1 | ~/django/tests$ python3 runtests.py gis_tests --settings settings
2 | Testing against Django installed in '/home/david/django/django' with up to 12 processes
3 | Found 542 test(s).
4 | Creating test database for alias 'default'...
5 | Cloning test database for alias 'default'...
6 | Cloning test database for alias 'default'...
7 | Cloning test database for alias 'default'...
8 | Cloning test database for alias 'default'...
9 | Cloning test database for alias 'default'...
10 | Cloning test database for alias 'default'...
11 | Cloning test database for alias 'default'...
12 | Cloning test database for alias 'default'...
13 | Cloning test database for alias 'default'...
14 | Cloning test database for alias 'default'...
15 | Cloning test database for alias 'default'...
16 | Cloning test database for alias 'default'...
17 | Creating test database for alias 'other'...
18 | Cloning test database for alias 'other'...
19 | Cloning test database for alias 'other'...
20 | Cloning test database for alias 'other'...
21 | Cloning test database for alias 'other'...
22 | Cloning test database for alias 'other'...
23 | Cloning test database for alias 'other'...
24 | Cloning test database for alias 'other'...
25 | Cloning test database for alias 'other'...
26 | Cloning test database for alias 'other'...
27 | Cloning test database for alias 'other'...
28 | Cloning test database for alias 'other'...
29 | Cloning test database for alias 'other'...
30 | System check identified no issues (1 silenced).
31 | sssssssssss.......s.s..s.....ssss.s.s.ssssss..sss..ss.s...s.E.ssssss......s..ss..............................sssss.............ss.......sssss................s.......sssssssssssssssss.......................................................sssssssss.......................ss....................................ssssss..............................................F.....................................................................Failed to save {'geom': 'POLYGON ((-75.1492309570312 39.8928799002948,-75.2577209472656 39.8897188759967,-75.201416015625 40.0307690936905,-75.0764465332031 39.9950077809375,-75.1478576660156 39.9529116617998,-75.135498046875 39.9160562907866,-75.1492309570312 39.8928799002948))', 'uuid': '1378c26f-cbe6-44b0-929f-eb330d4991f5', 'datetime': datetime.datetime(1994, 8, 14, 11, 32, 14), 'name': 'Philadelphia', 'integer': 5, 'num': 1.001, 'boolean': 1}:
32 | DateTimeField HasNulls.datetime received a naive datetime (1994-08-14 11:32:14) while time zone support is active.
33 | Continuing
34 | Failed to save {'geom': 'POLYGON ((-75.1121520996094 39.9487006239035,-75.0283813476562 39.990799335838,-74.959716796875 39.920269337634,-75.025634765625 39.8465036024177,-75.1272583007812 39.8718036516244,-75.1121520996094 39.9487006239035))', 'uuid': 'fa2ba67c-a135-4338-b924-a9622b5d869f', 'datetime': None, 'name': None, 'integer': None, 'num': None, 'boolean': None}:
35 | An error occurred in the current transaction. You can't execute queries until the end of the 'atomic' block.
36 | Continuing
37 | Failed to save {'geom': 'POLYGON ((-75.2494812011719 39.9939556939733,-75.2742004394531 40.0507451947963,-75.2055358886719 40.1190402226888,-75.0819396972656 40.0328721167723,-75.1643371582031 39.973962962407,-75.2494812011719 39.9939556939733))', 'uuid': '4494c1f3-55ab-4256-b365-12115cb388d5', 'datetime': datetime.datetime(2018, 11, 29, 3, 2, 52), 'name': 'north', 'integer': 8, 'num': 0.0, 'boolean': 0}:
38 | DateTimeField HasNulls.datetime received a naive datetime (2018-11-29 03:02:52) while time zone support is active.
39 | Continuing
40 | ....sss..ss...s.s.s..sssss..ssss.ss.sFailed to save {'geom': 'POLYGON ((-75.1492309570312 39.8928799002948,-75.2577209472656 39.8897188759967,-75.201416015625 40.0307690936905,-75.0764465332031 39.9950077809375,-75.1478576660156 39.9529116617998,-75.135498046875 39.9160562907866,-75.1492309570312 39.8928799002948))', 'uuid': '1378c26f-cbe6-44b0-929f-eb330d4991f5', 'datetime': datetime.datetime(1994, 8, 14, 11, 32, 14), 'name': 'Philadelphia', 'integer': 5, 'num': 1.001, 'boolean': 1}:
41 | DateTimeField HasNulls.datetime received a naive datetime (1994-08-14 11:32:14) while time zone support is active.
