Ticket #8844: django_ru_patch.po.diff
File django_ru_patch.po.diff, 46.0 KB (added by , 17 years ago) |
old new 6 6 msgstr "" 7 7 "Project-Id-Version: Django\n" 8 8 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" 9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2008-0 8-29 17:39+0400\n"10 "PO-Revision-Date: 2008-0 8-29 20:03+0300\n"9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2008-09-03 16:36+0400\n" 10 "PO-Revision-Date: 2008-09-03 17:34+0300\n" 11 11 "Last-Translator: Grigory Fateyev <greg@dial.com.ru>\n" 12 12 "Language-Team: Dialcom Services <greg@dial.com.ru>\n" 13 13 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" … … 252 252 msgstr "В этом году" 253 253 254 254 #: contrib/admin/filterspecs.py:147 255 #: forms/widgets.py:39 0255 #: forms/widgets.py:391 256 256 msgid "Yes" 257 257 msgstr "Да" 258 258 259 259 #: contrib/admin/filterspecs.py:147 260 #: forms/widgets.py:39 0260 #: forms/widgets.py:391 261 261 msgid "No" 262 262 msgstr "Нет" 263 263 264 264 #: contrib/admin/filterspecs.py:154 265 #: forms/widgets.py:39 0265 #: forms/widgets.py:391 266 266 msgid "Unknown" 267 267 msgstr "Неизвестно" 268 268 … … 294 294 msgid "log entries" 295 295 msgstr "Журнальные записи" 296 296 297 #: contrib/admin/options.py: 56298 #: contrib/admin/options.py:12 0297 #: contrib/admin/options.py:60 298 #: contrib/admin/options.py:121 299 299 msgid "None" 300 300 msgstr "Нет" 301 301 302 #: contrib/admin/options.py:33 4302 #: contrib/admin/options.py:338 303 303 #, python-format 304 304 msgid "Changed %s." 305 305 msgstr "Изменен %s." 306 306 307 #: contrib/admin/options.py:334 308 #: contrib/admin/options.py:344 307 #: contrib/admin/options.py:338 308 #: contrib/admin/options.py:348 309 #: forms/models.py:275 309 310 msgid "and" 310 311 msgstr "и" 311 312 312 #: contrib/admin/options.py:3 39313 #: contrib/admin/options.py:343 313 314 #, python-format 314 315 msgid "Added %(name)s \"%(object)s\"." 315 316 msgstr "Добавить %(name)s \"%(object)s\"." 316 317 317 #: contrib/admin/options.py:34 3318 #: contrib/admin/options.py:347 318 319 #, python-format 319 320 msgid "Changed %(list)s for %(name)s \"%(object)s\"." 320 321 msgstr "Изменённые %(list)s для %(name)s \"%(object)s\"." 321 322 322 #: contrib/admin/options.py:3 48323 #: contrib/admin/options.py:352 323 324 #, python-format 324 325 msgid "Deleted %(name)s \"%(object)s\"." 325 326 msgstr "Удалённые %(name)s \"%(object)s\"." 326 327 327 #: contrib/admin/options.py:35 2328 #: contrib/admin/options.py:356 328 329 msgid "No fields changed." 329 330 msgstr "Ни одно поле не изменено." 330 331 331 #: contrib/admin/options.py:41 3332 #: contrib/admin/options.py:417 332 333 #: contrib/auth/admin.py:51 333 334 #, python-format 334 335 msgid "The %(name)s \"%(obj)s\" was added successfully." 335 336 msgstr "%(name)s \"%(obj)s\" был успешно добавлен." 336 337 337 #: contrib/admin/options.py:4 17338 #: contrib/admin/options.py:45 0339 #: contrib/auth/admin.py:5 7338 #: contrib/admin/options.py:421 339 #: contrib/admin/options.py:454 340 #: contrib/auth/admin.py:59 340 341 msgid "You may edit it again below." 341 342 msgstr "Ниже можно снова редактировать его" 342 343 343 #: contrib/admin/options.py:4 27344 #: contrib/admin/options.py:46 0344 #: contrib/admin/options.py:431 345 #: contrib/admin/options.py:464 345 346 #, python-format 346 347 msgid "You may add another %s below." 347 348 msgstr "Вы можете добавить %s внизу." 348 349 349 #: contrib/admin/options.py:4 48350 #: contrib/admin/options.py:452 350 351 #, python-format 351 352 msgid "The %(name)s \"%(obj)s\" was changed successfully." 352 353 msgstr "%(name)s \"%(obj)s\" был успешно изменен." 353 354 354 #: contrib/admin/options.py:4 56355 #: contrib/admin/options.py:460 355 356 #, python-format 356 357 msgid "The %(name)s \"%(obj)s\" was added successfully. You may edit it again below." 357 358 msgstr "%(name)s \"%(obj)s\" был успешно добавлен. Ниже можно снова редактировать его." 358 359 359 #: contrib/admin/options.py:5 22360 #: contrib/admin/options.py:536 360 361 #, python-format 361 362 msgid "Add %s" 362 363 msgstr "Добавить %s" 363 364 364 #: contrib/admin/options.py:6 00365 #: contrib/admin/options.py:614 365 366 #, python-format 366 367 msgid "Change %s" 367 368 msgstr "Изменить %s" 368 369 369 #: contrib/admin/options.py:6 32370 #: contrib/admin/options.py:646 370 371 msgid "Database error" 371 372 msgstr "Ошибка базы данных" 372 373 373 #: contrib/admin/options.py:6 82374 #: contrib/admin/options.py:696 374 375 #, python-format 375 376 msgid "The %(name)s \"%(obj)s\" was deleted successfully." 376 377 msgstr "%(name)s \"%(obj)s\" был успешно удален." 377 378 378 #: contrib/admin/options.py: 689379 #: contrib/admin/options.py:703 379 380 msgid "Are you sure?" 380 381 msgstr "Вы уверены?" 381 382 382 #: contrib/admin/options.py:7 18383 #: contrib/admin/options.py:732 383 384 #, python-format 384 385 msgid "Change history: %s" 385 386 msgstr "История изменений: %s" 386 387 387 #: contrib/admin/sites.py:1 8388 #: contrib/admin/views/decorators.py:1 6388 #: contrib/admin/sites.py:16 389 #: contrib/admin/views/decorators.py:14 389 390 #: contrib/auth/forms.py:80 390 391 msgid "Please enter a correct username and password. Note that both fields are case-sensitive." 391 392 msgstr "Пожалуйста, введите верные имя пользователя и пароль. Помните, оба поля чувствительны к регистру." 392 393 393 #: contrib/admin/sites.py:2 42394 #: contrib/admin/views/decorators.py: 68395 msgid "Please log in again, because your session has expired. Don't worry: Your submission has been saved."396 msgstr "Пожалуйста, войдите снова, поскольку ваша сессия устарела. Не беспокойтесь: введенные вами данные сохранены."394 #: contrib/admin/sites.py:227 395 #: contrib/admin/views/decorators.py:40 396 msgid "Please log in again, because your session has expired." 397 msgstr "Пожалуйста, войдите снова, поскольку ваша сессия устарела." 397 398 398 #: contrib/admin/sites.py:2 49399 #: contrib/admin/views/decorators.py: 75399 #: contrib/admin/sites.py:234 400 #: contrib/admin/views/decorators.py:47 400 401 msgid "Looks like your browser isn't configured to accept cookies. Please enable cookies, reload this page, and try again." 401 402 msgstr "Похоже, ваш броузер не настроен на прием cookies. Пожалуйства, включите cookie, перезагрузите страницу и попытайтесь снова." 402 403 403 #: contrib/admin/sites.py:2 65404 #: contrib/admin/sites.py:2 71405 #: contrib/admin/views/decorators.py: 94404 #: contrib/admin/sites.py:250 405 #: contrib/admin/sites.py:256 406 #: contrib/admin/views/decorators.py:66 406 407 msgid "Usernames cannot contain the '@' character." 407 408 msgstr "Имя пользователя не может включать символ '@'." 