Ticket #8517: polish-translations.diff
File polish-translations.diff, 27.0 KB (added by , 17 years ago) |
5 5 msgstr "" 6 6 "Project-Id-Version: Django\n" 7 7 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" 8 "POT-Creation-Date: 2008-08- 19 07:26+0200\n"8 "POT-Creation-Date: 2008-08-24 15:26+0200\n" 9 9 "PO-Revision-Date: 2008-02-25 15:53+0100\n" 10 "Last-Translator: Jarek Zgoda <jarek.zgoda@gmail.com>\n" 11 "Language-Team: Polish <pl@li.org>\n" 10 "Last-Translator: Piotr Lewandowski <piotr.lewandowski@gmail.com>\n" 12 11 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" 13 12 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" 14 13 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" 15 "X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"16 14 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%" 17 15 "100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n" 18 16 19 17 #: conf/global_settings.py:44 20 18 msgid "Arabic" 21 msgstr " Arabski"19 msgstr "arabski" 22 20 23 21 #: conf/global_settings.py:45 24 22 msgid "Bengali" 25 msgstr " Bengalski"23 msgstr "bengalski" 26 24 27 25 #: conf/global_settings.py:46 28 26 msgid "Bulgarian" 29 msgstr " Bułgarski"27 msgstr "bułgarski" 30 28 31 29 #: conf/global_settings.py:47 32 30 msgid "Catalan" 33 msgstr " Kataloński"31 msgstr "kataloński" 34 32 35 33 #: conf/global_settings.py:48 36 34 msgid "Czech" 37 msgstr " Czeski"35 msgstr "czeski" 38 36 39 37 #: conf/global_settings.py:49 40 38 msgid "Welsh" 41 msgstr " Walijski"39 msgstr "walijski" 42 40 43 41 #: conf/global_settings.py:50 44 42 msgid "Danish" 45 msgstr " Duński"43 msgstr "duński" 46 44 47 45 #: conf/global_settings.py:51 48 46 msgid "German" 49 msgstr " Niemiecki"47 msgstr "niemiecki" 50 48 51 49 #: conf/global_settings.py:52 52 50 msgid "Greek" 53 msgstr " Grecki"51 msgstr "grecki" 54 52 55 53 #: conf/global_settings.py:53 56 54 msgid "English" 57 msgstr " Angielski"55 msgstr "angielski" 58 56 59 57 #: conf/global_settings.py:54 60 58 msgid "Spanish" 61 msgstr " Hiszpański"59 msgstr "hiszpański" 62 60 63 61 #: conf/global_settings.py:55 64 62 msgid "Estonian" 65 msgstr " Estoński"63 msgstr "estoński" 66 64 67 65 #: conf/global_settings.py:56 68 66 msgid "Argentinean Spanish" 69 msgstr " Hiszpański argentyński"67 msgstr "hiszpański argentyński" 70 68 71 69 #: conf/global_settings.py:57 72 70 msgid "Basque" 73 msgstr " Baskijski"71 msgstr "baskijski" 74 72 75 73 #: conf/global_settings.py:58 76 74 msgid "Persian" 77 msgstr " Perski"75 msgstr "perski" 78 76 79 77 #: conf/global_settings.py:59 80 78 msgid "Finnish" 81 msgstr " Fiński"79 msgstr "fiński" 82 80 83 81 #: conf/global_settings.py:60 84 82 msgid "French" 85 msgstr " Francuski"83 msgstr "francuski" 86 84 87 85 #: conf/global_settings.py:61 88 86 msgid "Irish" 89 msgstr " Irlandzki"87 msgstr "irlandzki" 90 88 91 89 #: conf/global_settings.py:62 92 90 msgid "Galician" 93 msgstr " Galicyjski"91 msgstr "galicyjski" 94 92 95 93 #: conf/global_settings.py:63 96 94 msgid "Hungarian" 97 msgstr " Węgierski"95 msgstr "węgierski" 98 96 99 97 #: conf/global_settings.py:64 100 98 msgid "Hebrew" 101 msgstr " Hebrajski"99 msgstr "hebrajski" 102 100 103 101 #: conf/global_settings.py:65 104 102 msgid "Croatian" 105 msgstr " Chorwacki"103 msgstr "chorwacki" 106 104 107 105 #: conf/global_settings.py:66 108 106 msgid "Icelandic" 109 msgstr " Islandzki"107 msgstr "islandzki" 110 108 111 109 #: conf/global_settings.py:67 112 110 msgid "Italian" 113 msgstr " Włoski"111 msgstr "włoski" 114 112 115 113 #: conf/global_settings.py:68 116 114 msgid "Japanese" 117 msgstr " Japoński"115 msgstr "japoński" 118 116 119 117 #: conf/global_settings.py:69 120 118 msgid "Georgian" 121 msgstr " Gruziński"119 msgstr "gruziński" 122 120 123 121 #: conf/global_settings.py:70 124 122 msgid "Korean" 125 msgstr " Koreański"123 msgstr "koreański" 126 124 127 125 #: conf/global_settings.py:71 128 126 msgid "Khmer" 129 msgstr " Khmerski"127 msgstr "khmerski" 130 128 131 129 #: conf/global_settings.py:72 132 130 msgid "Kannada" 133 msgstr " Kannada"131 msgstr "kannada" 134 132 135 133 #: conf/global_settings.py:73 136 134 msgid "Latvian" 137 msgstr " Łotewski"135 msgstr "łotewski" 138 136 139 137 #: conf/global_settings.py:74 140 138 msgid "Lithuanian" 141 msgstr " Litewski"139 msgstr "litewski" 142 140 143 141 #: conf/global_settings.py:75 144 142 msgid "Macedonian" 145 msgstr " Macedoński"143 msgstr "macedoński" 146 144 147 145 #: conf/global_settings.py:76 148 146 msgid "Dutch" 149 msgstr " Holenderski"147 msgstr "holenderski" 150 148 151 149 #: conf/global_settings.py:77 152 150 msgid "Norwegian" 153 msgstr " Norweski"151 msgstr "norweski" 154 152 155 153 #: conf/global_settings.py:78 156 154 msgid "Polish" 157 msgstr " Polski"155 msgstr "polski" 158 156 159 157 #: conf/global_settings.py:79 160 158 msgid "Portugese" 161 msgstr " Portugalski"159 msgstr "portugalski" 162 160 163 161 #: conf/global_settings.py:80 164 162 msgid "Brazilian Portuguese" 165 msgstr " Brazylijski portugalski"163 msgstr "brazylijski portugalski" 166 164 167 165 #: conf/global_settings.py:81 168 166 msgid "Romanian" 169 msgstr " Rumuński"167 msgstr "rumuński" 170 168 171 169 #: conf/global_settings.py:82 172 170 msgid "Russian" 173 msgstr " Rosyjski"171 msgstr "rosyjski" 174 172 175 173 #: conf/global_settings.py:83 176 174 msgid "Slovak" 177 msgstr " Słowacki"175 msgstr "słowacki" 178 176 179 177 #: conf/global_settings.py:84 180 178 msgid "Slovenian" 181 msgstr " Słoweński"179 msgstr "słoweński" 182 180 183 181 #: conf/global_settings.py:85 184 182 msgid "Serbian" 185 msgstr " Serbski"183 msgstr "serbski" 186 184 187 185 #: conf/global_settings.py:86 188 186 msgid "Swedish" 189 msgstr " Szwedzki"187 msgstr "szwedzki" 190 188 191 189 #: conf/global_settings.py:87 192 190 msgid "Tamil" 193 msgstr " Tamilski"191 msgstr "tamilski" 194 192 195 193 #: conf/global_settings.py:88 196 194 msgid "Telugu" 197 msgstr " Telugu"195 msgstr "telugu" 198 196 199 197 #: conf/global_settings.py:89 200 198 msgid "Turkish" 201 msgstr " Turecki"199 msgstr "turecki" 202 200 203 201 #: conf/global_settings.py:90 204 202 msgid "Ukrainian" 205 msgstr " Ukraiński"203 msgstr "ukraiński" 206 204 207 205 #: conf/global_settings.py:91 208 206 msgid "Simplified Chinese" 209 msgstr " Uproszczony chiński"207 msgstr "chiński uproszczony" 210 208 211 209 #: conf/global_settings.py:92 212 210 msgid "Traditional Chinese" 213 msgstr " Chiński tradycyjny"211 msgstr "chiński tradycyjny" 214 212 215 213 #: contrib/admin/filterspecs.py:44 216 214 #, python-format … … 246 244 msgid "This year" 247 245 msgstr "Ten rok" 248 246 249 #: contrib/admin/filterspecs.py:147 forms/widgets.py:3 79247 #: contrib/admin/filterspecs.py:147 forms/widgets.py:389 250 248 #: oldforms/__init__.py:588 251 249 msgid "Yes" 252 250 msgstr "Tak" 253 251 254 #: contrib/admin/filterspecs.py:147 forms/widgets.py:3 79252 #: contrib/admin/filterspecs.py:147 forms/widgets.py:389 255 253 #: oldforms/__init__.py:588 256 254 msgid "No" 257 255 msgstr "Nie" 258 256 259 #: contrib/admin/filterspecs.py:154 forms/widgets.py:3 79257 #: contrib/admin/filterspecs.py:154 forms/widgets.py:389 260 258 #: oldforms/__init__.py:588 261 259 msgid "Unknown" 262 260 msgstr "Nieznany" … … 293 291 msgid "None" 294 292 msgstr "brak" 295 293 296 #: contrib/admin/options.py:32 6294 #: contrib/admin/options.py:329 297 295 #, python-format 298 296 msgid "Changed %s." 299 297 msgstr "Zmieniono %s" 300 298 301 #: contrib/admin/options.py:32 6 contrib/admin/options.py:336299 #: contrib/admin/options.py:329 contrib/admin/options.py:339 302 300 #: core/validators.py:279 db/models/manipulators.py:305 303 301 msgid "and" 304 302 msgstr "i" 305 303 306 #: contrib/admin/options.py:33 1304 #: contrib/admin/options.py:334 307 305 #, python-format 308 306 msgid "Added %(name)s \"%(object)s\"." 309 307 msgstr "Dodano %(name)s \"%(object)s\"." 