Ticket #9121: formpreview-doc.diff

File formpreview-doc.diff, 911 bytes (added by Jarek Zgoda, 16 years ago)
  • docs/ref/contrib/formtools/form-preview.txt

    2727      a. If it's valid, displays a preview page.
    2828      b. If it's not valid, redisplays the form with error messages.
    2929   3. When the "confirmation" form is submitted from the preview page, calls
    30        a hook that you define -- a
    31        :meth:`~django.contrib.formtools.FormPreview.done()` method that gets
    32        passed the valid data.
     30      a hook that you define -- a
     31      :meth:`~django.contrib.formtools.FormPreview.done()` method that gets
     32      passed the valid data.
    3434The framework enforces the required preview by passing a shared-secret hash to
    3535the preview page via hidden form fields. If somebody tweaks the form parameters
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