may want to display an error message, etc.
     158        """
     159        return self.render(self.get_form(step), request, step, context={'wizard_error': _('We apologize, but your form has expired. Please continue filling out the form from this page.')})
     161    def render_revalidation_failure(self, request, step, form):
     162        """
     163        Hook for rendering a template if final revalidation failed.
     165        It is highly unlikely that this point would ever be reached, but See
     166        the comment in __call__() for an explanation.
     167        """
     168        return self.render(form, request, step)
     170    def security_hash(self, request, form):
     171        """
     172        Calculates the security hash for the given HttpRequest and Form instances.
     174        Subclasses may want to take into account request-specific information,
     175        such as the IP address.
     176        """
     177        return form_hmac(form)
     179    def get_current_or_first_step(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
     180        """
     181        Given the request object and whatever *args and **kwargs were passed to
     182        __call__(), returns the current step (which is zero-based).
     184        Note that the result should not be trusted. It may even be a completely
     185        invalid number. It's not the job of this method to validate it.
     186        """
     187        if not request.POST:
     188            return 0
     189        try:
     190            step = int(request.POST.get(self.step_field_name, 0))
     191        except ValueError:
     192            return 0
     193        return step
     195    def parse_params(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
     196        """
     197        Hook for setting some state, given the request object and whatever
     198        *args and **kwargs were passed to __call__(), sets some state.
     200        This is called at the beginning of __call__().
     201        """
     202        pass
     204    def get_template(self, step):
     205        """
     206        Hook for specifying the name of the template to use for a given step.
     208        Note that this can return a tuple of template names if you'd like to
     209        use the template system's select_template() hook.
     210        """
     211        return 'forms/wizard.html'
     213    def render_template(self, request, form, previous_fields, step, context=None):
     214        """
     215        Renders the template for the given step, returning an HttpResponse object.
     217        Override this method if you want to add a custom context, return a
     218        different MIME type, etc. If you only need to override the template
     219        name, use get_template() instead.
     221        The template will be rendered with the following context:
     222            step_field -- The name of the hidden field containing the step.
     223            step0      -- The current step (zero-based).
     224            step       -- The current step (one-based).
     225            step_count -- The total number of steps.
     226            form       -- The Form instance for the current step (either empty
     227                          or with errors).
     228            previous_fields -- A string representing every previous data field,
     229                          plus hashes for completed forms, all in the form of
     230                          hidden fields. Note that you'll need to run this
     231                          through the "safe" template filter, to prevent
     232                          auto-escaping, because it's raw HTML.
     233        """
     234        context = context or {}
     235        context.update(self.extra_context)
     236        return render_to_response(self.get_template(step), dict(context,
     237            step_field=self.step_field_name,
     238            step0=step,
     239            step=step + 1,
     240            step_count=self.num_steps(),
     241            form=form,
     242            previous_fields=previous_fields
     243        ), context_instance=RequestContext(request))
     245    def process_step(self, request, form, step):
     246        """
     247        Hook for modifying the FormWizard's internal state, given a fully
     248        validated Form object. The Form is guaranteed to have clean, valid
     249        data.
     251        This method should *not* modify any of that data. Rather, it might want
     252        to set self.extra_context or dynamically alter self.form_list, based on
     253        previously submitted forms.
     255        Note that this method is called every time a page is rendered for *all*
     256        submitted steps.
     257        """
     258        pass
     260    # METHODS SUBCLASSES MUST OVERRIDE ########################################
     262    def done(self, request, form_list):
     263        """
     264        Hook for doing something with the validated data. This is responsible
     265        for the final processing.
     267        form_list is a list of Form instances, each containing clean, valid
     268        data.
     269        """
     270        raise NotImplementedError("Your %s class has not defined a done() method, which is required." % self.__class__.__name__)
  • new file django/contrib/formtools/wizard/forms.py

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    index 0000000..bf46c5c
    - +  
     1from django import forms
     3class ManagementForm(forms.Form):
     4    """
     5    ``ManagementForm`` is used to keep track of the current wizard step.
     6    """
     7    current_step = forms.CharField(widget=forms.HiddenInput)
  • new file django/contrib/formtools/wizard/storage/__init__.py

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    index 0000000..b88ccc7
    - +  
     1from django.utils.importlib import import_module
     3from django.contrib.formtools.wizard.storage.base import BaseStorage
     4from django.contrib.formtools.wizard.storage.exceptions import (
     5    MissingStorageModule, MissingStorageClass, NoFileStorageConfigured)
     8def get_storage(path, *args, **kwargs):
     9    i = path.rfind('.')
     10    module, attr = path[:i], path[i+1:]
     11    try:
     12        mod = import_module(module)
     13    except ImportError, e:
     14        raise MissingStorageModule(
     15            'Error loading storage %s: "%s"' % (module, e))
     16    try:
     17        storage_class = getattr(mod, attr)
     18    except AttributeError:
     19        raise MissingStorageClass(
     20            'Module "%s" does not define a storage named "%s"' % (module, attr))
     21    return storage_class(*args, **kwargs)
  • new file django/contrib/formtools/wizard/storage/base.py

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    new file mode 100644
    index 0000000..475b39d
    - +  
     1from django.core.files.uploadedfile import UploadedFile
     2from django.utils.functional import lazy_property
     3from django.utils.encoding import smart_str
     5from django.contrib.formtools.wizard.storage.exceptions import NoFileStorageConfigured
     7class BaseStorage(object):
     8    step_key = 'step'
     9    step_data_key = 'step_data'
     10    step_files_key = 'step_files'
     11    extra_data_key = 'extra_data'
     13    def __init__(self, prefix, request=None, file_storage=None):
     14        self.prefix = 'wizard_%s' % prefix
     15        self.request = request
     16        self.file_storage = file_storage
     18    def init_data(self):
     19        self.data = {
     20            self.step_key: None,
     21            self.step_data_key: {},
     22            self.step_files_key: {},
     23            self.extra_data_key: {},
     24        }
     26    def reset(self):
     27        self.init_data()
     29    def _get_current_step(self):
     30        return self.data[self.step_key]
     32    def _set_current_step(self, step):
     33        self.data[self.step_key] = step
     35    current_step = lazy_property(_get_current_step, _set_current_step)
     37    def _get_extra_data(self):
     38        return self.data[self.extra_data_key] or {}
     40    def _set_extra_data(self, extra_data):
     41        self.data[self.extra_data_key] = extra_data
     43    extra_data = lazy_property(_get_extra_data, _set_extra_data)
     45    def get_step_data(self, step):
     46        return self.data[self.step_data_key].get(step, None)
     48    def set_step_data(self, step, cleaned_data):
     49        self.data[self.step_data_key][step] = cleaned_data
     51    @property
     52    def current_step_data(self):
     53        return self.get_step_data(self.current_step)
     55    def get_step_files(self, step):
     56        wizard_files = self.data[self.step_files_key].get(step, {})
     58        if wizard_files and not self.file_storage:
     59            raise NoFileStorageConfigured
     61        files = {}
     62        for field, field_dict in wizard_files.iteritems():
     63            field_dict = dict((smart_str(k), v)
     64                              for k, v in field_dict.iteritems())
     65            tmp_name = field_dict.pop('tmp_name')
     66            files[field] = UploadedFile(
     67                file=self.file_storage.open(tmp_name), **field_dict)
     68        return files or None
     70    def set_step_files(self, step, files):
     71        if files and not self.file_storage:
     72            raise NoFileStorageConfigured
     74        if step not in self.data[self.step_files_key]:
     75            self.data[self.step_files_key][step] = {}
     77        for field, field_file in (files or {}).iteritems():
     78            tmp_filename = self.file_storage.save(field_file.name, field_file)
     79            file_dict = {
     80                'tmp_name': tmp_filename,
     81                'name': field_file.name,
     82                'content_type': field_file.content_type,
     83                'size': field_file.size,
     84                'charset': field_file.charset
     85            }
     86            self.data[self.step_files_key][step][field] = file_dict
     88    @property
     89    def current_step_files(self):
     90        return self.get_step_files(self.current_step)
     92    def update_response(self, response):
     93        pass
  • new file django/contrib/formtools/wizard/storage/cookie.py

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    index 0000000..af26e01
    - +  
     1from django.core.exceptions import SuspiciousOperation
     2from django.core.signing import BadSignature
     3from django.utils import simplejson as json
     5from django.contrib.formtools.wizard import storage
     8class CookieStorage(storage.BaseStorage):
     9    encoder = json.JSONEncoder(separators=(',', ':'))
     11    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     12        super(CookieStorage, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
     13        self.data = self.load_data()
     14        if self.data is None:
     15            self.init_data()
     17    def load_data(self):
     18        try:
     19            data = self.request.get_signed_cookie(self.prefix)
     20        except KeyError:
     21            data = None
     22        except BadSignature:
     23            raise SuspiciousOperation('FormWizard cookie manipulated')
     24        if data is None:
     25            return None
     26        return json.loads(data, cls=json.JSONDecoder)
     28    def update_response(self, response):
     29        if self.data:
     30            response.set_signed_cookie(self.prefix, self.encoder.encode(self.data))
     31        else:
     32            response.delete_cookie(self.prefix)
  • new file django/contrib/formtools/wizard/storage/exceptions.py

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    index 0000000..eab9030
    - +  
     1from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
     3class MissingStorageModule(ImproperlyConfigured):
     4    pass
     6class MissingStorageClass(ImproperlyConfigured):
     7    pass
     9class NoFileStorageConfigured(ImproperlyConfigured):
     10    pass
  • new file django/contrib/formtools/wizard/storage/session.py

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    index 0000000..84a3848
    - +  
     1from django.core.files.uploadedfile import UploadedFile
     2from django.contrib.formtools.wizard import storage
     5class SessionStorage(storage.BaseStorage):
     7    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     8        super(SessionStorage, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
     9        if self.prefix not in self.request.session:
     10            self.init_data()
     12    def _get_data(self):
     13        self.request.session.modified = True
     14        return self.request.session[self.prefix]
     16    def _set_data(self, value):
     17        self.request.session[self.prefix] = value
     18        self.request.session.modified = True
     20    data = property(_get_data, _set_data)
  • new file django/contrib/formtools/wizard/templates/formtools/wizard/wizard_form.html

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    index 0000000..b98e58d
    - +  
     1{% load i18n %}
     2{% csrf_token %}
     3{{ wizard.management_form }}
     4{% if wizard.form.forms %}
     5    {{ wizard.form.management_form }}
     6    {% for form in wizard.form.forms %}
     7        {{ form.as_p }}
     8    {% endfor %}
     9{% else %}
     10    {{ wizard.form.as_p }}
     11{% endif %}
     13{% if wizard.steps.prev %}
     14<button name="wizard_prev_step" value="{{ wizard.steps.first }}">{% trans "first step" %}</button>
     15<button name="wizard_prev_step" value="{{ wizard.steps.prev }}">{% trans "prev step" %}</button>
     16{% endif %}
     17<input type="submit" name="submit" value="{% trans "submit" %}" />
  • new file django/contrib/formtools/wizard/tests/__init__.py

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    index 0000000..7c66c82
    - +  
     1from django.contrib.formtools.wizard.tests.formtests import *
     2from django.contrib.formtools.wizard.tests.sessionstoragetests import *
     3from django.contrib.formtools.wizard.tests.cookiestoragetests import *
     4from django.contrib.formtools.wizard.tests.loadstoragetests import *
     5from django.contrib.formtools.wizard.tests.wizardtests import *
     6from django.contrib.formtools.wizard.tests.namedwizardtests import *
  • new file django/contrib/formtools/wizard/tests/cookiestoragetests.py

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    index 0000000..74c7e82
    - +  
     1from django.test import TestCase
     2from django.core import signing
     3from django.core.exceptions import SuspiciousOperation
     4from django.http import HttpResponse
     6from django.contrib.formtools.wizard.storage.cookie import CookieStorage
     7from django.contrib.formtools.wizard.tests.storagetests import get_request, TestStorage
     9class TestCookieStorage(TestStorage, TestCase):
     10    def get_storage(self):
     11        return CookieStorage
     13    def test_manipulated_cookie(self):
     14        request = get_request()
     15        storage = self.get_storage()('wizard1', request, None)
     17        cookie_signer = signing.get_cookie_signer(storage.prefix)
     19        storage.request.COOKIES[storage.prefix] = cookie_signer.sign(
     20            storage.encoder.encode({'key1': 'value1'}))
     22        self.assertEqual(storage.load_data(), {'key1': 'value1'})
     24        storage.request.COOKIES[storage.prefix] = 'i_am_manipulated'
     25        self.assertRaises(SuspiciousOperation, storage.load_data)
     27    def test_reset_cookie(self):
     28        request = get_request()
     29        storage = self.get_storage()('wizard1', request, None)
     31        storage.data = {'key1': 'value1'}
     33        response = HttpResponse()
     34        storage.update_response(response)
     36        cookie_signer = signing.get_cookie_signer(storage.prefix)
     37        signed_cookie_data = cookie_signer.sign(storage.encoder.encode(storage.data))
     38        self.assertEqual(response.cookies[storage.prefix].value, signed_cookie_data)
     40        storage.init_data()
     41        storage.update_response(response)
     42        unsigned_cookie_data = cookie_signer.unsign(response.cookies[storage.prefix].value)
     43        self.assertEqual(unsigned_cookie_data, '{"step_files":{},"step":null,"extra_data":{},"step_data":{}}')
  • new file django/contrib/formtools/wizard/tests/formtests.py

