Ticket #6320: 6320.diff

File 6320.diff, 2.9 KB (added by Marc Fargas, 17 years ago)

The third role

  • TabularUnified docs/contributing.txt

    diff --git a/docs/contributing.txt b/docs/contributing.txt
    index 37c9196..6ce3d38 100644
    a b don't meet all the requirements of a `good patch`_.  
    221221One way to help out is to *triage* bugs that have been reported by other
    222222users. A couple of dedicated volunteers work on this regularly, but more help
    223 is always appreciated.
     223is always appreciated but, please, read this whole section before starting to
     224*triage* bugs.
    225226Most of the workflow is based around the concept of a ticket's "triage stage".
    226227This stage describes where in its lifetime a given ticket is at any time.
    Since a picture is worth a thousand words, let's start there:  
    234235   :width: 590
    235236   :alt: Django's ticket workflow
    237 We've got two roles here:
     238We've got three roles here:
    239240    * Core developers: people with commit access who make the decisions and
    240241      write the bulk of the code.
    242     * Ticket triagers: community members who keep track of tickets, making
    243       sure the tickets are always categorized correctly.
     243    * Ticket triagers: community members with proven criteria who keep track
     244      of tickets, making sure the tickets are always categorized correctly.
     246    * Community triagers: community members that, while not being officially
     247      recognised as triagers, help out categorizing tickets, commenting on them
     248      and, in general, doing almost the same like a "Ticket triager" with some
     249      exceptions:
     251        - Do not close bugs as "wontfix", see the definition of "wontfix" below,
     252          but in general, it's a decission in hands of *core developers*.
     254        - Do not promote tickets to "Ready for Checkin" unless you feel confident
     255          about the patch provided and you are not related to the ticket itself
     256          (You know, it's not good to judge oneself's work).
     258        - Only close tickets as "invalid" if those are clear cases like help requests
     259          which sould be placed to ``django-users`` (tell so when closing the ticket).
    245261Second, note the five triage stages:
    A ticket can be resolved in a number of ways:  
    295311        Used if the ticket is found to be incorrect or a user error.
    297313    "wontfix"
    298         Used when a core developer decides that this request is not
    299         appropriate for consideration in Django. This is usually chosen after
    300         discussion in the ``django-developers`` mailing list, and you should
    301         feel free to join in when it's something you care about.
     314        Used when a *core developer* or a *ticket triager* decides that this
     315        request is not appropriate for consideration in Django. This is usually
     316        chosen after discussion in the ``django-developers`` mailing list, and
     317        you should feel free to join in when it's something you care about.
    303319    "duplicate"
    304320        Used when another ticket covers the same issue. By closing duplicate
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