408 409 409 #: contrib/admin/sites.py:2 68410 #: contrib/admin/views/decorators.py: 90410 #: contrib/admin/sites.py:253 411 #: contrib/admin/views/decorators.py:62 411 412 #, python-format 412 413 msgid "Your e-mail address is not your username. Try '%s' instead." 413 414 msgstr "Ваш адрес электронной почты не является вашим именем пользователя. Попробуйте '%s' взамен." 414 415 415 #: contrib/admin/sites.py:3 36416 #: contrib/admin/sites.py:313 416 417 msgid "Site administration" 417 418 msgstr "Администрирование сайта" 418 419 419 #: contrib/admin/sites.py:3 58420 #: contrib/admin/templates/admin/login.html:2 7420 #: contrib/admin/sites.py:326 421 #: contrib/admin/templates/admin/login.html:26 421 422 #: contrib/admin/templates/registration/password_reset_complete.html:14 422 #: contrib/admin/views/decorators.py: 30423 #: contrib/admin/views/decorators.py:20 423 424 msgid "Log in" 424 425 msgstr "Вход" 425 426 426 #: contrib/admin/sites.py: 406427 #: contrib/admin/sites.py:373 427 428 #, python-format 428 429 msgid "%s administration" 429 430 msgstr "%s администрирование" … … 438 439 msgid "One or more %(fieldname)s in %(name)s:" 439 440 msgstr "Один или более %(fieldname)s в %(name)s:" 440 441 441 #: contrib/admin/widgets.py: 65442 #: contrib/admin/widgets.py:70 442 443 msgid "Date:" 443 444 msgstr "Дата:" 444 445 445 #: contrib/admin/widgets.py: 65446 #: contrib/admin/widgets.py:70 446 447 msgid "Time:" 447 448 msgstr "Время:" 448 449 449 #: contrib/admin/widgets.py: 89450 #: contrib/admin/widgets.py:94 450 451 msgid "Currently:" 451 452 msgstr "Современно:" 452 453 453 #: contrib/admin/widgets.py: 89454 #: contrib/admin/widgets.py:94 454 455 msgid "Change:" 455 456 msgstr "Изменить:" 456 457 457 #: contrib/admin/widgets.py:1 15458 #: contrib/admin/widgets.py:121 458 459 msgid "Lookup" 459 460 msgstr "Поиск" 460 461 461 #: contrib/admin/widgets.py: 195462 #: contrib/admin/widgets.py:228 462 463 msgid "Add Another" 463 464 msgstr "Добавить ещё" 464 465 … … 870 871 msgid "Reset my password" 871 872 msgstr "Очистка пароля" 872 873 873 #: contrib/admin/templatetags/admin_list.py:28 4874 #: contrib/admin/templatetags/admin_list.py:288 874 875 msgid "All dates" 875 876 msgstr "Все даты" 876 877 877 #: contrib/admin/views/main.py:6 5878 #: contrib/admin/views/main.py:69 878 879 #, python-format 879 880 msgid "Select %s" 880 881 msgstr "Выберите %s" 881 882 882 #: contrib/admin/views/main.py:6 5883 #: contrib/admin/views/main.py:69 883 884 #, python-format 884 885 msgid "Select %s to change" 885 886 msgstr "Выберите %s для изменения" … … 893 894 msgid "template" 894 895 msgstr "шаблон" 895 896 896 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:53897 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:55898 897 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:57 898 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:59 899 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:61 899 900 msgid "tag:" 900 901 msgstr "Тэг:" 901 902 902 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py: 87903 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py: 89904 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:9 1903 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:90 904 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:92 905 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:94 905 906 msgid "filter:" 906 907 msgstr "Фильтр:" 907 908 908 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:15 3909 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:15 5910 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:15 7909 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:154 910 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:156 911 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:158 911 912 msgid "view:" 912 913 msgstr "view:" 913 914 914 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:18 7915 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:186 915 916 #, python-format 916 917 msgid "App %r not found" 917 918 msgstr "Приложение %r не найдено" 918 919 919 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:19 4920 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:193 920 921 #, python-format 921 922 msgid "Model %(model_name)r not found in app %(app_label)r" 922 923 msgstr "Модель %(model_name)r не найдена в приложении %(app_label)r" 923 924 924 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:20 6925 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:205 925 926 #, python-format 926 927 msgid "the related `%(app_label)s.%(data_type)s` object" 927 928 msgstr "зависимый `%(app_label)s.%(data_type)s` объект" 928 929 929 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:20 6930 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:22 8931 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:24 2932 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:24 7930 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:205 931 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:227 932 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:241 933 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:246 933 934 msgid "model:" 934 935 msgstr "модель:" 935 936 936 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:23 7937 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:236 937 938 #, python-format 938 939 msgid "related `%(app_label)s.%(object_name)s` objects" 939 940 msgstr "зависимые `%(app_label)s.%(object_name)s` объекты" 940 941 941 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:24 2942 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:241 942 943 #, python-format 943 944 msgid "all %s" 944 945 msgstr "все %s" 945 946 946 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:24 7947 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:246 947 948 #, python-format 948 949 msgid "number of %s" 949 950 msgstr "количество %s" 950 951 951 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:25 3952 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:251 952 953 #, python-format 953 954 msgid "Fields on %s objects" 954 955 msgstr "Поля для %s объектов" 955 956 956 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:317 957 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:328 958 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:330 957 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:314 958 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:325 959 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:327 960 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:333 961 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:334 959 962 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:336 960 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:337961 