42 | Continuing
43 | Failed to save {'geom': 'POLYGON ((-75.1121520996094 39.9487006239035,-75.0283813476562 39.990799335838,-74.959716796875 39.920269337634,-75.025634765625 39.8465036024177,-75.1272583007812 39.8718036516244,-75.1121520996094 39.9487006239035))', 'uuid': 'fa2ba67c-a135-4338-b924-a9622b5d869f', 'datetime': None, 'name': None, 'integer': None, 'num': None, 'boolean': None}:
44 | An error occurred in the current transaction. You can't execute queries until the end of the 'atomic' block.
45 | Continuing
46 | Failed to save {'geom': 'POLYGON ((-75.2494812011719 39.9939556939733,-75.2742004394531 40.0507451947963,-75.2055358886719 40.1190402226888,-75.0819396972656 40.0328721167723,-75.1643371582031 39.973962962407,-75.2494812011719 39.9939556939733))', 'uuid': '4494c1f3-55ab-4256-b365-12115cb388d5', 'datetime': datetime.datetime(2018, 11, 29, 3, 2, 52), 'name': 'north', 'integer': 8, 'num': 0.0, 'boolean': 0}:
47 | DateTimeField HasNulls.datetime received a naive datetime (2018-11-29 03:02:52) while time zone support is active.
48 | Continuing
49 | Failed to save {'geom': 'POLYGON ((-75.1492309570312 39.8928799002948,-75.2577209472656 39.8897188759967,-75.201416015625 40.0307690936905,-75.0764465332031 39.9950077809375,-75.1478576660156 39.9529116617998,-75.135498046875 39.9160562907866,-75.1492309570312 39.8928799002948))', 'uuid': '1378c26f-cbe6-44b0-929f-eb330d4991f5', 'datetime': datetime.datetime(1994, 8, 14, 11, 32, 14), 'name': 'Philadelphia', 'integer': 5, 'num': 1.001, 'boolean': 1}:
50 | DateTimeField HasNulls.datetime received a naive datetime (1994-08-14 11:32:14) while time zone support is active.
51 | Continuing
52 | Failed to save {'geom': 'POLYGON ((-75.1121520996094 39.9487006239035,-75.0283813476562 39.990799335838,-74.959716796875 39.920269337634,-75.025634765625 39.8465036024177,-75.1272583007812 39.8718036516244,-75.1121520996094 39.9487006239035))', 'uuid': 'fa2ba67c-a135-4338-b924-a9622b5d869f', 'datetime': None, 'name': None, 'integer': None, 'num': None, 'boolean': None}:
53 | An error occurred in the current transaction. You can't execute queries until the end of the 'atomic' block.
54 | Continuing
55 | Failed to save {'geom': 'POLYGON ((-75.2494812011719 39.9939556939733,-75.2742004394531 40.0507451947963,-75.2055358886719 40.1190402226888,-75.0819396972656 40.0328721167723,-75.1643371582031 39.973962962407,-75.2494812011719 39.9939556939733))', 'uuid': '4494c1f3-55ab-4256-b365-12115cb388d5', 'datetime': datetime.datetime(2018, 11, 29, 3, 2, 52), 'name': 'north', 'integer': 8, 'num': 0.0, 'boolean': 0}:
56 | DateTimeField HasNulls.datetime received a naive datetime (2018-11-29 03:02:52) while time zone support is active.
57 | Continuing
58 | Failed to save {'geom': 'POLYGON ((-75.1492309570312 39.8928799002948,-75.2577209472656 39.8897188759967,-75.201416015625 40.0307690936905,-75.0764465332031 39.9950077809375,-75.1478576660156 39.9529116617998,-75.135498046875 39.9160562907866,-75.1492309570312 39.8928799002948))', 'uuid': '1378c26f-cbe6-44b0-929f-eb330d4991f5', 'datetime': datetime.datetime(1994, 8, 14, 11, 32, 14), 'name': 'Philadelphia', 'integer': 5, 'num': 1.001, 'boolean': 1}:
59 | DateTimeField HasNulls.datetime received a naive datetime (1994-08-14 11:32:14) while time zone support is active.
