Ticket #6422: distinct_on.12.diff
File distinct_on.12.diff, 30.0 KB (added by , 13 years ago) |
TabularUnified AUTHORS
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a b answer newbie questions, and generally made Django that much better: 203 203 Marc Garcia <marc.garcia@accopensys.com> 204 204 Andy Gayton <andy-django@thecablelounge.com> 205 205 geber@datacollect.com 206 Jeffrey Gelens <jeffrey@gelens.org> 206 207 Baishampayan Ghose 207 208 Joshua Ginsberg <jag@flowtheory.net> 208 209 Dimitris Glezos <dimitris@glezos.com> -
TabularUnified django/db/backends/__init__.py
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a b class BaseDatabaseFeatures(object): 379 379 supports_stddev = None 380 380 can_introspect_foreign_keys = None 381 381 382 # Support for the DISTINCT ON clause 383 can_distinct_on_fields = False 384 382 385 def __init__(self, connection): 383 386 self.connection = connection 384 387 … … class BaseDatabaseOperations(object): 532 535 """ 533 536 raise NotImplementedError('Full-text search is not implemented for this database backend') 534 537 538 def distinct(self, fields): 539 """ 540 Returns an SQL DISTINCT clause which removes duplicate rows from the 541 result set. If any fields are given, only the given fields are being 542 checked for duplicates. 543 """ 544 if fields: 545 raise NotImplementedError('DISTINCT ON fields is not supported by this database backend') 546 else: 547 return 'DISTINCT' 548 535 549 def last_executed_query(self, cursor, sql, params): 536 550 """ 537 551 Returns a string of the query last executed by the given cursor, with -
TabularUnified django/db/backends/postgresql_psycopg2/base.py
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a b class DatabaseFeatures(BaseDatabaseFeatures): 82 82 has_select_for_update_nowait = True 83 83 has_bulk_insert = True 84 84 supports_tablespaces = True 85 can_distinct_on_fields = True 85 86 86 87 class DatabaseWrapper(BaseDatabaseWrapper): 87 88 vendor = 'postgresql' -
TabularUnified django/db/backends/postgresql_psycopg2/operations.py
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a b class DatabaseOperations(BaseDatabaseOperations): 179 179 180 180 return 63 181 181 182 def distinct(self, fields): 183 if fields: 184 return 'DISTINCT ON (%s)' % ', '.join(fields) 185 else: 186 return 'DISTINCT' 187 182 188 def last_executed_query(self, cursor, sql, params): 183 189 # http://initd.org/psycopg/docs/cursor.html#cursor.query 184 190 # The query attribute is a Psycopg extension to the DB API 2.0. -
TabularUnified django/db/models/query.py
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a b class QuerySet(object): 323 323 If args is present the expression is passed as a kwarg using 324 324 the Aggregate object's default alias. 325 325 """ 326 if self.query.distinct_fields: 327 raise NotImplementedError("aggregate() + distinct(fields) not implemented.") 326 328 for arg in args: 327 329 kwargs[arg.default_alias] = arg 328 330 … … class QuerySet(object): 751 753 obj.query.add_ordering(*field_names) 752 754 return obj 753 755 754 def distinct(self, true_or_false=True):756 def distinct(self, *field_names): 755 757 """ 756 758 Returns a new QuerySet instance that will select only distinct results. 757 759 """ 760 assert self.query.can_filter(), \ 761 "Cannot create distinct fields once a slice has been taken." 758 762 obj = self._clone() 759 obj.query. distinct = true_or_false763 obj.query.add_distinct_fields(*field_names) 760 764 return obj 761 765 762 766 def extra(self, select=None, where=None, params=None, tables=None, … … class EmptyQuerySet(QuerySet): 1179 1183 """ 1180 1184 return self 1181 1185 1182 def distinct(self, true_or_false=True):1186 def distinct(self, fields=None): 1183 1187 """ 1184 1188 Always returns EmptyQuerySet. 1185 1189 """ -
TabularUnified django/db/models/sql/compiler.py