310 308 311 #: contrib/admin/options.py:33 5309 #: contrib/admin/options.py:338 312 310 #, python-format 313 311 msgid "Changed %(list)s for %(name)s \"%(object)s\"." 314 312 msgstr "Zmieniono %(list)s w %(name)s \"%(object)s\"." 315 313 316 #: contrib/admin/options.py:34 0314 #: contrib/admin/options.py:343 317 315 #, python-format 318 316 msgid "Deleted %(name)s \"%(object)s\"." 319 317 msgstr "Usunięto %(name)s \"%(object)s\"." 320 318 321 #: contrib/admin/options.py:34 4319 #: contrib/admin/options.py:347 322 320 msgid "No fields changed." 323 321 msgstr "Żadne pole nie zmienione." 324 322 325 #: contrib/admin/options.py:40 5contrib/auth/admin.py:50323 #: contrib/admin/options.py:408 contrib/auth/admin.py:50 326 324 #, python-format 327 325 msgid "The %(name)s \"%(obj)s\" was added successfully." 328 326 msgstr "%(name)s \"%(obj)s\" dodany pomyślnie." 329 327 330 #: contrib/admin/options.py:4 09 contrib/admin/options.py:442331 #: contrib/auth/admin.py:5 5328 #: contrib/admin/options.py:412 contrib/admin/options.py:445 329 #: contrib/auth/admin.py:56 332 330 msgid "You may edit it again below." 333 331 msgstr "Możesz ponownie edytować wpis poniżej." 334 332 335 #: contrib/admin/options.py:4 19 contrib/admin/options.py:452333 #: contrib/admin/options.py:422 contrib/admin/options.py:455 336 334 #, python-format 337 335 msgid "You may add another %s below." 338 336 msgstr "Możesz dodać nowy wpis %s poniżej." 339 337 340 #: contrib/admin/options.py:44 0338 #: contrib/admin/options.py:443 341 339 #, python-format 342 340 msgid "The %(name)s \"%(obj)s\" was changed successfully." 343 341 msgstr "%(name)s \"%(obj)s\" zostało pomyślnie zmienione." 344 342 345 #: contrib/admin/options.py:4 48343 #: contrib/admin/options.py:451 346 344 #, python-format 347 345 msgid "" 348 346 "The %(name)s \"%(obj)s\" was added successfully. You may edit it again below." 349 347 msgstr "" 350 348 "%(name)s \"%(obj)s\" dodane pomyślnie. Możesz edytować ponownie wpis poniżej." 351 349 352 #: contrib/admin/options.py:51 4350 #: contrib/admin/options.py:517 353 351 #, python-format 354 352 msgid "Add %s" 355 353 msgstr "Dodaj %s" 356 354 357 #: contrib/admin/options.py:59 1355 #: contrib/admin/options.py:595 358 356 #, python-format 359 357 msgid "Change %s" 360 358 msgstr "Zmień %s" 361 359 362 #: contrib/admin/options.py:62 2360 #: contrib/admin/options.py:627 363 361 msgid "Database error" 364 362 msgstr "Błąd bazy danych" 365 363 366 #: contrib/admin/options.py:67 1364 #: contrib/admin/options.py:677 367 365 #, python-format 368 366 msgid "The %(name)s \"%(obj)s\" was deleted successfully." 369 367 msgstr "%(name)s \"%(obj)s\" usunięty pomyślnie." 370 368 371 #: contrib/admin/options.py:6 78369 #: contrib/admin/options.py:684 372 370 msgid "Are you sure?" 373 371 msgstr "Jesteś pewien?" 374 372 375 #: contrib/admin/options.py:7 05373 #: contrib/admin/options.py:712 376 374 #, python-format 377 375 msgid "Change history: %s" 378 376 msgstr "Historia zmian: %s" … … 386 384 "Proszę wpisać poprawną nazwę użytkownika i hasło. Uwaga: wielkość liter ma " 387 385 "znaczenie." 388 386 389 #: contrib/admin/sites.py:2 38contrib/admin/views/decorators.py:68387 #: contrib/admin/sites.py:242 contrib/admin/views/decorators.py:68 390 388 msgid "" 391 389 "Please log in again, because your session has expired. Don't worry: Your " 392 390 "submission has been saved." … … 394 392 "Zaloguj się ponownie. Twoja sesja wygasła lecz twoje zgłoszenie zostało " 395 393 "zapisane." 396 394 397 #: contrib/admin/sites.py:24 5contrib/admin/views/decorators.py:75395 #: contrib/admin/sites.py:249 contrib/admin/views/decorators.py:75 398 396 msgid "" 399 397 "Looks like your browser isn't configured to accept cookies. Please enable " 400 398 "cookies, reload this page, and try again." … … 402 400 "Twoja przeglądarka nie chce akceptować ciasteczek. Zmień jej ustawienia i " 403 401 "spróbuj ponownie." 