60 | Continuing
61 | Failed to save {'geom': 'POLYGON ((-75.1121520996094 39.9487006239035,-75.0283813476562 39.990799335838,-74.959716796875 39.920269337634,-75.025634765625 39.8465036024177,-75.1272583007812 39.8718036516244,-75.1121520996094 39.9487006239035))', 'uuid': 'fa2ba67c-a135-4338-b924-a9622b5d869f', 'datetime': None, 'name': None, 'integer': None, 'num': None, 'boolean': None}:
62 | An error occurred in the current transaction. You can't execute queries until the end of the 'atomic' block.
63 | Continuing
64 | Failed to save {'geom': 'POLYGON ((-75.2494812011719 39.9939556939733,-75.2742004394531 40.0507451947963,-75.2055358886719 40.1190402226888,-75.0819396972656 40.0328721167723,-75.1643371582031 39.973962962407,-75.2494812011719 39.9939556939733))', 'uuid': '4494c1f3-55ab-4256-b365-12115cb388d5', 'datetime': datetime.datetime(2018, 11, 29, 3, 2, 52), 'name': 'north', 'integer': 8, 'num': 0.0, 'boolean': 0}:
65 | DateTimeField HasNulls.datetime received a naive datetime (2018-11-29 03:02:52) while time zone support is active.
66 | Continuing
67 | ..............ssss.............................Failed to save {'geom': 'POLYGON ((-75.1492309570312 39.8928799002948,-75.2577209472656 39.8897188759967,-75.201416015625 40.0307690936905,-75.0764465332031 39.9950077809375,-75.1478576660156 39.9529116617998,-75.135498046875 39.9160562907866,-75.1492309570312 39.8928799002948))', 'uuid': '1378c26f-cbe6-44b0-929f-eb330d4991f5', 'datetime': datetime.datetime(1994, 8, 14, 11, 32, 14), 'name': 'Philadelphia', 'integer': 5, 'num': 1.001, 'boolean': 1}:
68 | DateTimeField HasNulls.datetime received a naive datetime (1994-08-14 11:32:14) while time zone support is active.
69 | Continuing
70 | Failed to save {'geom': 'POLYGON ((-75.1121520996094 39.9487006239035,-75.0283813476562 39.990799335838,-74.959716796875 39.920269337634,-75.025634765625 39.8465036024177,-75.1272583007812 39.8718036516244,-75.1121520996094 39.9487006239035))', 'uuid': 'fa2ba67c-a135-4338-b924-a9622b5d869f', 'datetime': None, 'name': None, 'integer': None, 'num': None, 'boolean': None}:
71 | An error occurred in the current transaction. You can't execute queries until the end of the 'atomic' block.
72 | Continuing
73 | Failed to save {'geom': 'POLYGON ((-75.2494812011719 39.9939556939733,-75.2742004394531 40.0507451947963,-75.2055358886719 40.1190402226888,-75.0819396972656 40.0328721167723,-75.1643371582031 39.973962962407,-75.2494812011719 39.9939556939733))', 'uuid': '4494c1f3-55ab-4256-b365-12115cb388d5', 'datetime': datetime.datetime(2018, 11, 29, 3, 2, 52), 'name': 'north', 'integer': 8, 'num': 0.0, 'boolean': 0}:
74 | DateTimeField HasNulls.datetime received a naive datetime (2018-11-29 03:02:52) while time zone support is active.
75 | Continuing
76 | .........F.FFE...F.s.s.ss.s.s
77 | ======================================================================
78 | ERROR: test_unicode_date (gis_tests.geoapp.test_regress.GeoRegressionTests)
79 | Testing dates are converted properly, even on SpatiaLite. See #16408.
