1 | from mimetypes import guess_type
2 | from StringIO import StringIO
3 | import urlparse
4 | import os
5 |
6 | from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
7 | from django.core.filestorage.base import Storage, RemoteFile
8 | from django.core.filestorage.filesystem import FileSystemStorage
9 | from django.utils.functional import curry
10 | from django.conf import settings
11 |
14 |
15 | try:
16 | from _lib.amazon.S3 import AWSAuthConnection, QueryStringAuthGenerator
17 | except ImportError:
18 | raise ImproperlyConfigured, "Could not load amazon's S3 bindings.\
19 | \nSee http://developer.amazonwebservices.com/connect/entry.jspa?externalID=134"
20 |
21 | class S3Storage(Storage):
22 | """Amazon Simple Storage Service"""
23 |
24 | def __init__(self, bucket=settings.AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME,
25 | access_key=None, secret_key=None, acl='public-read',
26 | calling_format=settings.AWS_CALLING_FORMAT):
27 | self.bucket = bucket
28 | self.acl = acl
29 |
30 | if not access_key and not secret_key:
31 | access_key, secret_key = self._get_access_keys()
32 |
33 | self.connection = AWSAuthConnection(access_key, secret_key,
34 | calling_format=calling_format)
35 | self.generator = QueryStringAuthGenerator(access_key, secret_key,
36 | calling_format=calling_format, is_secure=False)
37 |
38 | def _get_access_keys(self):
39 | access_key = getattr(settings, ACCESS_KEY_NAME, None)
40 | secret_key = getattr(settings, SECRET_KEY_NAME, None)
41 | if (access_key or secret_key) and (not access_key or not secret_key):
42 | access_key = os.environ.get(ACCESS_KEY_NAME)
43 | secret_key = os.environ.get(SECRET_KEY_NAME)
44 |
45 | if access_key and secret_key:
46 | # Both were provided, so use them
47 | return access_key, secret_key
48 |
49 | return None, None
50 |
51 | def _get_connection(self):
52 | return AWSAuthConnection(*self._get_access_keys())
53 |
54 | def _put_file(self, filename, raw_contents):
55 | content_type = guess_type(filename)[0] or "application/x-octet-stream"
56 | headers = {'x-amz-acl': self.acl, 'Content-Type': content_type}
57 | response = self.connection.put(self.bucket, filename, raw_contents, headers)
58 |
59 | def url(self, filename):
60 | return self.generator.make_bare_url(self.bucket, filename)
61 |
62 | def filesize(self, filename):
63 | response = self.connection.make_request('HEAD', self.bucket, filename)
64 | return int(response.getheader('Content-Length'))
65 |
66 | def open(self, filename, mode='rb'):
67 | response = self.connection.get(self.bucket, filename)
68 | writer = curry(self._put_file, filename)
69 | return RemoteFile(self, response.object.data, mode, writer)
70 |
71 | def exists(self, filename):
72 | response = self.connection.make_request('HEAD', self.bucket, filename)
73 | return response.status == 200
74 |
75 | def save(self, filename, raw_contents):
76 | filename = self.get_available_filename(filename)
77 | self._put_file(filename, raw_contents)
78 | return filename
79 |
80 | def delete(self, filename):
81 | self.connection.delete(self.bucket, filename)
82 |
83 | def get_available_filename(self, filename):
84 | """ Overwrite existing file with the same name. """
85 | return filename