Ticket #3047: docs.diff

File docs.diff, 4.1 KB (added by Simon G. <dev@…>, 18 years ago)

Docs with Malcolm's changes.

  • TabularUnified docs/faq.txt

    329329Although we recommend mod_python for production use, you don't have to use it,
    330330thanks to the fact that Django uses an arrangement called WSGI_. Django can
    331 talk to any WSGI-enabled server. The most common non-mod_python deployment
    332 setup is FastCGI. See `How to use Django with FastCGI`_ for full information.
     331talk to any WSGI-enabled server. Other common non-mod_python deployment
     332setups are FastCGI, SCGI, or AJP. See `How to use Django with FastCGI`_ for
     333full information.
    334335Also, see the `server arrangements wiki page`_ for other deployment strategies.
    337338the development Web server that comes with Django. Things should Just Work.
    339340.. _WSGI: http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0333.html
    340 .. _How to use Django with FastCGI: ../fastcgi/
     341.. _How to use Django with FastCGI, SCGI, or AJP: ../fastcgi/
    341342.. _server arrangements wiki page: http://code.djangoproject.com/wiki/ServerArrangements
    343344How do I install mod_python on Windows?
  • TabularUnified docs/fastcgi.txt

    55Although the `current preferred setup`_ for running Django is Apache_ with
    6 `mod_python`_, many people use shared hosting, on which FastCGI is the only
    7 viable option. In some setups, FastCGI also allows better security -- and,
    8 possibly, better performance -- than mod_python.
     6`mod_python`_, many people use shared hosting, on which protocols such as
     7FastCGI, SCGI, or AJP are the only viable options. In some setups, these protocols
     8also allow better security -- and, possibly, better performance -- than mod_python.
     10.. admonition:: Note
     12    This document discusses FastCGI, but other flup-supported protocols such as SCGI
     13    and AJP are also supported.
    1015Essentially, FastCGI is an efficient way of letting an external application
    1116serve pages to a Web server. The Web server delegates the incoming Web requests
    1217(via a socket) to FastCGI, which executes the code and passes the response back
    7479If you specify ``help`` as the only option after ``runfcgi``, it'll display a
    7580list of all the available options.
    77 You'll need to specify either a ``socket`` or both ``host`` and ``port``. Then,
    78 when you set up your Web server, you'll just need to point it at the host/port
     82You'll need to specify either a ``socket``, ``protocol`` or both ``host`` and ``port``.
     83Then, when you set up your Web server, you'll just need to point it at the host/port
    7984or socket you specified when starting the FastCGI server.
     89Django supports all the protocols that flup_ does, namely fastcgi_, `SCGI`_, and `AJP1.3`_.
     90Your preferred protocol can be selected by using the `protocol=`<protocol_name> option with
     91`./manage.py runfcgi` where <protocol-name> may currently be one of: `fcgi` (the default),
     92`scgi`, or `ajp`.
     94.. _flup: http://www.saddi.com/software/flup/
     95.. _fastcgi: http://www.fastcgi.com/
     96.. _SCGI: http://python.ca/scgi/protocol.txt
     97.. _AJP1.3: http://tomcat.apache.org/connectors-doc/ajp/ajpv13a.html
  • TabularUnified docs/modpython.txt

    1313Django requires Apache 2.x and mod_python 3.x, and you should use Apache's
    1414`prefork MPM`_, as opposed to the `worker MPM`_.
    16 You may also be interested in `How to use Django with FastCGI`_.
     16You may also be interested in `How to use Django with FastCGI`_ (which also
     17covers SCGI and AJP).
    1819.. _Apache: http://httpd.apache.org/
    1920.. _mod_python: http://www.modpython.org/
    2021.. _mod_perl: http://perl.apache.org/
    2122.. _prefork MPM: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/prefork.html
    2223.. _worker MPM: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/worker.html
    23 .. _How to use Django with FastCGI: ../fastcgi/
     24.. _How to use Django with FastCGI, SCGI or AJP: ../fastcgi/
    2526Basic configuration
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