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a b class SQLCompiler(object): 23 23 Does any necessary class setup immediately prior to producing SQL. This 24 24 is for things that can't necessarily be done in __init__ because we 25 25 might not have all the pieces in place at that time. 26 # TODO: after the query has been executed, the altered state should be 27 # cleaned. We are not using a clone() of the query here. 26 28 """ 27 29 if not self.query.tables: 28 30 self.query.join((None, self.query.model._meta.db_table, None, None)) … … class SQLCompiler(object): 60 62 return '', () 61 63 62 64 self.pre_sql_setup() 65 # After executing the query, we must get rid of any joins the query 66 # setup created. So, take note of alias counts before the query ran. 67 # However we do not want to get rid of stuff done in pre_sql_setup(), 68 # as the pre_sql_setup will modify query state in a way that forbids 69 # another run of it. 70 self.refcounts_before = self.query.alias_refcount.copy() 63 71 out_cols = self.get_columns(with_col_aliases) 64 72 ordering, ordering_group_by = self.get_ordering() 65 73 66 # This must come after 'select' and 'ordering' -- see docstring of 67 # get_from_clause() for details. 74 distinct_fields = self.get_distinct() 75 76 # This must come after 'select', 'ordering' and 'distinct' -- see 77 # docstring of get_from_clause() for details. 68 78 from_, f_params = self.get_from_clause() 69 79 70 80 qn = self.quote_name_unless_alias … … class SQLCompiler(object): 76 86 params.extend(val[1]) 77 87 78 88 result = ['SELECT'] 89 79 90 if self.query.distinct: 80 result.append('DISTINCT') 91 result.append(self.connection.ops.distinct(distinct_fields)) 92 81 93 result.append(', '.join(out_cols + self.query.ordering_aliases)) 82 94 83 95 result.append('FROM') … … class SQLCompiler(object): 90 102 91 103 grouping, gb_params = self.get_grouping() 92 104 if grouping: 105 if distinct_fields: 106 raise NotImplementedError( 107 "annotate() + distinct(fields) not implemented.") 93 108 if ordering: 94 109 # If the backend can't group by PK (i.e., any database 95 110 # other than MySQL), then any fields mentioned in the … … class SQLCompiler(object): 129 144 raise DatabaseError('NOWAIT is not supported on this database backend.') 130 145 result.append(self.connection.ops.for_update_sql(nowait=nowait)) 131 146 147 # Finally do cleanup - get rid of the joins we created above. 148 self.query.reset_refcounts(self.refcounts_before) 149 132 150 return ' '.join(result), tuple(params) 133 151 134 152 def as_nested_sql(self): … … class SQLCompiler(object): 292 310 col_aliases.add(field.column) 293 311 return result, aliases 294 312 313 def get_distinct(self): 314 """ 315 Returns a quoted list of fields to use in DISTINCT ON part of the query. 316 317 Note that this method can alter the tables in the query, and thus this 318 must be called before get_from_clause(). 319 """ 320 qn = self.quote_name_unless_alias 321 qn2 = self.connection.ops.quote_name 322 result = [] 323 opts = self.query.model._meta 324 325 for name in self.query.distinct_fields: 326 parts = name.split(LOOKUP_SEP) 327 field, col, alias, _, _ = self._setup_joins(parts, opts, None) 328 col, alias = self._final_join_removal(col, alias) 329 result.append("%s.%s" % (qn(alias), qn2(col))) 330 return result 331 332 295 333 def get_ordering(self): 296 334 """ 297 335 Returns a tuple containing a list representing the SQL elements in the … … class SQLCompiler(object): 384 422 """ 385 423 name, order = get_order_dir(name, default_order) 386 424 pieces = name.split(LOOKUP_SEP) 387 if not alias: 388 alias = self.query.get_initial_alias() 389 field, target, opts, joins, last, extra = self.query.setup_joins(pieces, 390 opts, alias, False) 391 alias = joins[-1] 392 col = target.column 393 if not field.rel: 394 # To avoid inadvertent trimming of a necessary alias, use the 395 # refcount to show that we are referencing a non-relation field on 396 # the model. 