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:339962 963 msgid "Integer" 963 964 msgstr "Целое" 964 965 965 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:31 8966 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:315 966 967 msgid "Boolean (Either True or False)" 967 968 msgstr "Логическое (True или False)" 968 969 969 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:31 9970 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:33 8970 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:316 971 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:335 971 972 #, python-format 972 973 msgid "String (up to %(max_length)s)" 973 974 msgstr "Строка (до %(max_length)s)" 974 975 975 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:3 20976 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:317 976 977 msgid "Comma-separated integers" 977 978 msgstr "Целые, разделенные запятыми" 978 979 979 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:3 21980 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:318 980 981 msgid "Date (without time)" 981 982 msgstr "Дата (без указания времени)" 982 983 983 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:3 22984 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:319 984 985 msgid "Date (with time)" 985 986 msgstr "Дата (с указанием времени)" 986 987 987 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:32 3988 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:320 988 989 msgid "Decimal number" 989 990 msgstr "Десятичное число" 990 991 991 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:32 4992 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:321 992 993 msgid "E-mail address" 993 994 msgstr "Адрес электронной почты" 994 995 995 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:325 996 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:322 997 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:323 996 998 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:326 997 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:329998 999 msgid "File path" 999 1000 msgstr "Путь к файлу" 1000 1001 1001 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:32 71002 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:324 1002 1003 msgid "Floating point number" 1003 1004 msgstr "Число с плавающей точкой" 1004 1005 1005 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:3 311006 #: contrib/comments/models.py:5 71006 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:328 1007 #: contrib/comments/models.py:58 1007 1008 msgid "IP address" 1008 1009 msgstr "IP-адрес" 1009 1010 1010 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:33 31011 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:330 1011 1012 msgid "Boolean (Either True, False or None)" 1012 1013 msgstr "Логическое (True, False или None)" 1013 1014 1014 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:33 41015 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:331 1015 1016 msgid "Relation to parent model" 1016 1017 msgstr "Связь с родительской моделью" 1017 1018 1018 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:33 51019 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:332 1019 1020 msgid "Phone number" 1020 1021 msgstr "Номер телефона" 1021 1022 1022 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:3 401023 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:337 1023 1024 msgid "Text" 1024 1025 msgstr "Текст" 1025 1026 1026 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:3 411027 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:338 1027 1028 msgid "Time" 1028 1029 msgstr "Время" 1029 1030 1030 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:3 421031 #: contrib/comments/forms.py:2 01031 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:339 1032 #: contrib/comments/forms.py:22 1032 1033 #: contrib/flatpages/admin.py:8 1033 1034 #: contrib/flatpages/models.py:7 1034 1035 msgid "URL" 1035 1036 msgstr "URL" 1036 1037 1037 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:34 31038 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:340 1038 1039 msgid "U.S. state (two uppercase letters)" 1039 1040 msgstr "Штат США (две заглавные буквы)" 1040 1041 1041 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:34 41042 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:341 1042 1043 msgid "XML text" 1043 1044 msgstr "Текст XML" 1044 1045 1045 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:3 701046 #: contrib/admindocs/views.py:367 1046 1047 #, python-format 1047 1048 msgid "%s does not appear to be a urlpattern object" 1048 1049 msgstr "%s не похож на объект urlpattern" … … 1121 1122 msgid "Groups" 1122 1123 msgstr "Группы" 1123 1124 1124 #: contrib/auth/admin.py:6 21125 #: contrib/auth/admin.py:64 1125 1126 msgid "Add user" 1126 1127 msgstr "Добавить пользователя" 1127 1128 1128 #: contrib/auth/admin.py: 881129 #: contrib/auth/admin.py:90 1129 1130 msgid "Password changed successfully." 1130 1131 msgstr "Пароль успешно обновлен" 1131 1132 1132 #: contrib/auth/admin.py:9 41133 #: contrib/auth/admin.py:96 1133 1134 #, python-format 1134 1135 msgid "Change password: %s" 1135 1136 msgstr "Изменение пароля: %s" … … 1304 1305 msgstr "Не авторизован" 1305 1306 1306 1307 #: contrib/auth/management/commands/createsuperuser.py:23 1307 #: forms/fields.py:42 31308 #: forms/fields.py:428 1308 1309 msgid "Enter a valid e-mail address." 1309 1310 msgstr "Укажите правильный адрес электронной почты." 1310 1311 … … 1316 1317 msgid "Metadata" 1317 1318 msgstr "Метадата" 1318 1319 1319 #: contrib/comments/forms.py: 181320 #: contrib/comments/forms.py:20 1320 1321 msgid "Name" 1321 1322 msgstr "Имя" 1322 1323 1323 #: contrib/comments/forms.py: 191324 #: contrib/comments/forms.py:21 1324 1325 msgid "Email address" 1325 1326 msgstr "Адрес электронной почты" 1326 1327 1327 #: contrib/comments/forms.py:2 11328 #: contrib/comments/forms.py:23 1328 1329 msgid "Comment" 1329 1330 msgstr "комментарий" 1330 1331 1331 #: contrib/comments/forms.py:2 41332 #: contrib/comments/forms.py:26 1332 1333 msgid "If you enter anything in this field your comment will be treated as spam" 1333 1334 msgstr "Если введёте что либо в это поле, ваш комментарий будет признан спамом" 1334 1335 1335 #: contrib/comments/forms.py:12 41336 #: contrib/comments/forms.py:126 1336 1337 #, python-format 1337 1338 msgid "Watch your mouth! The word %s is not allowed here." 1338 1339 msgid_plural "Watch your mouth! The words %s are not allowed here." … … 1340 1341 msgstr[1] "Следите за своими словами! Слова %s здесь запрещены." 1341 1342 msgstr[2] "Следите за своими словами! Слова %s здесь запрещены." 