Ticket #5415: sql.py

File sql.py, 2.0 KB (added by George Vilches, 17 years ago)

Example middleware demonstrating use of DB signals, against r6702.

1from django.conf import settings
2from django.db import signals
3from django.dispatch import dispatcher
4from django.template import loader
6class SQLTracker(object):
7 def __init__(self):
8 self.queries = []
10 def add(self, unbound, params, bound, runtime):
11 self.queries.append({'unbound': unbound, 'params': params, 'bound': bound, 'runtime': runtime})
14class SQLTrackerMiddleware(object):
15 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
16 print 'SQLTrackerMiddleware being inited'
18 def process_request(self, request):
19 # FIXME: I know this is bad, but I'm not sure where else to put it.
20 request.sql_tracker = SQLTracker()
21 def track_query(sender, *args, **kwargs):
22 display_sql = sender.db.ops.last_executed_query(sender, kwargs['sql'], kwargs['params'])
23 request.sql_tracker.add(kwargs['sql'], kwargs['params'], display_sql, kwargs['time'])
24 # weak=False is necessary for this to bind here.
25 dispatcher.connect(track_query, signal=signals.query_execute, weak=False)
27 def create_debug_sql_output(self, request, response):
28 """ Generates SQL output for debugging.
30 Separate from process_response so that it is easier to override without
31 worrying about the details of attaching it to the response.
33 """
34 return loader.render_to_string('debug_sql.html', {'queries': request.sql_tracker.queries})
36 def process_response(self, request, response):
37 if settings.DEBUG:
38 # Prevent it from being sent with any non-default content-encodings
39 # (anything but plaintext).
40 if not response.has_header('Content-Encoding'):
41 # FIXME: There's still all sorts of reasons this could fail, let it
42 # do so gracefully.
43 try:
44 response.content += self.create_debug_sql_output(request, response)
45 except:
46 pass
47 return response
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