1 | =====================
2 | The sitemap framework
3 | =====================
4 |
5 | Django comes with a high-level sitemap-generating framework that makes
6 | creating `Google Sitemap`_ XML files easy.
7 |
8 | .. _Google Sitemap: http://www.google.com/webmasters/sitemaps/docs/en/protocol.html
9 |
10 | The "sitemap" framework
11 | =======================
12 |
13 | Overview
14 | --------
15 |
16 | The sitemap-generating framework is based largely off of Django's
17 | `syndication framework`_. You tell the framework what you want to include
18 | in your sitemap by creating ``Sitemap`` classes and pointing to them
19 | in your URLconf_.
20 |
21 | .. _syndication framework: http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/syndication/
22 | .. _URLconf: http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/url_dispatch/
23 |
24 | Installation
25 | ------------
26 |
27 | To install the sitemap app, follow these steps:
28 |
29 | 1. Add ``'django.contrib.sitemap'`` to your INSTALLED_APPS_ setting.
30 | 2. Make sure ``'django.template.loaders.app_directories.load_template_source'``
31 | is in your TEMPLATE_LOADERS_ setting.
32 |
33 | .. _INSTALLED_APPS: http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/settings/#installed-apps
34 | .. _TEMPLATE_LOADERS: http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/settings/#template-loaders
35 |
36 | Initialization
37 | --------------
38 |
39 | To activate sitemap generation on your Django site, add this line to your
40 | URLconf_:
41 |
42 | ( r'^sitemap.xml$', 'django.contrib.sitemap.views.sitemap', {'sitemaps': sitemaps} )
43 |
44 | This will tell Django to build a sitemap when a client accesses ``/sitemap.xml``.
45 | The name of the sitemap is not important, but the location is. Google will only
46 | index links in your sitemap for the current URL level and below. For instance, if
47 | ``sitemap.xml`` lives in your root directory, it may reference any URL in your
48 | site. However, if your sitemap lives at ``/content/sitemap.xml``, it may only
49 | reference URLs under ``/content/``.
50 |
51 | The sitemap view takes an extra argument: ``{'sitemaps': sitemaps}``. ``sitemaps``
52 | should be a dictionary that maps a short section label (i.e. ``blog`` or ``news``)
53 | to its ``Sitemap`` class (i.e. ``BlogSitemap`` or ``NewsSitemap``). It may also map
54 | to an instance of a ``Sitemap`` class (i.e. ``BlogSitemap(some_var)``).
55 |
56 | .. _URLconf: http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/url_dispatch/
57 |
58 | Sitemap Classes
59 | ---------------
60 |
61 | A ``Sitemap`` class is a simple python class that represents a "section" of
62 | entries in your sitemap. In the simplest case, all these sections get lumped
63 | together in one ``sitemap.xml``. It is also possible to use the framework to
64 | generate a sitemap index that references individual sitemap files, one per
65 | section.
66 |
67 | ``Sitemap`` classes must subclass ``django.contrib.sitemap.Sitemap``. They can
68 | live anywhere in your codebase.
69 |
70 | A simple example
71 | ----------------
72 |
73 | Let's assume you have an ``Entry`` model in your blog, and you want to include
74 | all the individual links to your blog entries in your sitemap::
75 |
76 | from django.contrib.sitemap import Sitemap
77 | from myproject.blog.models import Entry
78 |
79 | class BlogSitemap(Sitemap):
80 | changefreq = "never"
81 | priority = 0.5
82 |
83 | def items(self):
84 | return Entry.objects.filter(is_draft=False)
85 |
86 | def lastmod(self, obj):
87 | return obj.pub_date
88 |
89 | Note:
90 |
91 | * ``changefreq`` and ``priority`` are class attributes corresponding to
92 | ``<changefreq>`` and ``<priority>`` elements, respectively. They could be
93 | made callable as functions, as ``lastmod`` was in the example.
94 | * ``items()`` is simply a method that returns a list of objects. The objects
95 | returned will get passed to any callable methods corresponding to a sitemap
96 | property (``location``, ``lastmod``, ``changefreq``, and ``priority``).