1342 1343 1343 #: contrib/comments/models.py:2 21344 #: contrib/comments/models.py:23 1344 1345 msgid "object ID" 1345 1346 msgstr "ID объекта" 1346 1347 1347 #: contrib/comments/models.py: 491348 #: contrib/comments/models.py:50 1348 1349 msgid "user's name" 1349 1350 msgstr "имя пользователя" 1350 1351 1351 #: contrib/comments/models.py:5 01352 #: contrib/comments/models.py:51 1352 1353 msgid "user's email address" 1353 1354 msgstr "адрес электронной почты пользователя" 1354 1355 1355 #: contrib/comments/models.py:5 11356 #: contrib/comments/models.py:52 1356 1357 msgid "user's URL" 1357 1358 msgstr "URL пользователя" 1358 1359 1359 #: contrib/comments/models.py:5 31360 #: contrib/comments/models.py:54 1360 1361 msgid "comment" 1361 1362 msgstr "Комментарий" 1362 1363 1363 #: contrib/comments/models.py:5 61364 #: contrib/comments/models.py:57 1364 1365 msgid "date/time submitted" 1365 1366 msgstr "Дата/время добавления" 1366 1367 1367 #: contrib/comments/models.py:5 81368 #: contrib/comments/models.py:59 1368 1369 msgid "is public" 1369 1370 msgstr "Публичный" 1370 1371 1371 #: contrib/comments/models.py: 591372 #: contrib/comments/models.py:60 1372 1373 msgid "Uncheck this box to make the comment effectively disappear from the site." 1373 1374 msgstr "Снимите выделение чтоб удалить комментарии с сайта." 1374 1375 1375 #: contrib/comments/models.py:6 11376 #: contrib/comments/models.py:62 1376 1377 msgid "is removed" 1377 1378 msgstr "Удален" 1378 1379 1379 #: contrib/comments/models.py:6 21380 #: contrib/comments/models.py:63 1380 1381 msgid "Check this box if the comment is inappropriate. A \"This comment has been removed\" message will be displayed instead." 1381 1382 msgstr "Отметьте, если комментарий нежелателен. Сообщение \"Этот комментарий был удалён\" будет показано взамен." 1382 1383 1383 #: contrib/comments/models.py:11 41384 #: contrib/comments/models.py:115 1384 1385 msgid "This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the name is read-only." 1385 1386 msgstr "Комментарий был добавлен регистрированным пользователем и его статус только для чтения." 1386 1387 1387 #: contrib/comments/models.py:12 31388 #: contrib/comments/models.py:124 1388 1389 msgid "This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the email is read-only." 1389 1390 msgstr "Комментарий был добавлен регистрированным пользователем и его email имеет статус только для чтения." 1390 1391 1391 #: contrib/comments/models.py:14 81392 #: contrib/comments/models.py:149 1392 1393 #, python-format 1393 1394 msgid "" 1394 1395 "Posted by %(user)s at %(date)s\n" … … 1593 1594 1594 1595 #: contrib/localflavor/at/at_states.py:5 1595 1596 msgid "Burgenland" 1596 msgstr " "1597 msgstr "Бюргенланд" 1597 1598 1598 1599 #: contrib/localflavor/at/at_states.py:6 1599 1600 msgid "Carinthia" 1600 msgstr " "1601 msgstr "Каринтия" 1601 1602 1602 1603 #: contrib/localflavor/at/at_states.py:7 1603 1604 msgid "Lower Austria" … … 1612 1613 msgstr "Зальсбург" 1613 1614 1614 1615 #: contrib/localflavor/at/at_states.py:10 1615 #, fuzzy1616 1616 msgid "Styria" 1617 msgstr "С ербский"1617 msgstr "Стирия" 1618 1618 1619 1619 #: contrib/localflavor/at/at_states.py:11 1620 1620 msgid "Tyrol" … … 1622 1622 1623 1623 #: contrib/localflavor/at/at_states.py:12 1624 1624 msgid "Vorarlberg" 1625 msgstr " "1625 msgstr "Ворарлберг" 1626 1626 1627 1627 #: contrib/localflavor/at/at_states.py:13 1628 1628 msgid "Vienna" … … 1680 1680 1681 1681 #: contrib/localflavor/ch/ch_states.py:5 1682 1682 msgid "Aargau" 1683 msgstr " "1683 msgstr "Ааргуа" 1684 1684 1685 1685 #: contrib/localflavor/ch/ch_states.py:6 1686 1686 msgid "Appenzell Innerrhoden" … … 1696 1696 1697 1697 #: contrib/localflavor/ch/ch_states.py:9 1698 1698 msgid "Basel-Land" 1699 msgstr " "1699 msgstr "Базел-Ланд" 1700 1700 1701 1701 #: contrib/localflavor/ch/ch_states.py:10 1702 1702 msgid "Berne" … … 1704 1704 1705 1705 #: contrib/localflavor/ch/ch_states.py:11 1706 1706 msgid "Fribourg" 1707 msgstr " "1707 msgstr "Фрибург" 1708 1708 1709 1709 #: contrib/localflavor/ch/ch_states.py:12 1710 1710 msgid "Geneva" … … 1728 1728 1729 1729 #: contrib/localflavor/ch/ch_states.py:17 1730 1730 msgid "Neuchatel" 1731 msgstr " "1731 msgstr "Нахатель" 1732 1732 1733 1733 #: contrib/localflavor/ch/ch_states.py:18 1734 1734 msgid "Nidwalden" 1735 msgstr " "1735 msgstr "Нидвалген" 1736 1736 1737 1737 #: contrib/localflavor/ch/ch_states.py:19 1738 1738 msgid "Obwalden" 1739 msgstr " "1739 msgstr "Обвалген" 1740 1740 1741 1741 #: contrib/localflavor/ch/ch_states.py:20 1742 1742 msgid "Schaffhausen" 1743 msgstr " "1743 msgstr "Шаффхаусен" 1744 1744 1745 1745 #: contrib/localflavor/ch/ch_states.py:21 1746 1746 msgid "Schwyz" 1747 msgstr " "1747 msgstr "Швитц" 1748 1748 1749 1749 #: contrib/localflavor/ch/ch_states.py:22 1750 1750 msgid "Solothurn" … … 1885 1885 msgstr "" 1886 1886 1887 1887 #: contrib/localflavor/es/es_provinces.py:8 1888 #, fuzzy1889 1888 msgid "Almeria" 1890 msgstr "А омори"1889 msgstr "Альмерия" 1891 1890 1892 1891 #: contrib/localflavor/es/es_provinces.py:9 1893 #, fuzzy1894 1892 msgid "Avila" 1895 msgstr "А прель"1893 msgstr "Авила" 1896 1894 1897 1895 #: contrib/localflavor/es/es_provinces.py:10 1898 1896 msgid "Badajoz" … … 1959 1957 msgstr "" 1960 1958 1961 1959 #: contrib/localflavor/es/es_provinces.py:26 1962 #, fuzzy1963 1960 msgid "Huesca" 1964 msgstr " Вторник"1961 msgstr "Хуеска" 1965 1962 1966 1963 #: contrib/localflavor/es/es_provinces.py:27 1967 #, fuzzy1968 1964 msgid "Jaen" 1969 msgstr " янв."1965 msgstr "Джин" 1970 1966 1971 1967 #: contrib/localflavor/es/es_provinces.py:28 1972 1968 msgid "Leon" … … 1991 1987 msgstr "Мадрид" 1992 1988 1993 1989 #: contrib/localflavor/es/es_provinces.py:33 1994 #, fuzzy1995 1990 msgid "Malaga" 1996 msgstr " Сага"1991 msgstr "Малага" 1997 1992 1998 1993 #: contrib/localflavor/es/es_provinces.py:34 1999 1994 msgid "Murcia" … … 2012 2007 msgstr "" 2013 2008 2014 2009 #: contrib/localflavor/es/es_provinces.py:38 2015 #, fuzzy2016 2010 msgid "Palencia" 2017 msgstr " Галльский"2011 msgstr "Паленьсия" 2018 2012 2019 2013 #: contrib/localflavor/es/es_provinces.py:39 2020 2014 msgid "Las Palmas" … … 2025 2019 msgstr "" 2026 2020 2027 2021 #: contrib/localflavor/es/es_provinces.py:41 2028 #, fuzzy2029 2022 msgid "Salamanca" 2030 msgstr "Са йтама"2023 msgstr "Саламанка" 2031 2024 2032 2025 #: contrib/localflavor/es/es_provinces.py:42 2033 2026 msgid "Santa Cruz de Tenerife" … … 2035 2028 2036 2029 #: contrib/localflavor/es/es_provinces.py:43 2037 2030 #: contrib/localflavor/es/es_regions.py:11 2038 #, fuzzy2039 2031 msgid "Cantabria" 2040 msgstr "Ка таланский"2032 msgstr "Кантабрина" 2041 2033 2042 2034 #: contrib/localflavor/es/es_provinces.py:44 2043 #, fuzzy2044 2035 msgid "Segovia" 2045 msgstr "С ловенский"2036 