1 | Index: django/contrib/gis/db/models/manager.py
2 | ===================================================================
3 | --- django/contrib/gis/db/models/manager.py (revision 8066)
4 | +++ django/contrib/gis/db/models/manager.py (working copy)
5 | @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
6 | from django.db.models.manager import Manager
7 | from django.contrib.gis.db.models.query import GeoQuerySet
8 | +from django.db import connection
9 |
10 | class GeoManager(Manager):
11 | "Overrides Manager to return Geographic QuerySets."
12 | @@ -75,3 +76,53 @@
13 |
14 | def unionagg(self, *args, **kwargs):
15 | return self.get_query_set().unionagg(*args, **kwargs)
16 | +
17 | + def nearest_to(self, point, number=5, geom_column='latlon',
18 | + from_srid=2163, to_srid=2163,
19 | + within_range=None):
20 | + """finds the model objects nearest to a given point
21 | +
22 | + `point` is a tuple of (x, y) in the spatial ref sys given by `from_srid`
23 | +
24 | + returns a list of tuples, sorted by increasing distance from the given `point`.
25 | + each tuple being (model_object, dist), where distance is in the units of the
26 | + spatial ref sys given by `to_srid`"""
27 | + if not isinstance(point, tuple):
28 | + raise TypeError
29 | + from string import Template
30 | + cursor = connection.cursor()
31 | + x, y = point
32 | + table = self.model._meta.db_table
33 | + distance_clause = ''
34 | + if within_range:
35 | + distance_clause = "AND (Distance(GeomFromText('POINT($x $y)', $from_srid), $geom_column) <= %f)" % within_range
36 | + sql = Template("""
37 | + SELECT id,
38 | + Length(Transform(SetSRID(MakeLine($geom_column, GeomFromText('POINT(' || $x || ' ' || $y || ')', $from_srid)), $from_srid), $to_srid))
39 | +
40 | +
41 | + FROM $table
42 | + WHERE $geom_column IS NOT NULL %s
43 | + ORDER BY Distance(GeomFromText('POINT($x $y)', $from_srid), $geom_column) ASC
44 | + LIMIT $number;
45 | + """ % distance_clause)
46 | + cursor.execute(sql.substitute(locals()))
47 | + nearbys = cursor.fetchall()
48 | + # get a list of primary keys of the nearby model objects
49 | + ids = [p[0] for p in nearbys]
50 | + # get a list of distances from the model objects
51 | + dists = [p[1] for p in nearbys]
52 | + places = self.filter(id__in=ids)
53 | + # the QuerySet comes back in an undefined order; let's
54 | + # order it by distance from the given point
55 | + def order_by(objects, listing, name):
56 | + """a convenience method that takes a list of objects,
57 | + and orders them by comparing an attribute given by `name`
58 | + to a sorted listing of values of the same length."""
59 | + sorted = []
60 | + for i in listing:
61 | + for obj in objects:
62 | + if getattr(obj, name) == i:
63 | + sorted.append(obj)
64 | + return sorted
65 | + return zip(order_by(places, ids, 'id'), dists)