404 402 405 #: contrib/admin/sites.py:2 59 contrib/admin/sites.py:265406 #: contrib/admin/views/decorators.py:9 2403 #: contrib/admin/sites.py:265 contrib/admin/sites.py:271 404 #: contrib/admin/views/decorators.py:94 407 405 msgid "Usernames cannot contain the '@' character." 408 msgstr "Nazwy użytkowników nie mogą zawierać znak ów'@'."406 msgstr "Nazwy użytkowników nie mogą zawierać znaku '@'." 409 407 410 #: contrib/admin/sites.py:26 2 contrib/admin/views/decorators.py:88408 #: contrib/admin/sites.py:268 contrib/admin/views/decorators.py:90 411 409 #, python-format 412 410 msgid "Your e-mail address is not your username. Try '%s' instead." 413 msgstr " Twój adres e-mail to nie jest twój login. Spróbuj '%s'."411 msgstr "Podany adres e-mail nie jest Twoją nazwą użytkownika. Spróbuj '%s'." 414 412 415 #: contrib/admin/sites.py:33 0413 #: contrib/admin/sites.py:336 416 414 msgid "Site administration" 417 415 msgstr "Administracja stroną" 418 416 419 #: contrib/admin/sites.py:35 2contrib/admin/templates/admin/login.html:27417 #: contrib/admin/sites.py:358 contrib/admin/templates/admin/login.html:27 420 418 #: contrib/admin/templates/registration/password_reset_complete.html:14 421 419 #: contrib/admin/views/decorators.py:30 422 420 msgid "Log in" 423 421 msgstr "Zaloguj się" 424 422 423 #: contrib/admin/sites.py:403 424 #, python-format 425 msgid "%s administration" 426 msgstr "%s - administracja" 427 425 428 #: contrib/admin/util.py:138 426 429 #, python-format 427 430 msgid "One or more %(fieldname)s in %(name)s: %(obj)s" … … 458 461 msgstr "Niestety, żądana strona nie została znaleziona." 459 462 460 463 #: contrib/admin/templates/admin/500.html:4 464 #: contrib/admin/templates/admin/app_index.html:8 461 465 #: contrib/admin/templates/admin/base.html:30 462 466 #: contrib/admin/templates/admin/change_form.html:17 463 467 #: contrib/admin/templates/admin/change_list.html:8 … … 494 498 "mail and should be fixed shortly. Thanks for your patience." 495 499 msgstr "" 496 500 "Wystąpił niespodziewany błąd. Raport został wysłany e-mailem " 497 "administratorowi strony." 501 "administratorowi strony i powinien zostać wkrótce naprawiony. Dziękujemy za " 502 "cierpliwość." 498 503 504 #: contrib/admin/templates/admin/app_index.html:10 505 #: contrib/admin/templates/admin/index.html:19 506 #, python-format 507 msgid "%(name)s" 508 msgstr "%(name)s" 509 499 510 #: contrib/admin/templates/admin/base.html:25 500 511 msgid "Welcome," 501 512 msgstr "Witaj," … … 530 541 msgid "Django administration" 531 542 msgstr "Administracja Django" 532 543 533 #: contrib/admin/templates/admin/change_form.html: 19544 #: contrib/admin/templates/admin/change_form.html:20 534 545 #: contrib/admin/templates/admin/index.html:29 535 546 msgid "Add" 536 547 msgstr "Dodaj" 537 548 538 #: contrib/admin/templates/admin/change_form.html:2 6549 #: contrib/admin/templates/admin/change_form.html:27 539 550 #: contrib/admin/templates/admin/object_history.html:5 540 551 msgid "History" 541 552 msgstr "Historia" 542 553 543 #: contrib/admin/templates/admin/change_form.html:2 7554 #: contrib/admin/templates/admin/change_form.html:28 544 555 msgid "View on site" 545 556 msgstr "Pokaż na stronie" 546 557 547 #: contrib/admin/templates/admin/change_form.html:3 7558 #: contrib/admin/templates/admin/change_form.html:38 548 559 #: contrib/admin/templates/admin/auth/user/change_password.html:22 549 560 msgid "Please correct the error below." 550 561 msgid_plural "Please correct the errors below." 551 msgstr[0] "Proszę popraw poniższy błąd "552 msgstr[1] "Proszę popraw poniższe błędy "553 msgstr[2] "Proszę popraw poniższe błędy "562 msgstr[0] "Proszę popraw poniższy błąd." 563 msgstr[1] "Proszę popraw poniższe błędy." 564 msgstr[2] "Proszę popraw poniższe błędy." 