Ticket #3147: path_files.diff

File path_files.diff, 1.7 KB (added by Waylan Limberg <waylan@…>, 18 years ago)

Add explanation and example of path files to docs.

  • TabularUnified docs/contributing.txt

    438438location of the branch's ``django`` package. If you want to switch back, just
    439439change the symlink to point to the old code.
     441A third option is to use a `path file`_ (``<something>.pth``) which should work on most any system (including MS Windows). First, make sure there are no files, directories or symlinks named ``django`` in your ``site-packages`` directory. Then create a text file named ``django.pth`` and save it to your ``site-packages`` directory. That file should contain a path to your copy of Django on a single line and optional comments. Here is an example that points to multiple branches. Just uncomment the line for the branch you want to use ('Trunk' in this example) and make sure all other lines are commented:
     443    # Trunk is a svn checkout of:
     444    #   http://code.djangoproject.com/svn/django/trunk/
     445    #
     446    /path/to/trunk
     448    # <branch> is a svn checkout of:
     449    #   http://code.djangoproject.com/svn/django/branches/<branch>/
     450    #
     451    #/path/to/<branch>
     453    # On windows a path may look like this:
     454    # C:/path/to/<branch>
    441456If you're using Django 0.95 or earlier and installed it using
    442457``python setup.py install``, you'll have a directory called something like
    443458``Django-0.95-py2.4.egg`` instead of ``django``. In this case, edit the file
    445460file. Then copy the branch's version of the ``django`` directory into
     463.. _path file: http://docs.python.org/lib/module-site.html
    448465Official releases
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