Ticket #4370: django-admin.diff

File django-admin.diff, 764 bytes (added by Simon G. <dev@…>, 17 years ago)
  • docs/django-admin.txt

    403403If you're installing the ``django.contrib.auth`` application, ``syncdb`` will
    404404give you the option of creating a superuser immediately.
    406 ``syncdb`` will also search for and install any fixture named ``initial_data``.
    407 See the documentation for ``loaddata`` for details on the specification of
    408 fixture data files.
     406``syncdb`` will also search for and install any fixture named ``initial_data``,
     407with an appropriate file extension (e.g. .xml, .json). See the documentation for
     408``loaddata`` for details on the specification of fixture data files.
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