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    index 0000000..24fda5e
    - +  
     1from django import forms, http
     2from django.conf import settings
     3from django.test import TestCase
     4from django.template.response import TemplateResponse
     5from django.utils.importlib import import_module
     7from django.contrib.auth.models import User
     9from django.contrib.formtools.wizard.views import (WizardView,
     10                                                   SessionWizardView,
     11                                                   CookieWizardView)
     14class DummyRequest(http.HttpRequest):
     15    def __init__(self, POST=None):
     16        super(DummyRequest, self).__init__()
     17        self.method = POST and "POST" or "GET"
     18        if POST is not None:
     19            self.POST.update(POST)
     20        self.session = {}
     21        self._dont_enforce_csrf_checks = True
     23def get_request(*args, **kwargs):
     24    request = DummyRequest(*args, **kwargs)
     25    engine = import_module(settings.SESSION_ENGINE)
     26    request.session = engine.SessionStore(None)
     27    return request
     29class Step1(forms.Form):
     30    name = forms.CharField()
     32class Step2(forms.Form):
     33    name = forms.CharField()
     35class Step3(forms.Form):
     36    data = forms.CharField()
     38class UserForm(forms.ModelForm):
     39    class Meta:
     40        model = User
     42UserFormSet = forms.models.modelformset_factory(User, form=UserForm, extra=2)
     44class TestWizard(WizardView):
     45    storage_name = 'django.contrib.formtools.wizard.storage.session.SessionStorage'
     47    def dispatch(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
     48        response = super(TestWizard, self).dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs)
     49        return response, self
     51class FormTests(TestCase):
     52    def test_form_init(self):
     53        testform = TestWizard.get_initkwargs([Step1, Step2])
     54        self.assertEquals(testform['form_list'], {u'0': Step1, u'1': Step2})
     56        testform = TestWizard.get_initkwargs([('start', Step1), ('step2', Step2)])
     57        self.assertEquals(
     58            testform['form_list'], {u'start': Step1, u'step2': Step2})
     60        testform = TestWizard.get_initkwargs([Step1, Step2, ('finish', Step3)])
     61        self.assertEquals(
     62            testform['form_list'], {u'0': Step1, u'1': Step2, u'finish': Step3})
     64    def test_first_step(self):
     65        request = get_request()
     67        testform = TestWizard.as_view([Step1, Step2])
     68        response, instance = testform(request)
     69        self.assertEquals(instance.steps.current, u'0')
     71        testform = TestWizard.as_view([('start', Step1), ('step2', Step2)])
     72        response, instance = testform(request)
     74        self.assertEquals(instance.steps.current, 'start')
     76    def test_persistence(self):
     77        testform = TestWizard.as_view([('start', Step1), ('step2', Step2)])
     78        request = get_request({'test_wizard-current_step': 'start',
     79                               'name': 'data1'})
     80        response, instance = testform(request)
     81        self.assertEquals(instance.steps.current, 'start')
     83        instance.storage.current_step = 'step2'
     85        testform2 = TestWizard.as_view([('start', Step1), ('step2', Step2)])
     86        request.POST = {'test_wizard-current_step': 'step2'}
     87        response, instance = testform2(request)
     88        self.assertEquals(instance.steps.current, 'step2')
     90    def test_form_condition(self):
     91        request = get_request()
     93        testform = TestWizard.as_view(
     94            [('start', Step1), ('step2', Step2), ('step3', Step3)],
     95            condition_dict={'step2': True})
     96        response, instance = testform(request)
     97        self.assertEquals(instance.get_next_step(), 'step2')
     99        testform = TestWizard.as_view(
     100            [('start', Step1), ('step2', Step2), ('step3', Step3)],
     101            condition_dict={'step2': False})
     102        response, instance = testform(request)
     103        self.assertEquals(instance.get_next_step(), 'step3')
     105    def test_add_extra_context(self):
     106        request = get_request({'test_wizard-current_step': 'start'})
     108        testform = TestWizard.as_view([('start', Step1), ('step2', Step2)])
     109        response, instance = testform(
     110            request, extra_context={'key1': 'value1'})
     111        self.assertEqual(instance.get_extra_data(), {'key1': 'value1'})
     113        request.method = 'POST'
     114        response, instance = testform(
     115            request, extra_context={'key1': 'value1'})
     116        self.assertEqual(instance.get_extra_data(), {'key1': 'value1'})
     118    def test_form_prefix(self):
     119        request = get_request()
     121        testform = TestWizard.as_view([('start', Step1), ('step2', Step2)])
     122        response, instance = testform(request)
     124        self.assertEqual(instance.get_form_prefix(), 'start')
     125        self.assertEqual(instance.get_form_prefix('another'), 'another')
     127    def test_form_initial(self):
     128        request = get_request()
     130        testform = TestWizard.as_view([('start', Step1), ('step2', Step2)],
     131            initial_dict={'start': {'name': 'value1'}})
     132        response, instance = testform(request)
     134        self.assertEqual(instance.get_form_initial('start'), {'name': 'value1'})
     135        self.assertEqual(instance.get_form_initial('step2'), {})
     137    def test_form_instance(self):
     138        request = get_request()
     139        the_instance = User()
     140        testform = TestWizard.as_view([('start', UserForm), ('step2', Step2)],
     141            instance_dict={'start': the_instance})
     142        response, instance = testform(request)
     144        self.assertEqual(
     145            instance.get_form_instance('start'),
     146            the_instance)
     147        self.assertEqual(
     148            instance.get_form_instance('non_exist_instance'),
     149            None)
     151    def test_formset_instance(self):
     152        request = get_request()
     153        the_instance1, created = User.objects.get_or_create(
     154            username='testuser1')
     155        the_instance2, created = User.objects.get_or_create(
     156            username='testuser2')
     157        testform = TestWizard.as_view([('start', UserFormSet), ('step2', Step2)],
     158            instance_dict={'start': User.objects.filter(username='testuser1')})
     159        response, instance = testform(request)
     161        self.assertEqual(list(instance.get_form_instance('start')), [the_instance1])
     162        self.assertEqual(instance.get_form_instance('non_exist_instance'), None)
     164        self.assertEqual(instance.get_form().initial_form_count(), 1)
     166    def test_done(self):
     167        request = get_request()
     169        testform = TestWizard.as_view([('start', Step1), ('step2', Step2)])
     170        response, instance = testform(request)
     172        self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, instance.done, None)
     174    def test_revalidation(self):
     175        request = get_request()
     177        testform = TestWizard.as_view([('start', Step1), ('step2', Step2)])
     178        response, instance = testform(request)
     179        instance.render_done(None)
     180        self.assertEqual(instance.storage.current_step, 'start')
     183class SessionFormTests(TestCase):
     184    def test_init(self):
     185        request = get_request()
     186        testform = SessionWizardView.as_view([('start', Step1)])
     187        self.assertTrue(isinstance(testform(request), TemplateResponse))
     190class CookieFormTests(TestCase):
     191    def test_init(self):
     192        request = get_request()
     193        testform = CookieWizardView.as_view([('start', Step1)])
     194        self.assertTrue(isinstance(testform(request), TemplateResponse))
  • new file django/contrib/formtools/wizard/tests/loadstoragetests.py

    diff --git a/django/contrib/formtools/wizard/tests/loadstoragetests.py b/django/contrib/formtools/wizard/tests/loadstoragetests.py
    new file mode 100644
    index 0000000..267dee0
    - +  
     1from django.test import TestCase
     3from django.contrib.formtools.wizard.storage import (get_storage,
     4                                                     MissingStorageModule,
     5                                                     MissingStorageClass)
     6from django.contrib.formtools.wizard.storage.base import BaseStorage
     9class TestLoadStorage(TestCase):
     10    def test_load_storage(self):
     11        self.assertEqual(
     12            type(get_storage('django.contrib.formtools.wizard.storage.base.BaseStorage', 'wizard1')),
     13            BaseStorage)
     15    def test_missing_module(self):
     16        self.assertRaises(MissingStorageModule, get_storage,
     17            'django.contrib.formtools.wizard.storage.idontexist.IDontExistStorage', 'wizard1')
     19    def test_missing_class(self):
     20        self.assertRaises(MissingStorageClass, get_storage,
     21            'django.contrib.formtools.wizard.storage.base.IDontExistStorage', 'wizard1')
  • new file django/contrib/formtools/wizard/tests/namedwizardtests/__init__.py

    diff --git a/django/contrib/formtools/wizard/tests/namedwizardtests/__init__.py b/django/contrib/formtools/wizard/tests/namedwizardtests/__init__.py
    new file mode 100644
    index 0000000..4387356
    - +  
     1from django.contrib.formtools.wizard.tests.namedwizardtests.tests import *
     2 No newline at end of file
  • new file django/contrib/formtools/wizard/tests/namedwizardtests/forms.py

    diff --git a/django/contrib/formtools/wizard/tests/namedwizardtests/forms.py b/django/contrib/formtools/wizard/tests/namedwizardtests/forms.py
    new file mode 100644
    index 0000000..ae98126
    - +  
     1from django import forms
     2from django.forms.formsets import formset_factory
     3from django.http import HttpResponse
     4from django.template import Template, Context
     6from django.contrib.auth.models import User
     8from django.contrib.formtools.wizard.views import NamedUrlWizardView
     10class Page1(forms.Form):
     11    name = forms.CharField(max_length=100)
     12    user = forms.ModelChoiceField(queryset=User.objects.all())
     13    thirsty = forms.NullBooleanField()
     15class Page2(forms.Form):
     16    address1 = forms.CharField(max_length=100)
     17    address2 = forms.CharField(max_length=100)
     19class Page3(forms.Form):
     20    random_crap = forms.CharField(max_length=100)
     22Page4 = formset_factory(Page3, extra=2)
     24class ContactWizard(NamedUrlWizardView):
     25    def done(self, form_list, **kwargs):
     26        c = Context({
     27            'form_list': [x.cleaned_data for x in form_list],
     28            'all_cleaned_data': self.get_all_cleaned_data()
     29        })
     31        for form in self.form_list.keys():
     32            c[form] = self.get_cleaned_data_for_step(form)
     34        c['this_will_fail'] = self.get_cleaned_data_for_step('this_will_fail')
     35        return HttpResponse(Template('').render(c))
     37class SessionContactWizard(ContactWizard):
     38    storage_name = 'django.contrib.formtools.wizard.storage.session.SessionStorage'
     40class CookieContactWizard(ContactWizard):
     41    storage_name = 'django.contrib.formtools.wizard.storage.cookie.CookieStorage'
  • new file django/contrib/formtools/wizard/tests/namedwizardtests/tests.py

