Ticket #2548: session_middleware.16.diff

File session_middleware.16.diff, 10.2 KB (added by Chris Beaven, 17 years ago)

updated docs and removed unnecessary import

  • TabularUnified django/contrib/sessions/middleware.py

    11from django.conf import settings
    22from django.utils.cache import patch_vary_headers
    33from email.Utils import formatdate
    4 import datetime
    5 import time
    75TEST_COOKIE_NAME = 'testcookie'
    86TEST_COOKIE_VALUE = 'worked'
    2523            if accessed:
    2624                patch_vary_headers(response, ('Cookie',))
    2725            if modified or settings.SESSION_SAVE_EVERY_REQUEST:
    28                 if settings.SESSION_EXPIRE_AT_BROWSER_CLOSE:
     26                if request.session.get_expire_at_browser_close():
    2927                    max_age = None
    3028                    expires = None
    3129                else:
    32                     max_age = settings.SESSION_COOKIE_AGE
    33                     rfcdate = formatdate(time.time() + settings.SESSION_COOKIE_AGE)
     30                    max_age = request.session.get_max_age()
     31                    expiry_date = request.session.get_expiry_date()
    3532                    # Fixed length date must have '-' separation in the format
    3633                    # DD-MMM-YYYY for compliance with Netscape cookie standard
    37                     expires = datetime.datetime.strftime(datetime.datetime.utcnow() + \
    38                               datetime.timedelta(seconds=settings.SESSION_COOKIE_AGE), "%a, %d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S GMT")
     34                    expires = expiry_date.strftime('%a, %d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S GMT')
    4036                # Save the seesion data and refresh the client cookie.
    4137                request.session.save()
  • TabularUnified django/contrib/sessions/tests.py

    7676>>> s.pop('some key', 'does not exist')
    7777'does not exist'
     80# Custom session expiry #
     83>>> from django.conf import settings
     84>>> from datetime import datetime, timedelta
     86>>> td10 = timedelta(seconds=10)
     88# A normal session has a max age equal to settings
     89>>> s.get_max_age() == settings.SESSION_COOKIE_AGE
     92# So does a custom session with an idle expiration time of 0 (but it'll expire
     93# at browser close)
     94>>> s.set_expiry(0)
     95>>> s.get_max_age() == settings.SESSION_COOKIE_AGE
     98# Custom session idle expiration time
     99>>> s.set_expiry(10)
     100>>> delta = s.get_expiry_date() - datetime.utcnow()
     101>>> delta.seconds in (9, 10)
     103>>> age = s.get_max_age()
     104>>> age in (9, 10)
     107# Custom session fixed expiry date (timedelta)
     108>>> s.set_expiry(td10)
     109>>> delta = s.get_expiry_date() - datetime.utcnow()
     110>>> delta.seconds in (9, 10)
     112>>> age = s.get_max_age()
     113>>> age in (9, 10)
     116# Custom session fixed expiry date (fixed datetime)
     117>>> s.set_expiry(datetime.utcnow() + td10)
     118>>> delta = s.get_expiry_date() - datetime.utcnow()
     119>>> delta.seconds in (9, 10)
     121>>> age = s.get_max_age()
     122>>> age in (9, 10)
     125# Set back to default session age
     126>>> s.set_expiry(None)
     127>>> s.get_max_age() == settings.SESSION_COOKIE_AGE
     130# Allow to set back to default session age even if no alternate has been set
     131>>> s.set_expiry(None)
     134# We're changing the setting then reverting back to the original setting at the
     135# end of these tests.
     136>>> original_expire_at_browser_close = settings.SESSION_EXPIRE_AT_BROWSER_CLOSE
     137>>> settings.SESSION_EXPIRE_AT_BROWSER_CLOSE = False
     139# Custom session age
     140>>> s.set_expiry(10)
     141>>> s.get_expire_at_browser_close()
     144# Custom expire-at-browser-close
     145>>> s.set_expiry(0)
     146>>> s.get_expire_at_browser_close()
     149# Default session age
     150>>> s.set_expiry(None)
     151>>> s.get_expire_at_browser_close()
     154>>> settings.SESSION_EXPIRE_AT_BROWSER_CLOSE = True
     156# Custom session age
     157>>> s.set_expiry(10)
     158>>> s.get_expire_at_browser_close()
     161# Custom expire-at-browser-close
     162>>> s.set_expiry(0)
     163>>> s.get_expire_at_browser_close()
     166# Default session age
     167>>> s.set_expiry(None)
     168>>> s.get_expire_at_browser_close()
     171>>> settings.SESSION_EXPIRE_AT_BROWSER_CLOSE = original_expire_at_browser_close
    80174if __name__ == '__main__':
  • TabularUnified django/contrib/sessions/backends/base.py

