Ticket #785: m2m_column_names.patch

File m2m_column_names.patch, 5.4 KB (added by surajbarkale@…, 18 years ago)
  • TabularUnified django/db/models/fields/related.py

    634634            raw_id_admin=kwargs.pop('raw_id_admin', False),
    635635            symmetrical=kwargs.pop('symmetrical', True))
    636636        self.db_table = kwargs.pop('db_table', None)
     637        self.db_self_column = kwargs.pop('db_self_column', None)
     638        self.db_related_column = kwargs.pop('db_related_column', None)
    637639        if kwargs["rel"].raw_id_admin:
    638640            kwargs.setdefault("validator_list", []).append(self.isValidIDList)
    639641        Field.__init__(self, **kwargs)
    664666    def _get_m2m_column_name(self, related):
    665667        "Function that can be curried to provide the source column name for the m2m table"
     668        if self.db_self_column:
     669            return self.db_self_column
    666670        # If this is an m2m relation to self, avoid the inevitable name clash
    667         if related.model == related.parent_model:
     671        elif related.model == related.parent_model:
    668672            return 'from_' + related.model._meta.object_name.lower() + '_id'
    669673        else:
    670674            return related.model._meta.object_name.lower() + '_id'
    672676    def _get_m2m_reverse_name(self, related):
    673677        "Function that can be curried to provide the related column name for the m2m table"
     678        if self.db_related_column:
     679            return self.db_related_column
    674680        # If this is an m2m relation to self, avoid the inevitable name clash
    675         if related.model == related.parent_model:
     681        elif related.model == related.parent_model:
    676682            return 'to_' + related.parent_model._meta.object_name.lower() + '_id'
    677683        else:
    678684            return related.parent_model._meta.object_name.lower() + '_id'
  • TabularUnified docs/model-api.txt

    893893                             data. If this is not provided, Django will assume a default
    894894                             name based upon the names of the two tables being joined.
     896    ``db_self_column''       The name of the column for storing primary key of this model
     897                             in the table created for storing the many-to-many data. If
     898                             this is not provided, Django will assume a default name
     899                             based upon the name of the current model.
     901    ``db_related_column``    The name of the column for storing primary key of the related
     902                             model in the table created for storing the many-to-many data.
     903                             If this is not provided, Django will assume a default name
     904                             based upon the name of the related model.
    896906    =======================  ============================================================
    898908One-to-one relationships
  • TabularUnified tests/modeltests/custom_columns/models.py

    2828        db_table = 'my_author_table'
    2929        ordering = ('last_name','first_name')
     31class Category(models.Model):
     32    name = models.CharField(maxlength=20)
     33    class Meta:
     34       ordering = ('name',)
     36    def __str__(self):
     37        return self.name
    3139class Article(models.Model):
    3240    headline = models.CharField(maxlength=100)
    3341    authors = models.ManyToManyField(Author, db_table='my_m2m_table')
     42    categories = models.ManyToManyField(Category, db_self_column='m2m_article_id', db_related_column='m2m_category_id')
    3544    def __str__(self):
    3645        return self.headline
    5160>>> a2.save()
    5362# Create an article
    54 >>> art = Article(headline='Django lets you build web apps easily')
    55 >>> art.save()
    56 >>> art.authors = [a, a2]
     63>>> art1 = Article(headline='Django lets you build web apps easily')
     64>>> art1.save()
     65>>> art1.authors = [a, a2]
    5867# Although the table and column names on Author have been set to
    5968# custom values, nothing about using the Author model has changed...
    91100# nothing about using the m2m relationship has changed...
    93102# Get all the authors for an article
    94 >>> art.authors.all()
     103>>> art1.authors.all()
    95104[<Author: Peter Jones>, <Author: John Smith>]
    97106# Get the articles for an author
    99108[<Article: Django lets you build web apps easily>]
    101110# Query the authors across the m2m relation
    102 >>> art.authors.filter(last_name='Jones')
     111>>> art1.authors.filter(last_name='Jones')
    103112[<Author: Peter Jones>]
     114# Create some categories
     115>>> c1 = Category(name='Python')
     116>>> c1.save()
     117>>> c2 = Category(name='Django')
     118>>> c2.save()
     120# Assign categories to models
     121>>> art1.categories = [c1, c2]
     122>>> art2 = Article(headline='Dive into Python')
     123>>> art2.save()
     124>>> art2.categories = [c1]
     126# Verify that m2m operations are performed with custom column names on m2m
     127# relation table
     129>>> c1.article_set.all()
     130[<Article: Dive into Python>, <Article: Django lets you build web apps easily>]
     132>>> c2.article_set.all()
     133[<Article: Django lets you build web apps easily>]
     135>>> art1.categories.all()
     136[<Category: Django>, <Category: Python>]
     138>>> art2.categories.all()
     139[<Category: Python>]
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