397 self.query.ref_alias(alias) 398 399 # Must use left outer joins for nullable fields and their relations. 400 self.query.promote_alias_chain(joins, 401 self.query.alias_map[joins[0]][JOIN_TYPE] == self.query.LOUTER) 425 field, col, alias, joins, opts = self._setup_joins(pieces, opts, alias) 402 426 403 427 # If we get to this point and the field is a relation to another model, 404 428 # append the default ordering for that model. … … class SQLCompiler(object): 416 440 results.extend(self.find_ordering_name(item, opts, alias, 417 441 order, already_seen)) 418 442 return results 443 col, alias = self._final_join_removal(col, alias) 444 return [(alias, col, order)] 445 446 def _setup_joins(self, pieces, opts, alias): 447 """ 448 A helper method for get_ordering and get_distinct. This method will 449 call query.setup_joins, handle refcounts and then promote the joins. 450 451 Note that get_ordering and get_distinct must produce same target 452 columns on same input, as the prefixes of get_ordering and get_distinct 453 must match. Executing SQL where this is not true is an error. 454 """ 455 if not alias: 456 alias = self.query.get_initial_alias() 457 field, target, opts, joins, _, _ = self.query.setup_joins(pieces, 458 opts, alias, False) 459 alias = joins[-1] 460 col = target.column 461 if not field.rel: 462 # To avoid inadvertent trimming of a necessary alias, use the 463 # refcount to show that we are referencing a non-relation field on 464 # the model. 465 self.query.ref_alias(alias) 419 466 467 # Must use left outer joins for nullable fields and their relations. 468 # Ordering or distinct must not affect the returned set, and INNER 469 # JOINS for nullable fields could do this. 470 self.query.promote_alias_chain(joins, 471 self.query.alias_map[joins[0]][JOIN_TYPE] == self.query.LOUTER) 472 return field, col, alias, joins, opts 473 474 def _final_join_removal(self, col, alias): 475 """ 476 A helper method for get_distinct and get_ordering. This method will 477 trim extra not-needed joins from the tail of the join chain. 478 479 This is very similar to what is done in trim_joins, but we will 480 trim LEFT JOINS here. It would be a good idea to consolidate this 481 method and query.trim_joins(). 482 """ 420 483 if alias: 421 # We have to do the same "final join" optimisation as in422 # add_filter, since the final column might not otherwise be part of423 # the select set (so we can't order on it).424 484 while 1: 425 485 join = self.query.alias_map[alias] 426 486 if col != join[RHS_JOIN_COL]: … … class SQLCompiler(object): 428 488 self.query.unref_alias(alias) 429 489 alias = join[LHS_ALIAS] 430 490 col = join[LHS_JOIN_COL] 431 return [(alias, col, order)]491 return col, alias 432 492 433 493 def get_from_clause(self): 434 494 """ … … class SQLCompiler(object): 438 498 from-clause via a "select". 439 499 440 500 This should only be called after any SQL construction methods that 441 might change the tables we need. This means the select columns and442 ordering must be done first.501 might change the tables we need. This means the select columns, 502 ordering and distinct must be done first. 443 503 """ 444 504 result = [] 445 505 qn = self.quote_name_unless_alias … … class SQLAggregateCompiler(SQLCompiler): 984 1044 """ 985 1045 if qn is None: 986 1046 qn = self.quote_name_unless_alias 1047 987 1048 sql = ('SELECT %s FROM (%s) subquery' % ( 988 1049 ', '.join([ 989 1050 aggregate.as_sql(qn, self.connection) -
TabularUnified django/db/models/sql/query.py
