Ticket #8980: auth.txt.patch

File auth.txt.patch, 1.8 KB (added by Manuel Kaufmann, 16 years ago)

Documentation of password_reset_confirm and password_reset_complete

  • docs/topics/auth.txt

    868868        * ``login_url``: The URL of the login page to redirect to. This will
    869869          default to :setting:`settings.LOGIN_URL <LOGIN_URL>` if not supplied.
     871.. function:: password_reset_confirm(request[,uidb36, token, template_name, token_generator, set_password_form, post_reset_redirect])
     873    Presents a form for entering a new password.
     875    **Optional arguments:**
     877        * ``uidb36``: The user's id encoded in base 36. This will default to
     878          ``None``.
     879        * ``token``: Token to check that the password is valid. This will default to ``None``.
     880        * ``template_name``: The full name of a template to display the confirm
     881          password view. Default value is :file:`registration/password_reset_confirm.html`.
     882        * ``token_generator``: Instance of the class to check the password. This
     883          will default to ``default_token_generator``, it's an instance of
     884          ``django.contrib.auth.tokens.PasswordResetTokenGenerator``.
     885        * ``set_password_form``: Form that will use to set the password. This will
     886          default to ``SetPasswordForm``.
     887        * ``post_reset_redirect``: URL to redirect after the password reset
     888          done. This will default to ``None``.
     890.. function:: password_reset_complete(request[,template_name])
     892   Presents a view that informs that the password has been changed very well.
     894   **Optional arguments:**
     896       * ``template_name``: The full name of a template to display the view.
     897         This will default to :file:`registration/password_reset_complete.html`.
    871899Built-in forms
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