Ticket #6659: 6659.docs.tutorial04.diff

File 6659.docs.tutorial04.diff, 735 bytes (added by Pete Crosier, 17 years ago)

Introduce forloop.couinter and point to the for loop documentation

  • TabularUnified docs/tutorial04.txt

    3838      data server-side, use ``method="post"``. This tip isn't specific to
    3939      Django; it's just good Web development practice.
     41    * ``forloop.counter`` gives the current iteration of the loop, starting at
     42      1. For more information on for loop variables, see the `template`_
     43      documentation.
     45.. _template: ../templates/#for
    4147Now, let's create a Django view that handles the submitted data and does
    4248something with it. Remember, in `Tutorial 3`_, we created a URLconf for the
    4349polls application that includes this line::
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