Ticket #27090: sequence_name_getter.py

File sequence_name_getter.py, 556 bytes (added by Hanne Moa, 9 years ago)

Python-function looking up sequence_name in postgres

1def get_sequence_name(cursor, table_name, pk_name):
2 """Fetch the sequence name of an auto-incrementing field
4 Uses the postgres native "information_schema.columns" table,
5 resulting in a string looking like "nextval('sometable_id_seq'::regclass)"
6 """
7 query = """SELECT column_default
8 FROM information_schema.columns
9 WHERE table_name = %s AND column_name = %s;"""
10 cursor.execute(query, (table_name, pk_name))
11 result = cursor.fetchone()
12 if result is None:
13 return None
14 return result[0].split("'")[1]
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