Ticket #4594: reverse_helper_cleaned.txt

File reverse_helper_cleaned.txt, 4.7 KB (added by Todd O'Bryan <toddobryan@…>, 18 years ago)
1Index: /home/tobryan1/workspace/django/django/core/urlresolvers.py
3--- /home/tobryan1/workspace/django/django/core/urlresolvers.py (revision 5478)
4+++ /home/tobryan1/workspace/django/django/core/urlresolvers.py (working copy)
5@@ -27,6 +27,18 @@
6 return callback, ''
7 return callback[:dot], callback[dot+1:]
9+ESCAPE_CHARS = re.compile(r'([(){}|[\].^$*+?\\])')
11+def escape(s):
12+ """
13+ Escapes the characters that will get messed up later
14+ """
15+ return ESCAPE_CHARS.sub(r'\\\1', s)
18+CHAR_CLASS_NEEDS_BACKSLASH = re.compile(r'\[([(){}|[\].^$*+?])\]')
19+CHAR_CLASS_NO_BACKSLASH = re.compile(r'\[(.)\]')
21 def reverse_helper(regex, *args, **kwargs):
22 """
23 Does a "reverse" lookup -- returns the URL for the given args/kwargs.
24@@ -39,12 +51,68 @@
25 'places/3/'
26 >>> reverse_helper(re.compile('^people/(?P<state>\w\w)/(\w+)/$'), 'adrian', state='il')
27 'people/il/adrian/'
29+ >>> reverse_helper(re.compile(r'^prices/less_than_\$(?P<price>\d+)/$'), price='10')
30+ 'prices/less_than_$10/'
31+ >>> reverse_helper(re.compile(r'^prices/less_than_[$](?P<price>\d+)/$'), price='10')
32+ 'prices/less_than_$10/'
33+ >>> reverse_helper(re.compile(r'^headlines/(?P<year>\d+)\.(?P<month>\d+)\.(?P<day>\d+)/$'), year=2007, month=5, day=21)
34+ 'headlines/2007.5.21/'
35+ >>> reverse_helper(re.compile(r'^priests/(?P<name>\w+)\+/$'), name='maynard')
36+ 'priests/maynard+/'
37+ >>> reverse_helper(re.compile(r'^windows_path/(?P<drive_name>[A-Z]):\\\\(?P<path>.+)/$'), drive_name='C', path=r'Documents and Settings\\spam')
38+ 'windows_path/C:\\\\Documents and Settings\\\\spam/'
39+ >>> reverse_helper(re.compile(r'\\Aexpr\\\\b/expr2\\b\\\\Z/$'))
40+ 'expr\\\\b/expr2\\\\Z/'
41+ >>> reverse_helper(re.compile(r'^(?P<name>[^/]+)/\\d+/$'), name='john')
42+ Traceback (most recent call last):
43+ ...
44+ NoReverseMatch: \d must be replaced by an argument in reverse lookup
46 Raises NoReverseMatch if the args/kwargs aren't valid for the regex.
47- """
48+ """
49 # TODO: Handle nested parenthesis in the following regex.
50- result = re.sub(r'\(([^)]+)\)', MatchChecker(args, kwargs), regex.pattern)
51- return result.replace('^', '').replace('$', '')
52+ result = re.sub(r'\(([^)]+)\)', lambda m: escape(MatchChecker(args, kwargs)(m)), regex.pattern)
53+ # TODO: octal characters make things even more complicated
54+ # you can use a single character class to avoid escaping, e.g. [$] or [.].
55+ # normalize to backslash followed by character
56+ result = CHAR_CLASS_NEEDS_BACKSLASH.sub(r'\\\1', result)
57+ # you can put a single character in brackets (though why you would is
58+ # beyond me); removes the brackets
59+ result = CHAR_CLASS_NO_BACKSLASH.sub(r'\1', result)
60+ # \A, \Z, \b, and \B match the empty string and should be removed, but
61+ # only if preceded by an odd number of backslashes, otherwise the backslash
62+ # right before is actually the second backslash in the backslash escape \\
63+ def delete_if_slashes_odd(m):
64+ odd_slash_match = re.match(r'^(\\\\)*\\$', m.group('slashes'))
65+ if odd_slash_match:
66+ return odd_slash_match.group(1)
67+ else:
68+ return m.group(0)
69+ result = re.sub(r'(?P<slashes>\\+)(?P<char>[AbBZ])', delete_if_slashes_odd, result)
70+ # ^ and $ match the empty string and should be removed, but only if
71+ # preceded by an even number of backslashes (including none), otherwise the
72+ # backslash right before is escaping the literal \^ or \$
73+ def delete_if_slashes_even(m):
74+ even_slash_match = re.match(r'^(\\\\)*$', m.group('slashes'))
75+ if even_slash_match:
76+ return m.group('slashes')
77+ else:
78+ return m.group(0)
79+ result = re.sub(r'(?P<slashes>\\*)(?P<char>[$^])', delete_if_slashes_even, result)
80+ # many characters are preceded by backslashes in regexes if the literal
81+ # character is meant; as we go to a string, the backslash should go away.
82+ # We should never find character classes that don't have a single
83+ # replacement character. These are \number (the group matching expression),
84+ # \d, \D, \s, \S, \w, and \W. If we find these at this point, we raise
85+ # an exception.
86+ def drop_backslash_if_valid(m):
87+ char = m.group(1)
88+ if re.match(r'[\ddDsSwW]', char):
89+ raise NoReverseMatch(r'\%s must be replaced by an argument in reverse lookup' % char)
90+ else:
91+ return char
92+ result = re.sub(r'\\([[\]{}()^$*+?.\\|\ddDsSwW])', drop_backslash_if_valid, result)
93+ return result
95 class MatchChecker(object):
96 "Class used in reverse RegexURLPattern lookup."
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