Ticket #8620: django_model_forms_excluding_fields_fix_2.diff

File django_model_forms_excluding_fields_fix_2.diff, 2.4 KB (added by shimonrura, 14 years ago)

updated patch with tests based on r15800

  • django/forms/models.py

    214214                raise FieldError(message)
    215215            # Override default model fields with any custom declared ones
    216216            # (plus, include all the other declared fields).
     217            if opts.fields:
     218                [declared_fields.pop(f) for f in declared_fields.keys() if f not in opts.fields]
     219            if opts.exclude:
     220                [declared_fields.pop(f) for f in declared_fields.keys() if f in opts.exclude]
    217221            fields.update(declared_fields)
    218222        else:
    219223            fields = declared_fields
  • tests/regressiontests/forms/tests/models.py

    11# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    22import datetime
    33from django.core.files.uploadedfile import SimpleUploadedFile
    4 from django.forms import Form, ModelForm, FileField, ModelChoiceField
     4from django.forms import Form, ModelForm, FileField, ModelChoiceField, CharField
    55from django.test import TestCase
    66from regressiontests.forms.models import ChoiceModel, ChoiceOptionModel, ChoiceFieldModel, FileModel, Group, BoundaryModel, Defaults
    155155        f = ExcludingForm({'name': u'Hello', 'value': 99, 'def_date': datetime.date(1999, 3, 2)})
    156156        self.assertTrue(f.is_valid())
    157         self.assertEqual(f.cleaned_data['name'], u'Hello')
     157        self.assertNotIn('name', f.cleaned_data)
    158158        obj = f.save()
    159159        self.assertEqual(obj.name, u'class default value')
    160160        self.assertEqual(obj.value, 99)
    161161        self.assertEqual(obj.def_date, datetime.date(1999, 3, 2))
     164class TestTicket8620(TestCase):
     165    '''Allow exclusion of not only model fields but also form fields (as
     166    might be defined in a superclass) using the exclude Meta attribute.'''
     168    class ParentForm(ModelForm):
     169        extra_non_model_field = CharField()
     171    class ChildForm(ParentForm):
     172        class Meta:
     173            model = Defaults  # any model is suitable for this test
     174            exclude = ('extra_non_model_field',)
     176    def test_extra_non_model_field_is_excluded(self):
     177        form = TestTicket8620.ChildForm()
     178        self.assertNotIn('extra_non_model_field', form.fields)
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