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    index 0000000..f0e9c0c
    - +  
     1import os
     3from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
     4from django.http import QueryDict
     5from django.test import TestCase
     6from django.conf import settings
     8from django.contrib.auth.models import User
     10from django.contrib.formtools import wizard
     12from django.contrib.formtools.wizard.views import (NamedUrlSessionWizardView,
     13                                                   NamedUrlCookieWizardView)
     14from django.contrib.formtools.wizard.tests.formtests import (get_request,
     15                                                             Step1,
     16                                                             Step2)
     18class NamedWizardTests(object):
     19    urls = 'django.contrib.formtools.wizard.tests.namedwizardtests.urls'
     21    def setUp(self):
     22        self.testuser, created = User.objects.get_or_create(username='testuser1')
     23        self.wizard_step_data[0]['form1-user'] = self.testuser.pk
     25        wizard_template_dirs = [os.path.join(os.path.dirname(wizard.__file__), 'templates')]
     26        settings.TEMPLATE_DIRS = list(settings.TEMPLATE_DIRS) + wizard_template_dirs
     28    def tearDown(self):
     29        del settings.TEMPLATE_DIRS[-1]
     31    def test_initial_call(self):
     32        response = self.client.get(reverse('%s_start' % self.wizard_urlname))
     33        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 302)
     34        response = self.client.get(response['Location'])
     35        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
     36        wizard = response.context['wizard']
     37        self.assertEqual(wizard['steps'].current, 'form1')
     38        self.assertEqual(wizard['steps'].step0, 0)
     39        self.assertEqual(wizard['steps'].step1, 1)
     40        self.assertEqual(wizard['steps'].last, 'form4')
     41        self.assertEqual(wizard['steps'].prev, None)
     42        self.assertEqual(wizard['steps'].next, 'form2')
     43        self.assertEqual(wizard['steps'].count, 4)
     45    def test_initial_call_with_params(self):
     46        get_params = {'getvar1': 'getval1', 'getvar2': 'getval2'}
     47        response = self.client.get(reverse('%s_start' % self.wizard_urlname),
     48                                   get_params)
     49        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 302)
     51        # Test for proper redirect GET parameters
     52        location = response['Location']
     53        self.assertNotEqual(location.find('?'), -1)
     54        querydict = QueryDict(location[location.find('?') + 1:])
     55        self.assertEqual(dict(querydict.items()), get_params)
     57    def test_form_post_error(self):
     58        response = self.client.post(
     59            reverse(self.wizard_urlname, kwargs={'step': 'form1'}),
     60            self.wizard_step_1_data)
     62        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
     63        self.assertEqual(response.context['wizard']['steps'].current, 'form1')
     64        self.assertEqual(response.context['wizard']['form'].errors,
     65                         {'name': [u'This field is required.'],
     66                          'user': [u'This field is required.']})
     68    def test_form_post_success(self):
     69        response = self.client.post(
     70            reverse(self.wizard_urlname, kwargs={'step': 'form1'}),
     71            self.wizard_step_data[0])
     72        response = self.client.get(response['Location'])
     74        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
     75        wizard = response.context['wizard']
     76        self.assertEqual(wizard['steps'].current, 'form2')
     77        self.assertEqual(wizard['steps'].step0, 1)
     78        self.assertEqual(wizard['steps'].prev, 'form1')
     79        self.assertEqual(wizard['steps'].next, 'form3')
     81    def test_form_stepback(self):
     82        response = self.client.get(
     83            reverse(self.wizard_urlname, kwargs={'step': 'form1'}))
     85        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
     86        self.assertEqual(response.context['wizard']['steps'].current, 'form1')
     88        response = self.client.post(
     89            reverse(self.wizard_urlname, kwargs={'step': 'form1'}),
     90            self.wizard_step_data[0])
     91        response = self.client.get(response['Location'])
     93        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
     94        self.assertEqual(response.context['wizard']['steps'].current, 'form2')
     96        response = self.client.post(
     97            reverse(self.wizard_urlname, kwargs={
     98                'step': response.context['wizard']['steps'].current
     99            }), {'wizard_prev_step': response.context['wizard']['steps'].prev})
     100        response = self.client.get(response['Location'])
     102        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
     103        self.assertEqual(response.context['wizard']['steps'].current, 'form1')
     105    def test_form_jump(self):
     106        response = self.client.get(
     107            reverse(self.wizard_urlname, kwargs={'step': 'form1'}))
     109        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
     110        self.assertEqual(response.context['wizard']['steps'].current, 'form1')
     112        response = self.client.get(
     113            reverse(self.wizard_urlname, kwargs={'step': 'form3'}))
     114        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
     115        self.assertEqual(response.context['wizard']['steps'].current, 'form3')
     117    def test_form_finish(self):
     118        response = self.client.get(
     119            reverse(self.wizard_urlname, kwargs={'step': 'form1'}))
     121        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
     122        self.assertEqual(response.context['wizard']['steps'].current, 'form1')
     124        response = self.client.post(
     125            reverse(self.wizard_urlname,
     126                    kwargs={'step': response.context['wizard']['steps'].current}),
     127            self.wizard_step_data[0])
     128        response = self.client.get(response['Location'])
     130        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
     131        self.assertEqual(response.context['wizard']['steps'].current, 'form2')
     133        response = self.client.post(
     134            reverse(self.wizard_urlname,
     135                    kwargs={'step': response.context['wizard']['steps'].current}),
     136            self.wizard_step_data[1])
     137        response = self.client.get(response['Location'])
     139        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
     140        self.assertEqual(response.context['wizard']['steps'].current, 'form3')
     142        response = self.client.post(
     143            reverse(self.wizard_urlname,
     144                    kwargs={'step': response.context['wizard']['steps'].current}),
     145            self.wizard_step_data[2])
     146        response = self.client.get(response['Location'])
     148        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
     149        self.assertEqual(response.context['wizard']['steps'].current, 'form4')
     151        response = self.client.post(
     152            reverse(self.wizard_urlname,
     153                    kwargs={'step': response.context['wizard']['steps'].current}),
     154            self.wizard_step_data[3])
     155        response = self.client.get(response['Location'])
     156        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
     158        self.assertEqual(response.context['form_list'], [
     159            {'name': u'Pony', 'thirsty': True, 'user': self.testuser},
     160            {'address1': u'123 Main St', 'address2': u'Djangoland'},
     161            {'random_crap': u'blah blah'},
     162            [{'random_crap': u'blah blah'}, {'random_crap': u'blah blah'}]])
     164    def test_cleaned_data(self):
     165        response = self.client.get(
     166            reverse(self.wizard_urlname, kwargs={'step': 'form1'}))
     167        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
     169        response = self.client.post(
     170            reverse(self.wizard_urlname,
     171                    kwargs={'step': response.context['wizard']['steps'].current}),
     172            self.wizard_step_data[0])
     173        response = self.client.get(response['Location'])
     174        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
     176        response = self.client.post(
     177            reverse(self.wizard_urlname,
     178                    kwargs={'step': response.context['wizard']['steps'].current}),
     179            self.wizard_step_data[1])
     180        response = self.client.get(response['Location'])
     181        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
     183        response = self.client.post(
     184            reverse(self.wizard_urlname,
     185                    kwargs={'step': response.context['wizard']['steps'].current}),
     186            self.wizard_step_data[2])
     187        response = self.client.get(response['Location'])
     188        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
     190        response = self.client.post(
     191            reverse(self.wizard_urlname,
     192                    kwargs={'step': response.context['wizard']['steps'].current}),
     193            self.wizard_step_data[3])
     194        response = self.client.get(response['Location'])
     195        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
     197        self.assertEqual(
     198            response.context['all_cleaned_data'],
     199            {'name': u'Pony', 'thirsty': True, 'user': self.testuser,
     200             'address1': u'123 Main St', 'address2': u'Djangoland',
     201             'random_crap': u'blah blah', 'formset-form4': [
     202                 {'random_crap': u'blah blah'},
     203                 {'random_crap': u'blah blah'}
     204             ]})
     206    def test_manipulated_data(self):
     207        response = self.client.get(
     208            reverse(self.wizard_urlname, kwargs={'step': 'form1'}))
     209        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
     211        response = self.client.post(
     212            reverse(self.wizard_urlname,
     213                    kwargs={'step': response.context['wizard']['steps'].current}),
     214            self.wizard_step_data[0])
     215        response = self.client.get(response['Location'])
     216        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
     218        response = self.client.post(
     219            reverse(self.wizard_urlname,
     220                    kwargs={'step': response.context['wizard']['steps'].current}),
     221            self.wizard_step_data[1])
     222        response = self.client.get(response['Location'])
     223        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
     225        response = self.client.post(
     226            reverse(self.wizard_urlname,
     227                    kwargs={'step': response.context['wizard']['steps'].current}),
     228            self.wizard_step_data[2])
     229        loc = response['Location']
     230        response = self.client.get(loc)
     231        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200, loc)
     233        self.client.cookies.pop('sessionid', None)
     234        self.client.cookies.pop('wizard_cookie_contact_wizard', None)
     236        response = self.client.post(
     237            reverse(self.wizard_urlname,
     238                    kwargs={'step': response.context['wizard']['steps'].current}),
     239            self.wizard_step_data[3])
     241        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
     242        self.assertEqual(response.context['wizard']['steps'].current, 'form1')
     244    def test_form_reset(self):
     245        response = self.client.post(
     246            reverse(self.wizard_urlname, kwargs={'step': 'form1'}),
     247            self.wizard_step_data[0])
     248        response = self.client.get(response['Location'])
     249        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
     250        self.assertEqual(response.context['wizard']['steps'].current, 'form2')
     252        response = self.client.get(
     253            '%s?reset=1' % reverse('%s_start' % self.wizard_urlname))
     254        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 302)
     256        response = self.client.get(response['Location'])
     257        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
     258        self.assertEqual(response.context['wizard']['steps'].current, 'form1')
     260class NamedSessionWizardTests(NamedWizardTests, TestCase):
     261    wizard_urlname = 'nwiz_session'
     262    wizard_step_1_data = {
     263        'session_contact_wizard-current_step': 'form1',
     264    }
     265    wizard_step_data = (
     266        {
     267            'form1-name': 'Pony',
     268            'form1-thirsty': '2',
     269            'session_contact_wizard-current_step': 'form1',
     270        },
     271        {
     272            'form2-address1': '123 Main St',
     273            'form2-address2': 'Djangoland',
     274            'session_contact_wizard-current_step': 'form2',
     275        },
     276        {
     277            'form3-random_crap': 'blah blah',
     278            'session_contact_wizard-current_step': 'form3',
     279        },
     280        {
     281            'form4-INITIAL_FORMS': '0',
     282            'form4-TOTAL_FORMS': '2',
     283            'form4-MAX_NUM_FORMS': '0',
     284            'form4-0-random_crap': 'blah blah',
     285            'form4-1-random_crap': 'blah blah',
     286            'session_contact_wizard-current_step': 'form4',
     287        }
     288    )
     290class NamedCookieWizardTests(NamedWizardTests, TestCase):
     291    wizard_urlname = 'nwiz_cookie'
     292    wizard_step_1_data = {
     293        'cookie_contact_wizard-current_step': 'form1',
     294    }
     295    wizard_step_data = (
     296        {
     297            'form1-name': 'Pony',
     298            'form1-thirsty': '2',
     299            'cookie_contact_wizard-current_step': 'form1',
     300        },
     301        {
     302            'form2-address1': '123 Main St',
     303            'form2-address2': 'Djangoland',
     304            'cookie_contact_wizard-current_step': 'form2',
     305        },
     306        {
     307            'form3-random_crap': 'blah blah',
     308            'cookie_contact_wizard-current_step': 'form3',
     309        },
     310        {
     311            'form4-INITIAL_FORMS': '0',
     312            'form4-TOTAL_FORMS': '2',
     313            'form4-MAX_NUM_FORMS': '0',
     314            'form4-0-random_crap': 'blah blah',
     315            'form4-1-random_crap': 'blah blah',
     316            'cookie_contact_wizard-current_step': 'form4',
     317        }
     318    )
     321class NamedFormTests(object):
     322    urls = 'django.contrib.formtools.wizard.tests.namedwizardtests.urls'
     324    def test_add_extra_context(self):
     325        request = get_request()
     327        testform = self.formwizard_class.as_view(
     328            [('start', Step1), ('step2', Step2)],
     329            url_name=self.wizard_urlname)
     331        response, instance = testform(request,
     332                                      step='form1',
     333                                      extra_context={'key1': 'value1'})
     334        self.assertEqual(instance.get_extra_data(), {'key1': 'value1'})
     336        instance.storage.reset()
     338        response, instance = testform(request,
     339                                      extra_context={'key2': 'value2'})
     340        self.assertEqual(instance.get_extra_data(), {'key2': 'value2'})
     342    def test_revalidation(self):
     343        request = get_request()
     345        testform = self.formwizard_class.as_view(
     346            [('start', Step1), ('step2', Step2)],
     347            url_name=self.wizard_urlname)
     348        response, instance = testform(request, step='done')
     350        instance.render_done(None)
     351        self.assertEqual(instance.storage.current_step, 'start')
     353class TestNamedUrlSessionFormWizard(NamedUrlSessionWizardView):
     355    def dispatch(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
     356        response = super(TestNamedUrlSessionFormWizard, self).dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs)
     357        return response, self
     359class TestNamedUrlCookieFormWizard(NamedUrlCookieWizardView):
     361    def dispatch(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
     362        response = super(TestNamedUrlCookieFormWizard, self).dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs)
     363        return response, self
     366class NamedSessionFormTests(NamedFormTests, TestCase):
     367    formwizard_class = TestNamedUrlSessionFormWizard
     368    wizard_urlname = 'nwiz_session'
     371class NamedCookieFormTests(NamedFormTests, TestCase):
     372    formwizard_class = TestNamedUrlCookieFormWizard
     373    wizard_urlname = 'nwiz_cookie'
  • new file django/contrib/formtools/wizard/tests/namedwizardtests/urls.py

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    index 0000000..a97ca98
    - +  
     1from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
     2from django.contrib.formtools.wizard.tests.namedwizardtests.forms import (
     3    SessionContactWizard, CookieContactWizard, Page1, Page2, Page3, Page4)
     5def get_named_session_wizard():
     6    return SessionContactWizard.as_view(
     7        [('form1', Page1), ('form2', Page2), ('form3', Page3), ('form4', Page4)],
     8        url_name='nwiz_session',
     9        done_step_name='nwiz_session_done'
     10    )
     12def get_named_cookie_wizard():
     13    return CookieContactWizard.as_view(
     14        [('form1', Page1), ('form2', Page2), ('form3', Page3), ('form4', Page4)],
     15        url_name='nwiz_cookie',
     16        done_step_name='nwiz_cookie_done'
     17    )
     19urlpatterns = patterns('',
     20    url(r'^nwiz_session/(?P<step>.+)/$', get_named_session_wizard(), name='nwiz_session'),
     21    url(r'^nwiz_session/$', get_named_session_wizard(), name='nwiz_session_start'),
     22    url(r'^nwiz_cookie/(?P<step>.+)/$', get_named_cookie_wizard(), name='nwiz_cookie'),
     23    url(r'^nwiz_cookie/$', get_named_cookie_wizard(), name='nwiz_cookie_start'),
  • new file django/contrib/formtools/wizard/tests/sessionstoragetests.py

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    index 0000000..c643921
    - +  
     1from django.test import TestCase
     3from django.contrib.formtools.wizard.tests.storagetests import TestStorage
     4from django.contrib.formtools.wizard.storage.session import SessionStorage
     6class TestSessionStorage(TestStorage, TestCase):
     7    def get_storage(self):
     8        return SessionStorage
  • new file django/contrib/formtools/wizard/tests/storagetests.py

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    index 0000000..fec4fae
    - +  
     1from datetime import datetime
     3from django.http import HttpRequest
     4from django.conf import settings
     5from django.utils.importlib import import_module
     7from django.contrib.auth.models import User
     9def get_request():
     10    request = HttpRequest()
     11    engine = import_module(settings.SESSION_ENGINE)
     12    request.session = engine.SessionStore(None)
     13    return request
     15class TestStorage(object):
     16    def setUp(self):
     17        self.testuser, created = User.objects.get_or_create(username='testuser1')
     19    def test_current_step(self):
     20        request = get_request()
     21        storage = self.get_storage()('wizard1', request, None)
     22        my_step = 2
     24        self.assertEqual(storage.current_step, None)
     26        storage.current_step = my_step
     27        self.assertEqual(storage.current_step, my_step)
     29        storage.reset()
     30        self.assertEqual(storage.current_step, None)
     32        storage.current_step = my_step
     33        storage2 = self.get_storage()('wizard2', request, None)
     34        self.assertEqual(storage2.current_step, None)
     36    def test_step_data(self):
     37        request = get_request()
     38        storage = self.get_storage()('wizard1', request, None)
     39        step1 = 'start'
     40        step_data1 = {'field1': 'data1',
     41                      'field2': 'data2',
     42                      'field3': datetime.now(),
     43                      'field4': self.testuser}
     45        self.assertEqual(storage.get_step_data(step1), None)
     47        storage.set_step_data(step1, step_data1)
     48        self.assertEqual(storage.get_step_data(step1), step_data1)
     50        storage.reset()
     51        self.assertEqual(storage.get_step_data(step1), None)
     53        storage.set_step_data(step1, step_data1)
     54        storage2 = self.get_storage()('wizard2', request, None)
     55        self.assertEqual(storage2.get_step_data(step1), None)
     57    def test_extra_context(self):
     58        request = get_request()
     59        storage = self.get_storage()('wizard1', request, None)
     60        extra_context = {'key1': 'data1',
     61                         'key2': 'data2',
     62                         'key3': datetime.now(),
     63                         'key4': self.testuser}
     65        self.assertEqual(storage.extra_data, {})
     67        storage.extra_data = extra_context
     68        self.assertEqual(storage.extra_data, extra_context)
     70        storage.reset()
     71        self.assertEqual(storage.extra_data, {})
     73        storage.extra_data = extra_context
     74        storage2 = self.get_storage()('wizard2', request, None)
     75        self.assertEqual(storage2.extra_data, {})
  • new file django/contrib/formtools/wizard/tests/wizardtests/__init__.py