554 565 555 566 #: contrib/admin/templates/admin/change_list.html:16 556 567 #, python-format … … 561 572 msgid "Filter" 562 573 msgstr "Filtr" 563 574 564 #: contrib/admin/templates/admin/delete_confirmation.html: 9565 #: contrib/admin/templates/admin/submit_line.html: 3575 #: contrib/admin/templates/admin/delete_confirmation.html:10 576 #: contrib/admin/templates/admin/submit_line.html:4 566 577 #: contrib/admin/templates/admin/edit_inline/tabular.html:15 567 578 msgid "Delete" 568 579 msgstr "Usuń" 569 580 570 #: contrib/admin/templates/admin/delete_confirmation.html:1 5581 #: contrib/admin/templates/admin/delete_confirmation.html:16 571 582 #, python-format 572 583 msgid "" 573 584 "Deleting the %(object_name)s '%(escaped_object)s' would result in deleting " … … 578 589 "zależnych obiektów, lecz nie posiadasz uprawnień do usunięcia następujących " 579 590 "typów obiektów:" 580 591 581 #: contrib/admin/templates/admin/delete_confirmation.html:2 2592 #: contrib/admin/templates/admin/delete_confirmation.html:23 582 593 #, python-format 583 594 msgid "" 584 595 "Are you sure you want to delete the %(object_name)s \"%(escaped_object)s\"? " … … 587 598 "Czy chcesz skasować %(object_name)s \"%(escaped_object)s\"? Następujące " 588 599 "zależne obiekty zostaną skasowane:" 589 600 590 #: contrib/admin/templates/admin/delete_confirmation.html:2 7601 #: contrib/admin/templates/admin/delete_confirmation.html:28 591 602 msgid "Yes, I'm sure" 592 603 msgstr "Tak, na pewno" 593 604 … … 601 612 msgid "Models available in the %(name)s application." 602 613 msgstr "Modele dostępne w aplikacji %(name)s." 603 614 604 #: contrib/admin/templates/admin/index.html:19605 #, python-format606 msgid "%(name)s"607 msgstr "%(name)s"608 609 615 #: contrib/admin/templates/admin/index.html:35 610 616 msgid "Change" 611 617 msgstr "Zmień" 612 618 613 619 #: contrib/admin/templates/admin/index.html:45 614 620 msgid "You don't have permission to edit anything." 615 msgstr "Nie masz uprawnień by edytować cokolwiek "621 msgstr "Nie masz uprawnień by edytować cokolwiek." 616 622 617 623 #: contrib/admin/templates/admin/index.html:53 618 624 msgid "Recent Actions" … … 660 666 msgstr "Akcja" 661 667 662 668 #: contrib/admin/templates/admin/object_history.html:24 663 msgid "DATE_WITH_TIME_FULL" 664 msgstr "j F Y H:i:s" 669 #: utils/translation/trans_real.py:402 670 msgid "DATETIME_FORMAT" 671 msgstr "Y-m-d H:i:s" 665 672 666 673 #: contrib/admin/templates/admin/object_history.html:32 667 674 msgid "" … … 692 699 msgid "%(full_result_count)s total" 693 700 msgstr "%(full_result_count)s trafień" 694 701 695 #: contrib/admin/templates/admin/submit_line.html:4 702 #: contrib/admin/templates/admin/submit_line.html:3 703 msgid "Save" 704 msgstr "Zapisz" 705 706 #: contrib/admin/templates/admin/submit_line.html:5 696 707 msgid "Save as new" 697 708 msgstr "Zapisz jako nowe" 698 709 699 #: contrib/admin/templates/admin/submit_line.html: 5710 #: contrib/admin/templates/admin/submit_line.html:6 700 711 msgid "Save and add another" 701 712 msgstr "Zapisz i dodaj nowe" 702 713 703 #: contrib/admin/templates/admin/submit_line.html: 6714 #: contrib/admin/templates/admin/submit_line.html:7 704 715 msgid "Save and continue editing" 705 716 msgstr "Zapisz i kontynuuj edycję" 706 717 707 #: contrib/admin/templates/admin/submit_line.html:7708 msgid "Save"709 msgstr "Zapisz"710 711 718 #: contrib/admin/templates/admin/auth/user/add_form.html:6 712 719 msgid "" 713 720 "First, enter a username and password. Then, you'll be able to edit more user " … … 765 772 766 773 #: contrib/admin/templates/registration/password_change_done.html:12 767 774 msgid "Your password was changed." 768 msgstr "Twoje hasło zostało zmienione "775 msgstr "Twoje hasło zostało zmienione." 769 776 770 777 #: contrib/admin/templates/registration/password_change_form.html:12 771 778 msgid "" … … 866 873 867 874 #: contrib/admin/templates/registration/password_reset_email.html:9 868 875 msgid "Your username, in case you've forgotten:" 869 msgstr "Tw ój login:"876 msgstr "Twoja nazwa użytkownika:" 870 877 871 878 #: contrib/admin/templates/registration/password_reset_email.html:11 872 879 msgid "Thanks for using our site!" … … 1140 1147 msgid "Groups" 1141 1148 msgstr "Grupy" 1142 1149 1143 #: contrib/auth/admin.py:6 01150 #: contrib/auth/admin.py:61 1144 1151 msgid "Add user" 1145 1152 msgstr "Dodaj użytkownika" 1146 1153 1147 #: contrib/auth/admin.py:8 51154 #: contrib/auth/admin.py:87 1148 1155 msgid "Password changed successfully." 