Ticket #6717: 6717-url-strip-v2-with-tests.diff

File 6717-url-strip-v2-with-tests.diff, 1.1 KB (added by Antti Kaihola, 17 years ago)

revised patch: handles None correctly, includes unit tests

  • TabularUnified django/newforms/fields.py

    505505        self.user_agent = validator_user_agent
    507507    def clean(self, value):
     508        if isinstance(value, basestring):
     509            value = value.strip()
    508510        # If no URL scheme given, assume http://
    509511        if value and '://' not in value:
    510512            value = u'http://%s' % value
  • TabularUnified tests/regressiontests/forms/fields.py

    923923>>> f.clean('https://example.com')
     926URLField should strip leading and trailing space before validation.
     927>>> f = URLField(required=False)
     928>>> f.clean('  http://example.com')
     930>>> f.clean('http://example.com  ')
     932>>> f.clean('  ')
    926935# BooleanField ################################################################
    928937>>> f = BooleanField()
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