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    - +  
     1from django.contrib.formtools.wizard.tests.wizardtests.tests import *
     2 No newline at end of file
  • new file django/contrib/formtools/wizard/tests/wizardtests/forms.py

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    index 0000000..726d74a
    - +  
     1import tempfile
     3from django import forms
     4from django.core.files.storage import FileSystemStorage
     5from django.forms.formsets import formset_factory
     6from django.http import HttpResponse
     7from django.template import Template, Context
     9from django.contrib.auth.models import User
     11from django.contrib.formtools.wizard.views import WizardView
     13temp_storage_location = tempfile.mkdtemp()
     14temp_storage = FileSystemStorage(location=temp_storage_location)
     16class Page1(forms.Form):
     17    name = forms.CharField(max_length=100)
     18    user = forms.ModelChoiceField(queryset=User.objects.all())
     19    thirsty = forms.NullBooleanField()
     21class Page2(forms.Form):
     22    address1 = forms.CharField(max_length=100)
     23    address2 = forms.CharField(max_length=100)
     24    file1 = forms.FileField()
     26class Page3(forms.Form):
     27    random_crap = forms.CharField(max_length=100)
     29Page4 = formset_factory(Page3, extra=2)
     31class ContactWizard(WizardView):
     32    file_storage = temp_storage
     34    def done(self, form_list, **kwargs):
     35        c = Context({
     36            'form_list': [x.cleaned_data for x in form_list],
     37            'all_cleaned_data': self.get_all_cleaned_data()
     38        })
     40        for form in self.form_list.keys():
     41            c[form] = self.get_cleaned_data_for_step(form)
     43        c['this_will_fail'] = self.get_cleaned_data_for_step('this_will_fail')
     44        return HttpResponse(Template('').render(c))
     46    def get_context_data(self, form, **kwargs):
     47        context = super(ContactWizard, self).get_context_data(form, **kwargs)
     48        if self.storage.current_step == 'form2':
     49            context.update({'another_var': True})
     50        return context
     52class SessionContactWizard(ContactWizard):
     53    storage_name = 'django.contrib.formtools.wizard.storage.session.SessionStorage'
     55class CookieContactWizard(ContactWizard):
     56    storage_name = 'django.contrib.formtools.wizard.storage.cookie.CookieStorage'
  • new file django/contrib/formtools/wizard/tests/wizardtests/tests.py

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    - +  
     1import os
     3from django.test import TestCase
     4from django.conf import settings
     5from django.contrib.auth.models import User
     7from django.contrib.formtools import wizard
     9class WizardTests(object):
     10    urls = 'django.contrib.formtools.wizard.tests.wizardtests.urls'
     12    def setUp(self):
     13        self.testuser, created = User.objects.get_or_create(username='testuser1')
     14        self.wizard_step_data[0]['form1-user'] = self.testuser.pk
     16        wizard_template_dirs = [os.path.join(os.path.dirname(wizard.__file__), 'templates')]
     17        settings.TEMPLATE_DIRS = list(settings.TEMPLATE_DIRS) + wizard_template_dirs
     19    def tearDown(self):
     20        del settings.TEMPLATE_DIRS[-1]
     22    def test_initial_call(self):
     23        response = self.client.get(self.wizard_url)
     24        wizard = response.context['wizard']
     25        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
     26        self.assertEqual(wizard['steps'].current, 'form1')
     27        self.assertEqual(wizard['steps'].step0, 0)
     28        self.assertEqual(wizard['steps'].step1, 1)
     29        self.assertEqual(wizard['steps'].last, 'form4')
     30        self.assertEqual(wizard['steps'].prev, None)
     31        self.assertEqual(wizard['steps'].next, 'form2')
     32        self.assertEqual(wizard['steps'].count, 4)
     34    def test_form_post_error(self):
     35        response = self.client.post(self.wizard_url, self.wizard_step_1_data)
     36        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
     37        self.assertEqual(response.context['wizard']['steps'].current, 'form1')
     38        self.assertEqual(response.context['wizard']['form'].errors,
     39                         {'name': [u'This field is required.'],
     40                          'user': [u'This field is required.']})
     42    def test_form_post_success(self):
     43        response = self.client.post(self.wizard_url, self.wizard_step_data[0])
     44        wizard = response.context['wizard']
     45        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
     46        self.assertEqual(wizard['steps'].current, 'form2')
     47        self.assertEqual(wizard['steps'].step0, 1)
     48        self.assertEqual(wizard['steps'].prev, 'form1')
     49        self.assertEqual(wizard['steps'].next, 'form3')
     51    def test_form_stepback(self):
     52        response = self.client.get(self.wizard_url)
     53        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
     54        self.assertEqual(response.context['wizard']['steps'].current, 'form1')
     56        response = self.client.post(self.wizard_url, self.wizard_step_data[0])
     57        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
     58        self.assertEqual(response.context['wizard']['steps'].current, 'form2')
     60        response = self.client.post(self.wizard_url, {
     61            'wizard_prev_step': response.context['wizard']['steps'].prev})
     62        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
     63        self.assertEqual(response.context['wizard']['steps'].current, 'form1')
     65    def test_template_context(self):
     66        response = self.client.get(self.wizard_url)
     67        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
     68        self.assertEqual(response.context['wizard']['steps'].current, 'form1')
     69        self.assertEqual(response.context.get('another_var', None), None)
     71        response = self.client.post(self.wizard_url, self.wizard_step_data[0])
     72        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
     73        self.assertEqual(response.context['wizard']['steps'].current, 'form2')
     74        self.assertEqual(response.context.get('another_var', None), True)
     76    def test_form_finish(self):
     77        response = self.client.get(self.wizard_url)
     78        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
     79        self.assertEqual(response.context['wizard']['steps'].current, 'form1')
     81        response = self.client.post(self.wizard_url, self.wizard_step_data[0])
     82        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
     83        self.assertEqual(response.context['wizard']['steps'].current, 'form2')
     85        post_data = self.wizard_step_data[1]
     86        post_data['form2-file1'] = open(__file__)
     87        response = self.client.post(self.wizard_url, post_data)
     88        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
     89        self.assertEqual(response.context['wizard']['steps'].current, 'form3')
     91        response = self.client.post(self.wizard_url, self.wizard_step_data[2])
     92        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
     93        self.assertEqual(response.context['wizard']['steps'].current, 'form4')
     95        response = self.client.post(self.wizard_url, self.wizard_step_data[3])
     96        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
     98        all_data = response.context['form_list']
     99        self.assertEqual(all_data[1]['file1'].read(), open(__file__).read())
     100        del all_data[1]['file1']
     101        self.assertEqual(all_data, [
     102            {'name': u'Pony', 'thirsty': True, 'user': self.testuser},
     103            {'address1': u'123 Main St', 'address2': u'Djangoland'},
     104            {'random_crap': u'blah blah'},
     105            [{'random_crap': u'blah blah'},
     106             {'random_crap': u'blah blah'}]])
     108    def test_cleaned_data(self):
     109        response = self.client.get(self.wizard_url)
     110        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
     112        response = self.client.post(self.wizard_url, self.wizard_step_data[0])
     113        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
     115        post_data = self.wizard_step_data[1]
     116        post_data['form2-file1'] = open(__file__)
     117        response = self.client.post(self.wizard_url, post_data)
     118        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
     120        response = self.client.post(self.wizard_url, self.wizard_step_data[2])
     121        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
     123        response = self.client.post(self.wizard_url, self.wizard_step_data[3])
     124        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
     126        all_data = response.context['all_cleaned_data']
     127        self.assertEqual(all_data['file1'].read(), open(__file__).read())
     128        del all_data['file1']
     129        self.assertEqual(all_data, {
     130            'name': u'Pony', 'thirsty': True, 'user': self.testuser,
     131            'address1': u'123 Main St', 'address2': u'Djangoland',
     132            'random_crap': u'blah blah', 'formset-form4': [
     133                {'random_crap': u'blah blah'},
     134                {'random_crap': u'blah blah'}]})
     136    def test_manipulated_data(self):
     137        response = self.client.get(self.wizard_url)
     138        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
     140        response = self.client.post(self.wizard_url, self.wizard_step_data[0])
     141        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
     143        post_data = self.wizard_step_data[1]
     144        post_data['form2-file1'] = open(__file__)
     145        response = self.client.post(self.wizard_url, post_data)
     146        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
     148        response = self.client.post(self.wizard_url, self.wizard_step_data[2])
     149        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
     150        self.client.cookies.pop('sessionid', None)
     151        self.client.cookies.pop('wizard_cookie_contact_wizard', None)
     153        response = self.client.post(self.wizard_url, self.wizard_step_data[3])
     154        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
     155        self.assertEqual(response.context['wizard']['steps'].current, 'form1')
     157    def test_form_refresh(self):
     158        response = self.client.get(self.wizard_url)
     159        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
     160        self.assertEqual(response.context['wizard']['steps'].current, 'form1')
     162        response = self.client.post(self.wizard_url, self.wizard_step_data[0])
     163        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
     164        self.assertEqual(response.context['wizard']['steps'].current, 'form2')
     166        response = self.client.post(self.wizard_url, self.wizard_step_data[0])
     167        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
     168        self.assertEqual(response.context['wizard']['steps'].current, 'form2')
     170        post_data = self.wizard_step_data[1]
     171        post_data['form2-file1'] = open(__file__)
     172        response = self.client.post(self.wizard_url, post_data)
     173        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
     174        self.assertEqual(response.context['wizard']['steps'].current, 'form3')
     176        response = self.client.post(self.wizard_url, self.wizard_step_data[2])
     177        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
     178        self.assertEqual(response.context['wizard']['steps'].current, 'form4')
     180        response = self.client.post(self.wizard_url, self.wizard_step_data[0])
     181        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
     182        self.assertEqual(response.context['wizard']['steps'].current, 'form2')
     184        response = self.client.post(self.wizard_url, self.wizard_step_data[3])
     185        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
     188class SessionWizardTests(WizardTests, TestCase):
     189    wizard_url = '/wiz_session/'
     190    wizard_step_1_data = {
     191        'session_contact_wizard-current_step': 'form1',
     192    }
     193    wizard_step_data = (
     194        {
     195            'form1-name': 'Pony',
     196            'form1-thirsty': '2',
     197            'session_contact_wizard-current_step': 'form1',
     198        },
     199        {
     200            'form2-address1': '123 Main St',
     201            'form2-address2': 'Djangoland',
     202            'session_contact_wizard-current_step': 'form2',
     203        },
     204        {
     205            'form3-random_crap': 'blah blah',
     206            'session_contact_wizard-current_step': 'form3',
     207        },
     208        {
     209            'form4-INITIAL_FORMS': '0',
     210            'form4-TOTAL_FORMS': '2',
     211            'form4-MAX_NUM_FORMS': '0',
     212            'form4-0-random_crap': 'blah blah',
     213            'form4-1-random_crap': 'blah blah',
     214            'session_contact_wizard-current_step': 'form4',
     215        }
     216    )
     218class CookieWizardTests(WizardTests, TestCase):
     219    wizard_url = '/wiz_cookie/'
     220    wizard_step_1_data = {
     221        'cookie_contact_wizard-current_step': 'form1',
     222    }
     223    wizard_step_data = (
     224        {
     225            'form1-name': 'Pony',
     226            'form1-thirsty': '2',
     227            'cookie_contact_wizard-current_step': 'form1',
     228        },
     229        {
     230            'form2-address1': '123 Main St',
     231            'form2-address2': 'Djangoland',
     232            'cookie_contact_wizard-current_step': 'form2',
     233        },
     234        {
     235            'form3-random_crap': 'blah blah',
     236            'cookie_contact_wizard-current_step': 'form3',
     237        },
     238        {
     239            'form4-INITIAL_FORMS': '0',
     240            'form4-TOTAL_FORMS': '2',
     241            'form4-MAX_NUM_FORMS': '0',
     242            'form4-0-random_crap': 'blah blah',
     243            'form4-1-random_crap': 'blah blah',
     244            'cookie_contact_wizard-current_step': 'form4',
     245        }
     246    )
  • new file django/contrib/formtools/wizard/tests/wizardtests/urls.py

    diff --git a/django/contrib/formtools/wizard/tests/wizardtests/urls.py b/django/contrib/formtools/wizard/tests/wizardtests/urls.py
    new file mode 100644
    index 0000000..e305397
    - +  
     1from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
     2from django.contrib.formtools.wizard.tests.wizardtests.forms import (
     3    SessionContactWizard, CookieContactWizard, Page1, Page2, Page3, Page4)
     5urlpatterns = patterns('',
     6    url(r'^wiz_session/$', SessionContactWizard.as_view(
     7        [('form1', Page1),
     8         ('form2', Page2),
     9         ('form3', Page3),
     10         ('form4', Page4)])),
     11    url(r'^wiz_cookie/$', CookieContactWizard.as_view(
     12        [('form1', Page1),
     13         ('form2', Page2),
     14         ('form3', Page3),
     15         ('form4', Page4)])),
  • new file django/contrib/formtools/wizard/views.py