1149 1156 msgstr "Hasło zostało zmienione pomyślnie." 1150 1157 1151 #: contrib/auth/admin.py:9 11158 #: contrib/auth/admin.py:93 1152 1159 #, python-format 1153 1160 msgid "Change password: %s" 1154 1161 msgstr "Zmień hasło: %s" … … 1253 1260 1254 1261 #: contrib/auth/models.py:138 1255 1262 msgid "first name" 1256 msgstr " Imię"1263 msgstr "imię" 1257 1264 1258 1265 #: contrib/auth/models.py:139 1259 1266 msgid "last name" 1260 msgstr " Nazwisko"1267 msgstr "nazwisko" 1261 1268 1262 1269 #: contrib/auth/models.py:140 1263 1270 msgid "e-mail address" … … 1292 1299 "Designates whether this user should be treated as active. Unselect this " 1293 1300 "instead of deleting accounts." 1294 1301 msgstr "" 1295 "Oznacza czy użytkownika należy uważać za aktywnego. Odznacz to zamiast usuwać"1296 " konta."1302 "Oznacza czy użytkownika należy uważać za aktywnego. Odznacz to, zamiast " 1303 "usuwać konta." 1297 1304 1298 1305 #: contrib/auth/models.py:144 1299 1306 msgid "superuser status" 1300 msgstr " Główny Administrator"1307 msgstr "status administratora" 1301 1308 1302 1309 #: contrib/auth/models.py:144 1303 1310 msgid "" … … 1410 1417 "removed\" message will be displayed instead." 1411 1418 msgstr "" 1412 1419 "Zaznacz to pole jeżeli komentarz jest nieodpowiedni. Wyświetlony zostanie " 1413 "tekst \"Ten komentarz został usunięty\". 1420 "tekst \"Ten komentarz został usunięty\"." 1414 1421 1415 1422 #: contrib/comments/models.py:96 1416 1423 msgid "comments" … … 1441 1448 1442 1449 #: contrib/comments/models.py:169 1443 1450 msgid "ip address" 1444 msgstr "adres ip"1451 msgstr "adres IP" 1445 1452 1446 1453 #: contrib/comments/models.py:171 1447 1454 msgid "approved by staff" … … 1918 1925 1919 1926 #: contrib/localflavor/br/forms.py:136 1920 1927 msgid "This field requires at least 14 digits" 1921 msgstr "To pole musi zawierać co najmniej 14 cyfr ."1928 msgstr "To pole musi zawierać co najmniej 14 cyfr" 1922 1929 1923 1930 #: contrib/localflavor/ca/forms.py:17 1924 1931 msgid "Enter a postal code in the format XXX XXX." … … 2043 2050 2044 2051 #: contrib/localflavor/cl/forms.py:29 2045 2052 msgid "Enter a valid Chilean RUT." 2046 msgstr "Wpisz poprawny chilijski RUT "2053 msgstr "Wpisz poprawny chilijski RUT." 2047 2054 2048 2055 #: contrib/localflavor/cl/forms.py:30 2049 2056 msgid "Enter a valid Chilean RUT. The format is XX.XXX.XXX-X." … … 2399 2406 2400 2407 #: contrib/localflavor/es/forms.py:19 2401 2408 msgid "Enter a valid postal code in the range and format 01XXX - 52XXX." 2402 msgstr "Wpisz kod pocztowy w zakresie i formacie 01XXX - 52XX ."2409 msgstr "Wpisz kod pocztowy w zakresie i formacie 01XXX - 52XXX." 2403 2410 2404 2411 #: contrib/localflavor/es/forms.py:39 2405 2412 msgid "" … … 2410 2417 2411 2418 #: contrib/localflavor/es/forms.py:66 2412 2419 msgid "Please enter a valid NIF, NIE, or CIF." 2413 msgstr "Proszę wpisać poprawny numer NIF, NIE lub CIF. ."2420 msgstr "Proszę wpisać poprawny numer NIF, NIE lub CIF." 2414 2421 2415 2422 #: contrib/localflavor/es/forms.py:67 2416 2423 msgid "Please enter a valid NIF or NIE." … … 2790 2797 2791 2798 #: contrib/localflavor/nl/forms.py:21 2792 2799 msgid "Enter a valid postal code" 2793 msgstr "Wpisz poprawny kod pocztowy ."2800 msgstr "Wpisz poprawny kod pocztowy" 2794 2801 2795 2802 #: contrib/localflavor/nl/forms.py:52 2796 2803 msgid "Enter a valid phone number" 2797 msgstr "Wpisz poprawny numer telefonu ."2804 msgstr "Wpisz poprawny numer telefonu" 2798 2805 2799 2806 #: contrib/localflavor/nl/forms.py:78 2800 2807 msgid "Enter a valid SoFi number" 2801 msgstr "Wpisz poprawny numer SoFi ."2808 msgstr "Wpisz poprawny numer SoFi" 2802 2809 2803 2810 #: contrib/localflavor/nl/nl_provinces.py:4 2804 msgid "Drent e"2811 msgid "Drenthe" 2805 2812 msgstr "Drenthe" 2806 2813 2807 2814 #: contrib/localflavor/nl/nl_provinces.py:5 … … 3723 3730 3724 3731 #: core/validators.py:80 3725 3732 msgid "This value must contain only letters, numbers, underscores or hyphens." 