Ticket #5614: 5614-docs.patch

File 5614-docs.patch, 1.2 KB (added by Jeff Anderson, 16 years ago)

Docs for this handy patch

  • docs/authentication.txt

    index 79eaf67..660e51c 100644
    a b Creating superusers  
    265265``manage.py syncdb`` prompts you to create a superuser the first time you run
    266266it after adding ``'django.contrib.auth'`` to your ``INSTALLED_APPS``. But if
    267 you need to create a superuser after that via the command line, you can use the
    268 ``create_superuser.py`` utility. Just run this command::
     267you need to create a superuser after that via the command line, you can use
     268``manage.py createsuperuser`` **New in Django development version.**::
     270    manage.py createsuperuser --username=joe --email=joe@example.com
     272You will be prompted for a password. Once entered, the user is created. If you
     273leave off the ``--usermane`` or the ``--email`` option, It will prompt you for
     274those values as well.
     276The old way of creating a superuser on the command line is still available::
    270278    python /path/to/django/contrib/auth/create_superuser.py
    272 Make sure to substitute ``/path/to/`` with the path to the Django codebase on
    273 your filesystem.
     280Where ``/path/to`` is the path to the Django codebase on your filesestem.
    275282Storing additional information about users
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