    diff --git a/django/contrib/formtools/wizard/views.py b/django/contrib/formtools/wizard/views.py
    new file mode 100644
    index 0000000..9cd5261
    - +  
     1import copy
     2import re
     4from django import forms
     5from django.shortcuts import redirect
     6from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
     7from django.forms import formsets, ValidationError
     8from django.views.generic import TemplateView
     9from django.utils.datastructures import SortedDict
     10from django.utils.decorators import classonlymethod
     12from django.contrib.formtools.wizard.storage import get_storage
     13from django.contrib.formtools.wizard.storage.exceptions import NoFileStorageConfigured
     14from django.contrib.formtools.wizard.forms import ManagementForm
     17def normalize_name(name):
     18    new = re.sub('(((?<=[a-z])[A-Z])|([A-Z](?![A-Z]|$)))', '_\\1', name)
     19    return new.lower().strip('_')
     21class StepsHelper(object):
     23    def __init__(self, wizard):
     24        self._wizard = wizard
     26    def __dir__(self):
     27        return self.all
     29    def __len__(self):
     30        return self.count
     32    def __repr__(self):
     33        return '<StepsHelper for %s (steps: %s)>' % (self._wizard, self.all)
     35    @property
     36    def all(self):
     37        "Returns the names of all steps/forms."
     38        return self._wizard.get_form_list().keys()
     40    @property
     41    def count(self):
     42        "Returns the total number of steps/forms in this the wizard."
     43        return len(self.all)
     45    @property
     46    def current(self):
     47        """
     48        Returns the current step. If no current step is stored in the
     49        storage backend, the first step will be returned.
     50        """
     51        return self._wizard.storage.current_step or self.first
     53    @property
     54    def first(self):
     55        "Returns the name of the first step."
     56        return self.all[0]
     58    @property
     59    def last(self):
     60        "Returns the name of the last step."
     61        return self.all[-1]
     63    @property
     64    def next(self):
     65        "Returns the next step."
     66        return self._wizard.get_next_step()
     68    @property
     69    def prev(self):
     70        "Returns the previous step."
     71        return self._wizard.get_prev_step()
     73    @property
     74    def index(self):
     75        "Returns the index for the current step."
     76        return self._wizard.get_step_index()
     78    @property
     79    def step0(self):
     80        return int(self.index)
     82    @property
     83    def step1(self):
     84        return int(self.index) + 1
     87class WizardView(TemplateView):
     88    """
     89    The WizardView is used to create multi-page forms and handles all the
     90    storage and validation stuff. The wizard is based on Django's generic
     91    class based views.
     92    """
     93    storage_name = None
     94    form_list = None
     95    initial_dict = None
     96    instance_dict = None
     97    condition_dict = None
     98    template_name = 'formtools/wizard/wizard_form.html'
     100    def __repr__(self):
     101        return '<%s: forms: %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.form_list)
     103    @classonlymethod
     104    def as_view(cls, *args, **kwargs):
     105        """
     106        This method is used within urls.py to create unique formwizard
     107        instances for every request. We need to override this method because
     108        we add some kwargs which are needed to make the formwizard usable.
     109        """
     110        initkwargs = cls.get_initkwargs(*args, **kwargs)
     111        return super(WizardView, cls).as_view(**initkwargs)
     113    @classmethod
     114    def get_initkwargs(cls, form_list,
     115            initial_dict=None, instance_dict=None, condition_dict=None):
     116        """
     117        Creates a dict with all needed parameters for the form wizard instances.
     119        * `form_list` - is a list of forms. The list entries can be single form
     120          classes or tuples of (`step_name`, `form_class`). If you pass a list
     121          of forms, the formwizard will convert the class list to
     122          (`zero_based_counter`, `form_class`). This is needed to access the
     123          form for a specific step.
     124        * `initial_dict` - contains a dictionary of initial data dictionaries.
     125          The key should be equal to the `step_name` in the `form_list` (or
     126          the str of the zero based counter - if no step_names added in the
     127          `form_list`)
     128        * `instance_dict` - contains a dictionary of instance objects. This list
     129          is only used when `ModelForm`s are used. The key should be equal to
     130          the `step_name` in the `form_list`. Same rules as for `initial_dict`
     131          apply.
     132        * `condition_dict` - contains a dictionary of boolean values or
     133          callables. If the value of for a specific `step_name` is callable it
     134          will be called with the formwizard instance as the only argument.
     135          If the return value is true, the step's form will be used.
     136        """
     137        kwargs = {
     138            'initial_dict': initial_dict or {},
     139            'instance_dict': instance_dict or {},
     140            'condition_dict': condition_dict or {},
     141        }
     142        init_form_list = SortedDict()
     144        assert len(form_list) > 0, 'at least one form is needed'
     146        # walk through the passed form list
     147        for i, form in enumerate(form_list):
     148            if isinstance(form, (list, tuple)):
     149                # if the element is a tuple, add the tuple to the new created
     150                # sorted dictionary.
     151                init_form_list[unicode(form[0])] = form[1]
     152            else:
     153                # if not, add the form with a zero based counter as unicode
     154                init_form_list[unicode(i)] = form
     156        # walk through the ne created list of forms
     157        for form in init_form_list.itervalues():
     158            if issubclass(form, formsets.BaseFormSet):
     159                # if the element is based on BaseFormSet (FormSet/ModelFormSet)
     160                # we need to override the form variable.
     161                form = form.form
     162            # check if any form contains a FileField, if yes, we need a
     163            # file_storage added to the formwizard (by subclassing).
     164            for field in form.base_fields.itervalues():
     165                if (isinstance(field, forms.FileField) and
     166                        not hasattr(cls, 'file_storage')):
     167                    raise NoFileStorageConfigured
     169        # build the kwargs for the formwizard instances
     170        kwargs['form_list'] = init_form_list
     171        return kwargs
     173    def get_wizard_name(self):
     174        return normalize_name(self.__class__.__name__)
     176    def get_prefix(self):
     177        # TODO: Add some kind of unique id to prefix
     178        return self.wizard_name
     180    def get_form_list(self):
     181        """
     182        This method returns a form_list based on the initial form list but
     183        checks if there is a condition method/value in the condition_list.
     184        If an entry exists in the condition list, it will call/read the value
     185        and respect the result. (True means add the form, False means ignore
     186        the form)
     188        The form_list is always generated on the fly because condition methods
     189        could use data from other (maybe previous forms).
     190        """
     191        form_list = SortedDict()
     192        for form_key, form_class in self.form_list.iteritems():
     193            # try to fetch the value from condition list, by default, the form
     194            # gets passed to the new list.
     195            condition = self.condition_dict.get(form_key, True)
     196            if callable(condition):
     197                # call the value if needed, passes the current instance.
     198                condition = condition(self)
     199            if condition:
     200                form_list[form_key] = form_class
     201        return form_list
     203    def dispatch(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
     204        """
     205        This method gets called by the routing engine. The first argument is
     206        `request` which contains a `HttpRequest` instance.
     207        The request is stored in `self.request` for later use. The storage
     208        instance is stored in `self.storage`.
     210        After processing the request using the `dispatch` method, the
     211        response gets updated by the storage engine (for example add cookies).
     212        """
     213        # add the storage engine to the current formwizard instance
     214        self.wizard_name = self.get_wizard_name()
     215        self.prefix = self.get_prefix()
     216        self.storage = get_storage(self.storage_name, self.prefix, request,
     217            getattr(self, 'file_storage', None))
     218        self.steps = StepsHelper(self)
     219        response = super(WizardView, self).dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs)
     221        # update the response (e.g. adding cookies)
     222        self.storage.update_response(response)
     223        return response
     225    def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
     226        """
     227        This method handles GET requests.
     229        If a GET request reaches this point, the wizard assumes that the user
     230        just starts at the first step or wants to restart the process.
     231        The data of the wizard will be resetted before rendering the first step.
     232        """
     233        self.storage.reset()
     235        # if there is an extra_context item in the kwargs,
     236        # pass the data to the storage engine.
     237        self.update_extra_data(kwargs.get('extra_context', {}))
     239        # reset the current step to the first step.
     240        self.storage.current_step = self.steps.first
     241        return self.render(self.get_form())
     243    def post(self, *args, **kwargs):
     244        """
     245        This method handles POST requests.
     247        The wizard will render either the current step (if form validation
     248        wasn't successful), the next step (if the current step was stored
     249        successful) or the done view (if no more steps are available)
     250        """
     251        # if there is an extra_context item in the kwargs,
     252        # pass the data to the storage engine.
     253        self.update_extra_data(kwargs.get('extra_context', {}))
     255        # Look for a wizard_prev_step element in the posted data which
     256        # contains a valid step name. If one was found, render the requested
     257        # form. (This makes stepping back a lot easier).
     258        wizard_prev_step = self.request.POST.get('wizard_prev_step', None)
     259        if wizard_prev_step and wizard_prev_step in self.get_form_list():
     260            self.storage.current_step = wizard_prev_step
     261            form = self.get_form(
     262                data=self.storage.get_step_data(self.steps.current),
     263                files=self.storage.get_step_files(self.steps.current))
     264            return self.render(form)
     266        # Check if form was refreshed
     267        management_form = ManagementForm(self.request.POST, prefix=self.prefix)
     268        if not management_form.is_valid():
     269            raise ValidationError(
     270                'ManagementForm data is missing or has been tampered.')
     272        form_current_step = management_form.cleaned_data['current_step']
     273        if (form_current_step != self.steps.current and
     274                self.storage.current_step is not None):
     275            # form refreshed, change current step
     276            self.storage.current_step = form_current_step
     278        # get the form for the current step
     279        form = self.get_form(data=self.request.POST, files=self.request.FILES)
     281        # and try to validate
     282        if form.is_valid():
     283            # if the form is valid, store the cleaned data and files.
     284            self.storage.set_step_data(self.steps.current, self.process_step(form))
     285            self.storage.set_step_files(self.steps.current, self.process_step_files(form))
     287            # check if the current step is the last step
     288            if self.steps.current == self.steps.last:
     289                # no more steps, render done view
     290                return self.render_done(form, **kwargs)
     291            else:
     292                # proceed to the next step
     293                return self.render_next_step(form)
     294        return self.render(form)
     296    def render_next_step(self, form, **kwargs):
     297        """
     298        THis method gets called when the next step/form should be rendered.
     299        `form` contains the last/current form.
     300        """
     301        # get the form instance based on the data from the storage backend
     302        # (if available).
     303        next_step = self.steps.next
     304        new_form = self.get_form(next_step,
     305            data=self.storage.get_step_data(next_step),
     306            files=self.storage.get_step_files(next_step))
     308        # change the stored current step
     309        self.storage.current_step = next_step
     310        return self.render(new_form, **kwargs)
     312    def render_done(self, form, **kwargs):
     313        """
     314        This method gets called when all forms passed. The method should also
     315        re-validate all steps to prevent manipulation. If any form don't
     316        validate, `render_revalidation_failure` should get called.
     317        If everything is fine call `done`.
     318        """
     319        final_form_list = []
     320        # walk through the form list and try to validate the data again.
     321        for form_key in self.get_form_list():
     322            form_obj = self.get_form(step=form_key,
     323                data=self.storage.get_step_data(form_key),
     324                files=self.storage.get_step_files(form_key))
     325            if not form_obj.is_valid():
     326                return self.render_revalidation_failure(form_key, form_obj, **kwargs)
     327            final_form_list.append(form_obj)
     329        # render the done view and reset the wizard before returning the
     330        # response. This is needed to prevent from rendering done with the
     331        # same data twice.
     332        done_response = self.done(final_form_list, **kwargs)
     333        self.storage.reset()
     334        return done_response
     336    def get_form_prefix(self, step=None, form=None):
     337        """
     338        Returns the prefix which will be used when calling the actual form for
     339        the given step. `step` contains the step-name, `form` the form which
     340        will be called with the returned prefix.
     342        If no step is given, the form_prefix will determine the current step
     343        automatically.
     344        """
     345        if step is None:
     346            step = self.steps.current
     347        return str(step)
     349    def get_form_initial(self, step):
     350        """
     351        Returns a dictionary which will be passed to the form for `step`
     352        as `initial`. If no initial data was provied while initializing the
     353        form wizard, a empty dictionary will be returned.
     354        """
     355        return self.initial_dict.get(step, {})
     357    def get_form_instance(self, step):
     358        """
     359        Returns a object which will be passed to the form for `step`
     360        as `instance`. If no instance object was provied while initializing
     361        the form wizard, None be returned.
     362        """
     363        return self.instance_dict.get(step, None)
     365    def get_form(self, step=None, data=None, files=None):
     366        """
     367        Constructs the form for a given `step`. If no `step` is defined, the
     368        current step will be determined automatically.
     370        The form will be initialized using the `data` argument to prefill the
     371        new form. If needed, instance or queryset (for `ModelForm` or
     372        `ModelFormSet`) will be added too.
     373        """
     374        if step is None:
     375            step = self.steps.current
     376        # prepare the kwargs for the form instance.
     377        kwargs = {
     378            'data': data,
     379            'files': files,
     380            'prefix': self.get_form_prefix(step, self.form_list[step]),
     381            'initial': self.get_form_initial(step),
     382        }
     383        if issubclass(self.form_list[step], forms.ModelForm):
     384            # If the form is based on ModelForm, add instance if available.
     385            kwargs.update({'instance': self.get_form_instance(step)})
     386        elif issubclass(self.form_list[step], forms.models.BaseModelFormSet):
     387            # If the form is based on ModelFormSet, add queryset if available.
     388            kwargs.update({'queryset': self.get_form_instance(step)})
     389        return self.form_list[step](**kwargs)
     391    def process_step(self, form):
     392        """
     393        This method is used to postprocess the form data. By default, it
     394        returns the raw `form.data` dictionary.
     395        """
     396        return self.get_form_step_data(form)
     398    def process_step_files(self, form):
     399        """
     400        This method is used to postprocess the form files. By default, it
     401        returns the raw `form.files` dictionary.
     402        """
     403        return self.get_form_step_files(form)
     405    def render_revalidation_failure(self, step, form, **kwargs):
     406        """
     407        Gets called when a form doesn't validate when rendering the done
     408        view. By default, it changed the current step to failing forms step
     409        and renders the form.
     410        """
     411        self.storage.current_step = step
     412        return self.render(form, **kwargs)
     414    def get_form_step_data(self, form):
     415        """
     416        Is used to return the raw form data. You may use this method to
     417        manipulate the data.
     418        """
     419        return form.data
     421    def get_form_step_files(self, form):
     422        """
     423        Is used to return the raw form files. You may use this method to
     424        manipulate the data.
     425        """
     426        return form.files
     428    def get_all_cleaned_data(self):
     429        """
     430        Returns a merged dictionary of all step cleaned_data dictionaries.
     431        If a step contains a `FormSet`, the key will be prefixed with formset
     432        and contain a list of the formset' cleaned_data dictionaries.
     433        """
     434        cleaned_data = {}
     435        for form_key in self.get_form_list():
     436            form_obj = self.get_form(
     437                step=form_key,
     438                data=self.storage.get_step_data(form_key),
     439                files=self.storage.get_step_files(form_key)
     440            )
     441            if form_obj.is_valid():
     442                if isinstance(form_obj.cleaned_data, (tuple, list)):
     443                    cleaned_data.update({
     444                        'formset-%s' % form_key: form_obj.cleaned_data
     445                    })
     446                else:
     447                    cleaned_data.update(form_obj.cleaned_data)
     448        return cleaned_data
     450    def get_cleaned_data_for_step(self, step):
     451        """
     452        Returns the cleaned data for a given `step`. Before returning the
     453        cleaned data, the stored values are being revalidated through the
     454        form. If the data doesn't validate, None will be returned.
     455        """
     456        if step in self.form_list:
     457            form_obj = self.get_form(step=step,
     458                data=self.storage.get_step_data(step),
     459                files=self.storage.get_step_files(step))
     460            if form_obj.is_valid():
     461                return form_obj.cleaned_data
     462        return None
     464    def get_next_step(self, step=None):
     465        """
     466        Returns the next step after the given `step`. If no more steps are
     467        available, None will be returned. If the `step` argument is None, the
     468        current step will be determined automatically.
     469        """
     470        if step is None:
     471            step = self.steps.current
     472        form_list = self.get_form_list()
     473        key = form_list.keyOrder.index(step) + 1
     474        if len(form_list.keyOrder) > key:
     475            return form_list.keyOrder[key]
     476        return None
     478    def get_prev_step(self, step=None):
     479        """
     480        Returns the previous step before the given `step`. If there are no
     481        steps available, None will be returned. If the `step` argument is
     482        None, the current step will be determined automatically.
     483        """
     484        if step is None:
     485            step = self.steps.current
     486        form_list = self.get_form_list()
     487        key = form_list.keyOrder.index(step) - 1
     488        if key >= 0:
     489            return form_list.keyOrder[key]
     490        return None
     492    def get_step_index(self, step=None):
     493        """
     494        Returns the index for the given `step` name. If no step is given,
     495        the current step will be used to get the index.
     496        """
     497        if step is None:
     498            step = self.steps.current
     499        return self.get_form_list().keyOrder.index(step)
     501    def get_context_data(self, form, *args, **kwargs):
     502        """
     503        Returns the template context for a step. You can overwrite this method
     504        to add more data for all or some steps. This method returns a
     505        dictionary containing the rendered form step. Available template
     506        context variables are:
     508         * `extra_data` - current extra data
     509         * `form` - form instance of the current step
     510         * `wizard` - the wizard instance itself
     512        Example:
     514        .. code-block:: python
     516            class MyWizard(FormWizard):
     517                def get_context_data(self, form, **kwargs):
     518                    context = super(MyWizard, self).get_context_data(form, **kwargs)
     519                    if self.steps.current == 'my_step_name':
     520                        context.update({'another_var': True})
     521                    return context
     522        """
     523        context = super(WizardView, self).get_context_data(*args, **kwargs)
     524        context.update(self.get_extra_data())
     525        context['wizard'] = {
     526            'form': form,
     527            'steps': self.steps,
     528            'managenent_form': ManagementForm(prefix=self.prefix, initial={
     529                'current_step': self.steps.current,
     530            }),
     531        }
     532        return context
     534    def get_extra_data(self):
     535        """
     536        Returns the extra data currently stored in the storage backend.
     537        """
     538        return self.storage.extra_data
     540    def update_extra_data(self, data):
     541        """
     542        Updates the currently stored extra data. Already stored extra
     543        context will be kept!
     544        """
     545        new_extra_data = copy.copy(self.get_extra_data())
     546        new_extra_data.update(data)
     547        self.storage.extra_data = new_extra_data
     549    def render(self, form=None, **kwargs):
     550        """
     551        Returns a ``HttpResponse`` containing a all needed context data.
     552        """
     553        form = form or self.get_form()
     554        context = self.get_context_data(form, **kwargs)
     555        return self.render_to_response(context)
     557    def done(self, form_list, **kwargs):
     558        """
     559        This method muss be overrided by a subclass to process to form data
     560        after processing all steps.
     561        """
     562        raise NotImplementedError("Your %s class has not defined a done() "
     563            "method, which is required." % self.__class__.__name__)
     566class SessionWizardView(WizardView):
     567    """
     568    A WizardView with pre-configured SessionStorage backend.
     569    """
     570    storage_name = 'django.contrib.formtools.wizard.storage.session.SessionStorage'
     573class CookieWizardView(WizardView):
     574    """
     575    A WizardView with pre-configured CookieStorage backend.
     576    """
     577    storage_name = 'django.contrib.formtools.wizard.storage.cookie.CookieStorage'
     580class NamedUrlWizardView(WizardView):
     581    """
     582    A WizardView with URL named steps support.
     583    """
     584    url_name = None
     585    done_step_name = None
     587    @classmethod
     588    def get_initkwargs(cls, *args, **kwargs):
     589        """
     590        We require a url_name to reverse URLs later. Additionally users can
     591        pass a done_step_name to change the URL name of the "done" view.
     592        """
     593        extra_kwargs = {
     594            'done_step_name': 'done'
     595        }
     596        assert 'url_name' in kwargs, 'URL name is needed to resolve correct wizard URLs'
     597        extra_kwargs['url_name'] = kwargs.pop('url_name')
     599        if 'done_step_name' in kwargs:
     600            extra_kwargs['done_step_name'] = kwargs.pop('done_step_name')
     602        initkwargs = super(NamedUrlWizardView, cls).get_initkwargs(*args, **kwargs)
     603        initkwargs.update(extra_kwargs)
     605        assert initkwargs['done_step_name'] not in initkwargs['form_list'], \
     606            'step name "%s" is reserved for "done" view' % initkwargs['done_step_name']
     608        return initkwargs
     610    def get(self, *args, **kwargs):
     611        """
     612        This renders the form or, if needed, does the http redirects.
     613        """
     614        self.update_extra_data(kwargs.get('extra_context', {}))
     615        step_url = kwargs.get('step', None)
     616        if step_url is None:
     617            if 'reset' in self.request.GET:
     618                self.storage.reset()
     619                self.storage.current_step = self.steps.first
     620            if self.request.GET:
     621                query_string = "?%s" % self.request.GET.urlencode()
     622            else:
     623                query_string = ""
     624            next_step_url = reverse(self.url_name, kwargs={
     625                'step': self.steps.current,
     626            }) + query_string
     627            return redirect(next_step_url)
     629        # is the current step the "done" name/view?
     630        elif step_url == self.done_step_name:
     631            last_step = self.steps.last
     632            return self.render_done(self.get_form(step=last_step,
     633                data=self.storage.get_step_data(last_step),
     634                files=self.storage.get_step_files(last_step)
     635            ), **kwargs)
     637        # is the url step name not equal to the step in the storage?
     638        # if yes, change the step in the storage (if name exists)
     639        elif step_url == self.steps.current:
     640            # URL step name and storage step name are equal, render!
     641            return self.render(self.get_form(
     642                data=self.storage.current_step_data,
     643                files=self.storage.current_step_data,
     644            ), **kwargs)
     646        elif step_url in self.get_form_list():
     647            self.storage.current_step = step_url
     648            return self.render(self.get_form(
     649                data=self.storage.current_step_data,
     650                files=self.storage.current_step_data,
     651            ), **kwargs)
     653        # invalid step name, reset to first and redirect.
     654        else:
     655            self.storage.current_step = self.steps.first
     656            return redirect(self.url_name, step=self.steps.first)
     658    def post(self, *args, **kwargs):
     659        """
     660        Do a redirect if user presses the prev. step button. The rest of this
     661        is super'd from FormWizard.
     662        """
     663        prev_step = self.request.POST.get('wizard_prev_step', None)
     664        if prev_step and prev_step in self.get_form_list():
     665            self.storage.current_step = prev_step
     666            return redirect(self.url_name, step=prev_step)
     667        return super(NamedUrlWizardView, self).post(*args, **kwargs)
     669    def render_next_step(self, form, **kwargs):
     670        """
     671        When using the NamedUrlFormWizard, we have to redirect to update the
     672        browser's URL to match the shown step.
     673        """
     674        next_step = self.get_next_step()
     675        self.storage.current_step = next_step
     676        return redirect(self.url_name, step=next_step)
     678    def render_revalidation_failure(self, failed_step, form, **kwargs):
     679        """
     680        When a step fails, we have to redirect the user to the first failing
     681        step.
     682        """
     683        self.storage.current_step = failed_step
     684        return redirect(self.url_name, step=failed_step)
     686    def render_done(self, form, **kwargs):
     687        """
     688        When rendering the done view, we have to redirect first (if the URL
     689        name doesn't fit).
     690        """
     691        if kwargs.get('step', None) != self.done_step_name:
     692            return redirect(self.url_name, step=self.done_step_name)
     693        return super(NamedUrlWizardView, self).render_done(form, **kwargs)
     696class NamedUrlSessionWizardView(NamedUrlWizardView):
     697    """
     698    A NamedUrlWizardView with pre-configured SessionStorage backend.
     699    """
     700    storage_name = 'django.contrib.formtools.wizard.storage.session.SessionStorage'
     703class NamedUrlCookieWizardView(NamedUrlWizardView):
     704    """
     705    A NamedUrlFormWizard with pre-configured CookieStorageBackend.
     706    """
     707    storage_name = 'django.contrib.formtools.wizard.storage.cookie.CookieStorage'
  • django/utils/functional.py

