Ticket #3297: 5245-newforms-file-imagefield.diff

File 5245-newforms-file-imagefield.diff, 11.0 KB (added by David Danier <goliath.mailinglist@…>, 18 years ago)

Patch for current trunk, changes: clean_data -> cleaned_data and new formfield-method for model-fields

  • TabularUnified django/db/models/fields/__init__.py

    ==== Patch <django-newforms-file-imagefield> level 3
    Source: f4626db1-382e-0410-8594-a82d82b39f71:/newforms-file-imagefield/trunk:5184 [local]
    Target: bcc190cf-cafb-0310-a4f2-bffc1f526a37:/django/trunk:5245 [mirrored]
     r4876@damasonium:  ddanier | 2007-04-16 14:26:42 +0200
      * FileField and ImageField for newforms not using additional <input>'s
      * FileInput is now the default-widget for FileField
     r5183@damasonium:  ddanier | 2007-05-15 17:25:46 +0200
      * Updated models.FileField and models.ImageField to use new formfield()-base in Field-class
     r5184@damasonium:  ddanier | 2007-05-15 17:33:03 +0200
      * clean_data -> cleaned_data
    === django/db/models/fields/__init__.py
    665665            else:
    666666                func(new_data[upload_field_name]["filename"], new_data[upload_field_name]["content"], save)
     668    def formfield_save_file(self, field_name, new_data, new_object, save=True):
     669        if new_data[field_name]:
     670            func = getattr(new_object, 'save_%s_file' % self.name)
     671            func(new_data[field_name]["filename"], new_data[field_name]["content"], save)
    668673    def get_directory_name(self):
    669674        return os.path.normpath(datetime.datetime.now().strftime(self.upload_to))
    673678        f = os.path.join(self.get_directory_name(), get_valid_filename(os.path.basename(filename)))
    674679        return os.path.normpath(f)
     681    def formfield(self, **kwargs):
     682        defaults = {'form_class': forms.FileField}
     683        defaults.update(kwargs)
     684        return super(FileField, self).formfield(**defaults)
    676686class FilePathField(Field):
    677687    def __init__(self, verbose_name=None, name=None, path='', match=None, recursive=False, **kwargs):
    678688        self.path, self.match, self.recursive = path, match, recursive
    719729                setattr(new_object, self.height_field, getattr(original_object, self.height_field))
    720730            new_object.save()
     732    def formfield(self, **kwargs):
     733        defaults = {'form_class': forms.ImageField}
     734        defaults.update(kwargs)
     735        return super(ImageField, self).formfield(**defaults)
    722737class IntegerField(Field):
    723738    empty_strings_allowed = False
    724739    def get_manipulator_field_objs(self):
  • TabularUnified django/newforms/models.py

    === django/newforms/models.py
    2828    for f in opts.fields:
    2929        if not f.editable or isinstance(f, models.AutoField) or not f.name in cleaned_data:
    3030            continue
     31        if isinstance(f, models.FileField):
     32            continue
    3133        if fields and f.name not in fields:
    3234            continue
    3335        setattr(instance, f.name, cleaned_data[f.name])
     37    # FileField may need more info to save to specific paths
     38    for f in opts.fields:
     39        if isinstance(f, models.FileField) and cleaned_data.has_key(f.name):
     40            f.formfield_save_file(f.name, cleaned_data, instance, save=False)
    3442    if commit:
    3543        instance.save()
    3644        for f in opts.many_to_many:
    9199    takes a database Field instance, plus **kwargs, and returns a form Field
    92100    instance with the given kwargs (i.e. 'initial').
    93101    """
     102    from django.db import models
    94103    model = instance.__class__
    95104    opts = model._meta
    96105    field_list = []
    102111        current_value = f.value_from_object(instance)
    103112        formfield = formfield_callback(f, initial=current_value)
    104113        if formfield:
     114            # FileFields are only required once, because we cannot print the
     115            # existing data into the <form>
     116            if isinstance(f, models.FileField) and current_value:
     117                formfield.required = False
    105118            field_list.append((f.name, formfield))
    106119    base_fields = SortedDictFromList(field_list)
    107120    return type(opts.object_name + 'InstanceForm', (form,),
  • TabularUnified django/newforms/fields.py

    === django/newforms/fields.py
    55from django.utils.translation import gettext
    66from django.utils.encoding import smart_unicode
    77from util import ErrorList, ValidationError
    8 from widgets import TextInput, PasswordInput, HiddenInput, MultipleHiddenInput, CheckboxInput, Select, NullBooleanSelect, SelectMultiple
     8from widgets import TextInput, PasswordInput, HiddenInput, MultipleHiddenInput, CheckboxInput, Select, NullBooleanSelect, SelectMultiple, FileInput
    99import datetime
    1010import re
    1111import time
    1313__all__ = (
    14     'Field', 'CharField', 'IntegerField',
     14    'Field', 'CharField', 'FileField', 'ImageField', 'IntegerField',
    1515    'DEFAULT_DATE_INPUT_FORMATS', 'DateField',
    1616    'DEFAULT_TIME_INPUT_FORMATS', 'TimeField',
    1717    'DEFAULT_DATETIME_INPUT_FORMATS', 'DateTimeField',
    109109        if self.max_length is not None and isinstance(widget, (TextInput, PasswordInput)):
    110110            return {'maxlength': str(self.max_length)}
     112class FileField(Field):
     113    widget = FileInput
     115    def clean(self, value):
     116        super(FileField, self).clean(value)
     117        if value in EMPTY_VALUES:
     118            return None
     119        else:
     120            try:
     121                content = value['content']
     122            except TypeError:
     123                raise ValidationError(gettext("No file was submitted. Check the encoding type on the form."))
     124            if not content:
     125                raise ValidationError(gettext(u'The submitted file is empty.'))
     126            return value
     128class ImageField(FileField):
     129    def clean(self, value):
     130        super(ImageField, self).clean(value)
     131        if value in EMPTY_VALUES:
     132            return None
     133        else:
     134            from PIL import Image
     135            from cStringIO import StringIO
     136            try:
     137                Image.open(StringIO(value['content']))
     138            except IOError: # Python Imaging Library doesn't recognize it as an image
     139                raise ValidationError, gettext(u'Upload a valid image. The file you uploaded was either not an image or a corrupted image.')
     140            return value
    112142class IntegerField(Field):
    113143    def __init__(self, max_value=None, min_value=None, *args, **kwargs):
    114144        self.max_value, self.min_value = max_value, min_value
  • TabularUnified tests/modeltests/model_forms/models.py