3726 msgstr "To pole może zawierać jedynie litery, cyfry, podkreślenia i pauzy."3733 msgstr "To pole może zawierać jedynie litery, cyfry, podkreślenia i myślniki." 3727 3734 3728 3735 #: core/validators.py:84 3729 3736 msgid "Uppercase letters are not allowed here." … … 3782 3789 msgid "Enter a valid date/time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM format." 3783 3790 msgstr "Wprowadź poprawną datę i godzinę w formacie RRRR-MM-DD GG:MM." 3784 3791 3785 #: core/validators.py:166 forms/fields.py:42 23792 #: core/validators.py:166 forms/fields.py:423 3786 3793 msgid "Enter a valid e-mail address." 3787 3794 msgstr "Wprowadź poprawny adres e-mail." 3788 3795 3789 #: core/validators.py:178 core/validators.py:470 forms/fields.py:44 03796 #: core/validators.py:178 core/validators.py:470 forms/fields.py:441 3790 3797 msgid "No file was submitted. Check the encoding type on the form." 3791 3798 msgstr "Nie wysłano żadnego pliku. Sprawdź typ kodowania formularza." 3792 3799 3793 #: core/validators.py:189 forms/fields.py:47 13800 #: core/validators.py:189 forms/fields.py:472 3794 3801 msgid "" 3795 3802 "Upload a valid image. The file you uploaded was either not an image or a " 3796 3803 "corrupted image." … … 3845 3852 3846 3853 #: core/validators.py:263 3847 3854 msgid "Enter a valid U.S. state abbreviation." 3848 msgstr "Wpisz poprawny kod stanu U .S.A."3855 msgstr "Wpisz poprawny kod stanu USA." 3849 3856 3850 3857 #: core/validators.py:277 3851 3858 #, python-format … … 3954 3961 #: core/validators.py:463 3955 3962 #, python-format 3956 3963 msgid "Make sure your uploaded file is at least %s bytes big." 3957 msgstr "Upewnij się, że wgrany plik ma co najmniej %s bajtów."3964 msgstr "Upewnij się, że wgrany plik ma co najmniej %s bajtów." 3958 3965 3959 3966 #: core/validators.py:464 3960 3967 #, python-format … … 4050 4057 msgid "This field is required." 4051 4058 msgstr "To pole jest wymagane." 4052 4059 4053 #: db/models/fields/__init__.py:434 4060 #: db/models/fields/__init__.py:434 db/models/fields/__init__.py:795 4054 4061 msgid "This value must be an integer." 4055 4062 msgstr "Ta wartość musi być liczbą całkowitą." 4056 4063 … … 4072 4079 msgid "This value must be a decimal number." 4073 4080 msgstr "Ta wartość musi być liczbą dziesiętną." 4074 4081 4075 #: db/models/fields/__init__.py:8 254082 #: db/models/fields/__init__.py:833 4076 4083 msgid "This value must be either None, True or False." 4077 4084 msgstr "" 4078 4085 "Ta wartość musi być jedną z None (nic), True (prawda) lub False (fałsz)." 4079 4086 4080 #: db/models/fields/__init__.py:937 db/models/fields/__init__.py:950 4087 #: db/models/fields/__init__.py:903 4088 msgid "" 4089 "Enter a valid 'slug' consisting of letters, numbers, underscores or hyphens." 4090 msgstr "To pole może zawierać jedynie litery, cyfry, podkreślenia i myślniki." 4091 4092 #: db/models/fields/__init__.py:952 db/models/fields/__init__.py:965 4081 4093 msgid "Enter a valid time in HH:MM[:ss[.uuuuuu]] format." 4082 4094 msgstr "Proszę wpisać poprawną godzinę w formacie HH:MM[:ss[.uuuuuu]]." 4083 4095 … … 4090 4102 msgid "Please enter a valid %s." 4091 4103 msgstr "Proszę wpisać poprawne %s." 4092 4104 4093 #: db/models/fields/related.py:7 764105 #: db/models/fields/related.py:786 4094 4106 msgid "" 4095 4107 "Hold down \"Control\", or \"Command\" on a Mac, to select more than one." 4096 4108 msgstr "" 4097 4109 "Przytrzymaj wciśnięty klawisz \"Ctrl\" lub \"Command\" na Mac'u aby " 4098 4110 "zaznaczyć więcej niż jeden wybór." 4099 4111 4100 #: db/models/fields/related.py:8 564112 #: db/models/fields/related.py:866 4101 4113 #, python-format 4102 4114 msgid "Please enter valid %(self)s IDs. The value %(value)r is invalid." 