    diff --git a/django/utils/functional.py b/django/utils/functional.py
    index 21463bd..7d52794 100644
    a b class SimpleLazyObject(LazyObject):  
    268268    def _setup(self):
    269269        self._wrapped = self._setupfunc()
     272class lazy_property(property):
     273    """
     274    A property that works with subclasses by wrapping the decorated
     275    functions of the base class.
     276    """
     277    def __new__(cls, fget=None, fset=None, fdel=None, doc=None):
     278        if fget is not None:
     279            @wraps(fget)
     280            def fget(instance, instance_type=None, name=fget.__name__):
     281                return getattr(instance, name)()
     282        if fset is not None:
     283            @wraps(fset)
     284            def fset(instance, value, name=fset.__name__):
     285                return getattr(instance, name)(value)
     286        if fdel is not None:
     287            @wraps(fdel)
     288            def fdel(instance, name=fdel.__name__):
     289                return getattr(instance, name)()
     290        return property(fget, fset, fdel, doc)
  • docs/ref/contrib/formtools/form-wizard.txt

    diff --git a/docs/ref/contrib/formtools/form-wizard.txt b/docs/ref/contrib/formtools/form-wizard.txt
    index cbacd59..8539842 100644
    a b  
    22Form wizard
    5 .. module:: django.contrib.formtools.wizard
     5.. module:: django.contrib.formtools.wizard.views
    66    :synopsis: Splits forms across multiple Web pages.
    88Django comes with an optional "form wizard" application that splits
    99:doc:`forms </topics/forms/index>` across multiple Web pages. It maintains
    10 state in hashed HTML :samp:`<input type="hidden">` fields so that the full
    11 server-side processing can be delayed until the submission of the final form.
     10state in one of the backends so that the full server-side processing can be
     11delayed until the submission of the final form.
    1313You might want to use this if you have a lengthy form that would be too
    1414unwieldy for display on a single page. The first page might ask the user for
    1515core information, the second page might ask for less important information,
    18 The term "wizard," in this context, is `explained on Wikipedia`_.
     18The term "wizard", in this context, is `explained on Wikipedia`_.
    2020.. _explained on Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wizard_%28software%29
    21 .. _forms: ../forms/
    2322How it works
    Here's the basic workflow for how a user would use a wizard:  
    2827    1. The user visits the first page of the wizard, fills in the form and
    2928       submits it.
    3029    2. The server validates the data. If it's invalid, the form is displayed
    31        again, with error messages. If it's valid, the server calculates a
    32        secure hash of the data and presents the user with the next form,
    33        saving the validated data and hash in :samp:`<input type="hidden">`
    34        fields.
     30       again, with error messages. If it's valid, the server saves the current
     31       state of the wizard in the backend and redirects to the next step.
    3532    3. Step 1 and 2 repeat, for every subsequent form in the wizard.
    3633    4. Once the user has submitted all the forms and all the data has been
    3734       validated, the wizard processes the data -- saving it to the database,
    Here's the basic workflow for how a user would use a wizard:  
    43 This application handles as much machinery for you as possible. Generally, you
    44 just have to do these things:
     40This application handles as much machinery for you as possible. Generally,
     41you just have to do these things:
    46     1. Define a number of :class:`~django.forms.Form` classes -- one per wizard
    47        page.
     43    1. Define a number of :class:`~django.forms.Form` classes -- one per
     44       wizard page.
    49     2. Create a :class:`FormWizard` class that specifies what to do once all of
    50        your forms have been submitted and validated. This also lets you
    51        override some of the wizard's behavior.
     46    2. Create a :class:`WizardView` subclass that specifies what to do once
     47       all of your forms have been submitted and validated. This also lets
     48       you override some of the wizard's behavior.
    5350    3. Create some templates that render the forms. You can define a single,
    5451       generic template to handle every one of the forms, or you can define a
    5552       specific template for each form.
    57     4. Point your URLconf at your :class:`FormWizard` class.
     54    4. Add ``django.contrib.formtools.wizard`` to your
     55       :setting:`INSTALLED_APPS` list in your settings file.
     57    5. Point your URLconf at your :class:`WizardView` :meth:`~WizardView.as_view` method.
    5959Defining ``Form`` classes
    60 =========================
    6262The first step in creating a form wizard is to create the
    6363:class:`~django.forms.Form` classes.  These should be standard
    6464:class:`django.forms.Form` classes, covered in the :doc:`forms documentation
    65 </topics/forms/index>`.  These classes can live anywhere in your codebase, but
    66 convention is to put them in a file called :file:`forms.py` in your
     65</topics/forms/index>`.  These classes can live anywhere in your codebase,
     66but convention is to put them in a file called :file:`forms.py` in your
    6969For example, let's write a "contact form" wizard, where the first page's form
    the message itself. Here's what the :file:`forms.py` might look like::  
    7979    class ContactForm2(forms.Form):
    8080        message = forms.CharField(widget=forms.Textarea)
    82 **Important limitation:** Because the wizard uses HTML hidden fields to store
    83 data between pages, you may not include a :class:`~django.forms.FileField`
    84 in any form except the last one.
    86 Creating a ``FormWizard`` class
    87 ===============================
     83.. note::
     85    In order to use :class:`~django.forms.FileField` in any form, see the
     86    section :ref:`Handling files <wizard-files>` below to learn more about what
     87    to do.
     89Creating a ``WizardView`` class
    8992The next step is to create a
    90 :class:`django.contrib.formtools.wizard.FormWizard` subclass.  As with your
    91 :class:`~django.forms.Form` classes, this :class:`FormWizard` class can live
    92 anywhere in your codebase, but convention is to put it in :file:`forms.py`.
     93:class:`django.contrib.formtools.wizard.view.WizardView` subclass. You can
     94also use the :class:`SessionWizardView` or :class:`CookieWizardView` class
     95which preselects the wizard storage backend (session-based or cookie-based).
     97We will use the :class:`SessionWizardView` in all examples but is is completly
     98fine to use the :class:`CookieWizardView` instead. As with your
     99:class:`~django.forms.Form` classes, this :class:`WizardView` class can live
     100anywhere in your codebase, but convention is to put it in :file:`views.py`.
    94102The only requirement on this subclass is that it implement a
    95 :meth:`~FormWizard.done()` method.
     103:meth:`~WizardView.done()` method.
    97 .. method:: FormWizard.done
     105.. method:: WizardView.done(form_list)
    99107    This method specifies what should happen when the data for *every* form is
    100     submitted and validated.  This method is passed two arguments:
    102         * ``request`` -- an :class:`~django.http.HttpRequest` object
    103         * ``form_list`` -- a list of :class:`~django.forms.Form` classes
     108    submitted and validated. This method is passed a list of validated
     109    :class:`~django.forms.Form` instances.
    105 In this simplistic example, rather than perform any database operation, the
    106 method simply renders a template of the validated data::
     111    In this simplistic example, rather than performing any database operation,
     112    the method simply renders a template of the validated data::
    108     from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
    109     from django.contrib.formtools.wizard import FormWizard
     114        from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
     115        from django.contrib.formtools.wizard.views import SessionWizardView
    111     class ContactWizard(FormWizard):
    112         def done(self, request, form_list):
    113             return render_to_response('done.html', {
    114                 'form_data': [form.cleaned_data for form in form_list],
    115             })
     117        class ContactWizard(SessionWizardView):
     118            def done(self, form_list, **kwargs):
     119                return render_to_response('done.html', {
     120                    'form_data': [form.cleaned_data for form in form_list],
     121                })
    117 Note that this method will be called via ``POST``, so it really ought to be a
    118 good Web citizen and redirect after processing the data. Here's another
    119 example::
     123    Note that this method will be called via ``POST``, so it really ought to be a
     124    good Web citizen and redirect after processing the data. Here's another
     125    example::
    121     from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect
    122     from django.contrib.formtools.wizard import FormWizard
     127        from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect
     128        from django.contrib.formtools.wizard.views import SessionWizardView
    124     class ContactWizard(FormWizard):
    125         def done(self, request, form_list):
    126             do_something_with_the_form_data(form_list)
    127             return HttpResponseRedirect('/page-to-redirect-to-when-done/')
     130        class ContactWizard(SessionWizardView):
     131            def done(self, form_list, **kwargs):
     132                do_something_with_the_form_data(form_list)
     133                return HttpResponseRedirect('/page-to-redirect-to-when-done/')
    129 See the section `Advanced FormWizard methods`_ below to learn about more
    130 :class:`FormWizard` hooks.
     135See the section :ref:`Advanced WizardView methods <wizardview-advanced-methods>`
     136below to learn about more :class:`WizardView` hooks.
    132138Creating templates for the forms
    133 ================================
    135141Next, you'll need to create a template that renders the wizard's forms. By
    136 default, every form uses a template called :file:`forms/wizard.html`. (You can
    137 change this template name by overriding :meth:`~FormWizard.get_template()`,
    138 which is documented below. This hook also allows you to use a different
    139 template for each form.)
    141 This template expects the following context:
    143     * ``step_field`` -- The name of the hidden field containing the step.
    144     * ``step0`` -- The current step (zero-based).
    145     * ``step`` -- The current step (one-based).
    146     * ``step_count`` -- The total number of steps.
    147     * ``form`` -- The :class:`~django.forms.Form` instance for the current step
    148       (either empty or with errors).
    149     * ``previous_fields`` -- A string representing every previous data field,
    150       plus hashes for completed forms, all in the form of hidden fields. Note
    151       that you'll need to run this through the :tfilter:`safe` template filter,
    152       to prevent auto-escaping, because it's raw HTML.
     142default, every form uses a template called
     143:file:`formtools/wizard/wizard_form.html`. You can change this template name
     144by overriding either the :attr:`~WizardView.template_name` attribute or the
     145:meth:`~WizardView.get_template_names()` method, which is documented below.
     146This hook also allows you to use a different template for each form.
     148This template expects a ``wizard`` object that has various items attached to
     151    * ``form`` -- The :class:`~django.forms.Form` instance for the current
     152      step (either empty or with errors).
     154    * ``steps`` -- A helper object to access the various steps related data:
     156        * ``step0`` -- The current step (zero-based).
     157        * ``step1`` -- The current step (one-based).
     158        * ``count`` -- The total number of steps.
     159        * ``first`` -- The first step.
     160        * ``last`` -- The last step.
     161        * ``current`` -- The current (or first) step.
     162        * ``next`` -- The next step.
     163        * ``prev`` -- The previous step.
     164        * ``index`` -- The index of the current step.
     165        * ``all`` -- A list of all steps of the wizard.
    154167You can supply extra context to this template in two ways:
    156169    * Set the :attr:`~FormWizard.extra_context` attribute on your
    157170      :class:`FormWizard` subclass to a dictionary.
    159     * Pass a dictionary as a parameter named ``extra_context`` to your wizard's
    160       URL pattern in your URLconf.  See :ref:`hooking-wizard-into-urlconf`.
     172    * Pass a dictionary as a parameter named ``extra_context`` to your
     173      wizard's URL pattern in your URLconf.
     175      See :ref:`Hooking the wizard into a URLconf <wizard-urlconf>`.
    162177Here's a full example template:
    Here's a full example template:  
    166181    {% extends "base.html" %}
    168183    {% block content %}
    169     <p>Step {{ step }} of {{ step_count }}</p>
     184    <p>Step {{ wizard.steps.current }} of {{ wizard.steps.count }}</p>
    170185    <form action="." method="post">{% csrf_token %}
    171186    <table>
    172     {{ form }}
     187    {{ wizard.management_form }}
     188    {% if wizard.form.forms %}
     189        {{ wizard.form.management_form }}
     190        {% for form in wizard.form.forms %}
     191            {{ form }}
     192        {% endfor %}
     193    {% else %}
     194        {{ wizard.form }}
     195    {% endif %}
     196    {% if wizard.steps.prev %}
     197    <button name="wizard_prev_step" value="{{ wizard.steps.first }}">{% trans "first step" %}</button>
     198    <button name="wizard_prev_step" value="{{ wizard.steps.prev }}">{% trans "prev step" %}</button>
     199    {% endif %}
    173200    </table>
    174     <input type="hidden" name="{{ step_field }}" value="{{ step0 }}" />
    175     {{ previous_fields|safe }}
    176201    <input type="submit">
    177202    </form>
    178203    {% endblock %}
    180 Note that ``previous_fields``, ``step_field`` and ``step0`` are all required
    181 for the wizard to work properly.
     205.. note::
     207    Note that ``management_form`` **must be used** for the wizard to work properly.
    183 .. _hooking-wizard-into-urlconf:
     209.. _wizard-urlconf:
    185211Hooking the wizard into a URLconf
    186 =================================
    188214Finally, we need to specify which forms to use in the wizard, and then
    189 deploy the new :class:`FormWizard` object a URL in ``urls.py``. The
    190 wizard takes a list of your :class:`~django.forms.Form` objects as
    191 arguments when you instantiate the Wizard::
     215deploy the new :class:`WizardView` object a URL in the ``urls.py``. The
     216wizard's :meth:`as_view` method takes a list of your
     217:class:`~django.forms.Form` classes as an argument during instantiation::
    193     from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
    194     from testapp.forms import ContactForm1, ContactForm2, ContactWizard
     219    from django.conf.urls.defaults import patterns
     221    from myapp.forms import ContactForm1, ContactForm2
     222    from myapp.views import ContactWizard
    196224    urlpatterns = patterns('',
    197         (r'^contact/$', ContactWizard([ContactForm1, ContactForm2])),
     225        (r'^contact/$', ContactWizard.as_view([ContactForm1, ContactForm2])),
    198226    )
    200 Advanced ``FormWizard`` methods
     228.. _wizardview-advanced-methods:
     230Advanced ``WizardView`` methods
    203 .. class:: FormWizard
     233.. class:: WizardView
    205     Aside from the :meth:`~done()` method, :class:`FormWizard` offers a few
     235    Aside from the :meth:`~done()` method, :class:`WizardView` offers a few
    206236    advanced method hooks that let you customize how your wizard works.
    208238    Some of these methods take an argument ``step``, which is a zero-based
    209     counter representing the current step of the wizard. (E.g., the first form
    210     is ``0`` and the second form is ``1``.)
     239    counter as string representing the current step of the wizard. (E.g., the
     240    first form is ``'0'`` and the second form is ``'1'``)
    212 .. method:: FormWizard.prefix_for_step
     242.. method:: WizardView.get_form_prefix(step)
    214     Given the step, returns a form prefix to use.  By default, this simply uses
     244    Given the step, returns a form prefix to use. By default, this simply uses
    215245    the step itself. For more, see the :ref:`form prefix documentation
    216246    <form-prefix>`.
     248.. method:: WizardView.process_step(form)
     250    Hook for modifying the wizard's internal state, given a fully validated
     251    :class:`~django.forms.Form` object. The Form is guaranteed to have clean,
     252    valid data.
     254    Note that this method is called every time a page is rendered for *all*
     255    submitted steps.
     257    The default implementation::
     259        def process_step(self, form):
     260            return self.get_form_step_data(form)
     262.. method:: WizardView.get_form_initial(step)
     264    Returns a dictionary which will be passed to the form for ``step`` as