80 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
81 | Traceback (most recent call last):
82 | File "/usr/lib/python3.8/unittest/case.py", line 60, in testPartExecutor
83 | yield
84 | File "/usr/lib/python3.8/unittest/case.py", line 676, in run
85 | self._callTestMethod(testMethod)
86 | File "/usr/lib/python3.8/unittest/case.py", line 633, in _callTestMethod
87 | method()
88 | File "/home/david/django/tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_regress.py", line 52, in test_unicode_date
89 | PennsylvaniaCity.objects.create(name='Mansfield', county='Tioga', point='POINT(-77.071445 41.823881)',
90 | File "/home/david/django/django/db/models/manager.py", line 85, in manager_method
91 | return getattr(self.get_queryset(), name)(*args, **kwargs)
92 | File "/home/david/django/django/db/models/query.py", line 459, in create
93 | obj.save(force_insert=True, using=self.db)
94 | File "/home/david/django/django/db/models/base.py", line 749, in save
95 | self.save_base(using=using, force_insert=force_insert,
96 | File "/home/david/django/django/db/models/base.py", line 786, in save_base
97 | updated = self._save_table(
98 | File "/home/david/django/django/db/models/base.py", line 891, in _save_table
99 | results = self._do_insert(cls._base_manager, using, fields, returning_fields, raw)
100 | File "/home/david/django/django/db/models/base.py", line 929, in _do_insert
101 | return manager._insert(
102 | File "/home/david/django/django/db/models/manager.py", line 85, in manager_method
103 | return getattr(self.get_queryset(), name)(*args, **kwargs)
104 | File "/home/david/django/django/db/models/query.py", line 1304, in _insert
105 | return query.get_compiler(using=using).execute_sql(returning_fields)
106 | File "/home/david/django/django/db/models/sql/compiler.py", line 1442, in execute_sql
107 | for sql, params in self.as_sql():
108 | File "/home/david/django/django/db/models/sql/compiler.py", line 1384, in as_sql
109 | value_rows = [
110 | File "/home/david/django/django/db/models/sql/compiler.py", line 1385, in <listcomp>
111 | [self.prepare_value(field, self.pre_save_val(field, obj)) for field in fields]
112 | File "/home/david/django/django/db/models/sql/compiler.py", line 1385, in <listcomp>
113 | [self.prepare_value(field, self.pre_save_val(field, obj)) for field in fields]
114 | File "/home/david/django/django/db/models/sql/compiler.py", line 1326, in prepare_value
115 | value = field.get_db_prep_save(value, connection=self.connection)
116 | File "/home/david/django/django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", line 839, in get_db_prep_save
117 | return self.get_db_prep_value(value, connection=connection, prepared=False)
118 | File "/home/david/django/django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", line 1420, in get_db_prep_value
119 | value = self.get_prep_value(value)
120 | File "/home/david/django/django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", line 1409, in get_prep_value
121 | warnings.warn("DateTimeField %s received a naive datetime (%s)"
122 | RuntimeWarning: DateTimeField PennsylvaniaCity.founded received a naive datetime (1857-05-23 00:00:00) while time zone support is active.
123 |
124 | ======================================================================
125 | ERROR: test_nullable_datetime_imported (gis_tests.layermap.tests.LayerMapTest)
126 | LayerMapping import of GeoJSON with a nullable date/time value.
