1 | Index: modeltests/reverse_lookup/models.py
2 | ===================================================================
3 | --- modeltests/reverse_lookup/models.py (revision 5061)
4 | +++ modeltests/reverse_lookup/models.py (working copy)
5 | @@ -55,5 +55,5 @@
6 | >>> Poll.objects.get(choice__name__exact="This is the answer")
7 | Traceback (most recent call last):
8 | ...
9 | -TypeError: Cannot resolve keyword 'choice' into field
10 | +TypeError: Cannot resolve keyword 'choice' into field, choices are: poll_choice, related_choice, id, question, creator
11 | """}
12 | Index: modeltests/lookup/models.py
13 | ===================================================================
14 | --- modeltests/lookup/models.py (revision 5061)
15 | +++ modeltests/lookup/models.py (working copy)
16 | @@ -223,11 +223,11 @@
17 | >>> Article.objects.filter(pub_date_year='2005').count()
18 | Traceback (most recent call last):
19 | ...
20 | -TypeError: Cannot resolve keyword 'pub_date_year' into field
21 | +TypeError: Cannot resolve keyword 'pub_date_year' into field, choices are: id, headline, pub_date
22 |
23 | >>> Article.objects.filter(headline__starts='Article')
24 | Traceback (most recent call last):
25 | ...
26 | -TypeError: Cannot resolve keyword 'headline__starts' into field
27 | +TypeError: Cannot resolve keyword 'headline__starts' into field, choices are: id, headline, pub_date
28 |
29 | """}
30 | Index: modeltests/many_to_one/models.py
31 | ===================================================================
32 | --- modeltests/many_to_one/models.py (revision 5061)
33 | +++ modeltests/many_to_one/models.py (working copy)
34 | @@ -174,13 +174,13 @@
35 | >>> Article.objects.filter(reporter_id__exact=1)
36 | Traceback (most recent call last):
37 | ...
38 | -TypeError: Cannot resolve keyword 'reporter_id' into field
39 | +TypeError: Cannot resolve keyword 'reporter_id' into field, choices are: id, headline, pub_date, reporter
40 |
41 | # You need to specify a comparison clause
42 | >>> Article.objects.filter(reporter_id=1)
43 | Traceback (most recent call last):
44 | ...
45 | -TypeError: Cannot resolve keyword 'reporter_id' into field
46 | +TypeError: Cannot resolve keyword 'reporter_id' into field, choices are: id, headline, pub_date, reporter
47 |
48 | # You can also instantiate an Article by passing
49 | # the Reporter's ID instead of a Reporter object.
50 | Index: modeltests/custom_columns/models.py
51 | ===================================================================
52 | --- modeltests/custom_columns/models.py (revision 5061)
53 | +++ modeltests/custom_columns/models.py (working copy)
54 | @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
55 | >>> Author.objects.filter(firstname__exact='John')
56 | Traceback (most recent call last):
57 | ...
58 | -TypeError: Cannot resolve keyword 'firstname' into field
59 | +TypeError: Cannot resolve keyword 'firstname' into field, choices are: article, id, first_name, last_name
60 |
61 | >>> a = Author.objects.get(last_name__exact='Smith')
62 | >>> a.first_name
63 | Index: regressiontests/null_queries/models.py
64 | ===================================================================
65 | --- regressiontests/null_queries/models.py (revision 5061)
66 | +++ regressiontests/null_queries/models.py (working copy)
67 | @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
68 | >>> Choice.objects.filter(foo__exact=None)
69 | Traceback (most recent call last):
70 | ...
71 | -TypeError: Cannot resolve keyword 'foo' into field
72 | +TypeError: Cannot resolve keyword 'foo' into field, choices are: id, poll, choice
73 |
74 | # Can't use None on anything other than __exact
75 | >>> Choice.objects.filter(id__gt=None)