4103 4115 msgid_plural "" … … 4159 4171 msgid "Ensure that there are no more than %s digits before the decimal point." 4160 4172 msgstr "Upewnij się, że jest nie więcej niż %s miejsc przed przecinkiem." 4161 4173 4162 #: forms/fields.py:282 forms/fields.py:80 34174 #: forms/fields.py:282 forms/fields.py:804 4163 4175 msgid "Enter a valid date." 4164 4176 msgstr "Wpisz poprawną datę." 4165 4177 4166 #: forms/fields.py:31 5 forms/fields.py:8044178 #: forms/fields.py:316 forms/fields.py:805 4167 4179 msgid "Enter a valid time." 4168 4180 msgstr "Wpisz poprawną godzinę." 4169 4181 4170 #: forms/fields.py:35 44182 #: forms/fields.py:355 4171 4183 msgid "Enter a valid date/time." 4172 4184 msgstr "Wpisz poprawną datę/godzinę." 4173 4185 4174 #: forms/fields.py:44 14186 #: forms/fields.py:442 4175 4187 msgid "No file was submitted." 4176 4188 msgstr "Żaden plik nie został przesłany." 4177 4189 4178 #: forms/fields.py:44 2oldforms/__init__.py:6894190 #: forms/fields.py:443 oldforms/__init__.py:689 4179 4191 msgid "The submitted file is empty." 4180 4192 msgstr "Wysłany plik jest pusty." 4181 4193 4182 #: forms/fields.py:53 24194 #: forms/fields.py:533 4183 4195 msgid "Enter a valid URL." 4184 4196 msgstr "Wpisz poprawny URL." 4185 4197 4186 #: forms/fields.py:53 34198 #: forms/fields.py:534 4187 4199 msgid "This URL appears to be a broken link." 4188 4200 msgstr "Ten odnośnik jest nieprawidłowy." 4189 4201 4190 #: forms/fields.py:60 1 forms/fields.py:6524202 #: forms/fields.py:602 forms/fields.py:653 4191 4203 #, python-format 4192 4204 msgid "Select a valid choice. %(value)s is not one of the available choices." 4193 4205 msgstr "" 4194 4206 "Wybierz poprawną wartość. %(value)s nie jest jednym z dostępnych wyborów." 4195 4207 4196 #: forms/fields.py:65 3 forms/fields.py:714 forms/models.py:5284208 #: forms/fields.py:654 forms/fields.py:715 forms/models.py:529 4197 4209 msgid "Enter a list of values." 4198 4210 msgstr "Podaj listę wartości." 4199 4211 4200 #: forms/fields.py:83 24212 #: forms/fields.py:833 4201 4213 msgid "Enter a valid IPv4 address." 4202 4214 msgstr "Wprowadź poprawny adres IPv4." 4203 4215 … … 4205 4217 msgid "Select a valid choice. That choice is not one of the available choices." 4206 4218 msgstr "Wybierz poprawną wartość. Podana nie jest jednym z dostępnych wyborów." 4207 4219 4208 #: forms/models.py:5 294220 #: forms/models.py:530 4209 4221 #, python-format 4210 4222 msgid "Select a valid choice. %s is not one of the available choices." 4211 4223 msgstr "Wybierz poprawną wartość. %s nie jest jednym z dostępnych wyborów." … … 4229 4241 4230 4242 #: oldforms/__init__.py:750 4231 4243 msgid "Enter a whole number between -32,768 and 32,767." 4232 msgstr "Proszę wpisać liczbę całkowitą z zakresu od -32 768 do 32 767 "4244 msgstr "Proszę wpisać liczbę całkowitą z zakresu od -32 768 do 32 767." 4233 4245 4234 4246 #: oldforms/__init__.py:760 4235 4247 msgid "Enter a positive number." … … 4237 4249 4238 4250 #: oldforms/__init__.py:770 4239 4251 msgid "Enter a whole number between 0 and 32,767." 4240 msgstr "Proszę wpisać liczbę całkowitą z zakresu od 0 do 32 767 "4252 msgstr "Proszę wpisać liczbę całkowitą z zakresu od 0 do 32 767." 4241 4253 4242 4254 #: template/defaultfilters.py:698 4243 4255 msgid "yes,no,maybe" … … 4534 4546 msgid "DATE_FORMAT" 4535 4547 msgstr "Y-m-d" 4536 4548 4537 #: utils/translation/trans_real.py:4024538 msgid "DATETIME_FORMAT"4539 msgstr "Y-m-d H:i:s"4540 4541 4549 #: utils/translation/trans_real.py:403 4542 4550 msgid "TIME_FORMAT" 4543 4551 msgstr "H:i:s" … … 4565 4573 msgid "The %(verbose_name)s was deleted." 4566 4574 msgstr "%(verbose_name)s zostało usunięte." 4567 4575 4576 #~ msgid "DATE_WITH_TIME_FULL" 4577 #~ msgstr "j F Y H:i:s" 4578 4568 4579 #~ msgid "Your new password is: %(new_password)s" 4569 4580 #~ msgstr "Twoje nowe hasło to: %(new_password)s"