    44import random
    55import sys
    66import time
     7from datetime import datetime, timedelta
    78from django.conf import settings
    89from django.core.exceptions import SuspiciousOperation
    121122    _session = property(_get_session)
     124    def get_max_age(self):
     125        expiry = self.get('_session_expiry')
     126        if not expiry:   # Checks both None and 0 cases
     127            return settings.SESSION_COOKIE_AGE
     128        if not isinstance(expiry, datetime):
     129            return expiry
     130        delta = expiry - datetime.utcnow()
     131        return delta.days * 86400 + delta.seconds
     133    def get_expiry_date(self):
     134        "Returns the expiry date (in UTC)"
     135        expiry = self.get('_session_expiry', settings.SESSION_COOKIE_AGE)
     136        if isinstance(expiry, datetime):
     137            return expiry
     138        return datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(seconds=expiry)
     140    def set_expiry(self, value):
     141        """
     142        Sets a custom expiration for the session. ``value`` can be an integer, a
     143        Python ``datetime`` or ``timedelta`` object or ``None``.
     145        If ``value`` is an integer, the session will expire after that many
     146        seconds of inactivity. If set to ``0`` then the session will expire on
     147        browser close.
     149        If ``value`` is a ``datetime`` or ``timedelta`` object, the session
     150        will expire at that specific future time (``datetime`` objects should be
     151        UTC).
     153        If ``value`` is ``None``, the session uses the global session expiry
     154        policy.
     155        """
     156        if value is None:
     157            # Remove any custom expiration for this session.
     158            try:
     159                del self['_session_expiry']
     160            except KeyError:
     161                pass
     162            return
     163        if isinstance(value, timedelta):
     164            value = datetime.utcnow() + value
     165        self['_session_expiry'] = value
     167    def get_expire_at_browser_close(self):
     168        if self.get('_session_expiry') is None:
     169            return settings.SESSION_EXPIRE_AT_BROWSER_CLOSE
     170        return self.get('_session_expiry') == 0
    123172    # Methods that child classes must implement.
    125174    def exists(self, session_key):
  • TabularUnified AUTHORS

    311311    tstromberg@google.com
    312312    Makoto Tsuyuki <mtsuyuki@gmail.com>
    313313    tt@gurgle.no
    314     Amit Upadhyay
     314    Amit Upadhyay <http://www.amitu.com/blog/>
    315315    Geert Vanderkelen
    316316    viestards.lists@gmail.com
    317317    George Vilches <gav@thataddress.com>
  • TabularUnified docs/sessions.txt

    8080It implements the following standard dictionary methods:
    8282    * ``__getitem__(key)``
    8384      Example: ``fav_color = request.session['fav_color']``
    8586    * ``__setitem__(key, value)``
    8688      Example: ``request.session['fav_color'] = 'blue'``
    8890    * ``__delitem__(key)``
    8992      Example: ``del request.session['fav_color']``. This raises ``KeyError``
    9093      if the given ``key`` isn't already in the session.
    9295    * ``__contains__(key)``
    9397      Example: ``'fav_color' in request.session``
    9599    * ``get(key, default=None)``
    96101      Example: ``fav_color = request.session.get('fav_color', 'red')``
    98103    * ``keys()``
    100105    * ``items()``
    102 It also has these three methods:
     107It also has these methods:
    104109    * ``set_test_cookie()``
    105111      Sets a test cookie to determine whether the user's browser supports
    106112      cookies. Due to the way cookies work, you won't be able to test this
    107113      until the user's next page request. See "Setting test cookies" below for
    108114      more information.
    110116    * ``test_cookie_worked()``
    111118      Returns either ``True`` or ``False``, depending on whether the user's
    112119      browser accepted the test cookie. Due to the way cookies work, you'll
    113120      have to call ``set_test_cookie()`` on a previous, separate page request.
    114121      See "Setting test cookies" below for more information.
    116123    * ``delete_test_cookie()``
    117125      Deletes the test cookie. Use this to clean up after yourself.
     127    * ``set_expiry(value)``
     129      Sets a custom expiration for the session.
     131      If ``value`` is an integer, the session will expire after that many
     132      seconds of inactivity. If set to ``0`` then the session will expire when
     133      the user's browser is closed.
     135      If ``value`` is a ``datetime`` or ``timedelta`` object, the session will
     136      expire at that specific time (``datetime`` objects must be in UTC).
     138      If ``value`` is ``None``, the session reverts to using the global session
     139      expiry policy.
     141    * ``get_max_age()``
     143      Returns the number of seconds until this session expires. For sessions
     144      with no custom expiration (or those set to expire at browser close), this
     145      will equal ``settings.SESSION_COOKIE_AGE``.
     147    * ``get_expiry_date()``
     149      Returns the date this session will expire. For sessions with no custom
     150      expiration (or those set to expire at browser close), this will equal the
     151      date ``settings.SESSION_COOKIE_AGE`` seconds from now.
     153    * ``get_expire_at_browser_close()``
     155      Returns either ``True`` or ``False``, depending on whether this session
     156      will expire when the user's browser is closed.
    119158You can edit ``request.session`` at any point in your view. You can edit it
    120159multiple times.
    276315her browser. Use this if you want people to have to log in every time they open
    277316a browser.
     318This setting is a global default and can be overwritten by explicitly calling
     319``request.session.set_expiry()`` as described above in
     320`using sessions in views`_.
    279322Clearing the session table
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