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a b class Query(object): 127 127 self.order_by = [] 128 128 self.low_mark, self.high_mark = 0, None # Used for offset/limit 129 129 self.distinct = False 130 self.distinct_fields = [] 130 131 self.select_for_update = False 131 132 self.select_for_update_nowait = False 132 133 self.select_related = False … … class Query(object): 265 266 obj.order_by = self.order_by[:] 266 267 obj.low_mark, obj.high_mark = self.low_mark, self.high_mark 267 268 obj.distinct = self.distinct 269 obj.distinct_fields = self.distinct_fields[:] 268 270 obj.select_for_update = self.select_for_update 269 271 obj.select_for_update_nowait = self.select_for_update_nowait 270 272 obj.select_related = self.select_related … … class Query(object): 298 300 else: 299 301 obj.used_aliases = set() 300 302 obj.filter_is_sticky = False 303 301 304 obj.__dict__.update(kwargs) 302 305 if hasattr(obj, '_setup_query'): 303 306 obj._setup_query() … … class Query(object): 393 396 Performs a COUNT() query using the current filter constraints. 394 397 """ 395 398 obj = self.clone() 396 if len(self.select) > 1 or self.aggregate_select :399 if len(self.select) > 1 or self.aggregate_select or (self.distinct and self.distinct_fields): 397 400 # If a select clause exists, then the query has already started to 398 401 # specify the columns that are to be returned. 399 402 # In this case, we need to use a subquery to evaluate the count. … … class Query(object): 452 455 "Cannot combine queries once a slice has been taken." 453 456 assert self.distinct == rhs.distinct, \ 454 457 "Cannot combine a unique query with a non-unique query." 458 assert self.distinct_fields == rhs.distinct_fields, \ 459 "Cannot combine queries with different distinct fields." 455 460 456 461 self.remove_inherited_models() 457 462 # Work out how to relabel the rhs aliases, if necessary. … … class Query(object): 674 679 """ Increases the reference count for this alias. """ 675 680 self.alias_refcount[alias] += 1 676 681 677 def unref_alias(self, alias ):682 def unref_alias(self, alias, amount=1): 678 683 """ Decreases the reference count for this alias. """ 679 self.alias_refcount[alias] -= 1684 self.alias_refcount[alias] -= amount 680 685 681 686 def promote_alias(self, alias, unconditional=False): 682 687 """ … … class Query(object): 705 710 if self.promote_alias(alias, must_promote): 706 711 must_promote = True 707 712 713 def reset_refcounts(self, to_counts): 714 """ 715 This method will reset reference counts for aliases so that they match 716 that given in to_counts. 717 """ 718 for alias, cur_refcount in self.alias_refcount.copy().items(): 719 unref_amount = cur_refcount - to_counts.get(alias, 0) 720 self.unref_alias(alias, unref_amount) 721 708 722 def promote_unused_aliases(self, initial_refcounts, used_aliases): 709 723 """ 710 724 Given a "before" copy of the alias_refcounts dictionary (as … … class Query(object): 832 846 def count_active_tables(self): 833 847 """ 834 848 Returns the number of tables in this query with a non-zero reference 835 count. 849 count. Note that after execution, the reference counts are zeroed, so 850 tables added in compiler will not be seen by this method. 836 851 """ 837 852 return len([1 for count in self.alias_refcount.itervalues() if count]) 838 853 … … class Query(object): 1596 1611 self.select = [] 1597 1612 self.select_fields = [] 1598 1613 1614 def add_distinct_fields(self, *field_names): 1615 """ 1616 Adds and resolves the given fields to the query's "distinct on" clause. 1617 """ 1618 self.distinct_fields = field_names 1619 self.distinct = True 1620 1621 1599 1622 def add_fields(self, field_names, allow_m2m=True): 1600 1623 """ 1601 1624 Adds the given (model) fields to the select set. The field names are -
TabularUnified docs/ref/models/querysets.txt
