Ticket #2594: 2594.diff

File 2594.diff, 14.2 KB (added by Rob Hudson, 14 years ago)

Patched against trunk (and template shuffling), removed trailing white space, and adjusted to add comments and make pass with steveire's tests.

  • django/template/base.py

    diff --git a/django/template/base.py b/django/template/base.py
    index d934e05..1d41d2a 100644
    a b  
    1 import imp
    21import re
    32from inspect import getargspec
    from django.conf import settings  
    65from django.template.context import Context, RequestContext, ContextPopException
    76from django.utils.importlib import import_module
    87from django.utils.itercompat import is_iterable
    9 from django.utils.functional import curry, Promise
     8from django.utils.functional import curry
    109from django.utils.text import smart_split, unescape_string_literal, get_text_list
    1110from django.utils.encoding import smart_unicode, force_unicode, smart_str
    1211from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
    4241UNKNOWN_SOURCE = '<unknown source>'
    4443# match a variable or block tag and capture the entire tag, including start/end delimiters
    45 tag_re = re.compile('(%s.*?%s|%s.*?%s|%s.*?%s)' % (re.escape(BLOCK_TAG_START), re.escape(BLOCK_TAG_END),
    46                                           re.escape(VARIABLE_TAG_START), re.escape(VARIABLE_TAG_END),
    47                                           re.escape(COMMENT_TAG_START), re.escape(COMMENT_TAG_END)))
     44tag_re = re.compile('''
     45    (
     46        [\n\r\v\f]{1} # 1 vertical white space (the one starting this line)
     47        [ \t]*?       # any number of tabs or spaces
     48        (?:           # group but don't match
     49            %(BLOCK_TAG_START)s
     50            [^\n\r\v\f%(BLOCK_TAG_START)s%(BLOCK_TAG_END)s]*? # anything *not* vertical whitespace or
     51            %(BLOCK_TAG_END)s                                 # opening/closing block tag
     52        |
     53            %(COMMENT_TAG_START)s
     54            [^\n\r\v\f%(COMMENT_TAG_START)s%(COMMENT_TAG_END)s]*? # anything *not* vertical whitespace or
     55            %(COMMENT_TAG_END)s                                   # opening/closing comment tag
     56        |
     57            %(VARIABLE_TAG_START)s
     58            [^\n\r\v\f%(VARIABLE_TAG_START)s%(VARIABLE_TAG_END)s]*? # anything *not* vertical whitespace or
     59            %(VARIABLE_TAG_END)s                                    # opening/closing variable tag
     60        )
     61        (?=                      # Match this only if the previous matched
     62            [ \t]*?
     63            [\n\r\v\f]+
     64        )
     65        | %(BLOCK_TAG_START)s.*?%(BLOCK_TAG_END)s        # block start + inner + end
     66        | %(VARIABLE_TAG_START)s.*?%(VARIABLE_TAG_END)s  # variable start + inner + end
     67        | %(COMMENT_TAG_START)s.*?%(COMMENT_TAG_END)s    # comment start + inner + end
     68    )
     69    ''' % {
     70        'BLOCK_TAG_START': re.escape(BLOCK_TAG_START),
     71        'BLOCK_TAG_END': re.escape(BLOCK_TAG_END),
     72        'VARIABLE_TAG_START': re.escape(VARIABLE_TAG_START),
     73        'VARIABLE_TAG_END': re.escape(VARIABLE_TAG_END),
     74        'COMMENT_TAG_START': re.escape(COMMENT_TAG_START),
     75        'COMMENT_TAG_END': re.escape(COMMENT_TAG_END),
     76    }, re.VERBOSE)
     77# find the command within a block tag
     78block_command_re = re.compile('%s(?P<token_string>.*?)%s' % (re.escape(BLOCK_TAG_START), re.escape(BLOCK_TAG_END)))
     79comment_command_re = re.compile('%s(?P<token_string>.*?)%s' % (re.escape(COMMENT_TAG_START), re.escape(COMMENT_TAG_END)))
     80variable_command_re = re.compile('%s(?P<token_string>.*?)%s' % (re.escape(VARIABLE_TAG_START), re.escape(VARIABLE_TAG_END)))
    4982# global dictionary of libraries that have been loaded using get_library
    5083libraries = {}
    class Lexer(object):  
    184217        otherwise it should be treated as a literal string.