msgstr "Сеговия" 2046 2037 2047 2038 #: contrib/localflavor/es/es_provinces.py:45 2048 2039 msgid "Seville" 2049 2040 msgstr "Севилья" 2050 2041 2051 2042 #: contrib/localflavor/es/es_provinces.py:46 2052 #, fuzzy2053 2043 msgid "Soria" 2054 msgstr "С ербский"2044 msgstr "Сория" 2055 2045 2056 2046 #: contrib/localflavor/es/es_provinces.py:47 2057 2047 msgid "Tarragona" … … 2078 2068 msgstr "" 2079 2069 2080 2070 #: contrib/localflavor/es/es_provinces.py:53 2081 #, fuzzy2082 2071 msgid "Zamora" 2083 msgstr " Нара"2072 msgstr "Замора" 2084 2073 2085 2074 #: contrib/localflavor/es/es_provinces.py:54 2086 2075 msgid "Zaragoza" … … 2399 2388 msgstr "Миязаки" 2400 2389 2401 2390 #: contrib/localflavor/jp/jp_prefectures.py:49 2402 #, fuzzy2403 2391 msgid "Kagoshima" 2404 msgstr " Токушима"2392 msgstr "Кагошина" 2405 2393 2406 2394 #: contrib/localflavor/jp/jp_prefectures.py:50 2407 2395 msgid "Okinawa" … … 2420 2408 msgstr "" 2421 2409 2422 2410 #: contrib/localflavor/mx/mx_states.py:15 2423 #, fuzzy2424 2411 msgid "Campeche" 2425 msgstr " Чешский"2412 msgstr "Кампече" 2426 2413 2427 2414 #: contrib/localflavor/mx/mx_states.py:16 2428 2415 msgid "Chihuahua" 2429 2416 msgstr "" 2430 2417 2431 2418 #: contrib/localflavor/mx/mx_states.py:17 2432 #, fuzzy2433 2419 msgid "Chiapas" 2434 msgstr "Чи ба"2420 msgstr "Чиакпас" 2435 2421 2436 2422 #: contrib/localflavor/mx/mx_states.py:18 2437 #, fuzzy2438 2423 msgid "Coahuila" 2439 msgstr " Чиба"2424 msgstr "Коахулия" 2440 2425 2441 2426 #: contrib/localflavor/mx/mx_states.py:19 2442 2427 msgid "Colima" … … 2451 2436 msgstr "" 2452 2437 2453 2438 #: contrib/localflavor/mx/mx_states.py:22 2454 #, fuzzy2455 2439 msgid "Guerrero" 2456 msgstr " Ошибка сервера"2440 msgstr "Гуерреро" 2457 2441 2458 2442 #: contrib/localflavor/mx/mx_states.py:23 2459 2443 msgid "Guanajuato" … … 2488 2472 msgstr "" 2489 2473 2490 2474 #: contrib/localflavor/mx/mx_states.py:31 2491 #, fuzzy2492 2475 msgid "Oaxaca" 2493 msgstr "О каяма"2476 msgstr "Оаксака" 2494 2477 2495 2478 #: contrib/localflavor/mx/mx_states.py:32 2496 2479 msgid "Puebla" … … 2505 2488 msgstr "" 2506 2489 2507 2490 #: contrib/localflavor/mx/mx_states.py:35 2508 #, fuzzy2509 2491 msgid "Sinaloa" 2510 msgstr "С ловацкий"2492 msgstr "Синалоа" 2511 2493 2512 2494 #: contrib/localflavor/mx/mx_states.py:36 2513 2495 msgid "San Luis PotosÃ" … … 2554 2536 msgstr "Укажите правильный SoFi номер." 2555 2537 2556 2538 #: contrib/localflavor/nl/nl_provinces.py:4 2557 #, fuzzy2558 2539 msgid "Drenthe" 2559 msgstr " Французский"2540 msgstr "Дрент" 2560 2541 2561 2542 #: contrib/localflavor/nl/nl_provinces.py:5 2562 2543 msgid "Flevoland" … … 2567 2548 msgstr "" 2568 2549 2569 2550 #: contrib/localflavor/nl/nl_provinces.py:7 2570 #, fuzzy2571 2551 msgid "Gelderland" 2572 msgstr " Немецкий"2552 msgstr "Гельдерланд" 2573 2553 2574 2554 #: contrib/localflavor/nl/nl_provinces.py:8 2575 #, fuzzy2576 2555 msgid "Groningen" 2577 msgstr " девять"2556 msgstr "Гронинген" 2578 2557 2579 2558 #: contrib/localflavor/nl/nl_provinces.py:9 2580 #, fuzzy2581 2559 msgid "Limburg" 2582 msgstr " Гамбург"2560 msgstr "Лимбург" 2583 2561 2584 2562 #: contrib/localflavor/nl/nl_provinces.py:10 2585 2563 msgid "Noord-Brabant" … … 2594 2572 msgstr "" 2595 2573 2596 2574 #: contrib/localflavor/nl/nl_provinces.py:13 2597 #, fuzzy2598 2575 msgid "Utrecht" 2599 msgstr " Французский"2576 msgstr "Утрехт" 2600 2577 2601 2578 #: contrib/localflavor/nl/nl_provinces.py:14 2602 #, fuzzy2603 2579 msgid "Zeeland" 2604 msgstr " Исландский"2580 msgstr "Зиланд" 2605 2581 2606 2582 #: contrib/localflavor/nl/nl_provinces.py:15 2607 2583 msgid "Zuid-Holland" … … 2648 2624 msgstr "Укажите почтовый индекс код в формате XX-XXX." 2649 2625 2650 2626 #: contrib/localflavor/pl/pl_voivodeships.py:8 2651 #, fuzzy2652 2627 msgid "Lower Silesia" 2653 msgstr "Нижняя С аксония"2628 msgstr "Нижняя Силесия" 2654 2629 2655 2630 #: contrib/localflavor/pl/pl_voivodeships.py:9 2656 2631 msgid "Kuyavia-Pomerania" … … 2677 2652 msgstr "" 2678 2653 2679 2654 #: contrib/localflavor/pl/pl_voivodeships.py:15 2680 #, fuzzy2681 2655 msgid "Opole" 2682 msgstr " Необязательное"2656 msgstr "Ополе" 2683 2657 2684 2658 #: contrib/localflavor/pl/pl_voivodeships.py:16 2685 2659 msgid "Subcarpatia" … … 2690 2664 msgstr "" 2691 2665 2692 2666 #: contrib/localflavor/pl/pl_voivodeships.py:18 2693 #, fuzzy2694 2667 msgid "Pomerania" 2695 msgstr " Румынский"2668 msgstr "Померания" 2696 2669 2697 2670 #: contrib/localflavor/pl/pl_voivodeships.py:19 2698 #, fuzzy2699 2671 msgid "Silesia" 2700 msgstr "С ловенский"2672 msgstr "Силесия" 2701 2673 2702 2674 #: contrib/localflavor/pl/pl_voivodeships.py:20 2703 2675 msgid "Swietokrzyskie" … … 2712 2684 msgstr "" 2713 2685 2714 2686 #: contrib/localflavor/pl/pl_voivodeships.py:23 2715 #, fuzzy2716 2687 msgid "West Pomerania" 2717 msgstr " Мекленбург-Западная Померания"2688 msgstr "Западная Померания" 2718 2689 2719 2690 #: contrib/localflavor/ro/forms.py:19 2720 2691 msgid "Enter a valid CIF." … … 2757 2728 msgstr "" 2758 2729 2759 2730 #: contrib/localflavor/sk/sk_districts.py:12 2760 #, fuzzy2761 2731 msgid "Brezno" 2762 msgstr "Бре мен"2732 msgstr "Брензо" 2763 2733 2764 2734 #: contrib/localflavor/sk/sk_districts.py:13 2765 2735 msgid "Bratislava I" … … 2802 2772 msgstr "" 2803 2773 2804 2774 #: contrib/localflavor/sk/sk_districts.py:23 2805 #, fuzzy2806 2775 msgid "Galanta" 2807 msgstr "Гал льский"2776 msgstr "Галанта" 2808 2777 2809 2778 #: contrib/localflavor/sk/sk_districts.py:24 2810 #, fuzzy2811 2779 msgid "Gelnica" 2812 msgstr "Г алльский"2780 msgstr "Гельника" 2813 2781 2814 2782 #: contrib/localflavor/sk/sk_districts.py:25 2815 2783 msgid "Hlohovec" … … 2828 2796 msgstr "" 2829 2797 2830 2798 #: contrib/localflavor/sk/sk_districts.py:29 2831 #, fuzzy2832 2799 msgid "Komarno" 2833 msgstr "Ко рейский"2800 msgstr "Комарно" 2834 2801 2835 2802 #: contrib/localflavor/sk/sk_districts.py:30 2836 2803 msgid "Kosice I" … … 2873 2840 msgstr "" 2874 2841 2875 2842 #: contrib/localflavor/sk/sk_districts.py:40 2876 #, fuzzy2877 2843 msgid "Lucenec" 2878 msgstr "Люце рн"2844 msgstr "Люценик" 2879 2845 2880 2846 #: contrib/localflavor/sk/sk_districts.py:41 2881 #, fuzzy2882 2847 msgid "Malacky" 2883 msgstr "Ма й"2848 msgstr "Малаки" 2884 2849 2885 2850 #: contrib/localflavor/sk/sk_districts.py:42 2886 #, fuzzy2887 2851 msgid "Martin" 2888 msgstr " Латвийский"2852 msgstr "Мартин" 2889 2853 2890 2854 #: contrib/localflavor/sk/sk_districts.py:43 2891 2855 msgid "Medzilaborce" … … 2904 2868 msgstr "" 2905 2869 2906 2870 #: contrib/localflavor/sk/sk_districts.py:47 2907 #, fuzzy2908 2871 msgid "Nitra" 2909 msgstr "Н ара"2872 msgstr "Нитра" 2910 2873 2911 2874 #: contrib/localflavor/sk/sk_districts.py:48 2912 