1 | diff --git a/django/template/defaultfilters.py b/django/template/defaultfilters.py
2 | index 865f5fe..19a73ad 100644
3 | --- a/django/template/defaultfilters.py
4 | +++ b/django/template/defaultfilters.py
5 | @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ from django.utils.html import (conditional_escape, escapejs, fix_ampersands,
6 | escape, urlize as _urlize, linebreaks, strip_tags, avoid_wrapping,
7 | remove_tags)
8 | from django.utils.http import urlquote
9 | -from django.utils.text import Truncator, wrap, phone2numeric
10 | +from django.utils.text import Truncator, wrap, phone2numeric, word_capital
11 | from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe, SafeData, mark_for_escaping
12 | from django.utils import six
13 | from django.utils.timesince import timesince, timeuntil
14 | @@ -266,6 +266,15 @@ def title(value):
15 |
16 | @register.filter(is_safe=True)
17 | @stringfilter
18 | +def wordcap(value):
19 | + """
20 | + Capitalizes the first character of each word.
21 | + """
22 | + return word_capital(value)
23 | +
24 | +
25 | +@register.filter(is_safe=True)
26 | +@stringfilter
27 | def truncatechars(value, arg):
28 | """
29 | Truncates a string after a certain number of characters.
30 | diff --git a/django/utils/text.py b/django/utils/text.py
31 | index f52050c..8a63ed7 100644
32 | --- a/django/utils/text.py
33 | +++ b/django/utils/text.py
34 | @@ -29,6 +29,18 @@ re_newlines = re.compile(r'\r\n|\r') # Used in normalize_newlines
35 | re_camel_case = re.compile(r'(((?<=[a-z])[A-Z])|([A-Z](?![A-Z]|$)))')
36 |
37 |
38 | +def word_capital(text):
39 | + """
40 | + Capitalizes the first character of each word, it converts a string into
41 | + titlecase by making words start with an uppercase character and keep the
42 | + remaining characters.
43 | + """
44 | + if text and len(text) > 0:
45 | + return ' '.join([s[0].upper() + s[1:] for s in text.split(' ') if len(s) > 0])
46 | + else:
47 | + return text
48 | +
49 | +
50 | def wrap(text, width):
51 | """
52 | A word-wrap function that preserves existing line breaks and most spaces in
53 | diff --git a/docs/ref/templates/builtins.txt b/docs/ref/templates/builtins.txt
54 | index e5c6efc..b92383a 100644
55 | --- a/docs/ref/templates/builtins.txt
56 | +++ b/docs/ref/templates/builtins.txt
57 | @@ -1214,6 +1214,21 @@ For example::
58 |
59 | If ``value`` is ``"django"``, the output will be ``"Django"``.
60 |
61 | +.. templatefilter:: wordcap
62 | +
63 | +wordcap
64 | +^^^^^^^
65 | +
66 | +Capitalizes the first character of each word, it converts a string into
67 | +titlecase by making words start with an uppercase character and keep the
68 | +remaining characters.
69 | +
70 | +For example::
71 | +
72 | + {{ value|wordcap }}
73 | +
74 | +If ``value`` is ``"joel SMS content"``, the output will be ``"Joel SMS Content"``.
75 | +
76 | .. templatefilter:: center
77 |
78 | center
79 | diff --git a/tests/defaultfilters/tests.py b/tests/defaultfilters/tests.py
80 | index 2dc6d9c..af0de04 100644
81 | --- a/tests/defaultfilters/tests.py
82 | +++ b/tests/defaultfilters/tests.py
83 | @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ from django.template.defaultfilters import (
84 | phone2numeric_filter, pluralize, removetags, rjust, slice_filter, slugify,
85 | stringformat, striptags, time, timesince_filter, timeuntil_filter, title,
86 | truncatewords, truncatewords_html, unordered_list, upper, urlencode,
87 | - urlize, urlizetrunc, wordcount, wordwrap, yesno,
88 | + urlize, urlizetrunc, wordcount, wordwrap, yesno, wordcap,
89 | )
90 | from django.test import TestCase
91 | from django.test.utils import TransRealMixin
92 | @@ -111,6 +111,9 @@ class DefaultFiltersTests(TestCase):
93 | def test_capfirst(self):
94 | self.assertEqual(capfirst('hello world'), 'Hello world')
95 |
96 | + def test_wordcap(self):
97 | + self.assertEqual(wordcap('send SMS'), 'Send SMS')
98 | +
99 | def test_escapejs(self):
100 | self.assertEqual(escapejs_filter('"double quotes" and \'single quotes\''),
101 | '\\u0022double quotes\\u0022 and \\u0027single quotes\\u0027')
102 | diff --git a/tests/template_tests/tests.py b/tests/template_tests/tests.py
103 | index 0afb3a8..8df0599 100644
104 | --- a/tests/template_tests/tests.py
105 | +++ b/tests/template_tests/tests.py
106 | @@ -1503,6 +1503,9 @@ class TemplateTests(TransRealMixin, TestCase):
107 | 'i18n38': ('{% load i18n custom %}{% get_language_info for "de"|noop:"x y" as l %}{{ l.code }}: {{ l.name }}/{{ l.name_local }} bidi={{ l.bidi }}', {}, 'de: German/Deutsch bidi=False'),
108 | 'i18n38_2': ('{% load i18n custom %}{% get_language_info_list for langcodes|noop:"x y" as langs %}{% for l in langs %}{{ l.code }}: {{ l.name }}/{{ l.name_local }} bidi={{ l.bidi }}; {% endfor %}', {'langcodes': ['it', 'no']}, 'it: Italian/italiano bidi=False; no: Norwegian/norsk bidi=False; '),
109 |
110 | + # test wordcap with the {% trans %} tag
111 | + 'i18n39': ("{% load i18n %}{% trans 'Page not found'|wordcap %}", {'LANGUAGE_CODE': 'de'}, 'Seite Nicht Gefunden'),
112 | +
113 | ### HANDLING OF TEMPLATE_STRING_IF_INVALID ###################################
114 |
115 | 'invalidstr01': ('{{ var|default:"Foo" }}', {}, ('Foo', 'INVALID')),