    185218        """
    186219        if in_tag:
    187             if token_string.startswith(VARIABLE_TAG_START):
    188                 token = Token(TOKEN_VAR, token_string[len(VARIABLE_TAG_START):-len(VARIABLE_TAG_END)].strip())
    189             elif token_string.startswith(BLOCK_TAG_START):
    190                 token = Token(TOKEN_BLOCK, token_string[len(BLOCK_TAG_START):-len(BLOCK_TAG_END)].strip())
    191             elif token_string.startswith(COMMENT_TAG_START):
     220            if token_string.lstrip().startswith(VARIABLE_TAG_START):
     221                token_struct = variable_command_re.search(token_string)
     222                token_string = token_struct.group('token_string')
     223                token = Token(TOKEN_VAR, token_string.strip())
     224            elif token_string.lstrip().startswith(BLOCK_TAG_START):
     225                token_struct = block_command_re.search(token_string)
     226                token_string = token_struct.group('token_string')
     227                token = Token(TOKEN_BLOCK, token_string.strip())
     228            elif token_string.lstrip().startswith(COMMENT_TAG_START):
    192229                content = ''
     230                token_struct = comment_command_re.search(token_string)
     231                token_string = token_struct.group('token_string')
    193232                if token_string.find(TRANSLATOR_COMMENT_MARK):
    194233                    content = token_string[len(COMMENT_TAG_START):-len(COMMENT_TAG_END)].strip()
    195234                token = Token(TOKEN_COMMENT, content)
  • tests/regressiontests/templates/tests.py

    diff --git a/tests/regressiontests/templates/tests.py b/tests/regressiontests/templates/tests.py
    index 475f923..fce1a93 100644
    a b class Templates(unittest.TestCase):  
    12511251            'templatetag11': ('{% templatetag opencomment %}', {}, '{#'),
    12521252            'templatetag12': ('{% templatetag closecomment %}', {}, '#}'),
     1254            ### Remove insignificant whitespace #######################################
     1255            # Tags on their own line should collapse the newline before them
     1256            # Trailing newline is not removed
     1257            # Leading whitespace before single template tag
     1258            'templatetag-whitespace01': ('\n {% templatetag openblock %}\n', {}, '{%\n'),
     1259            'templatetag-whitespace02': ('\n{% templatetag openblock %}\n', {}, '{%\n'),
     1260            'templatetag-whitespace03': ('{% templatetag openblock %}\n', {}, '{%\n'),
     1261            'templatetag-whitespace04': ('\n\t \t {% templatetag openblock %}\n', {}, '{%\n'),
     1262            # Leading whitespace with text before single template tag
     1263            'templatetag-whitespace05': ('\n some\ttext {% templatetag openblock %}\n', {}, '\n some\ttext {%\n'),
     1264            # Leading line with text before single template tag
     1265            'templatetag-whitespace06': ('\n some\ttext\n {% templatetag openblock %}\n', {}, '\n some\ttext{%\n'),
     1266            'templatetag-whitespace07': ('\n some\ttext \n \t {% templatetag openblock %}\n', {}, '\n some\ttext {%\n'),
     1267            # whitespace leading /before/ the newline is not stripped.