2875 msgid "Nove Mesto nad Vahom" … … 2969 2932 msgstr "" 2970 2933 2971 2934 #: contrib/localflavor/sk/sk_districts.py:63 2972 #, fuzzy2973 2935 msgid "Sabinov" 2974 msgstr " нояб"2936 msgstr "Сабинов" 2975 2937 2976 2938 #: contrib/localflavor/sk/sk_districts.py:64 2977 #, fuzzy2978 2939 msgid "Senec" 2979 msgstr " Берн"2940 msgstr "Сеник" 2980 2941 2981 2942 #: contrib/localflavor/sk/sk_districts.py:65 2982 #, fuzzy2983 2943 msgid "Senica" 2984 msgstr "С ловенский"2944 msgstr "Сеника" 2985 2945 2986 2946 #: contrib/localflavor/sk/sk_districts.py:66 2987 #, fuzzy2988 2947 msgid "Skalica" 2989 msgstr " Галльский"2948 msgstr "Скалиция" 2990 2949 2991 2950 #: contrib/localflavor/sk/sk_districts.py:67 2992 #, fuzzy2993 2951 msgid "Snina" 2994 msgstr " девять"2952 msgstr "Снина" 2995 2953 2996 2954 #: contrib/localflavor/sk/sk_districts.py:68 2997 2955 msgid "Sobrance" … … 3014 2972 msgstr "" 3015 2973 3016 2974 #: contrib/localflavor/sk/sk_districts.py:73 3017 #, fuzzy3018 2975 msgid "Sala" 3019 msgstr "Са га"2976 msgstr "Сала" 3020 2977 3021 2978 #: contrib/localflavor/sk/sk_districts.py:74 3022 2979 msgid "Topolcany" … … 3027 2984 msgstr "" 3028 2985 3029 2986 #: contrib/localflavor/sk/sk_districts.py:76 3030 #, fuzzy3031 2987 msgid "Trencin" 3032 msgstr " Французский"2988 msgstr "Тренцин" 3033 2989 3034 2990 #: contrib/localflavor/sk/sk_districts.py:77 3035 2991 msgid "Trnava" … … 3109 3065 3110 3066 #: contrib/localflavor/uk/uk_regions.py:11 3111 3067 msgid "Bedfordshire" 3112 msgstr " "3068 msgstr "Бедфордшир" 3113 3069 3114 3070 #: contrib/localflavor/uk/uk_regions.py:12 3115 3071 msgid "Buckinghamshire" 3116 msgstr " "3072 msgstr "Букингемшир" 3117 3073 3118 3074 #: contrib/localflavor/uk/uk_regions.py:14 3119 3075 msgid "Cheshire" 3120 msgstr " "3076 msgstr "Чешир" 3121 3077 3122 3078 #: contrib/localflavor/uk/uk_regions.py:15 3123 3079 msgid "Cornwall and Isles of Scilly" … … 3125 3081 3126 3082 #: contrib/localflavor/uk/uk_regions.py:16 3127 3083 msgid "Cumbria" 3128 msgstr " "3084 msgstr "Камбрия" 3129 3085 3130 3086 #: contrib/localflavor/uk/uk_regions.py:17 3131 3087 msgid "Derbyshire" 3132 msgstr " "3088 msgstr "Дербишир" 3133 3089 3134 3090 #: contrib/localflavor/uk/uk_regions.py:18 3135 #, fuzzy3136 3091 msgid "Devon" 3137 msgstr " семь"3092 msgstr "Девон" 3138 3093 3139 3094 #: contrib/localflavor/uk/uk_regions.py:19 3140 3095 msgid "Dorset" 3141 msgstr " "3096 msgstr "Дорсет" 3142 3097 3143 3098 #: contrib/localflavor/uk/uk_regions.py:20 3144 3099 msgid "Durham" 3145 msgstr " "3100 msgstr "Дурхам" 3146 3101 3147 3102 #: contrib/localflavor/uk/uk_regions.py:21 3148 3103 msgid "East Sussex" 3149 msgstr " "3104 msgstr "Восточный Сассекс" 3150 3105 3151 3106 #: contrib/localflavor/uk/uk_regions.py:22 3152 3107 msgid "Essex" 3153 msgstr " "3108 msgstr "Эссекс" 3154 3109 3155 3110 #: contrib/localflavor/uk/uk_regions.py:23 3156 3111 msgid "Gloucestershire" 3157 msgstr " "3112 msgstr "Глостершир" 3158 3113 3159 3114 #: contrib/localflavor/uk/uk_regions.py:24 3160 3115 msgid "Greater London" 3161 msgstr " "3116 msgstr "Грейте Лондон" 3162 3117 3163 3118 #: contrib/localflavor/uk/uk_regions.py:25 3164 3119 msgid "Greater Manchester" 3165 msgstr " "3120 msgstr "Грейтер Манчестер" 3166 3121 3167 3122 #: contrib/localflavor/uk/uk_regions.py:26 3168 3123 msgid "Hampshire" 3169 msgstr " "3124 msgstr "Хэмшир" 3170 3125 3171 3126 #: contrib/localflavor/uk/uk_regions.py:27 3172 3127 msgid "Hertfordshire" 3173 msgstr " "3128 msgstr "Хертфордшир" 3174 3129 3175 3130 #: contrib/localflavor/uk/uk_regions.py:28 3176 #, fuzzy3177 3131 msgid "Kent" 3178 msgstr "К орейский"3132 msgstr "Кент" 3179 3133 3180 3134 #: contrib/localflavor/uk/uk_regions.py:29 3181 #, fuzzy3182 3135 msgid "Lancashire" 3183 msgstr " Яманаши"3136 msgstr "Ланкашир" 3184 3137 3185 3138 #: contrib/localflavor/uk/uk_regions.py:30 3186 3139 msgid "Leicestershire" 3187 msgstr " "3140 msgstr "Лицестершир" 3188 3141 3189 3142 #: contrib/localflavor/uk/uk_regions.py:31 3190 3143 msgid "Lincolnshire" 3191 msgstr " "3144 msgstr "Линкольншир" 3192 3145 3193 3146 #: contrib/localflavor/uk/uk_regions.py:32 3194 3147 msgid "Merseyside" … … 3196 3149 3197 3150 #: contrib/localflavor/uk/uk_regions.py:33 3198 3151 msgid "Norfolk" 3199 msgstr " "3152 msgstr "Норфолк" 3200 3153 3201 3154 #: contrib/localflavor/uk/uk_regions.py:34 3202 3155 msgid "North Yorkshire" 3203 msgstr " "3156 msgstr "Северный Йоркшир" 3204 3157 3205 3158 #: contrib/localflavor/uk/uk_regions.py:35 3206 3159 msgid "Northamptonshire" 3207 msgstr " "3160 msgstr "Нортамптошир" 3208 3161 3209 3162 #: contrib/localflavor/uk/uk_regions.py:36 3210 3163 msgid "Northumberland" … … 3212 3165 3213 3166 #: contrib/localflavor/uk/uk_regions.py:37 3214 3167 msgid "Nottinghamshire" 3215 msgstr " "3168 msgstr "Нотингемшир" 3216 3169 3217 3170 #: contrib/localflavor/uk/uk_regions.py:38 3218 3171 msgid "Oxfordshire" 3219 msgstr " "3172 msgstr "Оксфордшир" 3220 3173 3221 3174 #: contrib/localflavor/uk/uk_regions.py:39 3222 3175 msgid "Shropshire" 3223 msgstr " "3176 msgstr "Шропшир" 3224 3177 3225 3178 #: contrib/localflavor/uk/uk_regions.py:40 3226 3179 msgid "Somerset" 3227 msgstr " "3180 msgstr "Сомерсет" 3228 3181 3229 3182 #: contrib/localflavor/uk/uk_regions.py:41 3230 3183 msgid "South Yorkshire" 3231 msgstr " "3184 msgstr "Южный Йоркшир" 3232 3185 3233 3186 #: contrib/localflavor/uk/uk_regions.py:42 3234 3187 msgid "Staffordshire" 3235 msgstr " "3188 msgstr "Стаффордшир" 3236 3189 3237 3190 #: contrib/localflavor/uk/uk_regions.py:43 3238 3191 msgid "Suffolk" 3239 3192 msgstr "" 3240 3193 3241 3194 #: contrib/localflavor/uk/uk_regions.py:44 3242 #, fuzzy3243 3195 msgid "Surrey" 3244 msgstr "С овременно:"3196 msgstr "Сюррэй:" 3245 3197 3246 3198 #: contrib/localflavor/uk/uk_regions.py:45 3247 3199 msgid "Tyne and Wear" … … 3253 3205 3254 3206 #: contrib/localflavor/uk/uk_regions.py:47 3255 3207 msgid "West Midlands" 3256 msgstr " "3208 msgstr "Западный Мидландс" 3257 3209 3258 3210 #: contrib/localflavor/uk/uk_regions.py:48 3259 3211 msgid "West Sussex" 3260 msgstr " "3212 msgstr "Западный Сассекс" 3261 3213 3262 3214 #: contrib/localflavor/uk/uk_regions.py:49 3263 3215 msgid "West Yorkshire" 3264 msgstr " "3216 msgstr "Западный Йоркшир" 3265 3217 3266 3218 #: contrib/localflavor/uk/uk_regions.py:50 3267 3219 msgid "Wiltshire" 3268 msgstr " "3220 msgstr "Вильтшир" 3269 3221 3270 3222 #: contrib/localflavor/uk/uk_regions.py:51 3271 3223 msgid "Worcestershire" … … 3328 3280 msgstr "" 3329 3281 3330 3282 #: contrib/localflavor/uk/uk_regions.py:75 3331 #, fuzzy3332 3283 msgid "Borders" 3333 msgstr " Порядок:"3284 msgstr "Бордерс" 3334 3285 3335 3286 #: contrib/localflavor/uk/uk_regions.py:76 3336 3287 msgid "Central