127 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
128 | Traceback (most recent call last):
129 | File "/usr/lib/python3.8/unittest/case.py", line 60, in testPartExecutor
130 | yield
131 | File "/usr/lib/python3.8/unittest/case.py", line 676, in run
132 | self._callTestMethod(testMethod)
133 | File "/usr/lib/python3.8/unittest/case.py", line 633, in _callTestMethod
134 | method()
135 | File "/home/david/django/tests/gis_tests/layermap/tests.py", line 361, in test_nullable_datetime_imported
136 | self.assertEqual(HasNulls.objects.filter(datetime__lt=datetime.date(1994, 8, 15)).count(), 1)
137 | File "/home/david/django/django/db/models/manager.py", line 85, in manager_method
138 | return getattr(self.get_queryset(), name)(*args, **kwargs)
139 | File "/home/david/django/django/db/models/query.py", line 977, in filter
140 | return self._filter_or_exclude(False, args, kwargs)
141 | File "/home/david/django/django/db/models/query.py", line 995, in _filter_or_exclude
142 | clone._filter_or_exclude_inplace(negate, args, kwargs)
143 | File "/home/david/django/django/db/models/query.py", line 1002, in _filter_or_exclude_inplace
144 | self._query.add_q(Q(*args, **kwargs))
145 | File "/home/david/django/django/db/models/sql/query.py", line 1372, in add_q
146 | clause, _ = self._add_q(q_object, self.used_aliases)
147 | File "/home/david/django/django/db/models/sql/query.py", line 1393, in _add_q
148 | child_clause, needed_inner = self.build_filter(
149 | File "/home/david/django/django/db/models/sql/query.py", line 1326, in build_filter
150 | condition = self.build_lookup(lookups, col, value)
151 | File "/home/david/django/django/db/models/sql/query.py", line 1177, in build_lookup
152 | lookup = lookup_class(lhs, rhs)
153 | File "/home/david/django/django/db/models/lookups.py", line 22, in __init__
154 | self.rhs = self.get_prep_lookup()
155 | File "/home/david/django/django/db/models/lookups.py", line 79, in get_prep_lookup
156 | return self.lhs.output_field.get_prep_value(self.rhs)
157 | File "/home/david/django/django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", line 1399, in get_prep_value
158 | value = super().get_prep_value(value)
159 | File "/home/david/django/django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", line 1288, in get_prep_value
160 | return self.to_python(value)
161 | File "/home/david/django/django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", line 1351, in to_python
162 | warnings.warn("DateTimeField %s.%s received a naive datetime "
163 | RuntimeWarning: DateTimeField HasNulls.datetime received a naive datetime (1994-08-15 00:00:00) while time zone support is active.
164 |
165 | ======================================================================
166 | FAIL: test_emptyCollections (gis_tests.geos_tests.test_geos.GEOSTest)
167 | Testing empty geometries and collections.
168 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
169 | Traceback (most recent call last):
170 | File "/usr/lib/python3.8/unittest/case.py", line 60, in testPartExecutor
171 | yield
172 | File "/usr/lib/python3.8/unittest/case.py", line 676, in run
173 | self._callTestMethod(testMethod)
174 | File "/usr/lib/python3.8/unittest/case.py", line 633, in _callTestMethod
175 | method()
176 | File "/home/david/django/tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", line 1055, in test_emptyCollections
177 | g.x
178 | File "/usr/lib/python3.8/unittest/case.py", line 227, in __exit__
179 | self._raiseFailure("{} not raised".format(exc_name))
180 | File "/usr/lib/python3.8/unittest/case.py", line 164, in _raiseFailure
181 | raise self.test_case.failureException(msg)
182 | AssertionError: IndexError not raised
183 |
184 | ======================================================================
185 | FAIL: test_null_number_imported (gis_tests.layermap.tests.LayerMapTest)
186 | LayerMapping import of GeoJSON with a null numeric value.
187 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
188 | Traceback (most recent call last):
189 | File "/usr/lib/python3.8/unittest/case.py", line 60, in testPartExecutor
190 | yield
191 | File "/usr/lib/python3.8/unittest/case.py", line 676, in run
192 | self._callTestMethod(testMethod)
193 | File "/usr/lib/python3.8/unittest/case.py", line 633, in _callTestMethod
194 | method()
195 | File "/home/david/django/tests/gis_tests/layermap/tests.py", line 336, in test_null_number_imported
196 | self.assertEqual(HasNulls.objects.count(), 3)
197 | File "/usr/lib/python3.8/unittest/case.py", line 912, in assertEqual
198 | assertion_func(first, second, msg=msg)
199 | File "/usr/lib/python3.8/unittest/case.py", line 905, in _baseAssertEqual
200 | raise self.failureException(msg)
201 | AssertionError: 0 != 3
202 |
203 | ======================================================================
204 | FAIL: test_null_string_imported (gis_tests.layermap.tests.LayerMapTest)
205 | Test LayerMapping import of GeoJSON with a null string value.
