Ticket #6181: document-view-decorators2.diff

File document-view-decorators2.diff, 3.8 KB (added by Adam Vandenberg, 14 years ago)

Added back-link and always use parens.

  • docs/index.txt

    diff --git a/docs/index.txt b/docs/index.txt
    index 632adc8..0cf066e 100644
    a b The view layer  
    9191    * **The basics:**
    9292      :doc:`URLconfs <topics/http/urls>` |
    9393      :doc:`View functions <topics/http/views>` |
    94       :doc:`Shortcuts <topics/http/shortcuts>`
     94      :doc:`Shortcuts <topics/http/shortcuts>` |
     95      :doc:`Decorators <topics/http/decorators>`
    9697    * **Reference:**
    9798      :doc:`Request/response objects <ref/request-response>` |
  • docs/ref/middleware.txt

    diff --git a/docs/ref/middleware.txt b/docs/ref/middleware.txt
    index b3ddb23..9fff219 100644
    a b compress content bodies less than 200 bytes long, when the response code is  
    103103something other than 200, JavaScript files (for IE compatibility), or
    104104responses that have the ``Content-Encoding`` header already specified.
     106GZip compression can be applied to individual views using the
     107:func:`~django.views.decorators.http.gzip_page()` decorator.
    106109Conditional GET middleware
  • docs/topics/cache.txt

    diff --git a/docs/topics/cache.txt b/docs/topics/cache.txt
    index dd3fd78..4c35cd4 100644
    a b exist to instruct upstream caches to differ their cache contents depending on  
    964964designated variables, and to tell caching mechanisms not to cache particular
    965965pages. We'll look at some of these headers in the sections that follow.
     967.. _using-vary-headers:
    967969Using Vary headers
  • new file docs/topics/http/decorators.txt

    diff --git a/docs/topics/http/decorators.txt b/docs/topics/http/decorators.txt
    new file mode 100644
    index 0000000..500769c
    - +  
     2View Decorators
     5.. currentmodule:: django.views.decorators.http
     7Django provides several decorators that can be applied to views to support
     8various HTTP features.
     10Allowed HTTP Methods
     13.. function:: require_http_methods(request_method_list)
     15This decorator is used to make a view only accept particular request methods.
     18    @require_http_methods(["GET", "POST"])
     19    def my_view(request):
     20        # I can assume now that only GET or POST requests make it this far
     21        # ...
     23Note that request methods should be in uppercase.
     25.. function:: require_GET()
     27Decorator to require that a view only accept the GET method.
     29.. function:: require_POST()
     31Decorator to require that a view only accept the POST method.
     33Conditional view processing
     36.. function:: condition(etag_func=None, last_modified_func=None)
     38.. function:: etag(etag_func)
     40.. function:: last_modified(last_modified_func)
     42These decorators can be used to generate ``ETag`` and ``Last-Modified``
     43headers; see
     44:doc:`conditional view processing </topics/conditional-view-processing>`.
     46.. currentmodule:: django.views.decorators.http
     48GZip Compression
     51.. function:: gzip_page()
     53This decorator compresses content if the browser allows gzip compression.
     54It sets the ``Vary`` header accordingly, so that caches will base their
     55storage on the ``Accept-Encoding`` header.
     57.. currentmodule:: django.views.decorators.vary
     59Vary Headers
     62The ``Vary`` header defines which request headers a cache mechanism should take
     63into account when building its cache key.
     65.. function:: vary_on_cookie(func)
     67.. function:: vary_on_headers(*headers)
     69See :ref:`using vary headers <using-vary-headers>`.
  • docs/topics/http/index.txt

    diff --git a/docs/topics/http/index.txt b/docs/topics/http/index.txt
    index 5ef776d..0bcb3a2 100644
    a b Information on handling HTTP requests in Django:  
    99   urls
     11   decorators
    1112   file-uploads
    1213   shortcuts
    1314   generic-views
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