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a b remain undefined afterward). 345 345 distinct 346 346 ~~~~~~~~ 347 347 348 .. method:: distinct( )348 .. method:: distinct([*fields]) 349 349 350 350 Returns a new ``QuerySet`` that uses ``SELECT DISTINCT`` in its SQL query. This 351 351 eliminates duplicate rows from the query results. … … query spans multiple tables, it's possible to get duplicate results when a 374 374 :meth:`values()` together, be careful when ordering by fields not in the 375 375 :meth:`values()` call. 376 376 377 .. versionadded:: 1.4 378 379 The possibility to pass positional arguments (``*fields``) is new in Django 1.4. 380 They are names of fields to which the ``DISTINCT`` should be limited. This 381 translates to a ``SELECT DISTINCT ON`` SQL query. A ``DISTINCT ON`` query eliminates 382 duplicate rows not by comparing all fields in a row, but by comparing only the given 383 fields. 384 385 .. note:: 386 Note that the ability to specify field names is only available in PostgreSQL. 387 388 .. note:: 389 When using the ``DISTINCT ON`` functionality it is required that the columns given 390 to :meth:`distinct` match the first :meth:`order_by` columns. For example ``SELECT 391 DISTINCT ON (a)`` gives you the first row for each value in column ``a``. If you 392 don't specify an order, then you'll get some arbitrary row. 393 394 Examples:: 395 396 >>> Author.objects.distinct() 397 [...] 398 399 >>> Entry.objects.order_by('pub_date').distinct('pub_date') 400 [...] 401 402 >>> Entry.objects.order_by('blog').distinct('blog') 403 [...] 404 405 >>> Entry.objects.order_by('author', 'pub_date').distinct('author', 'pub_date') 406 [...] 407 408 >>> Entry.objects.order_by('blog__name', 'mod_date').distinct('blog__name', 'mod_date') 409 [...] 410 411 >>> Entry.objects.order_by('author', 'pub_date').distinct('author') 412 [...] 413 377 414 values 378 415 ~~~~~~ 379 416 -
TabularUnified new file tests/modeltests/distinct_on_fields/models.py
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- + 1 from django.db import models 2 3 class Tag(models.Model): 4 name = models.CharField(max_length=10) 5 parent = models.ForeignKey('self', blank=True, null=True, 6 related_name='children') 7 8 class Meta: 9 ordering = ['name'] 10 11 def __unicode__(self): 12 return self.name 13 14 class Celebrity(models.Model): 15 name = models.CharField("Name", max_length=20) 16 greatest_fan = models.ForeignKey("Fan", null=True, unique=True) 17 18 def __unicode__(self): 19 return self.name 20 21 class Fan(models.Model): 22 fan_of = models.ForeignKey(Celebrity) 23 24 class Staff(models.Model): 25 id = models.IntegerField(primary_key=True) 26 name = models.CharField(max_length=50) 27 organisation = models.CharField(max_length=100) 28 tags = models.ManyToManyField(Tag, through='StaffTag') 29 coworkers = models.ManyToManyField('self') 30 31 def __unicode__(self): 32 return self.name 33 34 class StaffTag(models.Model): 35 staff = models.ForeignKey(Staff) 36 tag = models.ForeignKey(Tag) 37 38 def __unicode__(self): 39 return u"%s -> %s" % (self.tag, self.staff) -
TabularUnified new file tests/modeltests/distinct_on_fields/tests.py
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- + 1 from __future__ import absolute_import 2 3 from django.db.models import Max 4 from django.test import TestCase, skipUnlessDBFeature 5 6 from .models import Tag, Celebrity, Fan, Staff, StaffTag 7 8 class DistinctOnTests(TestCase): 9 def setUp(self): 10 t1 = Tag.objects.create(name='t1') 11 t2 = Tag.objects.create(name='t2', parent=t1) 12 t3 = Tag.objects.create(name='t3', parent=t1) 13 t4 = Tag.objects.create(name='t4', parent=t3) 14 t5 = Tag.objects.create(name='t5', parent=t3) 15 16 p1_o1 = Staff.objects.create(id=1, name="p1", organisation="o1") 17 p2_o1 = Staff.objects.create(id=2, name="p2", organisation="o1") 18 p3_o1 = Staff.objects.create(id=3, name="p3", organisation="o1") 19 p1_o2 = Staff.objects.create(id=4, name="p1", organisation="o2") 20 p1_o1.coworkers.add(p2_o1, p3_o1) 21 StaffTag.objects.create(staff=p1_o1, tag=t1) 22 StaffTag.objects.create(staff=p1_o1, tag=t1) 23 24 celeb1 = Celebrity.objects.create(name="c1") 25 celeb2 = Celebrity.objects.create(name="c2") 26 27 