Scotland" … … 3341 3292 msgstr "" 3342 3293 3343 3294 #: contrib/localflavor/uk/uk_regions.py:78 3344 #, fuzzy3345 3295 msgid "Fife" 3346 msgstr "Ф ильтр"3296 msgstr "Файф" 3347 3297 3348 3298 #: contrib/localflavor/uk/uk_regions.py:79 3349 #, fuzzy3350 3299 msgid "Grampian" 3351 msgstr " Немецкий"3300 msgstr "Грампиан" 3352 3301 3353 3302 #: contrib/localflavor/uk/uk_regions.py:80 3354 3303 msgid "Highland" 3355 3304 msgstr "" 3356 3305 3357 3306 #: contrib/localflavor/uk/uk_regions.py:81 3358 #, fuzzy3359 3307 msgid "Lothian" 3360 msgstr "Л атвийский"3308 msgstr "Лотиан" 3361 3309 3362 3310 #: contrib/localflavor/uk/uk_regions.py:82 3363 3311 msgid "Orkney Islands" … … 3377 3325 3378 3326 #: contrib/localflavor/uk/uk_regions.py:86 3379 3327 msgid "Western Isles" 3380 msgstr " "3328 msgstr "Западный Ислес" 3381 3329 3382 3330 #: contrib/localflavor/uk/uk_regions.py:90 3383 3331 msgid "England" … … 3385 3333 3386 3334 #: contrib/localflavor/uk/uk_regions.py:91 3387 3335 msgid "Northern Ireland" 3388 msgstr " "3336 msgstr "Северная Ирландия" 3389 3337 3390 3338 #: contrib/localflavor/uk/uk_regions.py:92 3391 3339 msgid "Scotland" 3392 msgstr " "3340 msgstr "Шотландия" 3393 3341 3394 3342 #: contrib/localflavor/uk/uk_regions.py:93 3395 3343 msgid "Wales" … … 3412 3360 msgstr "Укажите правильный zip код в Южной Африке" 3413 3361 3414 3362 #: contrib/localflavor/za/za_provinces.py:4 3415 #, fuzzy3416 3363 msgid "Eastern Cape" 3417 msgstr " Имя пользователя"3364 msgstr "Восточный Кейп" 3418 3365 3419 3366 #: contrib/localflavor/za/za_provinces.py:5 3420 #, fuzzy3421 3367 msgid "Free State" 3422 msgstr " Время счёта"3368 msgstr "Свободный штат" 3423 3369 3424 3370 #: contrib/localflavor/za/za_provinces.py:6 3425 #, fuzzy3426 3371 msgid "Gauteng" 3427 msgstr " авг"3372 msgstr "Гаутенг" 3428 3373 3429 3374 #: contrib/localflavor/za/za_provinces.py:7 3430 3375 msgid "KwaZulu-Natal" 3431 msgstr " "3376 msgstr "КваЗулу-Наталь" 3432 3377 3433 3378 #: contrib/localflavor/za/za_provinces.py:8 3434 3379 msgid "Limpopo" 3435 msgstr " "3380 msgstr "Лимпопо" 3436 3381 3437 3382 #: contrib/localflavor/za/za_provinces.py:9 3438 3383 msgid "Mpumalanga" 3439 msgstr " "3384 msgstr "Мпумаланга" 3440 3385 3441 3386 #: contrib/localflavor/za/za_provinces.py:10 3442 3387 msgid "Northern Cape" 3443 msgstr " "3388 msgstr "Северный Кейп" 3444 3389 3445 3390 #: contrib/localflavor/za/za_provinces.py:11 3446 3391 msgid "North West" 3447 3392 msgstr "Северо-запад" 3448 3393 3449 3394 #: contrib/localflavor/za/za_provinces.py:12 3450 #, fuzzy3451 3395 msgid "Western Cape" 3452 msgstr " Имя пользователя"3396 msgstr "Западный Кейп" 3453 3397 3454 3398 #: contrib/redirects/models.py:7 3455 3399 msgid "redirect from" … … 3507 3451 msgid "sites" 3508 3452 msgstr "Сайты" 3509 3453 3510 #: db/models/fields/__init__.py:3 323511 #: db/models/fields/__init__.py:6 673454 #: db/models/fields/__init__.py:348 3455 #: db/models/fields/__init__.py:683 3512 3456 msgid "This value must be an integer." 3513 3457 msgstr "Это значение должно быть целым числом." 3514 3458 3515 #: db/models/fields/__init__.py:3 633459 #: db/models/fields/__init__.py:379 3516 3460 msgid "This value must be either True or False." 3517 3461 msgstr "Значение должно либо True, либо False." 3518 3462 3519 #: db/models/fields/__init__.py: 3963463 #: db/models/fields/__init__.py:412 3520 3464 msgid "This field cannot be null." 3521 3465 msgstr "Это поле не может быть нулевым." 3522 3466 3523 #: db/models/fields/__init__.py:4 123467 #: db/models/fields/__init__.py:428 3524 3468 msgid "Enter only digits separated by commas." 3525 3469 msgstr "Введите цифры, разделённые запятыми." 3526 3470 3527 #: db/models/fields/__init__.py:4 433471 #: db/models/fields/__init__.py:459 3528 3472 msgid "Enter a valid date in YYYY-MM-DD format." 3529 3473 msgstr "Вводите правильную дату в формате YYYY-MM-DD." 3530 3474 3531 #: db/models/fields/__init__.py:4 523475 #: db/models/fields/__init__.py:468 3532 3476 #, python-format 3533 3477 msgid "Invalid date: %s" 3534 3478 msgstr "неправильная дата: %s" 3535 3479 3536 #: db/models/fields/__init__.py:5 163537 #: db/models/fields/__init__.py:5 343480 #: db/models/fields/__init__.py:532 3481 #: db/models/fields/__init__.py:550 3538 3482 msgid "Enter a valid date/time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM[:ss[.uuuuuu]] format." 3539 3483 msgstr "Введите правильные дату/время в формате YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM[:ss[.uuuuuu]." 3540 3484 3541 #: db/models/fields/__init__.py:5 703485 #: db/models/fields/__init__.py:586 3542 3486 msgid "This value must be a decimal number." 3543 3487 msgstr "Это значение должно быть целым числом." 3544 3488 3545 #: db/models/fields/__init__.py:7 033489 #: db/models/fields/__init__.py:719 3546 3490 msgid "This value must be either None, True or False." 3547 3491 msgstr "Значение должно либо True, либо False." 3548 3492 3549 #: db/models/fields/__init__.py:81 13550 #: db/models/fields/__init__.py:8 253493 #: db/models/fields/__init__.py:817 3494 #: db/models/fields/__init__.py:831 3551 3495 msgid "Enter a valid time in HH:MM[:ss[.uuuuuu]] format." 3552 3496 msgstr "Введите правильное время в формате HH:MM[:ss[.uuuuuu]]." 3553 3497 3554 #: db/models/fields/related.py:7 483498 #: db/models/fields/related.py:761 3555 3499 msgid "Hold down \"Control\", or \"Command\" on a Mac, to select more than one." 3556 3500 msgstr "Удерживайте \"Control\" (или \"Command\" на Mac) для выбора нескольких." 3557 3501 3558 #: db/models/fields/related.py:8 253502 #: db/models/fields/related.py:838 3559 3503 #, python-format 3560 3504 msgid "Please enter valid %(self)s IDs. The value %(value)r is invalid." 3561 3505 msgid_plural "Please enter valid %(self)s IDs. The values %(value)r are invalid." … … 3563 3507 msgstr[1] "Пожалуйста, введите корректные ID для %(self)s. Значения %(value)r недопустимы." 3564 3508 msgstr[2] "Пожалуйста, введите корректные ID для %(self)s. Значения %(value)r недопустимы." 3565 3509 3566 #: forms/fields.py:5 23510 #: forms/fields.py:54 3567 3511 msgid "This field is required." 3568 3512 msgstr "Обязательное поле." 3569 3513 3570 #: forms/fields.py:5 33514 #: forms/fields.py:55 3571 3515 msgid "Enter a valid value." 3572 3516 msgstr "Укажите значение правильно" 3573 3517 3574 #: forms/fields.py:13 33518 #: forms/fields.py:138 3575 3519 #, python-format 3576 3520 msgid "Ensure this value has at most %(max)d characters (it has %(length)d)." 3577 3521 msgstr "Убедитесь, что значение содержит не больше %(max)d символов (сейчас %(length)d)." 3578 3522 3579 #: forms/fields.py:13 43523 #: forms/fields.py:139 3580 3524 #, python-format 3581 3525 msgid "Ensure this value has at least %(min)d characters (it has %(length)d)." 