1 | from django.conf import settings
2 | from django.db import signals
3 | from django.dispatch import dispatcher
4 | from django.template import loader
5 |
6 | class SQLTracker(object):
7 | def __init__(self):
8 | self.queries = []
9 |
10 | def add(self, unbound, params, bound, runtime):
11 | self.queries.append({'unbound': unbound, 'params': params, 'bound': bound, 'runtime': runtime})
12 |
13 |
14 | class SQLTrackerMiddleware(object):
15 | def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
16 | print 'SQLTrackerMiddleware being inited'
17 |
18 | def process_request(self, request):
19 | # FIXME: I know this is bad, but I'm not sure where else to put it.
20 | request.sql_tracker = SQLTracker()
21 | def track_query(sender, *args, **kwargs):
22 | display_sql = sender.db.ops.last_executed_query(sender, kwargs['sql'], kwargs['params'])
23 | request.sql_tracker.add(kwargs['sql'], kwargs['params'], display_sql, kwargs['time'])
24 | # weak=False is necessary for this to bind here.
25 | dispatcher.connect(track_query, signal=signals.query_execute, weak=False)
26 |
27 | def create_debug_sql_output(self, request, response):
28 | """ Generates SQL output for debugging.
29 |
30 | Separate from process_response so that it is easier to override without
31 | worrying about the details of attaching it to the response.
32 |
33 | """
34 | return loader.render_to_string('debug_sql.html', {'queries': request.sql_tracker.queries})
35 |
36 | def process_response(self, request, response):
37 | if settings.DEBUG:
38 | # Prevent it from being sent with any non-default content-encodings
39 | # (anything but plaintext).
40 | if not response.has_header('Content-Encoding'):
41 | # FIXME: There's still all sorts of reasons this could fail, let it
42 | # do so gracefully.
43 | try:
44 | response.content += self.create_debug_sql_output(request, response)
45 | except:
46 | pass
47 | return response