self.fan1 = Fan.objects.create(fan_of=celeb1) 28 self.fan2 = Fan.objects.create(fan_of=celeb1) 29 self.fan3 = Fan.objects.create(fan_of=celeb2) 30 31 @skipUnlessDBFeature('can_distinct_on_fields') 32 def test_basic_distinct_on(self): 33 """QuerySet.distinct('field', ...) works""" 34 # (qset, expected) tuples 35 qsets = ( 36 ( 37 Staff.objects.distinct().order_by('name'), 38 ['<Staff: p1>', '<Staff: p1>', '<Staff: p2>', '<Staff: p3>'], 39 ), 40 ( 41 Staff.objects.distinct('name').order_by('name'), 42 ['<Staff: p1>', '<Staff: p2>', '<Staff: p3>'], 43 ), 44 ( 45 Staff.objects.distinct('organisation').order_by('organisation', 'name'), 46 ['<Staff: p1>', '<Staff: p1>'], 47 ), 48 ( 49 Staff.objects.distinct('name', 'organisation').order_by('name', 'organisation'), 50 ['<Staff: p1>', '<Staff: p1>', '<Staff: p2>', '<Staff: p3>'], 51 ), 52 ( 53 Celebrity.objects.filter(fan__in=[self.fan1, self.fan2, self.fan3]).\ 54 distinct('name').order_by('name'), 55 ['<Celebrity: c1>', '<Celebrity: c2>'], 56 ), 57 # Does combining querysets work? 58 ( 59 (Celebrity.objects.filter(fan__in=[self.fan1, self.fan2]).\ 60 distinct('name').order_by('name') 61 |Celebrity.objects.filter(fan__in=[self.fan3]).\ 62 distinct('name').order_by('name')), 63 ['<Celebrity: c1>', '<Celebrity: c2>'], 64 ), 65 ( 66 StaffTag.objects.distinct('staff','tag'), 67 ['<StaffTag: t1 -> p1>'], 68 ), 69 ( 70 Tag.objects.order_by('parent__pk', 'pk').distinct('parent'), 71 ['<Tag: t2>', '<Tag: t4>', '<Tag: t1>'], 72 ), 73 ( 74 StaffTag.objects.select_related('staff').distinct('staff__name').order_by('staff__name'), 75 ['<StaffTag: t1 -> p1>'], 76 ), 77 # Fetch the alphabetically first coworker for each worker 78 ( 79 (Staff.objects.distinct('id').order_by('id', 'coworkers__name'). 80 values_list('id', 'coworkers__name')), 81 ["(1, u'p2')", "(2, u'p1')", "(3, u'p1')", "(4, None)"] 82 ), 83 ) 84 for qset, expected in qsets: 85 self.assertQuerysetEqual(qset, expected) 86 self.assertEqual(qset.count(), len(expected)) 87 88 # Combining queries with different distinct_fields is not allowed. 89 base_qs = Celebrity.objects.all() 90 self.assertRaisesMessage( 91 AssertionError, 92 "Cannot combine queries with different distinct fields.", 93 lambda: (base_qs.distinct('id') & base_qs.distinct('name')) 94 ) 95 96 # Test join unreffing 97 c1 = Celebrity.objects.distinct('greatest_fan__id', 'greatest_fan__fan_of') 98 self.assertIn('OUTER JOIN', str(c1.query)) 99 c2 = c1.distinct('pk') 100 self.assertNotIn('OUTER JOIN', str(c2.query)) 101 102 @skipUnlessDBFeature('can_distinct_on_fields') 103 def test_distinct_not_implemented_checks(self): 104 # distinct + annotate not allowed 105 with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError): 106 Celebrity.objects.annotate(Max('id')).distinct('id')[0] 107 with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError): 108 Celebrity.objects.distinct('id').annotate(Max('id'))[0] 109 110 # However this check is done only when the query executes, so you 111 # can use distinct() to remove the fields before execution. 112 Celebrity.objects.distinct('id').annotate(Max('id')).distinct()[0] 113 # distinct + aggregate not allowed 114 with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError): 115 Celebrity.objects.distinct('id').aggregate(Max('id')) 116 -
TabularUnified tests/regressiontests/queries/models.py
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a b class Celebrity(models.Model): 209 209 name = models.CharField("Name", max_length=20) 210 210 greatest_fan = models.ForeignKey("Fan", null=True, unique=True) 211 211 212 def __unicode__(self): 213 return self.name 214 212 215 class TvChef(Celebrity): 213 216 pass 214 217 … … class OneToOneCategory(models.Model): 343 346 344 347 def __unicode__(self): 345 348 return "one2one " + self.new_name 346 -
TabularUnified tests/regressiontests/queries/tests.py