     1268            'templatetag-whitespace08': ('\n some\ttext \t \n {% templatetag openblock %}\n', {}, '\n some\ttext \t {%\n'),
     1269            # Multiple text lines before tag
     1270            'templatetag-whitespace09': ('\n some\ntext \t \n {% templatetag openblock %}\n', {}, '\n some\ntext \t {%\n'),
     1271            'templatetag-whitespace10': ('\n some \t \n \t text \t \n {% templatetag openblock %}\n', {}, '\n some \t \n \t text \t {%\n'),
     1272            # Leading whitespace before tag, some text after
     1273            'templatetag-whitespace11': ('\n   \t {% templatetag openblock %} some text\n', {}, '\n   \t {% some text\n'),
     1274            # Leading whitespace before tag, some text with trailing whitespace after
     1275            'templatetag-whitespace12': ('\n   \t {% templatetag openblock %} some text  \t \n', {}, '\n   \t {% some text  \t \n'),
     1276            # Whitespace after tag is not removed
     1277            'templatetag-whitespace13': ('\n \t {% templatetag openblock %} \t \n \t some text  \t \n', {}, '{% \t \n \t some text  \t \n'),
     1278            # Multiple lines of leading whitespace. Only one leading newline is removed
     1279            'templatetag-whitespace14': ('\n\n\n{% templatetag openblock %}\n some text\n', {}, '\n\n{%\n some text\n'),
     1280            # Trailing whitespace after tag
     1281            'templatetag-whitespace15': ('\n\n\n{% templatetag openblock %}\t \t \t\n some text\n', {}, '\n\n{%\t \t \t\n some text\n'),
     1282            # Removable newline followed by leading whitespace
     1283            'templatetag-whitespace16': ('\n\n\n\t \t \t{% templatetag openblock %}\n some text\n', {}, '\n\n{%\n some text\n'),
     1284            # Removable leading whitespace and trailing whitespace
     1285            'templatetag-whitespace17': ('\n\n\n\t \t \t{% templatetag openblock %}\t \t \t\n some text\n', {}, '\n\n{%\t \t \t\n some text\n'),
     1286            # Multiple lines of trailing whitespace. No trailing newline is removed.
     1287            'templatetag-whitespace18': ('\n{% templatetag openblock %}\n\n\n some text\n', {}, '{%\n\n\n some text\n'),
     1288            'templatetag-whitespace19': ('\n{% templatetag openblock %}\t \n\n\n some text\n', {}, '{%\t \n\n\n some text\n'),
     1289            # Consecutive trimmed lines with tags strips one newline each
     1290            'templatetag-whitespace20': (
     1291                '\n{% templatetag openblock %}\n{% templatetag openblock %}\n{% templatetag openblock %}\n some text\n'
     1292                , {}, '{%{%{%\n some text\n'),
     1293            # Consecutive trimmed lines with tags strips one newline each. Intermediate newlines are preserved
     1294            'templatetag-whitespace21': (
     1295                '\n\n{% templatetag openblock %}\n\n{% templatetag openblock %}\n\n{% templatetag openblock %}\n\n some text\n'
     1296                , {}, '\n{%\n{%\n{%\n\n some text\n'),
     1297            # Consecutive trimmed lines with tags strips one newline each. Leading whitespace is stripped but trailing is not
     1298            'templatetag-whitespace22': (
     1299                '\n\n\t {% templatetag openblock %}\t \n\n\t {% templatetag openblock %}\t \n\n\t {% templatetag openblock %}\t \n some text\n'
     1300                , {}, '\n{%\t \n{%\t \n{%\t \n some text\n'),
     1301            # Consecutive trimmed lines with tags strips one newline each. Intermediate whitespace is stripped
     1302            'templatetag-whitespace23': (
     1303                '\n\t {% templatetag openblock %}\t \n\t {% templatetag openblock %}\t \n\t {% templatetag openblock %}\t \n some text\n'
     1304                , {}, '{%\t {%\t {%\t \n some text\n'),
     1305            # Intermediate whitespace on one line is preserved
     1306            # Consecutive tags on one line do not have intermediate whitespace or leading whitespace stripped
     1307            'templatetag-whitespace24': (
     1308                '\n\t {% templatetag openblock %}\t \t {% templatetag openblock %}\t \t {% templatetag openblock %}\t \n some text\n'
     1309                , {}, '\n\t {%\t \t {%\t \t {%\t \n some text\n'),
     1310            # Still, only one leading newline is removed.