206 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
207 | Traceback (most recent call last):
208 | File "/usr/lib/python3.8/unittest/case.py", line 60, in testPartExecutor
209 | yield
210 | File "/usr/lib/python3.8/unittest/case.py", line 676, in run
211 | self._callTestMethod(testMethod)
212 | File "/usr/lib/python3.8/unittest/case.py", line 633, in _callTestMethod
213 | method()
214 | File "/home/david/django/tests/gis_tests/layermap/tests.py", line 347, in test_null_string_imported
215 | self.assertEqual(HasNulls.objects.filter(name__isnull=True).count(), 1)
216 | File "/usr/lib/python3.8/unittest/case.py", line 912, in assertEqual
217 | assertion_func(first, second, msg=msg)
218 | File "/usr/lib/python3.8/unittest/case.py", line 905, in _baseAssertEqual
219 | raise self.failureException(msg)
220 | AssertionError: 0 != 1
221 |
222 | ======================================================================
223 | FAIL: test_nullable_boolean_imported (gis_tests.layermap.tests.LayerMapTest)
224 | LayerMapping import of GeoJSON with a nullable boolean value.
225 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
226 | Traceback (most recent call last):
227 | File "/usr/lib/python3.8/unittest/case.py", line 60, in testPartExecutor
228 | yield
229 | File "/usr/lib/python3.8/unittest/case.py", line 676, in run
230 | self._callTestMethod(testMethod)
231 | File "/usr/lib/python3.8/unittest/case.py", line 633, in _callTestMethod
232 | method()
233 | File "/home/david/django/tests/gis_tests/layermap/tests.py", line 353, in test_nullable_boolean_imported
234 | self.assertEqual(HasNulls.objects.filter(boolean=True).count(), 1)
235 | File "/usr/lib/python3.8/unittest/case.py", line 912, in assertEqual
236 | assertion_func(first, second, msg=msg)
237 | File "/usr/lib/python3.8/unittest/case.py", line 905, in _baseAssertEqual
238 | raise self.failureException(msg)
239 | AssertionError: 0 != 1
240 |
241 | ======================================================================
242 | FAIL: test_uuids_imported (gis_tests.layermap.tests.LayerMapTest)
243 | LayerMapping import of GeoJSON with UUIDs.
244 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
245 | Traceback (most recent call last):
246 | File "/usr/lib/python3.8/unittest/case.py", line 60, in testPartExecutor
247 | yield
248 | File "/usr/lib/python3.8/unittest/case.py", line 676, in run
249 | self._callTestMethod(testMethod)
250 | File "/usr/lib/python3.8/unittest/case.py", line 633, in _callTestMethod
251 | method()
252 | File "/home/david/django/tests/gis_tests/layermap/tests.py", line 369, in test_uuids_imported
253 | self.assertEqual(HasNulls.objects.filter(uuid='1378c26f-cbe6-44b0-929f-eb330d4991f5').count(), 1)
254 | File "/usr/lib/python3.8/unittest/case.py", line 912, in assertEqual
255 | assertion_func(first, second, msg=msg)
256 | File "/usr/lib/python3.8/unittest/case.py", line 905, in _baseAssertEqual
257 | raise self.failureException(msg)
258 | AssertionError: 0 != 1
259 |
260 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
261 | Ran 542 tests in 4.067s
262 |
263 | FAILED (failures=5, errors=2, skipped=119)
264 | Destroying test database for alias 'default'...
265 | Destroying test database for alias 'default'...
266 | Destroying test database for alias 'default'...
267 | Destroying test database for alias 'default'...
268 | Destroying test database for alias 'default'...
269 | Destroying test database for alias 'default'...
270 | Destroying test database for alias 'default'...
271 | Destroying test database for alias 'default'...
272 | Destroying test database for alias 'default'...
273 | Destroying test database for alias 'default'...
274 | Destroying test database for alias 'default'...
275 | Destroying test database for alias 'default'...
276 | Destroying test database for alias 'default'...
277 | Destroying test database for alias 'other'...
278 | Destroying test database for alias 'other'...
279 | Destroying test database for alias 'other'...
280 | Destroying test database for alias 'other'...
281 | Destroying test database for alias 'other'...
282 | Destroying test database for alias 'other'...
283 | Destroying test database for alias 'other'...
284 | Destroying test database for alias 'other'...
285 | Destroying test database for alias 'other'...
286 | Destroying test database for alias 'other'...
287 | Destroying test database for alias 'other'...
288 | Destroying test database for alias 'other'...
289 | Destroying test database for alias 'other'...
290 |