Ticket #3733: text-smart-split.patch

File text-smart-split.patch, 1.5 KB (added by ivan.chelubeev@…, 18 years ago)

fix for unmatched quote problem, with doctests

  • django/utils/text.py

    187187smart_split_re = re.compile('("(?:[^"\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^"\\\\]*)*)"|\'(?:[^\'\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^\'\\\\]*)*)\'|[^\\s]+)')
    188188def smart_split(text):
    189     """
     189    r"""
    190190    Generator that splits a string by spaces, leaving quoted phrases together.
    191191    Supports both single and double quotes, and supports escaping quotes with
    192192    backslashes. In the output, strings will keep their initial and trailing
    193193    quote marks.
    194     >>> list(smart_split('This is "a person\'s" test.'))
    195     ['This', 'is', '"a person\'s"', 'test.']
     194    >>> list(smart_split(r'''This is "a person" test.'''))
     195    ['This', 'is', '"a person"', 'test.']
     196    >>> print list(smart_split(r'''This is "a person's" test.'''))[2]
     197    "a person's"
     198    >>> print list(smart_split(r'''This is "a person\"s" test.'''))[2]
     199    "a person"s"
     200    >>> list(smart_split('''"a 'one'''))
     201    ['"a', "'one"]
     202    >>> print list(smart_split(r'''all friends' tests'''))[1]
     203    friends'
    196204    """
    197206    for bit in smart_split_re.finditer(text):
    198207        bit = bit.group(0)
    199         if bit[0] == '"':
     208        if bit[0] == '"' and bit[-1] == '"':
    200209            yield '"' + bit[1:-1].replace('\\"', '"').replace('\\\\', '\\') + '"'
    201         elif bit[0] == "'":
     210        elif bit[0] == "'" and bit[-1] == "'":
    202211            yield "'" + bit[1:-1].replace("\\'", "'").replace("\\\\", "\\") + "'"
    203212        else:
    204213            yield bit
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