    === tests/modeltests/model_forms/models.py
    6868    def __str__(self):
    6969        return self.phone
     71class NotRequiredFile(models.Model):
     72    description = models.CharField(maxlength=50)
     73    file = models.FileField(upload_to='files', blank=True)
     75    def __str__(self):
     76        return self.description
     78class RequiredFile(models.Model):
     79    description = models.CharField(maxlength=50)
     80    file = models.FileField(upload_to='files')
     82    def __str__(self):
     83        return self.description
    7185__test__ = {'API_TESTS': """
    7286>>> from django.newforms import form_for_model, form_for_instance, save_instance, BaseForm, Form, CharField
    7387>>> import datetime
    443457>>> f = ModelChoiceField(Category.objects.filter(pk=1), required=False)
    444458>>> print f.clean('')
     460Test for filefield
     462>>> form_data = {'description': 'FileField test', 'file': {'content': 'FileField test', 'filename': 'filetest.txt'} }
     463>>> no_file_form_data = {'description': 'FileField test'}
     464>>> bad_encoding_form_data = {'description': 'FileField test', 'file': 'wrong encoding'}
     465>>> TestRequiredFileForm = form_for_model(RequiredFile)
     466>>> empty_required_fileform = TestRequiredFileForm(auto_id=False)
     467>>> print empty_required_fileform.as_ul()
     468<li>Description: <input type="text" name="description" maxlength="50" /></li>
     469<li>File: <input type="file" name="file" /></li>
     471Test with data
     472>>> filled_required_fileform= TestRequiredFileForm(form_data, auto_id=False)
     473>>> filled_required_fileform.is_valid()
     476>>> required_file_instance = filled_required_fileform.save()
     477>>> print required_file_instance.file
     479>>> TestInstanceRequiredFileForm = form_for_instance(required_file_instance)
     480>>> instance_required_fileform = TestInstanceRequiredFileForm(auto_id=False)
     481>>> instance_required_fileform.as_ul()
     482u'<li>Description: <input type="text" name="description" value="FileField test" maxlength="50" /></li>\\n<li>File: <input type="file" name="file" /></li>'
     483>>> required_file_instance.delete()
     485Bad data test
     486>>> filled_required_fileform=TestRequiredFileForm(no_file_form_data)
     487>>> filled_required_fileform.is_valid()
     489>>> print filled_required_fileform.errors
     490<ul class="errorlist"><li>file<ul class="errorlist"><li>This field is required.</li></ul></li></ul>
     491>>> TestNotRequiredFileForm = form_for_model(NotRequiredFile)
     492>>> filled_not_required_fileform=TestNotRequiredFileForm(no_file_form_data)
     493>>> filled_not_required_fileform.is_valid()
     495>>> filled_not_required_fileform=TestNotRequiredFileForm(bad_encoding_form_data)
     496>>> print filled_not_required_fileform.errors
     497<ul class="errorlist"><li>file<ul class="errorlist"><li>No file was submitted. Check the encoding type on the form.</li></ul></li></ul>
    446499>>> f.clean('')
    447500>>> f.clean('1')
  • TabularUnified tests/regressiontests/forms/tests.py

    === tests/regressiontests/forms/tests.py
    169169# FileInput Widget ############################################################
    171171>>> w = FileInput()
    172 >>> w.render('email', '')
    173 u'<input type="file" name="email" />'
    174 >>> w.render('email', None)
    175 u'<input type="file" name="email" />'
    176 >>> w.render('email', 'test@example.com')
    177 u'<input type="file" name="email" value="test@example.com" />'
    178 >>> w.render('email', 'some "quoted" & ampersanded value')
    179 u'<input type="file" name="email" value="some &quot;quoted&quot; &amp; ampersanded value" />'
    180 >>> w.render('email', 'test@example.com', attrs={'class': 'fun'})
    181 u'<input type="file" name="email" value="test@example.com" class="fun" />'
     172>>> w.render('file', '')
     173u'<input type="file" name="file" />'
    183 You can also pass 'attrs' to the constructor:
    184 >>> w = FileInput(attrs={'class': 'fun'})
    185 >>> w.render('email', '')
    186 u'<input type="file" class="fun" name="email" />'
    187 >>> w.render('email', 'foo@example.com')
    188 u'<input type="file" class="fun" value="foo@example.com" name="email" />'
    190 >>> w.render('email', 'ŠĐĆŽćžšđ', attrs={'class': 'fun'})
    191 u'<input type="file" class="fun" value="\u0160\u0110\u0106\u017d\u0107\u017e\u0161\u0111" name="email" />'
    193175# Textarea Widget #############################################################
    195177>>> w = Textarea()
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