Ticket #528: render_docs.py.2.diff

File render_docs.py.2.diff, 3.2 KB (added by Jeff Anderson, 17 years ago)
  • extras/README.TXT

    :100644 100644 3fb2a84... dd3cd26... M	extras/README.TXT
    :000000 100644 0000000... 06172d5... A	extras/render_docs.py
    diff --git a/extras/README.TXT b/extras/README.TXT
    index 3fb2a84..dd3cd26 100644
    a b  
    11This directory contains extra stuff that can improve your Django experience.
     6This is a python script that generates html from your django documentation.
     7It is run from the command line, and takes two arguments.
     9$ python render_docs.py <source directory> <destination directory>
     11Optionally, if you want it to generate one big page instead of multiple smaller
     12ones, you can supply the --single argument.
     14$ python render_docs.py --single <source directory> <destination directory>
  • new file extras/render_docs.py

    diff --git a/extras/render_docs.py b/extras/render_docs.py
    new file mode 100644
    index 0000000..06172d5
    - +  
     1#!/usr/bin/env python
     3import optparse
     4import os
     5import re
     6import sys
     9    from docutils.core import publish_parts
     10    from docutils.writers import html4css1
     12    print "The python module docutils is required to run this script."
     13    print "It doesn't seem like it is installed in your pythonpath."
     14    sys.exit(1)
     16def main():
     17    # parse with command line
     18    parser = optparse.OptionParser()
     19    parser.add_option('-1', '--single', action="store_true", dest="single", default=False, help="Write one single combined doc instead of several.")
     20    options, dirs = parser.parse_args()
     21    if len(dirs) != 2:
     22        print "Need exactly one source and one output directory."
     23        sys.exit(1)
     24    source, dest = dirs
     26    # find all docs in source dir
     27    if options.single:
     28        single = ""
     29    files = [f for f in os.listdir(source) if f.endswith('.txt')]
     30    files.sort()
     31    docs = []
     32    for doc in files:
     33        out = doc[:-4] + ".html"
     34        parts = publish_parts(open(os.path.join(source, doc)).read(), writer=html4css1.Writer(), settings_overrides={'initial_header_level': 2})
     36        # save filename and title for table of contents
     37        try:
     38            docs.append([out, parts['title']])
     39        except IndexError:
     40            docs.append([out, 'UNKNOWN (%s)' % doc])
     42        # append to single doc
     43        if options.single:
     44            single += '<a name="%s" />' % out
     45            single += parts['html_body']
     46        # write out the doc
     47        else:
     48            open(os.path.join(dest, out), 'w').write(parts['whole'].encode('utf-8'))
     50    # output toc/single doc
     51    if options.single:
     52        toc = "django.html"
     53    else:
     54        toc = "index.html"
     55    output = open(os.path.join(dest, toc), 'w')
     56    output.write(parts['html_prolog'] % 'utf-8')
     57    output.write(parts['html_head'] % 'utf-8')
     58    output.write('<title>Django Documentation</title></head></body>')
     59    output.write('<h1>Table of Contents</h1><ul>')
     60    for href, title in docs:
     61        if options.single:
     62            href = "#" + href
     63        output.write('<li><a href="%s">%s</a></li>' % (href, title))
     64    output.write('</ul>')
     65    if options.single:
     66        output.write(single.encode('utf-8'))
     67    output.write('</body></html>')
     69if __name__ == "__main__":
     70    main()
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