diff --git a/tests/regressiontests/queries/tests.py b/tests/regressiontests/queries/tests.py index 6a54125..5217fc1 100644
a b class Queries1Tests(BaseQuerysetTest): 234 234 ['<Item: four>', '<Item: one>'] 235 235 ) 236 236 237 # FIXME: This is difficult to fix and very much an edge case, so punt for238 # now. This is related to the order_by() tests for ticket #2253, but the239 # old bug exhibited itself here (q2 was pulling too many tables into the240 # combined query with the new ordering, but only because we have evaluated241 # q2 already).242 @unittest.expectedFailure243 237 def test_order_by_tables(self): 244 238 q1 = Item.objects.order_by('name') 245 239 q2 = Item.objects.filter(id=self.i1.id) 246 240 list(q2) 247 241 self.assertEqual(len((q1 & q2).order_by('name').query.tables), 1) 248 242 243 def test_order_by_join_unref(self): 244 """ 245 This test is related to the above one, testing that there aren't 246 old JOINs in the query. 247 """ 248 qs = Celebrity.objects.order_by('greatest_fan__fan_of') 249 self.assertIn('OUTER JOIN', str(qs.query)) 250 qs = qs.order_by('id') 251 self.assertNotIn('OUTER JOIN', str(qs.query)) 252 249 253 def test_tickets_4088_4306(self): 250 254 self.assertQuerysetEqual( 251 255 Report.objects.filter(creator=1001), … … class ConditionalTests(BaseQuerysetTest): 1731 1735 """Tests whose execution depend on dfferent environment conditions like 1732 1736 Python version or DB backend features""" 1733 1737 1734 def setUp(self):1735 generic = NamedCategory.objects.create(name="Generic")1736 t1 = Tag.objects.create(name='t1', category=generic)1737 t2 = Tag.objects.create(name='t2', parent=t1, category=generic)1738 t3 = Tag.objects.create(name='t3', parent=t1)1739 t4 = Tag.objects.create(name='t4', parent=t3)1740 t5 = Tag.objects.create(name='t5', parent=t3)1741 1742 1738 # In Python 2.6 beta releases, exceptions raised in __len__ are swallowed 1743 1739 # (Python issue 1242657), so these cases return an empty list, rather than 1744 1740 # raising an exception. Not a lot we can do about that, unfortunately, due to … … class ConditionalTests(BaseQuerysetTest): 1791 1787 # Test that the "in" lookup works with lists of 1000 items or more. 1792 1788 Number.objects.all().delete() 1793 1789 numbers = range(2500) 1790 # Speed up object creation by using bulk_create. However keep the 1791 # batches somewhat small - otherwise we might hit the parameter limit 1792 # in bulk_create. 1793 batch = [] 1794 1794 for num in numbers: 1795 _ = Number.objects.create(num=num) 1795 batch.append(Number(num=num)) 1796 if len(batch) == 100: 1797 Number.objects.bulk_create(batch) 1798 batch = [] 1799 if batch: 1800 Number.objects.bulk_create(batch) 1796 1801 self.assertEqual( 1797 1802 Number.objects.filter(num__in=numbers[:1000]).count(), 1798 1803 1000 … … class ConditionalTests(BaseQuerysetTest): 1810 1815 2500 1811 1816 ) 1812 1817 1818 1813 1819 class UnionTests(unittest.TestCase): 1814 1820 """ 1815 1821 Tests for the union of two querysets. Bug #12252. -
TabularUnified tests/regressiontests/select_related_regress/tests.py
diff --git a/tests/regressiontests/select_related_regress/tests.py b/tests/regressiontests/select_related_regress/tests.py index 4818b95..4cd4f78 100644
a b class SelectRelatedRegressTests(TestCase): 40 40 self.assertEqual([(c.id, unicode(c.start), unicode(c.end)) for c in connections], 41 41 [(c1.id, u'router/4', u'switch/7'), (c2.id, u'switch/7', u'server/1')]) 42 42 43 # This final query should only joinseven tables (port, device and building44 # twice each, plus connection once). 45 self.assertEqual( connections.query.count_active_tables(), 7)43 # This final query should only have seven tables (port, device and building 44 # twice each, plus connection once). Thus, 6 joins plus the FROM table. 45 self.assertEqual(str(connections.query).count(" JOIN "), 6) 46 46 47 47 48 48 def test_regression_8106(self):