     265    ``initial``. If no initial data was provied while initializing the
     266    form wizard, a empty dictionary should be returned.
     268    The default implementation::
     270        def get_form_initial(self, step):
     271            return self.initial_dict.get(step, {})
     273.. method:: WizardView.get_form_instance(step)
     275    Returns a object which will be passed to the form for ``step`` as
     276    ``instance``. If no instance object was provied while initializing
     277    the form wizard, None be returned.
     279    The default implementation::
     281        def get_form_instance(self, step):
     282            return self.instance_dict.get(step, None)
     284.. method:: WizardView.get_context_data(form, **kwargs)
     286    Returns the template context for a step. You can overwrite this method
     287    to add more data for all or some steps. This method returns a dictionary
     288    containing the rendered form step.
     290    The default template context variables are:
     292    * Any data that :attr:`WizardView.get_extra_data` returns.
     293    * ``form`` -- form instance of the current step
     294    * ``wizard`` -- the wizard instance itself
     296    Example to add extra variables for a specific step::
     298        def get_context_data(self, form, **kwargs):
     299            context = super(MyWizard, self).get_context_data(form, **kwargs)
     300            if self.steps.current == 'my_step_name':
     301                context.update({'another_var': True})
     302            return context
     304.. method:: WizardView.get_wizard_name()
     306    This method can be used to change the wizard's internal name.
    218308    Default implementation::
    220         def prefix_for_step(self, step):
    221             return str(step)
     310        def get_wizard_name(self):
     311            return normalize_name(self.__class__.__name__)
     313.. method:: WizardView.get_prefix()
    223 .. method:: FormWizard.render_hash_failure
     315    This method returns a prefix for the storage backends. These backends use
     316    the prefix to fetch the correct data for the wizard. (Multiple wizards
     317    could save their data in one session)
    225     Renders a template if the hash check fails. It's rare that you'd need to
    226     override this.
     319    You can change this method to make the wizard data prefix more unique to,
     320    e.g. have multiple instances of one wizard in one session.
    228322    Default implementation::
    230         def render_hash_failure(self, request, step):
    231             return self.render(self.get_form(step), request, step,
    232                 context={'wizard_error':
    233                              'We apologize, but your form has expired. Please'
    234                              ' continue filling out the form from this page.'})
     324        def get_prefix(self):
     325            return self.wizard_name
    236 .. method:: FormWizard.security_hash
     327.. method:: WizardView.get_form(step=None, data=None, files=None)
    238     Calculates the security hash for the given request object and
    239     :class:`~django.forms.Form` instance.
     329    This method constructs the form for a given ``step``. If no ``step`` is
     330    defined, the current step will be determined automatically.
     331    The method gets three arguments:
    241     By default, this generates a SHA1 HMAC using your form data and your
    242     :setting:`SECRET_KEY` setting. It's rare that somebody would need to
    243     override this.
     333    * ``step`` -- The step for which the form instance should be generated.
     334    * ``data`` -- Gets passed to the form's data argument
     335    * ``files`` -- Gets passed to the form's files argument
    245     Example::
     337    You can override this method to add extra arguments to the form instance.
    247         def security_hash(self, request, form):
    248             return my_hash_function(request, form)
     339    Example code to add a user attribute to the form on step 2::
    250 .. method:: FormWizard.parse_params
     341        def get_form(self, step=None, data=None, files=None):
     342            form = super(MyWizard, self).get_form(step, data, files)
     343            if step == '1':
     344                form.user = self.request.user
     345            return form
    252     A hook for saving state from the request object and ``args`` / ``kwargs``
    253     that were captured from the URL by your URLconf.
     347.. method:: WizardView.process_step(form)
    255     By default, this does nothing.
     349    This method gives you a way to post-process the form data before the data
     350    gets stored within the storage backend. By default it just passed the
     351    form.data dictionary. You should not manipulate the data here but you can
     352    use the data to do some extra work if needed (e.g. set extra_data).
    257     Example::
     354    Default implementation::
    259         def parse_params(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
    260             self.my_state = args[0]
     356        def process_step(self, form):
     357            return self.get_form_step_data(form)
    262 .. method:: FormWizard.get_template
     359.. method:: WizardView.process_step_files(form)
    264     Returns the name of the template that should be used for the given step.
     361    This method gives you a way to post-process the form files before the
     362    files gets stored within the storage backend. By default it just passed
     363    the ``form.files`` dictionary. You should not manipulate the data here
     364    but you can use the data to do some extra work if needed (e.g. set extra
     365    data).
    266     By default, this returns :file:`'forms/wizard.html'`, regardless of step.
     367    Default implementation::
    268     Example::
     369        def process_step_files(self, form):
     370            return self.get_form_step_files(form)
    270         def get_template(self, step):
    271             return 'myapp/wizard_%s.html' % step
     372.. method:: WizardView.render_revalidation_failure(step, form, **kwargs)
    273     If :meth:`~FormWizard.get_template` returns a list of strings, then the
    274     wizard will use the template system's
    275     :func:`~django.template.loader.select_template` function.
    276     This means the system will use the first template that exists on the
    277     filesystem. For example::
     374    When the wizard thinks, all steps passed it revalidates all forms with the
     375    data from the backend storage.
    279         def get_template(self, step):
    280             return ['myapp/wizard_%s.html' % step, 'myapp/wizard.html']
     377    If any of the forms don't validate correctly, this method gets called.
     378    This method expects two arguments, ``step`` and ``form``.
    282 .. method:: FormWizard.render_template
     380    The default implementation resets the current step to the first failing
     381    form and redirects the user to the invalid form.
    284     Renders the template for the given step, returning an
    285     :class:`~django.http.HttpResponse` object.
     383    Default implementation::
    287     Override this method if you want to add a custom context, return a
    288     different MIME type, etc. If you only need to override the template name,
    289     use :meth:`~FormWizard.get_template` instead.
     385        def render_revalidation_failure(self, step, form, **kwargs):
     386            self.storage.current_step = step
     387            return self.render(form, **kwargs)
    291     The template will be rendered with the context documented in the
    292     "Creating templates for the forms" section above.
     389.. method:: WizardView.get_form_step_data(form)
    294 .. method:: FormWizard.process_step
     391    This method fetches the form data from and returns the dictionary. You
     392    can use this method to manipulate the values before the data gets stored
     393    in the storage backend.
    296     Hook for modifying the wizard's internal state, given a fully validated
    297     :class:`~django.forms.Form` object. The Form is guaranteed to have clean,
    298     valid data.
     395    Default implementation::
    300     This method should *not* modify any of that data. Rather, it might want to
    301     set ``self.extra_context`` or dynamically alter ``self.form_list``, based
    302     on previously submitted forms.
     397        def get_form_step_data(self, form):
     398            return form.data
    304     Note that this method is called every time a page is rendered for *all*
    305     submitted steps.
     400.. method:: WizardView.get_form_step_files(form)
     402    This method returns the form files. You can use this method to manipulate
     403    the files before the data gets stored in the storage backend.
     405    Default implementation::
     407        def get_form_step_files(self, form):
     408            return form.files
     410.. method:: WizardView.get_extra_data
     412    This method returns the content of the stored extra data. You can override
     413    this method to change the extra data which gets passed to the template.
     414    The default implementation passes the extra data dictionary from the
     415    storage backend.
     417    Default implementation::
     419        def get_extra_data(self):
     420            return self.storage.extra_data
     422.. method:: WizardView.update_extra_data(data)
     424    This method expects one argument ``data``. The method will fetch the
     425    current extra data, update the dictionary with the passed data and store
     426    the content back to storage backend.
     428    You could change this method to protect the extra_data dictionary from
     429    external changes by just doing nothing.
    307     The function signature::
     431    Example code::
    309         def process_step(self, request, form, step):
    310             # ...
     433        def update_extra_data(self, data):
     434            pass
     436.. method:: WizardView.render(form, **kwargs)
     438    This method gets called after the get or post request was handled. You can
     439    hook in this method to, e.g. change the type of http response.
     441    Default implementation::
     443        def render(self, form=None, **kwargs):
     444            form = form or self.get_form()
     445            context = self.get_context_data(form, **kwargs)
     446            return self.render_to_response(context)
    312448Providing initial data for the forms
    315 .. attribute:: FormWizard.initial
     451.. attribute:: WizardView.initial_dict
    317453    Initial data for a wizard's :class:`~django.forms.Form` objects can be
    318     provided using the optional :attr:`~FormWizard.initial` keyword argument.
    319     This argument should be a dictionary mapping a step to a dictionary
    320     containing the initial data for that step. The dictionary of initial data
     454    provided using the optional :attr:`~Wizard.initial_dict` keyword argument.
     455    This argument should be a dictionary mapping the steps to dictionaries
     456    containing the initial data for each step. The dictionary of initial data
    321457    will be passed along to the constructor of the step's
    322458    :class:`~django.forms.Form`::
    324         >>> from testapp.forms import ContactForm1, ContactForm2, ContactWizard
     460        >>> from myapp.forms import ContactForm1, ContactForm2
     461        >>> from myapp.views import ContactWizard
    325462        >>> initial = {
    326         ...     0: {'subject': 'Hello', 'sender': 'user@example.com'},
    327         ...     1: {'message': 'Hi there!'}
     463        ...     '0': {'subject': 'Hello', 'sender': 'user@example.com'},
     464        ...     '1': {'message': 'Hi there!'}
    328465        ... }
    329         >>> wiz = ContactWizard([ContactForm1, ContactForm2], initial=initial)
    330         >>> form1 = wiz.get_form(0)
    331         >>> form2 = wiz.get_form(1)
     466        >>> wiz = ContactWizard.as_view([ContactForm1, ContactForm2], initial_dict=initial)
     467        >>> form1 = wiz.get_form('0')
     468        >>> form2 = wiz.get_form('1')
    332469        >>> form1.initial
    333470        {'sender': 'user@example.com', 'subject': 'Hello'}
    334471        >>> form2.initial
    335472        {'message': 'Hi there!'}
     474    The ``initial_dict`` can also take a list of dictionaries for a specific
     475    step if the step is a ``FormSet``.
     477.. _wizard-files:
     479Handling files
     482To handle :class:`~django.forms.FileField` within any step form of the wizard,
     483you have to add a :attr:`file_storage` to your :class:`WizardView` subclass.
     485This storage will temporarilyy store the uploaded files for the wizard. The
     486:attr:`file_storage` attribute should be a
     487:class:`~django.core.files.storage.Storage` subclass.
     489.. warning::
     491    Please remember to take care of removing old files as the
     492    :class:`WizardView` won't remove any files, whether the wizard gets
     493    finished corretly or not.
     495Conditionally view/skip specific steps
     498.. attribute:: WizardView.condition_dict
     500The :meth:`~WizardView.as_view` accepts a ``condition_dict`` argument. You can pass a
     501dictionary of boolean values or callables. The key should match the steps
     502name (e.g. '0', '1').
     504If the value of a specific step is callable it will be called with the
     505:class:`WizardView` instance as the only argument. If the return value is true,
     506the step's form will be used.
     508This example provides a contact form including a condition. The condition is
     509used to show a message from only if a checkbox in the first step was checked.
     511The steps are defined in a ``forms.py``::
     513    from django import forms
     515    class ContactForm1(forms.Form):
     516        subject = forms.CharField(max_length=100)
     517        sender = forms.EmailField()
     518        leave_message = forms.BooleanField(required=False)
     520    class ContactForm2(forms.Form):
     521        message = forms.CharField(widget=forms.Textarea)
     523We define our wizard in a ``views.py``::
     525    from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
     526    from django.contrib.formtools.wizard.views import SessionWizardView
     528    def show_message_form_condition(wizard):
     529        # try to get the cleaned data of step 1
     530        cleaned_data = wizard.get_cleaned_data_for_step('0') or {}
     531        # check if the field ``leave_message`` was checked.
     532        return cleaned_data.get('leave_message', True)
     534    class ContactWizard(SessionWizardView):
     536        def done(self, form_list, **kwargs):
     537            return render_to_response('done.html', {
     538                'form_data': [form.cleaned_data for form in form_list],
     539            })
     541We need to add the ``ContactWizard`` to our ``urls.py`` file::
     543    from django.conf.urls.defaults import pattern
     545    from myapp.forms import ContactForm1, ContactForm2
     546    from myapp.views import ContactWizard, show_message_form_condition
     548    contact_forms = [ContactForm1, ContactForm2]
     550    urlpatterns = patterns('',
     551        (r'^contact/$', ContactWizard.as_view(contact_forms,
     552            condition_dict={'1': show_message_form_condition}
     553        )),
     554    )
     556As you can see, we defined a ``show_message_form_condition`` next to our
     557:class:`WizardView` subclass and added a ``condition_dict`` argument to the
     558:meth:`~WizardView.as_view` method. The key refers to the second wizard step
     559(because of the zero based step index).
     561How to work with ModelForm and ModelFormSet
     564The WizardView supports :class:`~django.forms.ModelForm` and
     565:class:`~django.forms.ModelFormSet`. Additionally to the ``initial_dict``,
     566the :meth:`~WizardView.as_view` method takes a ``instance_dict`` argument
     567with a list of instances for the ``ModelForm`` and ``ModelFormSet``.
     569Usage of NamedUrlWizardView
     572.. class:: NamedUrlWizardView
     574There is a :class:`WizardView` subclass which adds named-urls support to the wizard.
     575By doing this, you can have single urls for every step.
     577To use the named urls, you have to change the ``urls.py``.
     579Below you will see an example of a contact wizard with two steps, step 1 with
     580"contactdata" as its name and step 2 with "leavemessage" as its name.
     582Additionally you have to pass two more arguments to the
     583:meth:`~WizardView.as_view` method:
     585   * ``url_name`` -- the name of the url (as provided in the urls.py)
     586   * ``done_step_name`` -- the name in the url for the done step
     588Example code for the changed ``urls.py`` file::
     590    from django.conf.urls.defaults import url, patterns
     592    from myapp.forms import ContactForm1, ContactForm2
     593    from myapp.views import ContactWizard
     595    named_contact_forms = (
     596        ('contactdata', ContactForm1),
     597        ('leavemessage', ContactForm2),
     598    )
     600    contact_wizard = ContactWizard.as_view(named_contact_forms,
     601        url_name='contact_step', done_step_name='finished')
     603    urlpatterns = patterns('',
     604        url(r'^contact/(?P<step>.+)/$', contact_wizard, name='contact_step'),
     605        url(r'^contact/$', contact_wizard, name='contact'),
     606    )
  • tests/regressiontests/formwizard/tests.py