3582 3526 msgstr "Убедитесь, что значение содержит не менее %(min)d символов (сейчас %(length)d)." 3583 3527 3584 #: forms/fields.py:16 13528 #: forms/fields.py:166 3585 3529 msgid "Enter a whole number." 3586 3530 msgstr "Введите целое число." 3587 3531 3588 #: forms/fields.py:16 23589 #: forms/fields.py:19 13590 #: forms/fields.py:22 03532 #: forms/fields.py:167 3533 #: forms/fields.py:196 3534 #: forms/fields.py:225 3591 3535 #, python-format 3592 3536 msgid "Ensure this value is less than or equal to %s." 3593 3537 msgstr "Убедитесь что это значение меньше или равно %s." 3594 3538 3595 #: forms/fields.py:16 33596 #: forms/fields.py:19 23597 #: forms/fields.py:22 13539 #: forms/fields.py:168 3540 #: forms/fields.py:197 3541 #: forms/fields.py:226 3598 3542 #, python-format 3599 3543 msgid "Ensure this value is greater than or equal to %s." 3600 3544 msgstr "Убедитесь что это значение больше или равно %s" 3601 3545 3602 #: forms/fields.py:19 03603 #: forms/fields.py:2 193546 #: forms/fields.py:195 3547 #: forms/fields.py:224 3604 3548 msgid "Enter a number." 3605 3549 msgstr "Введите номер." 3606 3550 3607 #: forms/fields.py:22 23551 #: forms/fields.py:227 3608 3552 #, python-format 3609 3553 msgid "Ensure that there are no more than %s digits in total." 3610 3554 msgstr "Будьте уверены, что не будет цифр больше %s в итоге." 3611 3555 3612 #: forms/fields.py:22 33556 #: forms/fields.py:228 3613 3557 #, python-format 3614 3558 msgid "Ensure that there are no more than %s decimal places." 3615 3559 msgstr "Будьте уверены, что не будет цифр после запятой больше чем %s." 3616 3560 3617 #: forms/fields.py:22 43561 #: forms/fields.py:229 3618 3562 #, python-format 3619 3563 msgid "Ensure that there are no more than %s digits before the decimal point." 3620 3564 msgstr "Будьте уверены, что не будет цифр до запятой больше чем %s." 3621 3565 3622 #: forms/fields.py:28 23623 #: forms/fields.py:8 153566 #: forms/fields.py:287 3567 #: forms/fields.py:848 3624 3568 msgid "Enter a valid date." 3625 3569 msgstr "Укажите дату правильно." 3626 3570 3627 #: forms/fields.py:3 163628 #: forms/fields.py:8 163571 #: forms/fields.py:321 3572 #: forms/fields.py:849 3629 3573 msgid "Enter a valid time." 3630 3574 msgstr "Укажите время правильно." 3631 3575 3632 #: forms/fields.py:3 553576 #: forms/fields.py:360 3633 3577 msgid "Enter a valid date/time." 3634 3578 msgstr "Укажите дату и время правильно." 3635 3579 3636 #: forms/fields.py:44 13580 #: forms/fields.py:446 3637 3581 msgid "No file was submitted. Check the encoding type on the form." 3638 3582 msgstr "Не получен файл. Проверьте кодирование формы (encoding)." 3639 3583 3640 #: forms/fields.py:44 23584 #: forms/fields.py:447 3641 3585 msgid "No file was submitted." 3642 3586 msgstr "Ни одного файла не было добавлено." 3643 3587 3644 #: forms/fields.py:44 33588 #: forms/fields.py:448 3645 3589 msgid "The submitted file is empty." 3646 3590 msgstr "Указанный файл пуст." 3647 3591 3648 #: forms/fields.py:47 23592 #: forms/fields.py:477 3649 3593 msgid "Upload a valid image. The file you uploaded was either not an image or a corrupted image." 3650 3594 msgstr "Загрузите реальное изображение. Файл, который вы загрузили, не является изображением или был поврежден." 3651 3595 3652 #: forms/fields.py:53 33596 #: forms/fields.py:538 3653 3597 msgid "Enter a valid URL." 3654 3598 msgstr "Укажите правильный URL" 3655 3599 3656 #: forms/fields.py:53 43600 #: forms/fields.py:539 3657 3601 msgid "This URL appears to be a broken link." 3658 3602 msgstr "Этот URL похоже сломанная ссылка." 3659 3603 3660 #: forms/fields.py:61 33661 #: forms/fields.py:6 643604 #: forms/fields.py:618 3605 #: forms/fields.py:696 3662 3606 #, python-format 3663 3607 msgid "Select a valid choice. %(value)s is not one of the available choices." 3664 3608 msgstr "Выберите корректный вариант. %(value)s нет среди допустимых значений." 3665 3609 3666 #: forms/fields.py:6 653667 #: forms/fields.py:7 263668 #: forms/models.py: 5313610 #: forms/fields.py:697 3611 #: forms/fields.py:758 3612 #: forms/models.py:654 3669 3613 msgid "Enter a list of values." 3670 3614 msgstr "Укажите список занчений." 3671 3615 3672 #: forms/fields.py:8 443616 #: forms/fields.py:877 3673 3617 msgid "Enter a valid IPv4 address." 3674 3618 msgstr "Укажите действительный IPv4 адрес." 3675 3619 3676 #: forms/fields.py:8 543620 #: forms/fields.py:887 3677 3621 msgid "Enter a valid 'slug' consisting of letters, numbers, underscores or hyphens." 3678 3622 msgstr "Значение должно состоять только из букв, цифр, знаков подчеркивания или тире." 3679 3623 … … 3682 3626 msgid "Order" 3683 3627 msgstr "Порядок" 3684 3628 3685 #: forms/models.py:463 3629 #: forms/models.py:268 3630 #: forms/models.py:277 3631 #, python-format 3632 msgid "%(model_name)s with this %(field_label)s already exists." 3633 msgstr "%(model_name)s с этим %(field_label)s уже существует." 3634 3635 #: forms/models.py:584 3686 3636 msgid "Select a valid choice. That choice is not one of the available choices." 3687 3637 msgstr "Выберите корректный вариант. Вашего варианта нет среди допустимых" 3688 3638 3689 #: forms/models.py: 5323639 #: forms/models.py:655 3690 3640 #, python-format 3691 3641 msgid "Select a valid choice. %s is not one of the available choices." 3692 3642 msgstr "Выберите корректный вариант. %s нет среди допустимых значений." … … 3720 3670 3721 3671 #: utils/dateformat.py:41 3722 3672 msgid "p.m." 3723 msgstr " "3673 msgstr "п.п." 3724 3674 3725 3675 #: utils/dateformat.py:42 3726 3676 msgid "a.m." 3727 msgstr " "3677 msgstr "д.п." 3728 3678 3729 3679 #: utils/dateformat.py:47 3730 3680 msgid "PM" 3731 msgstr " "3681 msgstr "ПП" 3732 3682 3733 3683 #: utils/dateformat.py:48 3734 3684 msgid "AM" 3735 msgstr " "3685 msgstr "ДП" 3736 3686 3737 3687 #: utils/dateformat.py:97 3738 3688 msgid "midnight" … … 3980 3930 #: utils/timesince.py:48 3981 3931 #, python-format 3982 3932 msgid "%(number)d %(type)s" 3983 msgstr " "3933 msgstr "%(number)d %(type)s" 3984 3934 3985 3935 #: utils/timesince.py:54 3986 3936 #, python-format 3987 3937 msgid ", %(number)d %(type)s" 3988 msgstr " "3938 msgstr ", %(number)d %(type)s" 3989 3939 3990 3940 #: utils/translation/trans_real.py:403 3991 3941 msgid "DATE_FORMAT" … … 4036 3986 #~ msgid "" 4037 3987 #~ "%(object)s with this %(type)s already exists for the given %(field)s." 4038 3988 #~ msgstr "%(object)s с типом %(type)s уже существует для данного %(field)s." 4039 #~ msgid "%(optname)s with this %(fieldname)s already exists."4040 #~ msgstr "%(optname)s с %(fieldname)s уже существует."4041 3989 #~ msgid "Enter a valid filename." 4042 3990 #~ msgstr "Укажите правильное имя файла." 4043 3991 #~ msgid "Separate multiple IDs with commas."