     1311            'templatetag-whitespace25': (
     1312                '\n\n {% templatetag openblock %}\n \t {% templatetag openblock %}\n \t {% templatetag openblock %}\n some text\n'
     1313                , {}, '\n{%{%{%\n some text\n'),
     1314            # Lines with {# comments #} have the same stripping behavior
     1315            'templatetag-whitespace26': (
     1316                '\n\n {% templatetag openblock %}\n \t {# some comment #}\n some text\n'
     1317                , {}, '\n{%\n some text\n'),
     1318            # Only {# comments #}
     1319            'templatetag-whitespace27': (
     1320                '\n\n {# a comment #}\n \t {# some comment #}\n some text\n'
     1321                , {}, '\n\n some text\n'),
     1322            # Consecutive newlines with tags and comments
     1323            'templatetag-whitespace28': (
     1324                '\n\t {% templatetag openblock %}\t \n\t {# some comment #}\t \n\t {% templatetag openblock %}\t \n some text\n'
     1325                , {}, '{%\t \t {%\t \n some text\n'),
     1327            # Lines with only {{ values }} have the same stripping behavior
     1328            'templatetag-whitespace29': (
     1329                '\n {% templatetag openblock %}\t\n \t {{ spam }}\t \n \t {% templatetag openblock %}\t \n some text\n'
     1330                , {"spam" : "ham"}, '{%\tham\t {%\t \n some text\n'),
     1331            'templatetag-whitespace30': (
     1332                '\n\n {% templatetag openblock %}\t\n\n \t {{ spam }}\t \n\n \t {% templatetag openblock %}\t \n some text\n'
     1333                , {"spam" : "ham"}, '\n{%\t\nham\t \n{%\t \n some text\n'),
     1334            # Leading whitespace not stripped when followed by anything. See templatetag-whitespace24
     1335            'templatetag-whitespace31': (
     1336                '\n {% templatetag openblock %}\t \t {{ spam }}\t \t {% templatetag openblock %}\t \n some text\n'
     1337                , {"spam" : "ham"}, '\n {%\t \t ham\t \t {%\t \n some text\n'),
     1338            #  {{ value }} {% tag %} {{ value }} this time
     1339            'templatetag-whitespace32': (
     1340                '\n {{ spam }}\t\n \t {% templatetag openblock %}\t \n \t {{ spam }}\t \n some text\n'
     1341                , {"spam" : "ham"}, 'ham\t{%\t ham\t \n some text\n'),
     1343            # Invalid stuff is still invalid
     1344            # Newlines inside begin-end tokens, even in {# comments #}, make it not a tag.
     1345            'templatetag-whitespace33': (
     1346                '\n\n {# \n{% templatetag openblock #}\t \n some text\n'
     1347                , {}, '\n\n {# \n{% templatetag openblock #}\t \n some text\n'),
     1348            # Complete comment matching tags on one line are processed
     1349            'templatetag-whitespace34': (
     1350                '\n\n {# \n{# templatetag openblock #}\t \n some text\n'
     1351                , {}, '\n\n {# \t \n some text\n'),
     1352            'templatetag-whitespace35': (
     1353                '\n\n {# \n{# templatetag openblock\n #}\t \n some text\n'
     1354                , {}, '\n\n {# \n{# templatetag openblock\n #}\t \n some text\n'),
     1355            'templatetag-whitespace36': (
     1356                '\n\n {# \n{{ some comment #}\t \n some text\n'
     1357                , {}, '\n\n {# \n{{ some comment #}\t \n some text\n'),
     1358            'templatetag-whitespace37': (
     1359                '\n\n {# \n \t {% templatetag openblock #}\t \n some text\n'
     1360                , {}, '\n\n {# \n \t {% templatetag openblock #}\t \n some text\n'),
     1362             ### WIDTHRATIO TAG ########################################################
     1363             'widthratio01': ('{% widthratio a b 0 %}', {'a':50,'b':100}, '0'),
     1364             'widthratio02': ('{% widthratio a b 100 %}', {'a':0,'b':0}, ''),
    12541365            ### WIDTHRATIO TAG ########################################################
    12551366            'widthratio01': ('{% widthratio a b 0 %}', {'a':50,'b':100}, '0'),
    12561367            'widthratio02': ('{% widthratio a b 100 %}', {'a':0,'b':0}, ''),
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