1 | Ticket #6095 introduced the idea of custom intermediary models. Refractoring the m2m code to always use (generic) intermediary models would have benefits:
2 | * a simplier implementation of m2m
3 | * appropriate signals are always sent when a relation is created, modified or deleted (eg. #6778)
4 | * extending the generic relations (using 'through=') would be easier
5 | Of course, we must maintain compatibility to the m2m api, which consists (as far as I see it) of the ManyToManyField and the ManyRelatedManager. See the attachment for usage examples.
6 |
7 |
8 | class Survey(models.Model):
9 | participants = models.ManyToManyField(User)
10 |
11 | survey = Survey.objects.create()
12 | # the m2m manager works as usual
13 | survey.participants.add(User.objects.all())
14 | survey.participants.remove(User.objects.get(pk=1))
15 |
16 | # with the benefit of signals
17 | # lets assume Survey.participants.Relation is the generic intermediary model
18 | def notify_of_survey(sender, instance):
19 | survey, user = instance # do we need both objects as instance?..
20 | user.notify(survey)
21 | dispatcher.connect(notify_of_survey, signal=post_save, sender=Survey.participants.Relation)
22 |
23 | # on to another example
24 | # the usage of through=
25 | class Group(models.Model):
26 | members = models.ManyToManyField(User, through='Membership')
27 |
28 | # as implemented in #6095
29 | class Membership(models.Model):
30 | user = models.ForeignKey(User)
31 | group = models.ForeignKey(Group)
32 | joined = models.DateField()
33 |
34 | # or even by extending the generic relation
35 | # which would be abstract when through= is used.
36 | class Membership(Group.members.Relation):
37 | joined = models.DateField()
38 |
39 | group = Group.objects.create()
40 | user = User.objects.get(pk=1)
41 | # We should not remove add() etc. from the manager when using an intermediary model (as #6095 does)
42 | group.members.add(user) # error from Membership.save()
43 | group.members.add(user, joined=date) # OK
44 | group.members.add(User.objects.all(), joined=date) # all with the same date