Ticket #5260: broken_link_cookies.patch

File broken_link_cookies.patch, 897 bytes (added by pytechd, 18 years ago)

Patch against SVN [6020]

  • middleware/common.py

    6969                    ua = request.META.get('HTTP_USER_AGENT', '<none>')
    7070                    ip = request.META.get('REMOTE_ADDR', '<none>')
    7171                    mail_managers("Broken %slink on %s" % ((is_internal and 'INTERNAL ' or ''), domain),
    72                         "Referrer: %s\nRequested URL: %s\nUser agent: %s\nIP address: %s\n" \
    73                                   % (referer, request.get_full_path(), ua, ip))
     72                        "Referrer: %s\nRequested URL: %s\nUser agent: %s\nIP address: %s\nCookies: %s" \
     73                                  % (referer, request.get_full_path(), ua, ip, request.COOKIES))
    7474                return response
    7676        # Use ETags, if requested.
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