    diff --git a/tests/regressiontests/formwizard/tests.py b/tests/regressiontests/formwizard/tests.py
    index 0c94d2e..944569d 100644
    a b  
    11import re
     2import warnings
    23from django import forms
    34from django.test import TestCase
     6warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=PendingDeprecationWarning,
     7                        module='django.contrib.formtools.wizard')
    510class FormWizardWithNullBooleanField(TestCase):
    611    urls = 'regressiontests.formwizard.urls'
  • tests/regressiontests/utils/functional.py

    diff --git a/tests/regressiontests/utils/functional.py b/tests/regressiontests/utils/functional.py
    index 2784ddd..90a6f08 100644
    a b  
    11from django.utils import unittest
    2 from django.utils.functional import lazy
     2from django.utils.functional import lazy, lazy_property
    55class FunctionalTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    class FunctionalTestCase(unittest.TestCase):  
    2121        t = lazy(lambda: Klazz(), Klazz)()
    2222        self.assertTrue('base_method' in dir(t))
     24    def test_lazy_property(self):
     26        class A(object):
     28            def _get_do(self):
     29                raise NotImplementedError
     30            def _set_do(self, value):
     31                raise NotImplementedError
     32            do = lazy_property(_get_do, _set_do)
     34        class B(A):
     35            def _get_do(self):
     36                return "DO IT"
     38        self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, lambda: A().do)
     39        self.assertEqual(B().do, 'DO IT')
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