97 | * ``lastmod`` should return a ``datetime`` object.
98 | * There is no ``location`` method. ``Sitemap`` provides a default implementation
99 | for you that calls ``get_absolute_url()`` on each object and returns the result.
100 |
101 | Shortcuts
102 | ---------
103 |
104 | The sitemap framework provides a couple convenience classes for common cases:
105 |
106 | * FlatpageSitemap
107 | * GenericSitemap
108 |
109 | The ``FlatpageSitemap`` class looks at all flatpages_ defined for the current ``SITE_ID``
110 | (see the sites_ documentation) and creates an entry in the sitemap. These entries include
111 | only the ``location`` attribute.
112 |
113 | The ``GenericSitemap`` class works with any `generic views`_ you already have. To use
114 | it, create an instance, passing in the same ``info_dict`` you pass to the
115 | generic views. The only requirement is that the dict have a ``queryset`` entry.
116 | It may also have a ``date_field`` entry that specifies a date field for objects
117 | retrieved from the ``queryset``. This will be used for the ``lastmod`` attribute in
118 | the generated sitemap. You may also pass ``priority`` and ``changefreq`` keyword
119 | arguments to the ``GenericSitemap`` constructor to specify these attributes for all
120 | URLs.
121 |
122 | Here's an example of a URLconf_ using both::
123 |
124 | from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
125 | from django.contrib.sitemap import FlatpageSitemap, GenericSitemap
126 | from myproject.blog.models import Entry
127 |
128 | info_dict = {
129 | 'queryset': Entry.objects.all(),
130 | 'date_field': 'pub_date',
131 | }
132 |
133 | sitemaps = {
134 | 'flatpages': FlatpageSitemap,
135 | 'blog': GenericSitemap(info_dict, priority=0.6),
136 | }
137 |
138 | urlpatterns = patterns('',
139 | # ... some generic view using info_dict
140 | ( r'^sitemap.xml$', 'django.contrib.sitemap.views.sitemap', {'sitemaps': sitemaps} )
141 | )
142 |
143 | .. _flatpages: http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/flatpages/
144 | .. _sites: http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/sites/
145 | .. _generic views: http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/generic_views/
146 | .. _URLconf: http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/url_dispatch/
147 |
148 | Creating a sitemap index
149 | ------------------------
150 |
151 | The sitemap framework also has the ability to create a sitemap index
152 | that references individual sitemap files, one per each section defined
153 | in your ``sitemaps`` dict. The only differences in usage are:
154 |
155 | * You use two views in your URLconf: ``django.contrib.sitemap.views.index``
156 | and ``django.contrib.sitemap.views.sitemap``
157 | * The ``django.contrib.sitemap.views.sitemap`` view should take a
158 | ``section`` keyword argument.
159 |
160 | Here is what the relevant URLconf lines would look like for the example above::
161 |
162 | ( r'^sitemap.xml$', 'django.contrib.sitemap.views.index', {'sitemaps': sitemaps} )
163 | ( r'^sitemap-(?P<section>.+).xml$', 'django.contrib.sitemap.views.sitemap', {'sitemaps': sitemaps} )
164 |
165 | This will automatically generate a ``sitemap.xml`` file that references
166 | both ``sitemap-flatpages.xml`` and ``sitemap-blog.xml``. The ``Sitemap``
167 | classes and the ``sitemaps`` dict don't change at all.
168 |
169 | Pinging Google
170 | --------------
171 |
172 | For sites with dynamic content, it may be desirable to "ping" Google when
173 | your sitemap changes, to let them know to re-index your site. The framework
174 | provides a function to do just that: ``ping_google()``. This will automatically
175 | determine your sitemap URL and send a ping to Google.
176 |
177 | One useful way to call ``ping_google()`` is from a model's ``save()`` method::
178 |
179 | from django.contrib.sitemap import ping_google
180 |
181 | def save(self):
182 | super(Entry, self).save()
183 | try:
184 | ping_google()
185 | except:
186 | pass
187 |
188 | A more efficient solution, however, would be to call ``ping_google()`` from a
189 | cron script, or some other scheduled task.